World Breakers [Accepting Players, 6/8]

A forum for recruitment and out-of-character role-play discussion.

World Breakers [Accepting Players, 6/8]

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:00 am

I mentioned I was working on a Group RP in the discussion thread. I have the basic story and mechanics finished but I'm working on how the actual game will go. I figured I'd post what I have and see what people think.

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In the year 20XX, with the world was on the brink of war. Facing dwindling resources like drinkable water and energy the world divided itself into three major factions.

The first faction is the Union of Free Nations. The Union of Free Nations which consists of the countries North and South American continents, Australasia, and Japan. These countries of this faction have maintained their autonomy. In this way, the Union is more of a loose alliance of states.

The Reformed European Union which consisted of the countries of Europe and a select few countries in Africa. Born from the old European Union, the REU was the result of expanding its memberships outside of the European region. Of their available partners, they sought to induct African nations into the union. Many countries like South Africa and Egypt mainly agreed because they had been burned in their dealings with the UFN and the United Republic.

Finally the United Republic consists of China, Russia, and South Asia & South-East Asia. It was the formation of the United Republic that spurred on the creation of the other two alliances. The relationship between China and Russia had become so close that they had begun to alienate some of their former trade partners. However, the combined wealth of the two countries attracted many of the neighbouring nations.

This was also when development started on a type of exoskeleton called the Doll Frame for commercial and military use. While they were seen as novel, many military forces didn’t see a uses for the new innovation. Speaking of which, it was at the World Innovation Summit that an idea was introduced that would quell hostilities for the time being. The three factions signed the Cambridge Accord. As stated, these three groups would co-operate to complete the Solar Orbital Range or S.O.R. When completed, it would be the answer to the world’s energy problems.

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They were first found in an asteroid that was being mined for minerals for the S.O.R project. One group of miners found an odd accumulation of eggs and other organic matter inside the asteroid’s empty cavity. It soon left it’s grouping and fell to earth. The asteroid splits up and scattered across the planet on re-entry. It wasn’t until 10 years later that the eggs hatched and the strange beasts appeared. They swept over major cities in the UFN, REU and the UR leaving a trail of devastation and despair. Many people were slaughtered, and those who survived were abducted and taking to their nests. Their ascension became known as the “Endless Summer” due to the never ending assault of the monsters, soon dubbed World Breakers. The name World Breakers was in reference to a popular German novelist, Heinrich Lux. The monsters and situation that arose had a striking resemblance to the monsters in his books.

While the three factions were able to contain the invading force, they couldn’t strike the finishing blow. Thus the World Breakers developed their nests in what were once populated areas. The threat of a future attack hung over humanity like a heavy cloud. During the initial attack, the most effective weapon turned out to be the Doll Frames. The exoskeletons had been developed into powerful armored suits. Seeing their effectiveness, an alliance was formed between the three world powers. The goal, to create a multinational team of Frame Users with the ability to protect them from further attacks from the World Breakers and one day assault their nests to put an end to the threat.

The Doll Frame
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Exoskeletons were under development around the world by different companies. The Doll Frame design was developed in Canada by Exo Power LTD under the supervision of Dr. Maria Giovanni. The pilot wears a body suit that acts as a mainboard connecting to the basic Frame. There are five sections to the frame, the torso, two arm piece, leggings and helm. A base armor shell is attached to each section which provides the basis for the Doll Frame. The leggings and body contain small boosters that allow the pilot to move freely either by walking or hovering lightly; though a Doll Frame can’t go any higher without specific equipment. The body piece also has a reserved energy pack to power weapons and additional systems. The Doll Parts are also very customizable, providing expansion slots for additional armor, weapons or other tools. Examples:

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Characters gets a Poor (5), mediocre (10), adept (15) or Ace (20) rank to distribute between all their stats and then roll for the fifth where,

Poor: 1 -20
Mediocre: 21 - 55
Adept: 56 - 85
Ace: 86 – 100

Vitality: Character’s Health(1.5K Durability / 5 Points) + Resistance to Poisons & Binds

Technical Aptitude: Character’s skill with technology

Reflexes: Character’s Agility and hand-eye coordination.

Intelligence: How smart your character is and how many skills they can learn (1 Skill/ 5 Points)

Marksmanship: Proficiency with long-range weapons

Pilots can cultivate an array of skills based on their Intelligence. All players get three base skills plus one skill for every 5 points in intelligence.

Doll Frame
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Every player will act as the pilot of a Doll Frame. The Frame consists of five sections; one leg piece, two arm pieces, one body piece and a helm. Doll Frames also wield a primary and secondary weapon. They can be any combination of range and melee.

Frame pieces have the following attributes:

Durability: The amount of damage a piece can take before it became unusable.
Expansion slots: Upgrade slots for Additional Parts
Maneuverability: How well you are able to move in the armor.
Energy Reserve: Found in the Body, powers the Doll Frame’s Parts and Weapons. Energy is measured in Power Points (EP)
Movement: Based on Body & Leg Pieces Parts, the amount of movement possible in a turn

Weapons have different properties attached to them:

Range: How far your weapon can attack. Ranges are broken up as follows:
Range: Distance (Paces)

Melee: 1 to 5
Short Range: 6 to 20
Mid-Range: 21 - 40
Long Range: 41 - 65

Hit Rate: How likely your weapon is to hit the enemy.
Damage: The destructive power of the weapon. For ranged weapons, this is shown as damage per shot. Damage and Durability are both measured in units of Kilos or K (1K, 10K, 0.5K etc.)
Firing Rate: The amount of shots a ranged weapon can fire per turn. Shots can be focused on one target or spread between multiple targets.
Power Consumption: The amount of power consumed per shot/Attack

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When you confront an enemy, the party with the highest combined Reflexes and Intelligence will move first. All Pilots will perform their Actions, followed by the enemies and so on.

