PokéMorph (Discontinued)

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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dead2112man » Sun Sep 25, 2016 3:45 am

trial and error, best way possible, but unless I recall, just speaking out load here, the only building that could possible have the "Doctor" in is given a hint towards which building before the explosion by a scientist looking guy and then team Rocket leaving it shortly after. and while I could understand forgetting the fact that the Oak tells you to talk to the "doctor" back in Viridian if you save and then not play for quite a while. But as you said, you just started. And I am just fine with that, you have just pointed out something we might have to consider adding, some way, for those that lose their place, a character or object that reminds what the next goal is. Maybe it could be the phones, or the police officers in each town.
Out of curiosity, sense you said you like how there was more story in this over Humbird0's, did you skip or simply glance over the conversation with oak after the explosion?

If any of the members want me to delete this post, just say so and I will.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Darkar_Jeem » Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:57 am

What happened with me was just me forgetting. I was playing it up until Oak Sends off to find Dr Magnus. The thing is I have a younger brother who has a mental and physical disability. He called me right at the end of the Conversation with Oak. I had to rush so I could Save, and then go help him. By the time I finished helping him I had to start cleaning the rest of the house and watch our dogs. I did not get back until yesterday evening which at that point I kinda forgot Where exactly I had to look. I knew he was in Viridian. So it was just me forgetting, I apologize for this and Thank you again for the help.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:19 am

You'received fine, Deadman.

I don'the think it'does be too difficult to fit the officers with ano 'Ask' button to give directions to the building. That might help a bit.

Piggybacking off of one of Val's previous posts regarding the release date.

It won't be long before he's finished coding Chapter 2, which has turned out to be A LOT bigger than originally anticipated. I think the second half of chapter 2 will have more packed into than chapter 1 and the first half combined. Not to mention the base pokedex is done which makes scene development so much easier.

That was the good news. Now for the bad stuff.

Even if Val finishes coding we're still a long way from releasing the rest of the chapter. I made the executive decision that we'll not be releasing it until all artwork, or at least the line art, is caught up. No more releasing incomplete chapters with no artwork.

So if any artists are lurking about now would be the time to come out of hiding and help out.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dead2112man » Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:03 am

Darkar_Jeem Wrote:What happened with me was just me forgetting. I was playing it up until Oak Sends off to find Dr Magnus. The thing is I have a younger brother who has a mental and physical disability. He called me right at the end of the Conversation with Oak. I had to rush so I could Save, and then go help him. By the time I finished helping him I had to start cleaning the rest of the house and watch our dogs. I did not get back until yesterday evening which at that point I kinda forgot Where exactly I had to look. I knew he was in Viridian. So it was just me forgetting, I apologize for this and Thank you again for the help.

I am more happy that you focused on real life then are game, so thank you.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby DarkDim » Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:18 pm

After i talk to jenny in pewter and leave to route 3 i cant actually progress anywhere. Willow will talk to me but she wont be there in front of the rocks, nor is she anywhere on that route. If im supposed to find an HM like rock-smash or strength i have no clue where it is or if its a bug i'd like to bring it up. Also if this topic has already been discussed in the comments here my bad i haven't went through all currently 23 pages
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby ValturNaa » Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:46 pm

Follow the foot prints.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby NWLCJonSnow » Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:45 am

Hey Guys! Hope you can help me! Can I delete a Topic I created myself? And if how do I have to do it? Thank you in advance. Much appreciated.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dapper Gent » Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:47 am

I believe the best, and possibly only way, to do so is to contact a moderator and request that the thread be deleted.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby NWLCJonSnow » Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:42 am

ok. thank you a lot.
Nate Stark: >Oh, "monster". Perhaps you should speak to me more softly then. Monsters are dangerous and, just now, kings are dying like flies.< by G.R.R. Martin A Song of Ice and Fire Book 3 A Storm of Swords
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby MaxHex » Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:55 am

when will the next update be
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dead2112man » Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:38 pm

in a short while, the artist we currently have are doing there best to get all the art that had not been finished for the past few updates and the art for the current update for we don't to keep using no image, as for game development, is close if not finished for the next chapter. If any you want us to speed up the process, we are looking a scene artist to speed up that process and I believe a sketch artist where the entire thing, shading and all, is done only via pencil for one of the characters draws like that.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dapper Gent » Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:25 am

What Deadman said, minus the sketching. We haven't implemented anything for that yet. We'really waiting for someone with that skill to get involved before doing so.

But yes, we need a scene artist quite badly. I've been kept busy for several days now and have not made any headway in terms of art development.

I believe Val is about reasy to close up the chapter. We just need to catch up in art.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Hunden » Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:46 am

The back of Eevee looks a little ... big. But that is the only finger I can set. Alle the other look good. Special Nidoran F and M. They look so cute.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby ValturNaa » Mon Oct 10, 2016 3:22 pm

Big as in the whole pose looks too large or as in her ass looks too big for her body?
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Hunden » Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:38 pm

ValturNaa Wrote:Big as in the whole pose looks too large or as in her ass looks too big for her body?

It is me you are asking? It look like it. I mean she look fat, thick, overweight, me, just name it.

But I have also come to think about Tauros. She would perhaps be better as an futanari, like Nidoran.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby Dapper Gent » Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:15 pm

I've considered turning Tauros into futanari as it does fit into the role we set for futas. Males with no female variations are turned into futas as the virus recognizes them as a separate species that needs to breed but cannot do so themselves.

I also explained early on that when I first started playing Pokemon years ago I saw specific Pokemon as counterparts due to the lack of a gender system. Hitmonlee being male, Hitmonchan being female and Mr. Mime being male and Jynx being the paired female. In Tauros' case, that would make it futa with Miltank being it's female counterpart.

I'll leave it to a poll option when we get to that point.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby nizagam » Sat Oct 15, 2016 8:20 am

Hi I think i found a bug with the damage calculation / display.
In the first area there are lvl 1 Pokemon which have 10 HP and i trained Bay to lvl 3.
If i use the attack "Tackle" the text says it did 5 dmg. 10 HP - 5 dmg should be 5 HP but the hitbar shows 4.
If i use "Pebble" afterwards which does 4 dmg 1 HP is left, which is correct because 10 HP - 5 dmg - 4 dmg = 1 HP but it does not fit together with the displayed health after the first attack.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby ValturNaa » Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:29 pm

This is built into the engine. The damage applied to actual HP, and HP itself, uses floating point values. The HP display and text box do not. So what you're probably seeing is 5.5 damage which gets rounded down to 5 when posted to dialog, but on the HP display rounds down to 4. HP is unable to display a zero until it reaches zero, so you were probably seeing 0.5 health or so. Unfortunately that's one of the many points I will be unable to fix until we migrate to our own engine.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby ChaoticGear » Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:08 am

Has anyone made a Walkthrough for this?
i'm stuck just after the camp where the Guy is fixing the road and says come back later, nothing I do does anything at this point.
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Re: [Pokedex Complete] Pokemon: Pink Version (Update 12/18/1

Postby ValturNaa » Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:58 pm

Try following Bay's advice and heading home to wait. And no, to my knowledge no one has made a walk-through yet.
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