Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby LarsR » Tue Oct 04, 2016 6:51 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:I am having a hard time translating the game.
Not because its hard to make, but because there are many text to change.
I want to release the first version of i18n still tonight or tomorrow, so at least you guys can improve it or change the scene dialogues to your languages (latin - ASCII 128 supported so far)

That's great news! :D

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
LarsR Wrote:Yes, the options screen would be a logical place.

What do you mean by 'being a local place'?

LarsR Wrote:It would also be good enough if players just had to open the XML file from the options screen, like loading savegame from file. Some themes that you approve could off course be included in the game itself as well, and be directly selected from the options screen.

I hope this not mean opening the entire XML for editing, because you can just use a XML editor like Notepad++. By selecting themes (say, a tag like <themes> where the player lists the ones that exists in the xml), the 'theme selector' in OPTIONS screen can just read this <themes> tag and list it, like a dynamic selection box. If the player has 100 themes, but no theme is used throughout the XML, the default will be used.

I see there's a bit of confusion about what I meant. But we probably have something similar in mind. What I meant is, that in the options screen, there should be some method to change the language/theme. I guess that each language/theme is in a seperate XML file. I think there are 2 things needed in the option screen to let the players change this: First, a list from which you can choose a builtin language or theme (the XML files for these are stored inside the swf file.). Secondly, there should also be a button that is labeled "open custom XML". That button will open up a file chooser dialog, which lets you choose an XML file on your local disk. That way, you can use a downloaded or home-made XML file as well (which you indeed edit with an editor like Notepad++).
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby Shadowwolf92 » Thu Oct 06, 2016 11:25 am

Hey guys,

i really like this game so far. I've got a few things i'd like to mention/ ask about:

#1: How can i leave the sewers in peachs castle? The only way i see is to lose a life

#2: My character disappears, when i want to continue the dialogue for sex at the mushroom house in the forest after Mushroom town

#3: It seems that local safegames on PC are messed up, when i click "restart" game. I also sometimes cannot load a savegame until i close the game and start again.

#4: In moy actual gameplay, i laid a lot of goombas.. but never got peach pregnant, while the mushrooms at marios pad did it after the first sex.. is this normal, even with 20% chance to get pregnant?

Greetings to all and keep on the good work, Ivan
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby Matniz » Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:58 pm

I have a question. I am playing hard mode and its just stupif. The random enemies is nota problem if u not get the guy on the cloud that makes peach disppear and i have to redo the leve. If i kill and enemy it does the same thing and sometimes it does it radomly when i am just walking. I have benn playing for 90 minitues and i cant pass level 3 because i need to reset all the time. Can someone answer if that is intencional of just a bug?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby Shadowwolf92 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 9:40 pm

Hello again,

is it a known bug that Peach changes her appearance after loading a savegame? i actually chose tanned Peach and after laoding my savegame i noticed she has changed to normal Peach.. at the same time, she's correctly shown in the menu.


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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Oct 09, 2016 2:37 pm

I finally GOT it! The game CAN be translated! But please read below!!!!
I'll be answering people in up to a few minutes or hours.

Update 3.21 (9th October 2016)
- NEW: **HUGE** Internationalization (i18n) in the game! My GITHUB (in order for you to translate to your latin compliant language) is HERE!
But warning! If you change the language during the game, the game WILL RESTART (so it will apply the changes). You can change/translate ALL scenes and screens. Its almost 300 scenes and more than 20 screens, so PLENTY of text, including all Koopalings! But remember, the INTRO (LOADER) screen, SCENE NAMES in the gallery (like 'Deep Throat' for goomba), and CREATURE NAMES not into XML yet. If you notice a given text was not mapped into XML (e.g. a given screen or scene), please tell me which text its appearing in which screen or scene in the game. No UTF-8 yet, so sorry, no way to make it japanese or other non-latin language. In order to apply your XML, you have to download the XML as a template in my GITHUB link in the first thread of my post in LOK or Aedler site, then you can work on it and make pull requests, calling it another name, like XMLLanguage_african.xml, to maintain the convention. Then you go to the game (main screen, where NEW GAME is), then click in the pinky bottom button: 'Change Language'). It will open a popup where you will select the XML from a folder. Then the game will restart with the changes. It must have no syntax errors, or the game will return to the last working loaded XML. You can also change the language in the OPTIONS screen (in 'TEXT and INFO' header).
- NEW: In the options screen, 'EXTRAS' header, now you can configure scene loops (During Scenes...) for 3x, 4x and 5x, instead of 'no loop' and 2x.
- NEW: Xnaut achievement art by TripFlip!
- NEW: Charlieton scene 2 by Blargh! To see it, just talk to him and select '3) Steal coins from him!', then talk to him again and select it once again!
- CHANGED: Toad dialogues changed to 'Princess Perspective'. He will now say his phrase, then you press NEXT KEY ('SPACE' in keyboard type 1) and Peach will say "Give him some relieft? 1) With my hands, etc...." instead of "1) Allure her to play with your dick, 2) Make her suck you, etc".