Every player gets 20 AP (Action Point) per post to act. Some of these actions include:
• Main Weapon: 8 AP for Melee, 10 AP for Range
• Side Weapons: Varies
Full Retreat: 20 AP (Make a Retreat roll [d100 Evasion] to leave combat)
Movement: 10 AP, How far you can move depends on your Doll Frame
Maneuvers: 5 AP

All Pilots have a base set of maneuvers they can perform while in battle. Additional maneuvers will be added over time. All players have access to the maneuvers …
• Aiming: +10 Accuracy, -10 Evasion at for the turn
• Strafing: -10 Accuracy, +10 Evasion at for the turn
• Frontal Charge: Move forward one range bracket, Take Double damage that turn
• Evasive Maneuvers: Forgo Attacking this turn, Triple your Evasion for the turn
• Overwatch: Bunker down and attack any enemy that moves within or through your Mid-range with a ranged weapon. Accuracy reduced by 20%
• Seek Cover: Can take full or partial cover. Separate from performing a movement action.

When you fight an enemy, you roll a d100 to determine the results of an attack where

1-15 is a Miss
16-50 is a Gaze (Half Damage)
51-100 is a Hit (Full Damage)
And 101 + is a Critical Hit (Double Damage)

The ratio of Miss/Gaze/Hit/Critical Hit can be affected by Evasion and Accuracy. Critical Damage is equal to normal damage times 2.

Evasion is the player’s reaction speed (Reflexes) + the Doll Frame’s Maneuverability. As evasion increase, the Miss and Gaze increases

Accuracy varies with the weapon:

Hit Rate + Vitality -> Melee Weapons
Hit Rate + Marksmanship -> Ranged Weapons
Hit Rate + Technical Aptitude -> Side weapons, attachments

As Accuracy increases, Hit and critical hit increases.
Ranged Weapons have a set range. For every stage they move closer, the Hit Rate increases by 15. For every stage outside that range, the hit rate decreases by 15
When attacking, you can also focus an attack on a specific body part. Aiming at certain parts will result in a Hit Penalty but also an additional effect when that area is hit.

Body Part: Hit Penalty: Bonus Effect when hit
Body: No Penalty: None
Arms: -15 Hit: Enemy Accuracy -5
Legs: -20 Hit: Enemy Movement Reduced by half for the turn on hit
Head: -30 Hit: Enemy is Dazed, vulnerable to being toppled, For certain Enemies, 3% Chance to instakill
When the durability of a section is reduced to zero, it becomes unusable. Once the durability of your entire Doll Frame reaches zero, the Pilot becomes vulnerable and can be dealt damage or captured by the Enemy. A pilot’s durability is based entirely on their strength.

In combat you can be positioned at one of four distances away from an enemy, Melee, Short Range, Mid-Range, Long Range. When outside of Long Range, You can’t attack the enemy but they can’t attack you (Except for certain situations).

When attacking an enemy, you can attack or be attacked from different directions.
(Rear)--------->(Player) ----------->(Front)

Front: Normal Damage
Side: +10 Accuracy, Times 1.5 Damage
Rear: +20 Accuracy, Times 2 Damage

Going from Front to side has a 20% chance of success, while moving from the front to the rear requires has 5% chance of success. These values are affected by both your reflexes and the enemies. Changing position is considered a maneuver and costs 5 AP

Airborne and Height Advantages:
Most Doll Frames are ground based. However some enemies are airborne. While most frames were upgraded to perform Low Altitude Flight, special flight add-ons were developed for Doll Frames to achieve higher altitudes. When in the air, you can be at either Low altitude or High Altitude. Changing altitude requires 5 AP per level.
Low Altitude: +10 Evasion against ranged attacks from the ground (Consumes 10EP per turn in flight)
High Altitude: +20 Evasion against ranged attacks from the ground
However, weapons like rockets or missiles can negate the Evasion advantage.

Cover and Partial Cover
In combat you can hide in cover and partial cover. Cover mainly affects ranged attacks and not melee
Full Cover: Enemies losses 15 Accuracy, Hits do half damage
Partial Cover: Enemies loss 10 Accuracy

Special Effects
Bind: Prevent an enemy from moving and reduces Evasion by half. Enemies can now be toppled with a Close Ranged attack.
Stun: Enemy losses the ability to act that turn, reduces Evasion by half . Stunned Enemies can be toppled with a melee attack that hits
Topple: Knockdown a bound or stunned enemy with a melee attack. Enemy takes double damage while toppled. Lasts one turn.
Splash: Attack hits all enemies at a position and range. (IE, All enemies at the Front Melee position)
Block: Pilots that possess a shield or barrier can use the maneuver “Guard Up!”. When blocking All damage is redirect to the shield.

(For Rifles & Machine Guns) Automatic Mode and Scatter Mode
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Rifles and Machine guns can fire a certain amount of shots per round. Who these shots hit will depend on what setting you have the weapon on.

Automatic Mode:You fire all your shots at a single target. A gazing hit will result in have your shots hitting (Rounded up)
Scatter Mode: The shots are spread between all the targets at a certain position and range. (IE, All enemies at the Front Melee position) A gazing hit will result in have your shots hitting (Rounded up) which may mean a few targets won't be hit.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Streetwise:Plus 5 Evasion & Accuracy in Urban Settings
Natural Acumen:Plus 5 Evasion & Accuracy in Nature Settings
Resilience: Plus 10 Resistance to Poisons and Mental Attacks
Awareness:Plus 10 when searching for and avoiding traps & Ambushes
Martial Artist:Plus 1K Damage, 10 Accuracy with Melee Weapons
Aerial Ace: Plus 10 Evasion & Accuracy When Airborne
Gunnery Expert:Plus 1K Damage, 10 Accuracy with Range Weapons
Gamble: For a mission, split Hit Range between Critical Hit's & Gaze
Mechanic: Can perform repairs on your Doll Frame, Repair Kits now grant 2K Durability /5 EP Energy
Ballistics Expert: Plus 5 Hit Rate to Missiles and Rockets
Heavy Hitter: 5% Chance to stun enemies with a melee attack. Topple Chance Increases to 30%
Eagle Eye: Plus 5 to Critical Hit to all ranged attacks
Survivor 50% chance of surviving a mortal blow or Escaping an Enemy. Occurs once a mission
Finesse Increase the chance of successfully moving to an enemy's side or back by 5%
Low Profile You take half damage when in partial cover.
Lead By Example When you successfully hit a target, Allies gain +5 Accuracy
Vanguard: Take 1K less damage when fighting in Melee Range
Doll Frame Catalog Updated.docx
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Re: World Breakers [WIP, Working on CS, Campaign]

