Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Shardoom » Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:55 pm

Getting a pretty big problem with the file uploaded on page 1.
No matter how I try to play it, be it with the flash projector or chrome it simply appears as a flashing/looping screen. (the in-post version on page 1 does the same once loaded too)

If I right click and de-select loop (not sure if it's normal for that to be ticked, never paid any attention before) then it stops and shows me a screen that says 'debug version detected' followed by a long warning. The continue anyway button doesn't work and I can't actually play at all.

I'm fairly sure none of the software I'm using has changed since I played the last version so I'm at a loss, except to suspect there is a problem with the uploaded version?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Oct 16, 2016 2:29 am

Shardoom Wrote:Getting a pretty big problem with the file uploaded on page 1. No matter how I try to play it, be it with the flash projector or chrome it simply appears as a flashing/looping screen. (the in-post version on page 1 does the same once loaded too)

Since yesterday, LOK site is unstable, and my files are not getting uploaded correctly. Some stay corrupted.
Please download from HERE! (Aedler site) (Right click, then SAVE LINK AS)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Kumokumo » Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:37 am

I'm actually getting the same problem as shardoom, and no matter which source i visit (even your page) it end up doing the same thing. I'm not in any rush after all whether i play it two days from now or two months, i still plan on playing it either way, but i would be nice to know what's going on with it and why.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:02 am

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Thanks Ivan. Though I experienced the first bug at the same time I experienced the Nails etc bug. And check the breasts system OK?

I noticed the Breast names and 'By' in the outfit names arent shown. FIXED!

pta_madre Wrote:If you get stuck , you have to press the panic mode and go back to the map world it is more effective that losing a life , btw i hope you fix that bug with the nails ,etc
Great Work this game is awesome !

I hope the nails are now fixed (I was OFF since LOK was with problems 4 days ago).
Thank you for the feedback ;)

Kumokumo Wrote:I haven't played the new update yet, but i've been following the game since the completion of world 2, and i have to say it's come a long way. It was an incredibly ambitious project and yet it's still ticking away slowly reaching the finish line. I'm not surprised a game of this caliber got some bugs on the latest update, what does amaze me is how far it's come. Seriously Ivan, the work you've done (as well as all the help and support you've received from other people, can't disregard them either) is utterly incredible, the fact that you've put this much time and effort into a non-profit game is just inspiring. A few years ago, i don't thing ANYONE would have expected a full length mario H-game, yet here it is. I don't know how many times you've heard this, but i just want to remind you how amazing this is and how grateful we are for your hard work. I do look forward to re-completing the game soon (little busy atm to give the game my full attention, so i'll get to it when i have time. When i play, i play to complete so i hold off playing these things until i can give them the time they deserve haha.) and with any luck some of the small bugs might be fixed by then, though even if they aren't it's not as though i'm going to let that stop me lol.

There's no words to express how I appreciate your feedback. I thank you with all my heart! A parody game where we could do many things at once in a non linear world was a dream since Playshapes era, and I really need to reinforce that he made those big doors open! He envisioned a big world, then I've thought: 'okay, lets make this baby a reality!' A big improvement lately was the XML (although only latin characters, we can translate the XML, calling it 'XML_spanish', for example, then just loading it inside the game will change its language entirely!). I am now rushing towards bugs fixes, then, Level 8-1 and Bowser Castle level. Blargh is doing a great job with animations/scenes and the Bowser scene (the 'last boss') will be soon completed. Then I'll make the rest of the world 8 levels.

Kumokumo Wrote:I'm actually getting the same problem as shardoom, and no matter which source i visit (even your page) it end up doing the same thing. I'm not in any rush after all whether i play it two days from now or two months, i still plan on playing it either way, but i would be nice to know what's going on with it and why.

Perhaps its FIXED now.

