Elana Champion of Lust Chap2 βeta 1- Updated(01/31/2019)

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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Kumokumo » Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:43 am

Space Cat Wrote:Ok I spent a night playing alpha 3, so I'ma give some in depth feedback.

I could not beat the final boss. I don't think it's possible with the current set up. I had maxed out stats and to even have a chance at beating the 3 on 1 fight, the enemies would have to start the fight with no mana (maybe even no mana regain either). The 3 enemies can do a total of round 50 points damage and healing potion only gives you 50 points. It's just a matter of time before you loose with that math.

Still can't use magic in fights, no matter what I try. I'm assuming it's not implemented yet.

I don't like mini games and quick time events BUT the ones in the game are quite tame and look good, so it's not an issue for me.

The training part of the game is a bit at odds with the theme of the game. You have to not get the sexy scenes to win the training. It would be better if, the better you did at training, the more sexy scenes you got while training. Not a big deal since I got the books and only had to train a few times to max out stats but it's something to consider, if more training will be required in the future.

Two things I always tell people when it comes to sexy games. #1: DON'T MAKE PLAYERS GRIND. And IF you ARE going to make them grind, make SURE there are sexy incentives to do so. Such as, more scenes and sexy things happening WHILE you are grinding. #2 keep the game MORE fun than challenging. Challenging is good but if you spend more time beating the game than your meat, well, the game has balance issues.

That being said. So far this game is doing very well with balance. There were only a few things I didn't have fun with. The final fight was super annoying and I had to grind A LOT to get enough money for all the potions required to even get to the 3 stage of the final fight. I'm assuming this will get worked out as time goes though.

Personally I would remove or change the event where the guards catch Elana at night and send her back to bed beat up. This happens A LOT. Does nothing for the story or enjoyment of the game and gets in the way of exploring areas at night. In fact, I would not have any night events automatically send you to bed, effectively ending your night.

Though I was able to use the water magic skill on the town center and ocean side, I wasn't able to use it on the hot springs. I didn't get to it till way way late in the game though, so maybe that's why. Not sure if this is a bug or not. I noticed at that point, I could no longer use it anywhere else either. Not sure if that's because I already had 100% influence on all areas, or because I had already run all the scenes for it on the town center and beach.

It would be nice, if once you unlocked working on the farm, it was always available when you visited. Instead of having to pop in and out till you find the farm girl and hope she isn't just masturbating with vegetables. Not that I want to loose that scene! In fact I wish it was animated and you could catch her using more kinds of vegetables. Maybe make working an option you can always click on at the farm, separate from the farm girl.

Love the new look inside the castle!

Love the new way you get to the mountains!

Love all the extra areas! Can't wait for there to be things to do there.

Love how the fights are set up. When you attack an enemy, you get a sexy scene. When you beat an enemy, you get a sexy scene. THIS IS EXACTLY HOW FIGHTING SHOULD BE IN A SEXY GAME! This is an example of the player's incentive actually MATCHING the theme of the game. Kudos to knot games for getting this right, when so many others get it dead wrong! I look forward to and encourage more sexy animations for fight moves and finishing moves.

It would be awesome if, when the magic skills are implemented in fights, one of Elana's magic attacks makes enemies start sexing other enemies for a set number of turns, effectly turning your enemies against each other. This would be great amusement. Add more opportunities for animations AND most importantly, give you a way to temporarily disable/reverse a few opponents, so you can focus your attacks on one enemy. In fact, this kind of attack, is a must unless Elana is given the ability to attack multiple times in a turn. The rpg turn based fighting is in serious danger of being broken otherwise, because the player only ever has one character to fight with (that is unless you add other characters to your party but I personally think that might be getting a little too complicated).

Even after spirit green dick made me the dress, I still could not enter the mountain. I'm assuming it's not implemented yet.

Minor glitch. If you are in the alchemy academy and you click on a person to see your interaction options but then immediately click to go inside the main doors to the boss, the eye ball icon will stay floating in the air the whole fight.