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:01 am

Character Sheets:
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Appearance(Pilot & Doll Frame):

Stats:(Characters gets a Poor (5), mediocre (10), adept (15) or Ace (20) rank to distribute between all their stats and then roll for the fifth where,

Poor: 1 -20
Mediocre: 21 - 55
Adept: 56 - 85
Ace: 86 – 100)

Technical Aptitude:
Skills:(1 Skill Plus 1 Skill/ 5 Points of Intelligence)

Doll Frame

Left Arm Piece:
Slot Attachment:

Right Arm Piece:
Slot Attachment:

Upper Body:
Slot Attachment :

Lower Body:
Slot Attachment:

Total (Doll Frame + Stats)
Pilot Durability (1.5K Durability / 5 Points Vitality)
Frame Durability (Don't Include Durability of shields)
Evasion (Maneuverability + Reflexes)
Energy Reserves

Primary Weapon:
Weapon Type:
Slot Attachment

Secondary Weapon:
Weapon Type:
Slot Attachment

Building a Doll Frame:
1: Use the Doll Frame Catalog to choose your Helm, Left Arm Piece, Right Arm Piece, Upper Body and Lower Body piece.
Just incase I didn't make it clear. You can pick and choose the parts of your armor from the various sets available.
2: Choose Slot attachments for each piece
3: Calculate your final Durability and Evasion
4: Choose a Primary and Secondary weapon Which can be any combination of melee and ranged

If there are any problems with the Character Sheet let me know.
Accepted Character Sheets:

CondorBoH - Aya Lynch
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Name: Aya Lynch
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Nationality: Australian
Appearance(Pilot & Doll Frame):



Bio: Aya could be described as a motherly person, taking care of those positioned under her or that are simply younger. Those same people could also describe her as a perverted nuisance, whose position and prestige in the military as a Frame User has often teetered and come under scrutiny from reports of various claims that she takes skinship "A little too far".
Aya has an interesting position as a Frame User. Her aim is only slightly better than a civilian's, but her occupation within the military was that of a martial arts instructor. When she applied for a Frame test, she displayed alarming amounts of reflex and strength related feats. Thus her talents lie with the seemingly simple act of bashing the World Breaker's grotesque heads in with a large object, her already impressive physical strength enhanced by that of the Doll.
Her current Doll is customized to her tastes. It's not super durable, it's not terribly fast or flexible, but is a decent balance of all of those, giving her a good chance to get in close and wreak havoc. Despite the dark colouration, it clearly displays the Australian flag on the back and has several green and gold accents along the sides and breastplate.

Despite seemingly like a discharge waiting to happen, Aya takes her job seriously. She knows what the World Breakers have done to the planet and people she knows have been slain by them, either in the line of duty or as civilians. Getting them dead is more important than any of her quirks.

Stats:(Characters gets a Poor (5), mediocre (10), adept (15) or Ace (20) rank to distribute between all their stats and then roll for the fifth where,

Poor: 1 -20
Mediocre: 21 - 55
Adept: 56 - 85
Ace: 86 – 100)
Unless it's decided by the DM, I rolled this, so an Adept in another stat.

Vitality: Ace (20)
Technical Aptitude: Mediocre (10)
Reflexes: Adept (15)
Intelligence: Adept (15)
Marksmanship: Poor (5)
Skills: 4
    Vanguard: Take 1K less damage when fighting in Melee Range
    Martial Artist: Plus 1K Damage, 10 Accuracy with Melee Weapons
    Heavy Hitter: 5% Chance to stun enemies with a melee attack. Topple Chance Increases to 30%
    Aerial Ace: Plus 10 Evasion & Accuracy When Airborne

Doll Frame
: PFH56-Astra

Left Arm Piece: КP06-Mikhail
Slot Attachment: Wrist Blade, Heavy Alloy Shield, Repair Kit

Right Arm Piece: КP06-Mikhail
Slot Attachment: Pile Duster, Light Armour Plating, Taser Spikes

Upper Body: DS56-Delaware
Slot Attachment : Rho Boost System, Solar Array, Flame Assault Shoulder Weapon, Light Armour Plating

Lower Body: PF24-Mauser
Slot Attachment: Cluster/Mini-missile , Wire Anchors, Light Armour Plating

Total (Doll Frame + Stats)
Pilot Durability (1.5K Durability / 5 Points Vitality) 7.5
Frame Durability (Don't Include Durability of shields) 33k
Evasion (Maneuverability + Reflexes): -3 + 15 = 12
Movement: 8
Energy Reserves: 600

Primary Weapon: Melee(Blunt)
Weapon Type: Melee
Slot Attachment: Ignition Switch: Fire, Fortified Grip

Secondary Weapon: Beam Saber
Weapon Type: Melee
Slot Attachment: Jagged Teeth, Weapon Enlargement

exalted - Sgt. Jessica Smalls
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Sgt. Jessica Smalls
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Nationality: Australian


Doll Frame:

The original Aussie xeno killing badass.

Smalls used to be SAAS until her team was wiped out while scouting an alien nest, and she's been burning for revenge ever since. Smalls knew the Doll Frames were her best chance to bring the pain to her enemy and did anything she had to do to become a pilot, anything. A smartass at best, Smalls embodies the Australian ideal of irreverence, but takes pride in her time soldiering. Beneath the brash, loud mouth exterior Small's does care for her team, and does not want to see a repeat of what happened last time.

