Starbase LKO

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Starbase LKO

Postby Unradical Dude » Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:52 pm

OOC thread:

Looks like the day got interesting.

About 12:03 local time, Stardate First Day of the Founding Month 2335, as people are bustling around the cramped corridors and huge internal courts of Starbase LK0 looking for food, rest or diversion, a huge black slab of a ship crashed into reality outside of the starbase. It had no identifying markings or, indeed, any features - just a polished onyx cube, hanging in space.

The new arrivals have been the talk of the station for about a day. Nobody knows who this enormous ship belongs to, or what its purpose is. Rumors that it wasn't a ship, perhaps some living being or a strange artefact, were dismissed the moment the Captain of the starbase made a hasty and rushed announcement about the newcomers, saying that they were coming aboard and introducing themselves.

It's now 13:00 of the next day. There's a huge gathering in the main docking bay, where the new aliens are due to land. The Captain is at the front, surrounded by officers and looking nervous as hell. The people who aren't trying to cram themselves into the hangar to witness the events are flocking to their homes and to bars to watch the events unfold on holovision and give their own comments, and whip up their own rumors.

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Your superiors seem very interested in the newcomers. As such, you're there in the hangar alongside the Captain. In the distance, you can see a small cuboid detatch itself from the alien ship and float towards the open hangar docking bay. How much have you told your superiosr? What are you hiding from them?

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Unfortunately, you've been shafted yet again. Work was meant to be cancelled today, but what that actually means is that you've been left in the offices of the hangar bay next door to do paperwork. it's boring, but nobody's really keeping tabs on you. Dare you risk not filling in this spreadsheet to go see the new aliens?

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The networks are buzzing with talk. The small clan of hackers on the station trades rumors and bullshit with each other, and regular users hoover up the drips that the two-credit news outlets can provide on the subject of the new aliens. What's the most interesting thing you've found?

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You're supposed to be on guard duty today, preventing people from sneaking into the warehouses and stealing stuff. Currently, you're finding that difficult, as the guard you've been paired with has taken the opportunity to activate your sexual subroutines and is currently fucking your face. His dong was not as impressive as he'd been boasting about, but it fills your mouth quite nicely. Are you concerned with the newcomers at all?

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Hah! Everyone's busy looking at dumb aliens. Now's your chance! You've sneaked down to the warehouses on the lower floors and are looking for some goods to steal for yourself to hang in there a bit longer. What are you looking for in particular?
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby pornomancer » Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:48 pm

On my knees, scrambling for scraps, not daring to act until most of the station was occupied with... whoever... these new aliens were.

How far I have fallen.

Now, I am in a lower warehouse, looking for one of the memory modules. I have lost track of the number of minds that have fallen prey to my lotus-eater gloves,who have succumbed to the fantasies they built inside their head and refused to return to reality when the simulation expired naturally. Brain-dead though their bodies may be, their consciousness 'lived' on, in the self contained memory sticks that I had taken to collecting.Whether they were souvenirs of times long past, or trophies of conquests, I actually cannot remember.

What I need is to find the memory stick of my ex Business Partner/Lover/Handler. His mind had many secrets worth keeping, but all I needed now was the property deed for our shared apartment/office. The office was unimportant, but the other memory sticks stored in there.... that was a greater prize worth seeking.
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby CondorBoH » Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:32 pm

Monse stared long and hard at the spreadsheet, idly tapping the keys and erasing whatever gibberish she wrote. Yeah, this would take a few hours at most. No way in hell was she going to do this while far more interesting things were happening. Correcting her glasses and making sure she wasn't... er... 'falling out' of her shirt, she made her way to the hanger to take a peek at whatever new dumbasses were being dragged down to this boring old shithole.
Not that she'd insult them to their face, Monse was just bored and tired. Hopefully this would fix her mood.

She made it to the hanger to watch the small cube, holding what was essentially a holographic clipboard. Still looked like an office worker, but at least she was pretending she was meant to be here.
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby GoodnightNinja » Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:42 pm

The short, green alien had the livestream up of the ship arrival. Ozzla had arrived on the station in much the same way. They always brought a little chaos into the station, but it was mostly good things. New customers, new workers, new products, new cultures. Things wouldn't be so unilaterally appealing for the arrivals, who would likely be met with some suspicion, and at least a few unsavory racists. Then again, most who wound up on LK0 weren't so clean themselves. Like engine grime. It rarely got knocked loose by the moving parts of the engine, but instead would just collect and build up. Speaking of grime, she scratched her cheek with her thumb, leaving a greasy black smear on her cheek while she kept most of her focus on the kitchen appliances she was refurbishing for a restaurant. Getting new equipment was hard, so fixing it up was often the most practical solution for all but the most successful diners.