Minor glitch with the skin tone of enemies not matching animations during fights.

One thing I've been putting off mentioning but I will now. This game seems to have a case of the “not gays”. There are a lot of girl on girl scenes (yes they're awesome) but no male on male anything, anywhere. Now, I'm not asking for wild gay orgies but a few mild animations/pics would be nice to show Elana's magic is sexually liberating the people, not just giving them a radically different flavor of oppression. If girls are going bi, men should too, at least a little.

For instance. You could have the kissing couple by the houses, 2 guys. Very vanilla and it gets the point across without offending. You could have one of the many “oh your boner is poking between my legs” pics be of 2 guys. The scene where the king transforms and grabs the girl who's with the nobleman. You could have the king make both the girl AND the nobleman do oral (one on either side of the dick). This would be hilarious and sexy at the same time. There are many other things you could do as well, like maybe a mermale in the ocean fondling up some male swimmers. Now I know, a lot of people will probably flame the idea. I'm not going to stop liking your game if you don't add male/male, but, it would be nice, to have just a little male bi-sexuality. It wouldn't take much but it would reinforce the theme of the game. Elana braking the sexual oppression of the land.

And, no, I'm NOT talking about adding futa. Dicks girls are way way over done these days. On a side note, I think if Elana does anything like that, she should use spirit green dick as a strap on. Maybe he could suction himself to her clit or something. Personally, I wont be crying if we never see gender morphing. It really is way over used. to the point where I don't even find it sexy anymore (sad times indeed yah?).

Anyhoo. That's my feedback. I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of stuff but this is long enough already heh (sorry about that >.<;).

Whew.... a lot to cover. I'm not going to hit the whole thing just bits and pieces. Before i start though, I'd like to say i just aced the game and liked what changes i saw (took me a few hours to be certain of the "Ace" status though). Great game, LOVE Elena, and her assorted friends (particularly Hanna, i Love that girl XD). Anyways, all that aside it's time to address the Elephant in the room (by which i'm obviously referring the Behemoth of a Text-wall, that i just so inconsiderately re-posted for [in]convenience.) So sit back, grab a beer, and let's dissect this monster together!! :D

First off, it's very possible to beat the Arch-mage, you just need the right system. In the third fight, just open with Spirt from, then use appeal, and spontaneous arousal. Then spirit form wears off, re-use it and start spamming magic wind until the twins exhaust their mana (make sure to focus only 1 of them) trying to remain in spirit form as much as you can and you can throw in a couple kisses to give some DoT. You may need a few potions, but once you do that it's easy, you can just masturbate till the other two are at about 50-60% hp, then hit them both with wind and you win. As far as potions go, 5 Hp, 5 energy, and 10 mana should be all you need. And on a side-note, spirit form is really your go-to spell for any fight in the game so use it a lot. And if you aren't able to use mana, it doesn't restore normally you have to get it back via potions (in or out of battle) or rituals (once a day each, outside battle).

Next issue, there really shouldn't be much grinding at all. The only thing you can really grind is money, and you don't need much of it just enough for a few pots and essential items. A few minutes of pickpocketing or 3 trips to the farm (15 gold x 3 times a day max) and you should get anything you need. Tina, the farm girl, will only masturbate after a certain point in the day. If you go to try finding work and she isn't there, go into the barn and go back until she is. Then pick up the money, and repeat 3 times. After that, it's close to dusk and you can't do anymore framework for the day, in which case clicking Tina will instead trigger the masturbation event. If you wake up at the tavern, sing with the elves, then hit the farm three times, and sing with the elves once more before going to sleep, you can make over 100 gold a day, and that's if you're actually working hard at it. And frankly I'm all for some work in H-games. I mean if you wanted free h-scenes watch a video, but these games are to watch AND play, so there needs to be sufficient video-game elements to really make it a hentai GAME in my opinion.