Kumokumo Wrote:Also, i love the addition of Krystal. I know it doesn't exactly follow all the rules and guidelines you set for your game's characters and such... but we all love her and since she can never seem to have a complete game of her own, i think this is a nice tribute to her. :D

Yes, and I loooooove Krystal!! :oops: :mrgreen: Gorepete (now Gorepeat) did a GREAT JOB with his Krystal-G game. But the game is not non-linear, that is, there is a time limit and the levels are limited :/ I want to make big games, or at least try ;) As for Krystal portrait in PUT, Miuu did a great job with her art, but it still needs improvement (a more girly version). Let's see ;)

pta_madre Wrote:I have problems here , i got stuck
The attachment stuck 2.png is no longer available
same here
The attachment stuck.png is no longer available


raystinson Wrote:So how do I pass level 4-4 i tried a lot of stuff but nothing seems to work, its that part when she needs to pee to pass through door and she says that there is some wooden toilet but i just can't find it anywhere...
I just want to continue playing cuz game is greatcheers

The wooden toilet is in this part. Its working here!

toilet area.jpg
toilet area.jpg (73.98 KiB) Viewed 1963 times

mozaya1 Wrote:I noticed somethings: 1. LadyBoo [Lesbian Scene]: peach's body is separated while they are fucking each other.

mozaya1 Wrote:2. When Peach fuck any creature in the same place that she been fucked in, the new fucking scene appears behind the old one, if it possible to rearrange the order of layers to always put the new fucking scene above any old scenes.

I'll think about it, as its possible to change layers. I just need to find time. I've put in my 'URGENT- BUGS to FIX and IMPROVEMENTS' list.
mozaya1 Wrote:3. in AS2 version, when peach's belly get increased she wasn't able to jumb high until she farts and decrease her belly size or die, while in AS3 she can jumb easily, is it possible to make this option again and for pregnant mode also!

The problem is that some people find it punishing. I can create an option to activate it (then it will be OFF as default).
mozaya1 Wrote:4. can you add one more option to the little star creatures (like in bonus levels) to heal peach's bumhole to get it closed again, while there only one place in the whole game to heal it.

Hmmmm interesting, I'll think about it!
Thank you!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Kumokumo » Sun Oct 16, 2016 7:40 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Kumokumo Wrote:I'm actually getting the same problem as shardoom, and no matter which source i visit (even your page) it end up doing the same thing. I'm not in any rush after all whether i play it two days from now or two months, i still plan on playing it either way, but i would be nice to know what's going on with it and why.

Perhaps its FIXED now.

Yup, that did it, thanks Ivan. I'll dive into it tomorrow i think :P
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Shardoom » Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:55 am

Right so I downloaded the newer file and it worked, there was however some pretty noticeable bugs that weren't there before the translation update...

The loop 5X addition is great, but, it doesn't seem to apply to many things other than the mushies... Almost all of the goomba anims (might have been all of them tbh) with 5X turned on simply looped once then splooged. I don't really remember any of the anims playing for very long though, which was sort of a let down if I'm honest. The first airship boss went by far too fast, most of the text bubbles were unreadable with 5X turned on.

Another REALLY annoying bug was a lot of the times when pressing up (like when you press up to initiate with a mushroom that's walking about) peach would simply get stuck in the pose. Occasionally I'd be able to break her out of it by hitting masturbate and then moving, most of the time I had to use enter to go back to the world screen.

The cocks in trees didn't behave like they used to either, I'm fairly sure they're supposed to have their own text bubbles pop up, but when I tested them it merely played whatever the last text bubble was from a previous sex act.

Reading back my post looked like a pretty epic complaint/whine but I hope you don't take it that way. This game is soooo much fun and aside from a few bugs (which you normally are very fast at squashing) it is very high quality too. I know within a short timeframe the game will be back to being better than ever.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:13 pm

Shardoom Wrote:Right so I downloaded the newer file and it worked, there was however some pretty noticeable bugs that weren't there before the translation update... The loop 5X addition is great, but, it doesn't seem to apply to many things other than the mushies... Almost all of the goomba anims (might have been all of them tbh) with 5X turned on simply looped once then splooged.

Oh Darn, the code was still with a little problem.
Now its FIXED!
But I noticed there are certain scenes that will still show 'Press SPACE to advance', like when masturbating or when squatting to put a key in her butthole. Now the Auto Play in X times will also affect those!