Stats:(Characters gets a Poor (5), mediocre (10), adept (15) or Ace (20) rank to distribute between all their stats and then roll for the fifth where,

Poor: 1 -20
Mediocre: 21 - 55
Adept: 56 - 85
Ace: 86 – 100)

Vitality: Adept (15)
Technical Aptitude: Poor (5)
Reflexes: Adept (15)
Intelligence: Mediorce (10)
Marksmanship: Ace (20)
Gunny Expert
Ballistics Expert

Doll Frame
Helm: DSH56-Delaware

Left Arm Piece: DS56-Delaware
Slot Attachment: Light Armour, Rocket Bay, Repair Kit

Right Arm Piece: DS56-Delaware
Slot Attachment: Light Armour, Wrist Cannon, Rocket Bay

Upper Body: PF24-Mauser
Slot Attachment : Light Armour, Cluster Missile, Solar Array

Lower Body:PF24-Mauser
Slot Attachment: Light Armour, Cluster Missile x2

Total (Doll Frame + Stats)
Pilot Durability (1.5K Durability / 5 Points Vitality) 4.5K
Frame Durability: 33.5
Evasion (-10+15) 5
Movement: 11
Energy Reserves: 500

Primary Weapon: Beam Machine Gun
Weapon Type: Mid
Slot Attachment Electronic Sights, Power Boost, Penetration

Secondary Weapon: Beam Cannon
Weapon Type: Long
Slot Attachment: Electronic Sights, Booster Cell, Weapon Tripod

Nobudi - Jiushan Hua/ Hatoyama Hana- Simply "Hana"
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Name: Jiushan Hua/ Hatoyama Hana- Simply "Hana" would do.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nationality: Chinese/ Japanese
Appearance(Pilot & Doll Frame):Image

Bio: The descendant of two nationalities that sworn each other enemies even before the world went to hell, Hana, just by existing was putting pressure on herself and family. She grew up pretty lonely, considered by all her peers and many an adult to be an abomination wherever they moved and relocated. Even her parents seemed distant at times, which drove her towards the anonymity of the Internet, computers and studying whatever she could for refuge. Alienated by both the UNF and the UR, her redemption came in the form of "The Endless Summer" and the need for an international team of Doll Pilots. She saw this as her opportunity to be seen as a person. Her aptitudes for Frames were tested, and she was accepted. When it came to designing her frame, she made... strange choices, to say the least. She's a girl that believes in overwhelming offense and speed, yet balancing ranged with melee combat. She claims all these things, but for some, it could be considered bizarre, if not entirely random...

Strength: Poor (5)
Technical Aptitude: Mediocre (10)
Reflexes: Ace (20)
Intelligence: Adept (15)
Marksmanship: Mediocre (10)
  • Lead By Example
  • Survivor
  • Gambler
  • Mechanic

Doll Frame
Helm: DS39-Narukami

Left Arm Piece: DS56-Delaware
Slot Attachment: Light Energy Buckler, Wired Anchors

Right Arm Piece: КP06-Mikhail
Slot Attachment: Pile Duster, Repair Kit, Wrist Blade

Upper Body: RF07 - Hongjian
Slot Attachment : Solar Panel, Small Battery Pack, Rho Boost System

Lower Body: DS39-Narukami
Slot Attachment: Rho Boost System, Beam Pistol Holster, Spinner Boost System

Total (Doll Frame + Stats)
Pilot Durability (1.5K Durability / 5 Points Vitality) 1.5K
Frame Durability (18)
Evasion (46)
Movement: 16
Energy Reserves: 450

Primary Weapon: Thermal Launcher
Weapon Type:
Slot Attachment

Secondary Weapon: Melee (Slashing)
Weapon Type: Melee
Slot Attachment: Fortified Grip, Jagged Teeth, Weapon Enlargement

KnightVanilla - Maiza Lotti
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Maiza Lotti
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Appearance(Pilot & Doll Frame): Doll Image


Stats:(Characters gets a Poor (5), mediocre (10), adept (15) or Ace (20) rank to distribute between all their stats and then roll for the fifth where,

Poor: 1 -20
Mediocre: 21 - 55
Adept: 56 - 85
Ace: 86 – 100)

Strength: poor (5)
Technical Aptitude: mediocre (10)
Reflexes: Ace (20)
Intelligence: Ace (20)
Marksmanship: proficient (15)
Skills:Awareness, Gunnery Expert, Aerial Ace, Survivor, Resilience

Doll Frame

Left Arm Piece:Narukami
Slot Attachment: light energy buckler

Right Arm Piece:Narukami
Slot Attachment: repair kit and taser spikes

Upper Body:Narukami
Slot Attachment : Solar Array, light armor plating, mana tap system, Small battery pack

Lower Body:Narukami
Slot Attachment: Spinner Booster System, beam pistol holster, light armor plating, wired anchors

Total (Doll Frame + Stats)
Pilot Durability (1.5K Durability / 5 Points Vitality) 1.5
Frame Durability (Don't Include Durability of shields) 19
Evasion (Maneuverability + Reflexes) 50
Movement 15 (+10 When Spinner Booster System is activated)
Energy Reserves 500

Primary Weapon: Plasma Machine gun
Weapon Type:mid-range
Slot Attachment: Penetration add-on, Burst mode, Charge Cylinder

Secondary Weapon: beam pistol
Weapon Type: short range
Slot Attachment: electronic sights, Charge Cylinder.

starwacher - Lucy Moore
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Lucy Moore
Age: 25
Gender: female
Nationality: Canada



Stats:(Characters gets a Poor (5), mediocre (10), adept (15) or Ace (20) rank to distribute between all their stats and then roll for the fifth where, rolled 60 on roll20

Bio: Born raised in the coast of Newfoundland Lucy lived with two older bother they work in mines Gathering resources well her father work as a mechanic repairing and fixing dolls meant for mining. during invasion her bother were conscripted to join the military. with the war going on she started to help her father work the mines with use off the dolls almost anyone could help with mine. thank to Newfoundland being a very small town the World Breakers didn't seem them as big target even thought most of Canada's major city were wiped out it was only a matter of time they would attack Newfoundland next there was already World Breakers spotted making there way thought Quebec even thought it seem like they getting held back by group of lumberjack using their lumber dolls armed with only laser chainsaw and clamps Power Clamps. she would soon hear word of the doll frame program to build up an attack forces to take out the World Breakers once and for all she end joining up hoping to see her bothers again if they were not dead yet or maybe finish the fight.