translated game example.jpg
translated game example.jpg (19.42 KiB) Viewed 2194 times

- Version 0.1! This work was one of the BIGGEST of the game! You can finally translate it! We surely should be proud of this control! But due to Mario and other fonts, characters like '㡢 ࡧ' are not supported-.
- Although too early, it already covers up 95% of the game (more than 5,000 lines!), and ALL creature scenes (well, perhaps some exceptions might appear)! Certain screens, scene names in the gallery, buttons and DESCRIPTION (tale) texts of the achievements and diary are NOT in the XML yet.
- UTF8 chars NOT supported because fonts used in the game is NOT UTF8, please use LATIN (ASCII) only.
- You should use a good XML editor. Notepad++ is great because it will be colored differently, easing your work.
- You DONT need to translate text inside <!- ->
- Please BE CAREFUL about not closing tags or other misses. Incomplete or errors in XML will give a'XML load error' message or give unexpected behavior in the game!
- Its not possible to change some text, like Princess and Creature names (e.g. if you want to call Peach as 'Pêssego' or Goomba as 'Gumpa', you wont be able to do so). This is due to XML and the game limitations. If I figure it out in the future, I can implement it.
- \\u is UNICODE character. It s NOT working currently, even if it's present. To work in the future.
- Please translate observing the placement of \n. Its the line breaker. I use them many times just to adjust (centralize) text better. If you translate a given phrase and you see the text is trespassing the balloon, you can force its break by adding a \n. Dont use <br/>!
You can live without \n, but certain balloons will be 'very empty' without them, or the first line might trespass it a bit because of the curve of the balloon.
- I use 'loop="1a", "1b"', etc (that is, variations) to give ALTERNATIVE words according to the logic inside the scene, like if Peach is a nymph or if her...asshole is swollen.
- There are scenes with same messages. This can occur. You can also make them different, if you want more variety.
- Please DONT change variables (those inside { } ), or the game will malfunction!
- If any errors (or something in the game that doesnt have a tag here to be able to translate, or a text that trespasses buttons/boundaries), please contact me on Legend of Krystal site (ivanaedler). But remember I already told above that DESCRIPTION (tale) texts, Diary, etc, arent in this XML yet.

I am now VERY tired and I'll rest.

Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Oct 10, 2016 3:24 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Oct 09, 2016 3:07 pm

LarsR Wrote:I see there's a bit of confusion about what I meant. But we probably have something similar in mind. What I meant is, that in the options screen, there should be some method to change the language/theme. I guess that each language/theme is in a seperate XML file. I think there are 2 things needed in the option screen to let the players change this: First, a list from which you can choose a builtin language or theme (the XML files for these are stored inside the swf file.). Secondly, there should also be a button that is labeled "open custom XML". That button will open up a file chooser dialog, which lets you choose an XML file on your local disk. That way, you can use a downloaded or home-made XML file as well (which you indeed edit with an editor like Notepad++).

But thats what the game is working now. Its exactly like that. As for the themes, the 'selector' can load up more themes according to what people added/changed in the XML file. But this.....is for the future!

doctor brown.jpg
doctor brown.jpg (18.09 KiB) Viewed 2190 times

Shadowwolf92 Wrote:Hey guys, i really like this game so far. I've got a few things i'd like to mention/ ask about: #1: How can i leave the sewers in peachs castle? The only way i see is to lose a life

You have to jump in the 'large green pipe' in the top, while pressing UP key. Its just how Super Mario 1 and others work.

Shadowwolf92 Wrote:#2: My character disappears, when i want to continue the dialogue for sex at the mushroom house in the forest after Mushroom town

Hmm perhaps its due to CAMERA problems, I'll check later!