Shardoom Wrote:Another REALLY annoying bug was a lot of the times when pressing up (like when you press up to initiate with a mushroom that's walking about) peach would simply get stuck in the pose. Occasionally I'd be able to break her out of it by hitting masturbate and then moving, most of the time I had to use enter to go back to the world screen.

You say the toads? It's now FIXED (because the initial problem was above)

Shardoom Wrote:The cocks in trees didn't behave like they used to either, I'm fairly sure they're supposed to have their own text bubbles pop up, but when I tested them it merely played whatever the last text bubble was from a previous sex act.


Shardoom Wrote:Reading back my post looked like a pretty epic complaint/whine but I hope you don't take it that way. This game is soooo much fun and aside from a few bugs (which you normally are very fast at squashing) it is very high quality too. I know within a short timeframe the game will be back to being better than ever.

For sure I'll be grateful of all the possible issues encountered, as the goal is to fix them all (and avoid new ones from appearing due to new code)! Thank you!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby he30ra » Sun Oct 16, 2016 7:17 pm

he30ra Wrote:
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Also the clothing function is broken. Can't remove Peach's garter, stockings at the start of the game. And the breast size feature is not working. What I mean by that is if you set it to "Big" it stays "Normal" and "Normal is "Small" and Small is the same.

Now thats a bug. Nail, Heels, Gloves, Stockings and Garter arent working.

Thanks Ivan. Though I experienced the first bug at the same time I experienced the Nails etc bug. And check the breasts system OK?[/quote]

still no working[/quote]

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:13 am

he30ra Wrote:Thanks Ivan. Though I experienced the first bug at the same time I experienced the Nails etc bug. And check the breasts system OK?
Still no working

Hmmmmm...in your picture, the nail is set as Default. Now its 'None'. Perhaps you're using an old cache. You dont need to reset it (for now). Just try to replace the XML with the default (XMLLanguage_en.xml) in my GITHUB link, so it might be fixed.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby mozaya1 » Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:45 am

When moving over any level icon it should display Press Space to start the level "Keyboard layout 1: righthanded", now it shows: Press KeyEvent.GetNextText() to start the level and also in different scenes like to proceed press KeyEvent.GetNextText() and i loaded the XMLLanguage_en.xml but nothing changed and I searched for this word to change it manually but I found nothing
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:06 am

mozaya1 Wrote:When moving over any level icon it should display Press Space to start the level "Keyboard layout 1: righthanded", now it shows: Press KeyEvent.GetNextText() to start the level and also in different scenes like to proceed press KeyEvent.GetNextText() and i loaded the XMLLanguage_en.xml but nothing changed and I searched for this word to change it manually but I found nothing

The game has an 'inner XML' that we cant change. Its the default language buried inside it.
But I found a bug saturday night that showed those strange KeyEvent.getNextText. I updated the game yestesday and its not occurring here. Do you have the latest version?

PressSPACE.jpg (41.44 KiB) Viewed 1923 times

sy7777 Wrote:I'm finding a constant glitch in witch all playable characters simply vanish at certain spots in the game like the entrance to the ghost house or when i jump on an enemy (unintentional of course)

I ask people if this problem is still occurring with the latest version or not.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Kumokumo » Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:23 pm

By the way Ivan. I found a glitch just now. In world 1-3 in the top right-hand corner of first pipe-room, there's a hole in the point where the wall and ceiling connect, and you can jump through it and get stuck lol. Just a heads up. :P
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:46 pm

Kumokumo Wrote:By the way Ivan. I found a glitch just now. In world 1-3 in the top right-hand corner of first pipe-room, there's a hole in the point where the wall and ceiling connect, and you can jump through it and get stuck lol. Just a heads up. :P

Wha??? Checking!
EDIT: Cant reproduce!
Is this the area? This is the first underground pipe room when you go upwards in an upside-down green pipe. 1-3 is THE FOREST level.
I tried ot jump in every way (using the flower powerup). Did you try to FLY while 'tucking your head' in that interesection in the right (wallxceiling)?