Vitality: mediocre
Technical Aptitude: poor
Reflexes: adept
Intelligence: ace
Marksmanship: Adept
Skills:5 Resilience, Awareness, Lead By Example, Aerial Ace, and Survivor.

Doll Frame
Helm: PFH56-Astra

Left Arm Piece: RF07 - Hongjian
Slot Attachment: Wrist Cannon

Right Arm Piece: RF07 - Hongjian
Slot Attachment: Wrist Cannon

Upper Body: RF07 – Hongjian
Slot Attachment : Solar Array x2 Rho Boost System

Lower Body: RF07 - Hongjian
Slot Attachment: Rho Boost System, Spinner Boost System

Total (Doll Frame + Stats)
Pilot Durability (1.5K Durability / 5 Points Vitality) 3
Frame Durability (Don't Include Durability of shields) 8
Evasion (Maneuverability + Reflexes) 45+15 = 60// well on the ground 65
Movement 17// well on the ground 27
Energy Reserves 550

Primary Weapon: Beam Rifle
Weapon Type: Range
Slot Attachment 4 Burst Mode, Rapid Fire, Paintball Ammo Electronic Sights

Secondary Weapon: Beam Pistol
Weapon Type: Range
Slot Attachment 2 Electronic Sights Paintball Ammo

Grape Me - Mini
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Mini
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nationality: American
Appearance(Pilot & Doll Frame):

Doll Frame:

Many people can recall how the three major factions were not always working together, when these big players used to be at each others throats. Mini was only an orphan when the UFN had recruited her, the 8 year old girl being moved to Canada for the early testing of what is now known as the Doll Frames.

During this time, with the tension of inevitable war, the UFN would have done anything to gain an edge over their competing adversaries. They not only wanted to develop the perfect soldier, but the perfect weapon of war. For the next several years, Mini was one of the few trained, tested, and experimented on. The UFN’s methods were… questionable. During the early phases of testing, the Doll Frames took a heavy toll on the user, even killing some test subjects in the process. Mini endured. Though, not without sacrifices.

The UFN had been experimenting with an enhancement drug injected directly into the user via the Doll Frame, now dubbed Breaker Venom. The eggs that came with the asteroids had given off some biological substance that, when injected into the host’s bloodstream, would boost a user's mental and physical being beyond anything human. They wanted Mini to be a walking tank, pointed in the right direction and there would be nothing left in her path. The drug succeeded in achieving this. However, it had damaged the girl beyond repair. Her brain and body had suffered so much from the drug that, when going under withdrawals, she would have constant mood swings and a craving for violence. She had killed many scientists during the tests… but it all yielded amazing results. To counteract this, her Doll Frame would be given a sedative storage to prevent the girl from going on a complete rampage when taking the drug.

During testing she was given the name: Test Subject M1N1. That is how she received the nickname Mini.

Now, with arrival of the greatest threat to humankind, she was ready to be unleashed upon the World Breakers.

Stats:(Characters gets a Poor (5), mediocre (10), adept (15) or Ace (20) rank to distribute between all their stats and then roll for the fifth where,

Poor: 1 -20
Mediocre: 21 - 55
Adept: 56 - 85
Ace: 86 – 100)

Vitality: Adept
Technical Aptitude: Adept
Reflexes: Poor
Intelligence: Ace
Marksmanship: Mediocre
Skills: 5
1. Gunnery Expert: Plus 1K Damage, 10 Accuracy with Range Weapons
2. Heavy Hitter: 5% Chance to stun enemies with a melee attack. Topple Chance Increases to 30%
3. Martial Artist:Plus 1K Damage, 10 Accuracy with Melee Weapons
4. Survivor 50% chance of surviving a mortal blow or Escaping an Enemy. Occurs once a mission
5. Vanguard: Take 1K less damage when fighting in Melee Range

Doll Frame
Helm: PFH56-Astra

Left Arm Piece: КP06-Mikhail (4 expansion)
Slot Attachment: Light Armor Plating (1), Rocket Bay (1), Heavy Alloy Shield (2)

Right Arm Piece: КP06-Mikhail (4 expansion)
Slot Attachment: Breaker Venom (1), Rocket Bay (1) Taser Spikes (1), Repair Kit (1)

Upper Body: DS56-Delaware (5 expansion) (600 energy reserve) (2 pace per turn)
Slot Attachment : Light Armor Plating (1) , Rocket Pad (2), Pi Boost System (2)

Lower Body: DS39-Narukami (4 expansion) (9 pace per turn)
Slot Attachment: Light Armor Plating (1), Cluster/ Mini-Missile (2 slot), Wired Anchors (1)

Total (Doll Frame + Stats)
Pilot Durability: (1.5K Durability / 5 Points Vitality) 4.5k
Frame Durability: (Don't Include Durability of shields) 30k
Evasion: (Maneuverability + Reflexes) 7
Movement: 11
Energy Reserves: 600

Primary Weapon: Gatling Gun (Works like Plasma Machine Gun) (4 expansion)
Weapon Type: Short/Mid-Range
Slot Attachment: Rapid Fire (2) Paintball Ammo (1), Power Boost (1)

Secondary Weapon: Power Fist (Blunt Weapon) (3 expansion)
Weapon Type: Melee
Slot Attachment: Ignition Switch: Fire (2), Fortified Grip (1)[/quote]

Soref12- Jasmine (Jazz) Reales
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Jasmine (Jazz) Reales
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nationality: Chinese
Appearance(Pilot & Doll Frame):
Jasmine was born and raised in the slums of China's vast urban sprawls, though for reasons she wasn't quite aware of, she wasn't Chinese. Her parents left her before she could get a chance to know them, and the man who raised her, Cheng, died to disease when she was 16. It was because of these things that 'Jazz' grew up as an incredibly troubled young woman.

