Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:16 pm

Allie wipes her face clean from your juices and then helps you back on your feet, also using you herself to stand back up as well, and answers: [/i]"I-i don't know to be honest... some kind of freakish, tentacle.. thing. I don't even know how it ended up.. you know, inside me.."[/i]

"All I remember is that I was on my way to work, I work as a waitress here you see, when the explosions happened. I didn't know what to do, and the restaurant was closer by than my house, so I ran and went inside. People were already panicking and all wanted to get out at the same time, and in the commotion I got pushed against the wall and I head my head, and then everything went black."

"When I woke up again, everybody had already left and it was a mess in here. I went to the toilets to calm down a bit and get some water, but I heard a noise coming from the kitchen, like something wet and squishy just fell down. I went to check it out, but for some reason the lights in the kitchen got fried and I couldn't see a thing. Then that... thing suddenly jumped me, and before I could even reacts it had made its way inside my panties and started crawling into my pussy. I immediately tried to pull it out, but it was already in too deep. I ran to the toilets and tried to push it out, and half of it came out, but it started to touch my insides with its little tentacles and as soon as I touched it, it began to feel really really good, even though I didn't want it to. I cummed a couple of times and each time I did it got a bit bigger, before it started to make, I don't know, babies? Then I flushed it through the toilet, but I was still feeling really hot and couldn't help myself. And that is were you came in I guess..."
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Tue Aug 23, 2016 1:27 am

I did my best to soothe her as I held her, recovering from the powerful orgasm she had helped bring to me as I listened to her story. "Guess that means you haven't seen anyone else around... damnit..." I shake my head, then rub the back of hers gently as I say "We should probably stick together... getting lost with whatever the heck is going on in town is not a good idea I bet."
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:10 pm

"Sure, but what do you want to do now then? I don't really want to stay here after what happened...", Allie responds as the two of you get back up on your feet and leave the toilet stall.

"Do you know of a safe place to go? My apartment is on the other side of the city, we could go there but I don't know how long it will take or what we encounter on the way... I don't suppose you live near here? I don't really know what to do, I just want to get somewhere safe..."
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Sep 11, 2016 3:18 pm

"I... I don't know if there's any safe place in the city right now... I think everything's gone to shit." I said, glancing at the walls but really thinking about what I'd seen and what had happened so far. "Not only that... I need to find my mom and friend Miku."
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:48 pm

”I can help you with looking, but we need to find a place where we can rest without getting jumped, otherwise we’re of no use to your mother and your friend. I get that you’re worried, I have a sister that I haven’t seen since I went to work, but we need to take care of ourselves first before we can help others.”, Allie responds, sounding more brave and certain than before, now having recovered a bit from her experience. ”We should at least find a place that’s easy to defend and hard to get to, like an apartment or a hotel room or something.”
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:29 pm

I nod my head at this, her words making a fair amount of sense and reminding me that whatever was going on here in the city was going to require a level head and calm action. Getting up, I try to recall if I'd seen any hotels or apartments nearby, or even a something like a hardware store that could be easily used to create barricades and arm ourselves to keep ourselves safe.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:46 pm

Recalling your memory, you know fairly certain there are multiple stores and shops a couple of streets away from here as the mall is pretty close by. You also know there are a couple of skyscrapers further into the center of the city, some of which are office building but at least one of them is a hotel, probably the best hotel in town, and some of them are apartment complexes as well. You could also backtrack your way towards home, either to get back to your own apartment or to one of the larger apartment complexes. You could also be lucky and find something near to your current location, but you'd have to look around the streets since you're not sure if there's something around here.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Sat Oct 22, 2016 1:01 am

"Come on, let's head out to the front of this place, take a look around and see if there's anyplace that'd be easier for us to barricade ourselves in if we needed to." I said as I helped her up and lead the way out, keeping my senses alert for any new signs of trouble. The strange... thing that had attached itself to my new friend here gave me a strange feeling that it was only the beginning and that things were going to go downhill from here.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Sat Oct 22, 2016 5:53 pm

Encounter Roll: 8

Allie nods, and the both of you exit the toilet stalls.

The restaurant is still as empty and quiet as you left it, nothing seemed to have entered while the two of you were having your fun times in the toilets, but you're still on your guard nonetheless, and so is Allie as the two of you exit the restaurant and go back onto the streets, making sure to peek first before you go.

The street is still void of life as well, but the weather has changed in the meantime. Were the storm was first relatively away from you, you can now hear the thunderclaps have gained on your location, and there's no doubt that it's going to rain soon.

As the two of you take a look around your immediate surroundings you see that most buildings are one-floor apartments, with the occasional shop between them, but not really something that's defendable. You do notice however a tall, modern building a couple of streets away from you, most likely a bank or accommodations like apartments or a hotel but you can't really tell with the dark weather, but it's at least six or seven floors high and the top floor seems to be a big office or a penthouse. The emergency ladders also seem to be on the outside, and you're guessing that the only way to reach the top floor is either through the elevator, which probably won't work if there's still a power outage, or through the emergency ladders or the stairs it probably has inside.

The problem, however, is that it's at least half a mile to get there, and you don't know what you might find on the way there. It does seem like you'd have a well defendable vantage point from there though, and after your search you're certain that that building is the best thing around here, so unless you want to travel further to a better defendable location, that's your best bet. You could always hold up in one of the apartments in this street as well, but the windows are low enough for people to get through and the shops have big display windows as well, so they probably aren't your safest bet.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Oct 23, 2016 1:54 pm

"Well Allie, what do you think?" I asked as I looked over some of the options, liking the multi-story hotel or apartment complex but not enjoying the fact that it was so far away. Okay, it wasn't like it was on the other side of the city, but it was far enough away that if there was something out there, waiting for two young women to race out, they could easily be in a big heap of trouble.

"I think we should go ahead and try the big apartment building. Seems like a good option to me, but if you think something else is better we'll go with that."
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:10 pm

"I don't really see any other options, but we should be really careful, maybe avoid the bigger streets and squares.", your companion responds to your question. It is still eerily silent in the city except for a car alarm going off in the distance, but other than that you can't hear anything, no screams, no roars, nothing. There's no way to find out if there is something between you and the building, and if you're going for it, you'll have to watch out and hope for the best.
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