You are right to be confused by the Aquatic Supplies events (magic water as you called it) though. It's trick and it took me a few playthroughs before i even realized how it worked. In order to use it, you need 20 energy, 20 mana, and 20 exp. That's the cost. So if you can't use aquatic supplies to corrupt something, then you either don't have enough energy (solution is try again tomorrow), enough magic (solution is to use a potion or ritual), or experience (solution is to click Foreplay on a few villagers and you'll get 17 exp each time). Lack any one of those costs and it will be faded out.

I would not remove the getting beat up event at night. Don't get me wrong i hate it and it irritates me, but the scene DOES serve a purpose. Not only is it a chance penalty encounter, it also serves an addition service of showing the cruelty and corruption in the world. The scenes or Guard brutality serve to paint a 3D image of the oppressive world these people live it, as well as the many hurdles that stand before Elena.

As for homo-sexuality i do kinda agree there, but because it's such a gender-biased genre it would be hard to put too much in. For sure though, no FORCED or mandatory guy on guy content, and the content that is added should DEFINITELY be accompanied by a skip screen for those people who can't tolerate it, but little stuff probably wouldn't hurt too much. I DO like that housing alley scene idea you mentioned, i think that would actually be a perfect place for something along those lines, and a small soft-core scene like that probably shouldn't offend TOO many people either. As for the other ideas, i don't agree as much, though there should be places for it. It's just for the sake of gender fairness and to show that it DOES happen, even if it's only in 2 or 3 scenes. But then this is THEIR game, so they can make it how they damn well please lol.

Oh and also, futa IS being added. It was confirmed on the site and scenes are already underway. The idea is that Elena will be able to grow a dick at will once she reaches her third form. I believe it's mainly for Elena to "grow" on girl on girl scenes so that she can actually sex them that way, not so much as a constant hard on that you have to look at at all times.

And the LAST thing i want to address is combat. Yes, fights can be long and surrender tedious, but they're quite avoidable. I can't exactly explain it precisely, but there are two points on the "escape/fight" bar where its easier to hit the yellow. Best i can describe it, when the bar zips across, it will then zip a few bars, before bouncing back and then zipping all the way to the other side once more. The bar where it does the "semi-bounce" is the sweet spot because its easier to know where it will stop and you can time it more easily. With a little practice you'll start nailing the escape more often then not. Takes some time but once you pinpoint the pattern, all it takes is a (very) little bit of timing.

*claps hands* ALRIGHT!!! Sorry to pull a double Text-Wall like that, but there were too many points to touch on to simply pick and choose. I hope this helps people with any questions with gameplay and with any luck, we won't be seeing more of these text walls XD

OH!! And anyone who re-posts BOTH of these will get punched in the teats! :lol: :x
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Space Cat » Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:34 pm

Whew.... a lot to cover. I'm not going to hit the whole thing just bits and pieces. Before i start though, I'd like to say i just aced the game and liked what changes i saw

As did I.

I appreciate the response. Unfortunately I think you might have missed the part, where I said I wasn't able to use magic in fights. I guess it IS implemented and either firefox was not playing the game correctly OR I was missing something to activate magic in fights.

If I had been able to use magic, I wouldn't have had to grind much. Most of the grinding, as I said, was for money to get all the potions I needed to attempt beating the final boss with no magic. Would have been pretty bad ass if I had succeeded but no.

hmmm, it was probably xp that was keeping me from using aquatic supplies at the hot springs. I didn't think to check my level on that. Maybe next play though. That is though, only if I can get magic to work in fights. I really don't feel like going through the game again with out it. Have no clue what I could do to activate it though. I did just about every single thing I could find in the game but magic never activated.