Her personality brash and devious, everything she did was for her survival and not much else beyond that, through her impressive eyesight and sleight of hand she picked the pockets of unsuspecting victims for years whilst simultaneously avoiding (and despising) the authorities. Though her life wasn't parcticularly glamorous, she found herself at peace and even enjoyed the incredible thrill found in stealing. It was like that for three whole years, but when the World Enders invaded China, Jazz had no choice but to seek protection with the authorities.

Once it was determined who she was, they threw her in prison for what Jazz figured would surely be at least a few decades due to the chaos that was the legal system now (And those few times she assaulted the police). Fate planned differently however, as word of her illusiveness and later assessment of her skills had somehow reached people in high places, and she was recruited into the Anti-WB Alliance after only ten years. She wasn't particularly thrilled with being pulled into the fight against the things she arrested herself to escape from, but she eventually figured that if she could keep the highly enamored Doll Frame and maybe even get some money on the side, she wouldn't mind working for a cause.

Stats:(Characters gets a Poor (5), mediocre (10), adept (15) or Ace (20) rank to distribute between all their stats and then roll for the fifth where:
Poor: 1 -20 | Mediocre: 21 - 55 | Adept: 56 - 85 | Ace: 86 – 100)

Vitality: Poor (5)
Technical Aptitude: Mediocre (10)
Reflexes: Adept (15)
Intelligence: Adept (15)
Marksmanship: Ace (20)
Skills: Streetwise | Awareness | Eagle Eye | Finesse

Doll Frame
Helm: DSH39-Narukami

Left Arm Piece: RF07 - Hongjian
Slot Attachment: Taser Spikes

Right Arm Piece: RF07 - Hongjian
Slot Attachment: Light Armor Plating

Upper Body: DS39-Narukami
Slot Attachment : Rho Boost System, Solar Array, Mana Tap System

Lower Body: RF07 - Hongjian
Slot Attachment: Rho Boost System, Spinner Boost System

Pilot Durability: 1.5k
Frame Durability: 14
Evasion: 45 + 15 = 60
Movement: 16
Energy Reserves: 400

Primary Weapon: Beam Cannon
Weapon Type: Long Range
Slot Attachment: Electronic Sights, Barrel Extension, Booster Cell, Weapon Tripod

Secondary Weapon: Beam Rifle
Weapon Type: Medium Range
Slot Attachment: Flamethrower Attachment, Power Boost, Burst Mode
Last edited by Mark3000 on Mon Nov 28, 2016 3:55 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: World Breakers [WIP, Working on CS, Campaign]

Postby CondorBoH » Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:47 am

I am absolutely hyped for this. When the character sheets are ready, I'll get right on this! Just a question though, I'm guessing some stats/weapons will add a score to the die roll, which gets you to the critical hit spot.
And I'm just a lil bit confused on how the Poor-Mediocre-Adept-Ace system works.
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Re: World Breakers [WIP, Working on CS, Campaign]

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:12 am

Those are the points you apply to each stat so you can have:

Poor Vitality: (5)

Mediocre Technical Aptitude: (10)

Adept Reflexes: (15)

Ace Level Intelligence: (20)

And you roll for the fifth stat so you roll a d100 say you get 11 you end up with:

Poor Marksmanship: (5)

These stats are applied to your rolls which will all be d100 unless I've overlooked something.

Right now I'm trying to decide whether to have multiple small missions (Clearing small alien encampments) or throw everyone at a single fortified location (Attacking a World Breaker Nest) I already have a list of creatures ready. Just have to decide how to use them.
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Re: World Breakers [WIP, Working on CS, Campaign]

Postby Nobudi » Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:12 am

Basically Hundred/ I.S.? I can dig that.

Putting my interest in.
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Re: World Breakers [WIP, Working on CS, Campaign]

Postby KnightVanilla » Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:49 am

I'm in pm me when it starts
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: World Breakers [WIP, Working on CS, Campaign]

Postby pornomancer » Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:46 pm

I'm interested.

Does intelligence seem broken? Seems like many bonus skills can be a bit too versatile. Or is this a One Stat To Rule Them All type deal?
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Re: World Breakers [WIP, Working on CS, Campaign]

Postby Nobudi » Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:34 am

pornomancer Wrote:Does intelligence seem broken? Seems like many bonus skills can be a bit too versatile. Or is this a One Stat To Rule Them All type deal?

I think they're less skills and closer to feats. Needs stats aside from Int, I'd assume. You'd be fucked if you have the skill slots, but have no skills that synergize with the Doll. Unless that's meant to be the case, of course...
Either non int skills are to be buffed, or int skills to be nerfed to be balanced.
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Re: World Breakers [WIP, Working on CS, Campaign]

Postby Mark3000 » Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:01 am

Yes by skills I mean feats or passive bonuses: Here are just a few I was thinking of:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Streetwise:Plus 5 Evasion & Accuracy in Urban Settings
Natural Acumen:Plus 5 Evasion & Accuracy in Nature Settings
Resilience: Plus 10 Resistance to Poisons and Mental Attacks
Awareness:Plus 10 when searching for and avoiding traps & Ambushes
Martial Artist:Plus 1K Damage, 10 Accuracy with Melee Weapons
Aerial Ace: Plus 10 Evasion & Accuracy When Airborne
Gunnery Expert:Plus 1K Damage, 10 Accuracy with Range Weapons
Gamble: For a mission, split Hit Range between Critical Hit's & Gaze
Mechanic: Can perform repairs on your Doll Frame, Repair Kits now grant 2K Durability /5 EP Energy
Ballistics Expert: Plus 5 Hit Rate to Missiles and Rockets
Heavy Hitter 10% Chance to stun enemies with an attack. Topple Chance Increases to 30%
Critical Eye Plus 5 to Critical Hit Range
Survivor 50% chance of surviving a mortal blow or Escaping an Enemy
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Re: World Breakers [Character Sheet up, Accepting Players]