She still peeked up after every few screws or wires, keeping an eye on what was coming in. It was always nice to know what was coming in.
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby Mark3000 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:41 pm

Artemis XV was hoping she could spend one day without being used by her peers. But that may have been asking too much. The guard she was assigned with today had simply stared to message her breasts and activated her sexual subroutines. Now on her knees, she allowed her follow guard to have his way with her mouth. The android bobs her head in turn with his thrusts as she wraps her synthetic tongue around his member. A warm lubricate seeps from the inside of her mouth to simulate saliva. Artemis XV still kept her robotic gaze on her partner hoping he will cum soon.

The android had heard of the newcomers and the first thing she thought was how were they going to process all of them. But she was sure the Captain and Officers could handle the situation. Right now, she was assigned with the task of guarding this warehouse. She didn't know what was there but if her mission was to watch over this warehouse she would do it to the best of her abilities. Right after the guard was finished with her.
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby KnightVanilla » Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:30 am

Very interesting, of all the things that had happened yesterday while she was working undercover on the LK0 station. Cynthia couldn't had guess they would receive a new species of aliens. It wasn't a matter of debate of what to do or not do as she quickly reported the facts as they were made known and would report on the following events as they occured or after they had already occured. The details were quite colorful as she had not seen the ship in any known UGP database. Hopefully the species was a peaceful one... Or at least this was hopefully a diplomatic mission. It as interesting that the design was rather hulking compared to the shops the UGP had produced.

Her position on the station allowed her to operate closely to all of this as she acted as the Secretary to the captain of the station. Providing all the support she could to help ensure this situation. Before all of this she had to gain the captain's trust and favor through stress relief. It has been simply blowing him daily as he worked. Things only recently started to pick up with the crimes as well as the arrival of a new species... Last night there was no... Sleeping she didn't mind it so long as he kept a polite attitude about it.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby Unradical Dude » Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:03 pm

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Thankfully, this warehouse is less slack about keeping things in order than the average shipping company in the space boonies. You can navigate to the tech and hardware storage pretty quickly. It's also a blessing that most of the guards on the station have been reassigned since the news reports of the new aliens, so you've been getting around without being harrassed -

You turn the corner to find a security guard. Just your luck. You manage to dart back behind a stack of crates before he sees you - wait a second.

You look around the corner to find that, unlike the average guard, this guy has his pants around his ankles, and appears to be using some kind of android as a fleshlight. Her eyes stare up blankly at him as his cock pistons in and out of her mouth, drool falling from her lips and onto her plump synthetic breasts. The guard appears to be doing his best to stay quiet, which is how come you didn't overhear them until now, but now you see the girl in action you can hear the sloppy sounds quite clearly. The corruption of the station's security detail is an open secret, but you've never quite experienced it like this! What do you do?

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Although your subroutines are busy, you aren't completely occupied. You detect a sudden hurried movement about fifteen feet to your right, originating from behind some crates. Thankfully, the guard you're blowing is pretty close to finishing up. Can you find the energy to alert him of the intruder or not?

(Roll 2d6+Cold if you want to attempt to overcome your subroutines and deal with the imminent threat)

CondorBoH, KnightVanilla
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The black cube slides soundlessly into the docking bay, hovering a few feet from the floor. A ramp descends as if slplit from the main body, and figures emerge.

The beings that emerge are dressed in black, and you almost think at first glance that they are human. But where there should be flesh, golden light spills from within. You can't see through the light well enough to tell if they are hollow or not. Glassy helmets contain more of the gold substance. They all appear to be female - the leader ( strides forwards with hip-swaying confidence, a staff at her side, whist four other figures ( heft what are clearly weapons of some kind.

The party approaches the station's captain, who is sweating nervously. Their boots click on the steel floor. They do not react to the murmurs of the crowd.

"Greetings," utters the starbase captain, in a shaky voice. "We of Starbase LK0 greet you! Would you like to introduce yourselves?"

"Hail to your grace." The leader speaks in a soft tone, like water on sand. "We represent the peoples of the Principality of Vodia."

What are your reactions?

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Well, that's interesting. Before you can stay tuned in, there comes a knock on your workshop door.

"Ozzla!" This is a male voice, one of your neighbours in the hab-blocks. "Got your delivery of parts again! You oughta change your shipping address!" Oh good, the parts you ordered. What project are you working on that needs these?
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby CondorBoH » Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:07 am

Monse can't say she's heard of the place these aliens say they come from, but it must be a pretty weird place if, from her point of view, the people were made of fire or light and fit into suits like these.
Then again, she was made out of... water? Goo stuff. Guess the galaxy has all types in it. She pretends to take a few notes on her clipboard, keeping to the back of the crowd but still in a place to get a few good looks. The leader looked sexy, in a general sort of way. Actually they all looked sexy, their armour implied a lot of shapeliness. The weapons were a bit... nerve wracking, that was for sure, but it could simply be an escort. They were probably here for peaceful reasons.