Yeah, I guess I had hoped the homophobia had lessens since the last time I suggested a bit of balance be put into an h-game but probably not. I mean I might be surprised but probably not. Ironic, this game's theme is, in essence, likely at odds with the mind set of a large potion of the h-game community. If I had a choice, I'd much prefer scenes of, holding, kissing, holding hands, between males, instead of hardcore sex. Sexually tyrannical religion/regimes are usually most evident in the oppression of love between men. So if you see guys openly holding hands in public, you know change is afoot. Some subtext and a few vanilla pics to reinforce said subtext, is all I'm realistically wanting to see in this game. It matches with Elana's war against the game's “church” so to speak. It'd also be nice, since, this game didn't go with the “all guys in porns are fuck ugly” stereotype. Which reminds me. I'll take a sec to say, knot games made a GREAT choice in using ATTRACTIVE male models. Yet another thing they seem to have done right, when most game makers get it wrong. Yeah duh it's knot game's game. It's not like I expect them to take my suggestions as demands. :P I'm just happy they seem excited to have people offering ideas/content.

The futa thing should be fun, though I don't get what I used to out of it. It's way over used and it's also kinda like “safe fagotry” for those who are closeted about their bisexuality. It's like this guy I knew in collage. Big macho jock type who claimed to be 100% straight. Except he was into futa. I'm like dude, you'd get fucked by a big dick? that's kinda gay. And he's like “no it's not! I'd only take a dick, if it was attached to a pretty person” meaning a girl, because guys can't be pretty? I guess? lol Anyway. I found this rather funny. I've seen some very pretty, very feminine guys with huge dicks. About as close to real life futa with out sex changing surgery and junk. If someone would take a dick, it's kinda gay. Just sayin'

Oh I know how to avoid battles but I'd rather avoid them to safe time, not avoid them because they are frustrating. Again. I really like the battle system. If I could have had magic activated I wouldn't have had any complaints about the difficulty level.

I should ask though. Does anyone want it to be possible to beat the game without magic in fights? I know some people like the special challenge run type gaming. Personally, I don't think I have a preference on that one.
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Kumokumo » Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:57 pm

I'm glad some of what i said was able to help, and i again i am with you on a handful of soft-core Xy/Xy scenes, i think it would be a fair implementation provided they weren't main story scene and always came with a skip button for those discomforted by it. In regards to aquatic supplies, it honestly took me until my 3rd play through before i fully realized how it worked. It's pretty tricky for those ho haven't figured out what those symbols/icon mean when you're influencing areas (perhaps a small tutorial would be order, or at very least a battle guide from the sees-tress if implementing a tutorial is too much time/work) XD

I still can't figure out why your mana didn't work, i mean i know it doesn't come back on its own, but doing rituals should do something and potions should work too. Plus the battle mana is kept separate from your actual mana so that really shouldn't be interfering either...

Might be an issue with your data or game version? Maybe try the fix button on the load screen and see if that does something, otherwise i think that would be a question for KnotGames in person. You could also try deleting your cookies or emptying your cache. Sometimes those have an effect on games, especially when dealing with works that got patched or updated. Only other advise i can give is maybe use google chrome? I don't really like it myself (don't ask why) but i can't deny that it does handle games better than IE, safari, firefox, etc.

Oh and i saw that scene with Elena and the sheep.... She needs to fuck that ewe (or ram, w/e). And i love how Spirit kept saying she saw sparks fly, it was hilarious. It's like a pokemon battle, she looked it in the eyes so now they must do battle!! Or at very least have some funny scene where the sheep licks her or gets angry and rams her in the pussy or the tits (by ram i actually mean charge and head-butt her). That would be really funny :P
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Space Cat » Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:04 pm

Kumokumo Wrote:Might be an issue with your data or game version? Maybe try the fix button on the load screen and see if that does something, otherwise i think that would be a question for KnotGames in person. You could also try deleting your cookies or emptying your cache. Sometimes those have an effect on games, especially when dealing with works that got patched or updated. Only other advise i can give is maybe use google chrome? I don't really like it myself (don't ask why) but i can't deny that it does handle games better than IE, safari, firefox, etc.