Postby KnightVanilla » Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:17 pm

Name: Maiza Lotti
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Appearance(Pilot & Doll Frame): Doll
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Spoiler (click to show/hide):



Stats:(Characters gets a Poor (5), mediocre (10), adept (15) or Ace (20) rank to distribute between all their stats and then roll for the fifth where,

Poor: 1 -20
Mediocre: 21 - 55
Adept: 56 - 85
Ace: 86 – 100)

Strength: poor
Technical Aptitude: mediocre
Reflexes: Ace
Intelligence: Ace
Marksmanship: proficient
Skills: Awareness, Gunnery Expert, Aerial Ace, Survivor, Resilience

Doll Frame

Left Arm Piece:Narukami
Slot Attachment: light energy buckler

Right Arm Piece:Narukami
Slot Attachment: repair kit and taser spikes

Upper Body:Narukami
Slot Attachment : Solar Array, light armor plating, mana tap system, Small battery pack

Lower Body:Narukami
Slot Attachment: Spinner Booster System, beam pistol holster, light armor plating, wired anchors

Pilot Durability (1.5K Durability / 5 Points Vitality) 1.5
Frame Durability (Don't Include Durability of shields) 19
Evasion (Maneuverability + Reflexes) 50
Movement 15 (+10 When Spinner Booster System is activated)
Energy Reserves 500

Primary Weapon: Plasma Machine gun
Weapon Type:mid-range
Slot Attachment: Penetration add-on, barrel extension, burst mode

Secondary Weapon: beam pistol
Weapon Type: short range
Slot Attachment: electronic sights, burst more.
Last edited by KnightVanilla on Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: World Breakers [Character Sheet up, Accepting Players]

Postby CondorBoH » Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:18 am

Name: Aya Lynch
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Nationality: Australian
Appearance(Pilot & Doll Frame):


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Bio: Aya could be described as a motherly person, taking care of those positioned under her or that are simply younger. Those same people could also describe her as a perverted nuisance, whose position and prestige in the military as a Frame User has often teetered and come under scrutiny from reports of various claims that she takes skinship "A little too far".
Aya has an interesting position as a Frame User. Her aim is only slightly better than a civilian's, but her occupation within the military was that of a martial arts instructor. When she applied for a Frame test, she displayed alarming amounts of reflex and strength related feats. Thus her talents lie with the seemingly simple act of bashing the World Breaker's grotesque heads in with a large object, her already impressive physical strength enhanced by that of the Doll.
Her current Doll is customized to her tastes. It's not super durable, it's not terribly fast or flexible, but is a decent balance of all of those, giving her a good chance to get in close and wreak havoc. Despite the dark colouration, it clearly displays the Australian flag on the back and has several green and gold accents along the sides and breastplate.

Despite seemingly like a discharge waiting to happen, Aya takes her job seriously. She knows what the World Breakers have done to the planet and people she knows have been slain by them, either in the line of duty or as civilians. Getting them dead is more important than any of her quirks.

Stats:(Characters gets a Poor (5), mediocre (10), adept (15) or Ace (20) rank to distribute between all their stats and then roll for the fifth where,

Poor: 1 -20
Mediocre: 21 - 55
Adept: 56 - 85
Ace: 86 – 100)
Unless it's decided by the DM, I rolled this, so an Adept in another stat.

Vitality: Ace
Technical Aptitude: Mediocre
Reflexes: Adept
Intelligence: Adept
Marksmanship: Poor
Skills: 4
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

    Vanguard: Take 1K less damage when fighting in Melee Range
    Martial Artist: Plus 1K Damage, 10 Accuracy with Melee Weapons
    Heavy Hitter: 5% Chance to stun enemies with a melee attack. Topple Chance Increases to 30%
    Aerial Ace: Plus 10 Evasion & Accuracy When Airborne

Doll Frame
: PFH56-Astra

Left Arm Piece: КP06-Mikhail
Slot Attachment: Wrist Blade, Heavy Alloy Shield, Repair Kit

Right Arm Piece: КP06-Mikhail
Slot Attachment: Pile Duster, Light Armour Plating, Taser Spikes

Upper Body: DS56-Delaware
Slot Attachment : Rho Boost System, Solar Array, Flame Assault Shoulder Weapon, Light Armour Plating

Lower Body: PF24-Mauser
Slot Attachment: Cluster/Mini-missile , Wire Anchors, Light Armour Plating

Total (Doll Frame + Stats)
Pilot Durability (1.5K Durability / 5 Points Vitality) 7.5
Frame Durability (Don't Include Durability of shields) 33k
Evasion (Maneuverability + Reflexes): -3 + 15 = 12
Movement: 8
Energy Reserves: 600

Primary Weapon: Melee(Blunt)
Weapon Type: Melee
Slot Attachment: Ignition Switch: Fire, Fortified Grip

Secondary Weapon: Beam Saber
Weapon Type: Melee
Slot Attachment: Jagged Teeth, Weapon Enlargement
Last edited by CondorBoH on Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: World Breakers [Character Sheet up, Accepting Players]

Postby exalted » Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:46 am

Name: Sgt. Jessica Smalls
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Nationality: Australian

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Doll Frame:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


The original Aussie xeno killing badass.

Smalls used to be SAAS until her team was wiped out while scouting an alien nest, and she's been burning for revenge ever since. Smalls knew the Doll Frames were her best chance to bring the pain to her enemy and did anything she had to do to become a pilot, anything. A smartass at best, Smalls embodies the Australian ideal of irreverence, but takes pride in her time soldiering. Beneath the brash, loud mouth exterior Small's does care for her team, and does not want to see a repeat of what happened last time.