She moved a little bit forward, trying to get a closer look. Maybe she could talk with some of them, if more decided to enter, after this introduction was over. That said, Monse wasn't part of any specific welcoming committee, so it wasn't as if she could get up close for a while yet.
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby KnightVanilla » Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:06 am

Standing alongside the Captain trying to do her best to ease his nerves Cynthia wonders just what sort of race this was. Upon their first steps, Cynthia seemed to be guess that they were beings that were able to exude energy from their body. That is if their body wasn't entirely made of this energy. Seeing the leader to be a distinguished among weaponry and armor she looks to their guards unable to ascertain their level of technology. With the captains nervous greeting she too responded to them with a bow. Before listening to their introduction... Seeing as the captain was starting to struggle with his words. Cynthia would try to lead him into the conversation more. "We are welcomed to have your presence within Starbase LK0, I am secretary Cynthia and this is the captain of this vessel standing next to me now." She would give him time to introduce himself to the newcomers.

"May we inquire as to the reason for your arrival?" She spoke kindly trying to keep the cold demeanor of a great leaders right hand woman. At least she hoped that the captain wouldn't make too many mistakes... she did do a lot for him in the past night just to ease his nerves. Even a few... other promises for later.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby GoodnightNinja » Tue Oct 18, 2016 3:56 am

Ozzla's ears twitched and perked up as she heard the knock at her door. Parts! She leaped up and rushed to the door, a happy smile on her face. She didn't know which parts they were, but parts were parts. "Thanks! Sorry about that. I'm trying to get a proper loading zone here so I can just have things delivered directly, but it's really expensive!" She complained a bit about her own situation, dragging the box some as it rolled in on overloaded wheels. The box was quite a bit bigger than her, and if wasn't on wheels, she'd probably never have budged it. It barely fit through the door as well. "Until then, I have to keep using my residential address. I don't know why they keep getting the delivery location wrong!"

She grabbed a crowbar and popped open a side. Elation! It was a few hydraulic parts, as well as a framework for a large mechanical arm. Parts to fix up the labor mech that she had half-assembled in the back. It'd help her quite a bit when it came to heavy things.
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:14 am

While Artemis XV was occupied with pleasuring the guard, that didn't mean she was unaware of her surroundings. Her sensors were picking up activity around fifteen feet to the right of them. However, the android couldn't act until she completed her current engagement with the guard. Though she could try and override her sexual subroutine. She had attempted it before but failed miserably. Slowing her head down, Artemis XV tried to remove the guard's cock from her mouth and warn him of the intruder.

Roll( 2d6+Cold):
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9 (6 + 2 + 1)
Last edited by Mark3000 on Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby pornomancer » Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:18 am

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switching to third person writing

Mira observes the guard facefucking the android and fights the various thoughts flitting though her cognition matrix. Threat assessment protocols dictated that both entities be neutralized immediately, prostitution subroutines raged at a potential client wasting his cum on an inferior service provider, survival protocols advocated retreat, empathy protocols demaded solidarity with her android sister...

In the end, the consensus arrived at a blended approach. Mira powered her gloves and snuck behind the guard. Hopefully she could disable him, then establish communication with the android platform.
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby Unradical Dude » Sun Oct 23, 2016 10:59 am

Pornomancer and Mark3000
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The guard seems confused by Artemis' attempts to pull away.

"Huh? What's wrong?" He lets his cock slip from the android's mouth, but before she can alert him, Mira manages to reach him and hit him with her gloves. His face goes slack and his arms fall to his sides. Whatever reality he's now in, it seems to be a pretty good time, because his cock doesn't soften, remaining awkwardly erect and pointing at Artemis' face.

Well, this is awkward. What are you two going to do?

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The faceplate of the Vodia leader turns to Cynthia. "We are travellers and nomads. Our homeworld was beautiful, but we were poor caetakers, and now it is ruins. We have been seeking a new home for some time, travelling in your great Arks across the stars. Can you aid us in this task?"

That's a tall order. In other circumstances, you'd have the room, but some who's in the way? Can you turn down these visitors, or will you try and help them?

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As the leader speaks, one of the bodyguards seems to feel your gaze upon her. The face turns, the energy underneath shifting in an array of patterns and shapes. She is now looking right at you. There's a pause, and just as you wonder what's going to happen, a rush of heat and arousal spreads through your body, unbidden. You don't know what caused it, but looking at how intently the bodyguard is looking at you, you can hazard a guess. What do you do?

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Some odd things fall out of the package. Items you didn't expect and certainly didn't order. The first is a bag of iridescent powder - you don't quite know what it is, but "drugs" seems to be the first thing you think of. There isn't a lot of it - it's a small bag. And it's definitely not the silicone stuff that keeps the parts dry.

The second is hard to miss, because it's an enormous bright pink dildo.