Oh and i saw that scene with Elena and the sheep.... She needs to fuck that ewe (or ram, w/e). And i love how Spirit kept saying she saw sparks fly, it was hilarious. It's like a pokemon battle, she looked it in the eyes so now they must do battle!! Or at very least have some funny scene where the sheep licks her or gets angry and rams her in the pussy or the tits (by ram i actually mean charge and head-butt her). That would be really funny :P

It wasn't even that my mana wasn't there. When I would click on the magic icon to access the list of attacks, nothing came up at all. Unfortunately I just tried chrome and it just keeps wanting to save the file not open it. Maybe I'll try the fix button :/

I agree. Elana needs to fuck the ram. Maybe in the butt. I don't think there are any anal anything in this game yet. Her getting butt rammed by a ram would be awesome though. Maybe that sheep turns into the main love interest for her lol XD
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Kumokumo » Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:39 pm

Space Cat Wrote:
Kumokumo Wrote:Might be an issue with your data or game version? Maybe try the fix button on the load screen and see if that does something, otherwise i think that would be a question for KnotGames in person. You could also try deleting your cookies or emptying your cache. Sometimes those have an effect on games, especially when dealing with works that got patched or updated. Only other advise i can give is maybe use google chrome? I don't really like it myself (don't ask why) but i can't deny that it does handle games better than IE, safari, firefox, etc.

Oh and i saw that scene with Elena and the sheep.... She needs to fuck that ewe (or ram, w/e). And i love how Spirit kept saying she saw sparks fly, it was hilarious. It's like a pokemon battle, she looked it in the eyes so now they must do battle!! Or at very least have some funny scene where the sheep licks her or gets angry and rams her in the pussy or the tits (by ram i actually mean charge and head-butt her). That would be really funny :P

It wasn't even that my mana wasn't there. When I would click on the magic icon to access the list of attacks, nothing came up at all. Unfortunately I just tried chrome and it just keeps wanting to save the file not open it. Maybe I'll try the fix button :/

I agree. Elana needs to fuck the ram. Maybe in the butt. I don't think there are any anal anything in this game yet. Her getting butt rammed by a ram would be awesome though. Maybe that sheep turns into the main love interest for her lol XD

I'm pretty sure if there was a love interest, it would be her stalking little fuck-buddy Lorded. Though she and that sheep would make beautiful children.... :P

Beautiful, deformed sheep-elf children.... She-lfs XD
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Space Cat » Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:57 pm

Kumokumo Wrote:
Space Cat Wrote:
Kumokumo Wrote:Might be an issue with your data or game version? Maybe try the fix button on the load screen and see if that does something, otherwise i think that would be a question for KnotGames in person. You could also try deleting your cookies or emptying your cache. Sometimes those have an effect on games, especially when dealing with works that got patched or updated. Only other advise i can give is maybe use google chrome? I don't really like it myself (don't ask why) but i can't deny that it does handle games better than IE, safari, firefox, etc.

Oh and i saw that scene with Elena and the sheep.... She needs to fuck that ewe (or ram, w/e). And i love how Spirit kept saying she saw sparks fly, it was hilarious. It's like a pokemon battle, she looked it in the eyes so now they must do battle!! Or at very least have some funny scene where the sheep licks her or gets angry and rams her in the pussy or the tits (by ram i actually mean charge and head-butt her). That would be really funny :P

It wasn't even that my mana wasn't there. When I would click on the magic icon to access the list of attacks, nothing came up at all. Unfortunately I just tried chrome and it just keeps wanting to save the file not open it. Maybe I'll try the fix button :/

I agree. Elana needs to fuck the ram. Maybe in the butt. I don't think there are any anal anything in this game yet. Her getting butt rammed by a ram would be awesome though. Maybe that sheep turns into the main love interest for her lol XD

I'm pretty sure if there was a love interest, it would be her stalking little fuck-buddy Lorded. Though she and that sheep would make beautiful children.... :P

Beautiful, deformed sheep-elf children.... She-lfs XD

I was going to mention lorded. If he IS going to be a love interest (which I'm not against), I wish he'd be a bit more aggressive as time goes on. Elana seems to have been given a sweet delicate side, you see every once in a while. Would be neat if he ended up being the strong character that would support that aspect of her personality.