Stats:(Characters gets a Poor (5), mediocre (10), adept (15) or Ace (20) rank to distribute between all their stats and then roll for the fifth where,

Poor: 1 -20
Mediocre: 21 - 55
Adept: 56 - 85
Ace: 86 – 100)

Vitality: Adept
Technical Aptitude: Poor
Reflexes: Adept
Intelligence: Mediorce
Marksmanship: Ace
Gunny Expert
Ballistics Expert

Doll Frame
Helm: DSH56-Delaware

Left Arm Piece: DS56-Delaware
Slot Attachment: Light Armour, Rocket Bay, Repair Kit

Right Arm Piece: DS56-Delaware
Slot Attachment: Light Armour, Wrist Cannon, Rocket Bay

Upper Body: PF24-Mauser
Slot Attachment : Light Armour, Cluster Missile, Solar Array

Lower Body:PF24-Mauser
Slot Attachment: Light Armour, Cluster Missile x2

Total (Doll Frame + Stats)
Pilot Durability (1.5K Durability / 5 Points Vitality)
Frame Durability: 33.5
Evasion (-10+15) 5
Energy Reserves: 500

Primary Weapon: Beam Machine Gun
Weapon Type: Mid
Slot Attachment Electronic Sights, Power Boost, Penetration

Secondary Weapon: Beam Cannon
Weapon Type: Long
Slot Attachment: Electronic Sights, Booster Cell, Weapon Tripod
Last edited by exalted on Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: World Breakers [Character Sheet up, Accepting Players]

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:08 pm

All the Character Sheets are looking good so far. Once they're complete, I'll put the IC up.

For your fifth stat, you roll for it yourself, but if you want me to roll for it I will.

In terms of Smut, I've been deciding on if it would be a part of this RP. So it's going to come from two direction. First there will be game over rape if your frame is destroyed. But since everyone will be based on an airship. There are characters you can romance and sleep with.
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Re: World Breakers [Character Sheet up, Accepting Players]

Postby starwacher » Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:19 pm

hey you still look for more players currently working on right now but need some time to set them up?
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Re: World Breakers [Character Sheet up, Accepting Players]

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:27 pm

I'm going to accept up to six right now. Right now there are two spots left (I already have a CS sent via PM) so just post a CS when your ready.
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Re: World Breakers [Character Sheet up, Accepting Players]

Postby starwacher » Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:34 pm

also the Spinner Boost System how much ep dose it take per turn?
also is ok to have more then one Solar Array in your suit?
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Re: World Breakers [Character Sheet up, Accepting Players]

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:08 pm

The movement and Maneuverability boost on the Spinners don't have an EP cost. Though I might have to change it since it's a pretty good piece even though it's limited to the ground.

You can have more then one Solar Array but you will lose out on those slots on your upper body piece.
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Re: World Breakers [Character Sheet up, Accepting Players]

Postby starwacher » Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:21 pm

now that I think of it I should maybe ask if possible to stack things say if have two Solar Array would I get 20 EP Per Turn instead of 10 EP Per Turn?

also if you want you could maybe up the Slot Usage to two instead of a one on the Spinner Boost at least that way it keep people like my self trying to place two in there so far what build so far is very light power suit
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Re: World Breakers [Character Sheet up, Accepting Players]

Postby starwacher » Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:54 pm

Name: Lucy Moore
Age: 25
Gender: female
Nationality: Canada

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Stats:(Characters gets a Poor (5), mediocre (10), adept (15) or Ace (20) rank to distribute between all their stats and then roll for the fifth where, rolled 60 on roll20
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio: wip will tell to get in by the end of the week or draft that will need to be iron out a couple times

Born raised in the coast of Newfoundland Lucy lived with two older bother they work in mines Gathering resources well her father work as a mechanic repairing and fixing dolls meant for mining. during invasion her bother were conscripted to join the military. with the war going on she started to help her father work the mines with use off the dolls almost anyone could help with mine. thank to Newfoundland being a very small town the World Breakers didn't seem them as big target even thought most of Canada's major city were wiped out it was only a matter of time they would attack Newfoundland next there was already World Breakers spotted making there way thought Quebec even thought it seem like they getting held back by group of lumberjack using their lumber dolls armed with only laser chainsaw and clamps Power Clamps. she would soon hear word of the doll frame program to build up an attack forces to take out the World Breakers once and for all she end joining up hoping to see her bothers again if they were not dead yet or maybe finish the fight.

Vitality: mediocre
Technical Aptitude: poor
Reflexes: adept
Intelligence: ace
Marksmanship: Adept
Skills:5 Resilience, Awareness, Lead By Example, Aerial Ace, and Survivor.

Doll Frame
Helm: PFH56-Astra

Left Arm Piece: RF07 - Hongjian
Slot Attachment: Wrist Cannon

Right Arm Piece: RF07 - Hongjian
Slot Attachment: Wrist Cannon

Upper Body: RF07 – Hongjian
Slot Attachment : Solar Array x2 Rho Boost System

Lower Body: RF07 - Hongjian
Slot Attachment: Rho Boost System, Spinner Boost System

Total (Doll Frame + Stats)
Pilot Durability (1.5K Durability / 5 Points Vitality) 3
Frame Durability (Don't Include Durability of shields) 8
Evasion (Maneuverability + Reflexes) 45+15 = 60// well on the ground 65// well in the air 70
Movement 17// well on the ground 27
Energy Reserves 550

Primary Weapon: Beam Rifle
Weapon Type: Range
Slot Attachment 4 Burst Mode, Rapid Fire, Paintball Ammo Electronic Sights

Secondary Weapon: Beam Pistol
Weapon Type: Range
Slot Attachment 2 Electronic Sights Paintball Ammo
Last edited by starwacher on Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:38 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: World Breakers [Character Sheet up, Accepting Players]

Postby starwacher » Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:03 pm

pleases let me know of anything that need to be change just let me know
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