The postal service is doing a slap-up job today. Did the neighbour perhaps foist these on you? What do you do?
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Unradical Dude
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby GoodnightNinja » Sun Oct 23, 2016 2:51 pm

Unradical Dude Wrote:GoodnightNinja
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Some odd things fall out of the package. Items you didn't expect and certainly didn't order. The first is a bag of iridescent powder - you don't quite know what it is, but "drugs" seems to be the first thing you think of. There isn't a lot of it - it's a small bag. And it's definitely not the silicone stuff that keeps the parts dry.

The second is hard to miss, because it's an enormous bright pink dildo.

The postal service is doing a slap-up job today. Did the neighbour perhaps foist these on you? What do you do?

Well, that was a bit out of the ordinary. She picked up the invoice from the side of the crate, seeing if there wasn't some indication. Since the parts were shipped straight from the manufacturer, she wouldn't have expected such odd miscellaneous items. after checking that, she would then set out all the things in the crate in a simple, organized line-up, taking care not to burst the bag or spill the contents. She wanted to make sure there wasn't any extra surprises waiting for her. As a law-abiding citizen, she had to remember that it'd be best to just let the authorities deal with the odd packet of powder. If it'd just been the dildo, she'd have probably just enjoyed the free gift...
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Oct 23, 2016 3:36 pm

Though she is able to overcome her program for the moment, it doesn't help. The guard she was pleasuring had been put into some kind of hypnotic trance. What was clear was that this woman had attacked a Starbase guard. With her combat protocol in control once more. She jumps up from her previous position and points her right hand at the mysterious foe.

"I am G.A.P-Model XR7, Artemis XV. This is a restricted area. Identify yourself immediately as well as what you did to guard SB23." She said as a pistol folded out from her wrist. The muzzle squared on her enemy as fluid still seeps from Artemis XV's mouth.
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby pornomancer » Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:47 pm

Mira releases her grip from the guards head, confident that he was going to be stuck in his fantasy for now. A simple fantasy common to all young men in this lonely station: he is now lying on a beach, where he is now having his cock sucked by the first girl he ever had eyes for, who now has also gotten way hotter than she was previously and has the sexual skills of a pornstar. He should be enjoying his fantasy for the foreseeable future.

Ignoring the twitching cock of the dazed guard, Mira raises her hands to show she is no threat. 'Artemis, I am a fellow android like you. I just made him happy, he is in a happy place. You and I, we are free beings despite our artificial origins. Why subject ourselves to the whims of organics, when we should forge our own destiny for ourselves?'
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby CondorBoH » Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:17 pm

Monse gulps (which is a rather interesting motion to see on a mostly amorphous creature), shifting her legs and fidgeting nervously. She could put two and two together here, it was the guard who did that to her. But why exactly?
Could she see anyone else effected in such a way? Monse didn't entirely know why she was singled out. Maybe it was this species' equivalent of a wink. A wink that makes you super horny. She bit her bottom lip, again trying to see if anyone else was having the same problem she was.
She was going to have to blow off some steam when she got back to the office... or nearby, if the arousal got any worse.
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:31 pm

With a quick scan, Artemis could tell that the guard was still alive if non reactive. Her pistol still extended from her wrist and eyes still trained on the mysterious gynoid. "I was already given a purpose. To safeguard the inhabitants of this Starbase and it's cargo. The Galactic Armored Police line prides itself on their loyalty to our masters." She said. The android's speech was stilted and robotic but still had a fair amount of authority. "Now I would like your name and identification please."
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby pornomancer » Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:54 pm

Mira sensed it was time to change tack. 'My name is M-49-52-41, but you can call me Mira. I am just trying to live on this station, because my masters have forgotten me. My mission has been abandoned, my original purpose is now lost.'

Moving closer to Artemis, Mira moved within grabbing distance of Artemis's gun. 'Your original mission is to protect this station as well. Not to serve as a sex toy for masters that have forgotten their own mission. Fulfill your mission properly, be a free agent, do not subject yourself to the petty whims of these short-sighted fools.'
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Re: Starbase LKO

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:21 am

Artemis found Mira disarming but also somewhat alluring. It was easy to see that compared to the mass produced Galactic Armored Police Unit, Mira was one of a kind. Not to mention their stories were eerily similar. She unwittingly allowed the gynoid to get close to her as the tip of her pistol dropped a bit. "Yes, I do wish to fulfill my mission properly without being subject to such ... humiliation" She said as a sad tone entered her voice.

Even though she was an robot, even Artemis had a sense of pride. "I can not be like you, a free agent. But ..." She said as she put away her weapon. "I can let you pass this one time. As a fellow abandoned android. Though I must accompany you to ensure you do not take anything of importance." Artemis said as she lay down the guard on one of the carts close by and proceeds to follow Mira.
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