Shadowwolf92 Wrote:#3: It seems that local safegames on PC are messed up, when i click "restart" game. I also sometimes cannot load a savegame until i close the game and start again.

Yes, its an 'old problem' by now. I just havent time to fix it, and now that the HUGE translation of the game via XML is now possible, I need some days to breathe.

Shadowwolf92 Wrote:#4: In moy actual gameplay, i laid a lot of goombas.. but never got peach pregnant, while the mushrooms at marios pad did it after the first sex.. is this normal, even with 20% chance to get pregnant?

Yes, it's normal. Its really rare to get pregnant with default settings (10% of chance). And she must be with 'pregnant' mode ON, and with a scene that HAS a vaginal penetration.
If you put 'HIGH' in the options screen, the chance increases to 33%.

Shadowwolf92 Wrote:Greetings to all and keep on the good work, Ivan

Thanks! Regards!

Matniz Wrote:I have a question. I am playing hard mode and its just stupif. The random enemies is nota problem if u not get the guy on the cloud that makes peach disppear and i have to redo the leve. If i kill and enemy it does the same thing and sometimes it does it radomly when i am just walking. I have benn playing for 90 minitues and i cant pass level 3 because i need to reset all the time. Can someone answer if that is intencional of just a bug?

Are you saying Peach is still disappearing in certain lakitu scenes? And if you kill the enemy it does the same thing? (Peach disappears again?). Could you please retest with the latest version?
Those ARE NOT intentional, those are bugs, nasty bugs! :evil: I need to check them!

Shadowwolf92 Wrote:Hello again, is it a known bug that Peach changes her appearance after loading a savegame? i actually chose tanned Peach and after laoding my savegame i noticed she has changed to normal Peach.. at the same time, she's correctly shown in the menu.

When this occurs, the load slot is corrupted, you can check if she was in her Castle area (other levels are reset). Its a known bug with local slot files.
You can play with 'save to clipboard' feature (if I am not mistaken, that is working).
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Matniz » Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:35 pm

I dont know why but i encoutered an enourmous amount of bugs with 3.21. I am using flash 20 btw. I cant see a lot of text in options and outfit room can change a lot of stuff text is buggy and some other stuff ill try to fix it somehow. Also hardmod bugs still teh same.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Oct 09, 2016 6:14 pm

Matniz Wrote:I dont know why but i encoutered an enourmous amount of bugs with 3.21. I am using flash 20 btw. I cant see a lot of text in options and outfit room can change a lot of stuff text is buggy and some other stuff ill try to fix it somehow. Also hardmod bugs still teh same.

Did you click on 'RESET SAVES'? I am afraid this huge update will render last saves deprecated :/
Here is the current options screen (when you enter the game the first time without loading any XML):

new options screen.jpg
new options screen.jpg (145.14 KiB) Viewed 2180 times

I havent fixed any bug, I was in a SAGA, converting more than 5,000 lines, I am not two aedlers unfortunatelly >;/
But I'll be dealing with the bugs from now on, before making new levels.
For example, now that you say it, I noticed the texts are truncated above. Its not respecting the current SPACING options (like 2,6pixels height and 0,5pixels width of each letter). This is Flash, not me. I'll see what can I do.

EDIT: FIXED text bug!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby CaptainFalcon9000 » Mon Oct 10, 2016 2:42 am

Where does one find Charlieton again?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Oct 10, 2016 3:24 am

Now the DESCRIPTION TEXT (Tales of Achievements) and Diary entries are in the XML!

CaptainFalcon9000 Wrote:Where does one find Charlieton again?

You have to revisit Toad Town more often.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:05 am

I noticed some major bugs in this update. I'll have some pics showing you them later Ivan but one major bug is you can't interact with anything (i.e. entering doors in Peach's Castle, talking to Toads, etc) Also the clothing function is broken. Can't remove Peach's garter, stockings at the start of the game. And the breast size feature is not working. What I mean by that is if you set it to "Big" it stays "Normal" and "Normal is "Small" and Small is the same.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Oct 10, 2016 11:00 am

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:I noticed some major bugs in this update. I'll have some pics showing you them later Ivan but one major bug is you can't interact with anything (i.e. entering doors in Peach's Castle, talking to Toads, etc)

Perhaps you downloaded the game hours before your post, in the time I was already fixing certain bugs.