1-3 first pipe area.jpg
1-3 first pipe area.jpg (91.22 KiB) Viewed 1907 times
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Kumokumo » Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:52 pm

Yea, that's the right area, i had the raccoon suit but i forget if it was the real one or the fire flower (which is what i set it as). But basically it's that corner on the screenshot. It happened pretty fast so i couldn't really tell exactly what part of the wall i hit, but what happens is after you go in, you get stuck behind that dark part of the wall. I'll try to reproduce but it might have involved the raccoon tail/suit.

It was pretty effortless really, but then again i've been in that room dozens of time and never hit the wall in a wall that made me pass through it before, so the "effortlessness" might have been sheer luck (or un-luck depending on your perspective.)

I've been working at it, but i think it might have been a one off. It's possible it was a combination of lag, angle, jump timing, and placement that makes it pretty hard to do. It might have had a lot to do with lag cause i had a lot of windows open at the time, either way even though there IS something there, it seems like it's hard enough to do that it probably shouldn't be an issue. And if someone does get in there you can always pop your life, or go to world map to escape. Which reminds me, my laptop does not have a del button. So i can't suicide. Stupid pro-life Macbook... :roll: :lol:
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Trando » Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:30 pm

Hi ... I have an idea ... every time she gets pregnant, she can turn to a mom ... so she can feed her baby ,in her private room.. and if u can ... if anyone fucks her in the pussy she gets pregnant even from bosses
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:32 pm

Kumokumo Wrote:I've been working at it, but i think it might have been a one off. It's possible it was a combination of lag, angle, jump timing, and placement that makes it pretty hard to do. It might have had a lot to do with lag cause i had a lot of windows open at the time, either way even though there IS something there, it seems like it's hard enough to do that it probably shouldn't be an issue. And if someone does get in there you can always pop your life, or go to world map to escape. Which reminds me, my laptop does not have a del button. So i can't suicide. Stupid pro-life Macbook... :roll: :lol:

Hmmmmm well, Flash has bugs regarding collision check during lag, so I cant do anything other than increase the collision area in those walls.
Hmmmm no DEL button? I may add another way to lose a life (perhaps a skull icon next to her portrait/horny bar)?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby JJPG » Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:56 pm

the size of the breasts doesnt change
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Kumokumo » Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:45 pm

ya, Ivan is working on that from what i hear, something about the new update got messed up when the site when down so it's causing weird problems.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 17/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:57 am

Game updated (still 3.21):

- NEW: Now you can click in 'LIVES number' of the princess (next to her horny bar in the HUD) to make her lose a life in case you cant press DEL key (if you're using a MAC for example).
- ADDED a text informing the player if DEL key doesnt work, like if Peach is using a pipe or in a level she can lose a life, avoiding - or trying to avoid - entire game crashes).
- BUG FIX: Some XML and screen problems.
- BUG FIX: Boobs arent being changed in the options menu.
- Glitch Fix: When changing her belly in a way the BELLY MAX was smaller than her current belly, or BELLY MIN being bigger in the options, her belly wasnt changing.

JJPG Wrote:the size of the breasts doesnt change

Please test it once again. If it doesnt change in the outfit room, please also check if Boob Max and Boob Min havent the same values in the OPTIONS screen. Those lock the size changes!

Just to remember:
Shadowwolf92 Wrote:#4: In moy actual gameplay, i laid a lot of goombas.. but never got peach pregnant, while the mushrooms at marios pad did it after the first sex.. is this normal, even with 20% chance to get pregnant?

Yes, it's normal. Its really rare to get pregnant with default settings (10% of chance). And she must be with 'pregnant' mode ON, and with a scene that HAS a vaginal penetration.
When you put HIGH chance in the options, it increases to 33%.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 17/16)

Postby Shardoom » Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:25 am

So yesterday I decided to put aside some time and do a run through of the game. My it was so much fun lol, I decided to make Peach an absolute slut that fucked everything that moved, so needless to say getting to world 8 took quite a lot of time.
Thankfully though I didn't run into the can't proceed past world 2 bug in the bunker, at all. Seems like Ivan has finally squashed that bug for good.
Another delightful surprise was when I wasn't really paying much attention and Peach got caught by the Lakitu's *fishing line* "Oh fuck!" I thought to myself, as this has bugged out on me without fail every single time I'd tried before, to the point where I just actively avoided them... This time though it worked flawlessy, awesome I thought so I did it again, worked again, I saw two different scene from the Lakitu and played with them every time I saw one, didn't bug out once.

The swivel fence worked great, though they didn't seem to be much point to them? Hopefully you'll build on that in the future.

On the not so great side though, the bug that you said you fixed Ivan, with the tree glory holes etc, with the correct message not displaying in the text bubble, it's still broken, still plays text from the last sex act.

The boob size was weird too, min size always appeared properly, max size (when enough shrooms had been eaten) appeared properly too, the sizes inbetween didn't want to appear most of the time though. (but occasionally they would, which was quite confusing)

I saw quite a lot of the TXT_Key_ text type xml errors too, sometimes at the bottom of the screen, sometimes in bubbles. This is a shame. Sadly I didn't keep note of where they were though.

I'm not sure if there is suppose to be an interaction with Wario yet, I've never been to club 69 before, however when pressing up on him it just locked peach up, every time. I tried about half a dozen times (followed by frantically spamming all the ways I could think of to unstick peach) eventually I just gave up disappointed. lol

Don Pianta works, you can press different buttons to get different sex acts from him, but the options don't appear, it was just by luck that i tested out pressing 1, 2 3 etc. The onscreen prompt merely shows 'press space'.

in Peach's wardrobe, the press 5 option to 'drop her butt on it' wouldn't work, all the other buttons did however.

The option to give Peach's cherry to Mario still popped up even though Peach had been a complete slut the entire time, had fucked anything and everything that moved and had an asshole you could drive a car through, which I found funny. Unfortunately though it didn't work, just made Peach dissappear. (though it did work in the Gallery)

One kind of irritating and recurring issue was after going to the bunker (and also starting a lot of levels, going to new cells) peach would enter into a phantom sex act. The options shown indicated it was the pile of mushrooms that Peach can fuck, though they weren't actually there. (like the ones found outside Mario's house) Peach didn't get stuck in them, you could actually use the options. (though I generally just pressed space, looked weird)

I didn't use auto-save at all on this playthrough, since I saw you post that it was broken, I use the save to file option. Used it a lot and reloaded a fair few times too, seemed to work fine, if a bit of a ball ache... Hopefully the 'regular' way of saving will get repaired.

The Toad in that house in toad town still causes a bug though. Not one of the houses you go into, he's looking out of the windows, bobs down when you approach and there's another wanking in the background. If you try and fuck this one, Peach just vanishes, this bug has existed every version I've played on too.

There seems to be an odd issue with Peach's hands... Whenever you have her naked, sometimes her hands just go completely dark pink, like her nail colour... An easy way to replicate it is to have her do the 'drunk' type walk, the hands stay pink all through that animation...

I'm not sure if it's intentional but Peach's cum splattered state gets mirrored on daisy in world 2. If Peach is clean, Daisy is, if she's cum soaked, so is Daisy...

There are still quite a few confusing (badly written, though I know English is not your primary so I understand) balloons/prompts. Things like 'Unstucked' or Peach telling wiggly that her ass is inside him etc. I remember reading somewhere that someone is working on this with you so I didn't bother making notes on the bad ones. Next time though I think I'll take notes and write down some plausible alternatives, if that is fine with you.

When you finally get to world 8 and see Mario, this little interaction button seems a bit wonky. It doesn't highlight with the cursor, I thought it was broken for ages until I stumbled upon a tiny little piece of the edge of the circle that I could click on to see the ending.

Last but not least isn't a bug, but, FUCK ME SIDEWAYS the final airship level is just fucking horrible. I'd done it before and felt the same, but this time, after playing for so long in one go, then dying eleventy five fucking BILLION times on the final few jumps I started to get annoyed. Not to mention after you die and go back to the start, the screws start to get janky and don't go the right direction, or work at all sometimes. This level is not fun, AT ALL.
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