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Also the clothing function is broken. Can't remove Peach's garter, stockings at the start of the game. And the breast size feature is not working. What I mean by that is if you set it to "Big" it stays "Normal" and "Normal is "Small" and Small is the same.

Now thats a bug. Nail, Heels, Gloves, Stockings and Garter arent working.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Mon Oct 10, 2016 7:20 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:I noticed some major bugs in this update. I'll have some pics showing you them later Ivan but one major bug is you can't interact with anything (i.e. entering doors in Peach's Castle, talking to Toads, etc)

Perhaps you downloaded the game hours before your post, in the time I was already fixing certain bugs.

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Also the clothing function is broken. Can't remove Peach's garter, stockings at the start of the game. And the breast size feature is not working. What I mean by that is if you set it to "Big" it stays "Normal" and "Normal is "Small" and Small is the same.

Now thats a bug. Nail, Heels, Gloves, Stockings and Garter arent working.

Thanks Ivan. Though I experienced the first bug at the same time I experienced the Nails etc bug. And check the breasts system OK?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby pta_madre » Mon Oct 10, 2016 8:03 pm

If you get stuck , you have to press the panic mode and go back to the map world it is more effective that losing a life , btw i hope you fix that bug with the nails ,etc
Great Work this game is awesome !
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Kumokumo » Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:10 pm

I haven't played the new update yet, but i've been following the game since the completion of world 2, and i have to say it's come a long way. It was an incredibly ambitious project and yet it's still ticking away slowly reaching the finish line. I'm not surprised a game of this caliber got some bugs on the latest update, what does amaze me is how far it's come. Seriously Ivan, the work you've done (as well as all the help and support you've received from other people, can't disregard them either) is utterly incredible, the fact that you've put this much time and effort into a non-profit game is just inspiring. A few years ago, i don't thing ANYONE would have expected a full length mario H-game, yet here it is. I don't know how many times you've heard this, but i just want to remind you how amazing this is and how grateful we are for your hard work. I do look forward to re-completing the game soon (little busy atm to give the game my full attention, so i'll get to it when i have time. When i play, i play to complete so i hold off playing these things until i can give them the time they deserve haha.) and with any luck some of the small bugs might be fixed by then, though even if they aren't it's not as though i'm going to let that stop me lol.

Also, i love the addition of Krystal. I know it doesn't exactly follow all the rules and guidelines you set for your game's characters and such... but we all love her and since she can never seem to have a complete game of her own, i think this is a nice tribute to her. :D
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby pta_madre » Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:28 pm

I have problems here , i got stuck
stuck 2.png
same here
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby raystinson » Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:03 pm

So how do I pass level 4-4 i tried a lot of stuff but nothing seems to work, its that part when she needs to pee to pass through door and she says that there is some wooden toilet but i just can't find it anywhere...
I just want to continue playing cuz game is great
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby he30ra » Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:44 pm

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Also the clothing function is broken. Can't remove Peach's garter, stockings at the start of the game. And the breast size feature is not working. What I mean by that is if you set it to "Big" it stays "Normal" and "Normal is "Small" and Small is the same.

Now thats a bug. Nail, Heels, Gloves, Stockings and Garter arent working.
FIXING IT![/quote]

Thanks Ivan. Though I experienced the first bug at the same time I experienced the Nails etc bug. And check the breasts system OK?[/quote]

still no working
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby mozaya1 » Sat Oct 15, 2016 3:10 pm

I noticed somethings:

1. LadyBoo [Lesbian Scene]: peach's body is separated while they are fucking each other.

2. When Peach fuck any creature in the same place that she been fucked in, the new fucking scene appears behind the old one, if it possible to rearrange the order of layers to always put the new fucking scene above any old scenes.

3. in AS2 version, when peach's belly get increased she wasn't able to jumb high until she farts and decrease her belly size or die, while in AS3 she can jumb easily, is it possible to make this option again and for pregnant mode also!

4. can you add one more option to the little star creatures (like in bonus levels) to heal peach's bumhole to get it closed again, while there only one place in the whole game to heal it.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Oct 15, 2016 5:27 pm

LOK OFF during almost 3 days.
More info Here

Error 522.jpg

This and my broken HD destroyed my focus on the game and fixes for some days (I'll return after day 16).
I'll be answering posts and fixing yet other bugs in the next days only. Glad to understand.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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