Lol sheep elfs. Maybe the joke's on Elana and that sheep is lorded's boy friend @.@; zomg bizarre love triangle xD turns out in the end Elana frees the town but it's quickly overrun by her horny sheep elf kids >.>;
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Kumokumo » Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:02 pm

What would Elena's sisters think of her children....? XD
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Space Cat » Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:08 pm

Kumokumo Wrote:What would Elena's sisters think of her children....? XD

lol I imagine much face palming as her sisters get chased around by horny sheep elfs @.@;
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Firefall » Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:35 pm

Anyone else having trouble with the Loola minigame? I click it and the ball just drops to the bottom of the screen and nothing I do can move it, dunno what's going on with that.
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Kumokumo » Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:51 pm

Firefall Wrote:Anyone else having trouble with the Loola minigame? I click it and the ball just drops to the bottom of the screen and nothing I do can move it, dunno what's going on with that.

you need to use your mouse and move it up slightly until the animation changes, then once the bar goes up once, move your mouse up again. It's fairly easy once you figure it out, but i understand your initial confusion. I've just played a lot of different H-games, so i had a leg-up in terms of knowing what to do.
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby dachdach » Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:56 pm

Hello! The game is very good!
I found a green and blue sigil, please tell me where to look for remaining two
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Space Cat » Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:54 am

yeah this is the 2nd time I've filled up the magic ability tree and I still get no magic attack options in battle. I tried using the fix it button before i started my game too. I'm assuming filling up the skill tree is how you activate it, since I can't use physical attacks in battle untill i fill up the physical skill tree.

I don't know what's going on here but it's a game braker for me. Unless the level caps are removed, I'm not even going to be able to brute force my way through the bosses. Is anyone else having this issue?
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Space Cat » Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:13 am

dachdach Wrote:Hello! The game is very good!
I found a green and blue sigil, please tell me where to look for remaining two

there are 5 actually

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Beat the game for the Busty chick in the back of the market
bead the game for the musicians in the tavern
get the farm girl on the farm to use vegetables growing techniques
can't remember the 4th one, probably get the holy woman at the church to fuck the green dick spirit
get the king and queen to fuck

if memory serves
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Kumokumo » Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:00 am

i guess i would have to explain that to Knot Games, send him a Pm or an email and see if he can get back to you. Not really sure what else to go on without experiencing it myself.
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby dachdach » Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:06 pm

Space Cat, thank you very much!

Found a bug
At the beginning of the 3rd stage of the boss fight.
If I start a fight with Visions spell, the game freezes permanently. (try two times)

My way to beat boss:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

On 3rd stage:
1) One use of Sed.Walkabout(just strongest AOE), then spam Mastrubation until healers mana drop to zero (each time we have 3*15=45 total dmg).
Spirit form, Visions and use Magic wind to beat one of healer quickly.
Drink some potions under Spirit form and beat the rest.
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Space Cat » Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:28 pm

Kumokumo Wrote:i guess i would have to explain that to Knot Games, send him a Pm or an email and see if he can get back to you. Not really sure what else to go on without experiencing it myself.

AH! Got it to work! If I play I it on knot game's blog, I can use chrome. Magic and physical attacks appear and function properly now. I just read adobe ditched updates for firefox, which is cuntish of them but it's adobe, they are cunts. :/
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Space Cat » Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:33 pm

dachdach Wrote:Space Cat, thank you very much!

Found a bug
At the beginning of the 3rd stage of the boss fight.
If I start a fight with Visions spell, the game freezes permanently. (try two times)

My way to beat boss:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

On 3rd stage:
1) One use of Sed.Walkabout(just strongest AOE), then spam Mastrubation until healers mana drop to zero (each time we have 3*15=45 total dmg).
Spirit form, Visions and use Magic wind to beat one of healer quickly.
Drink some potions under Spirit form and beat the rest.

No prob dude ^.^ thanks for the boss infos

Made this. Is being considered for use with a dream sequence or something: whatcha think?
I have plans for more, soon as I get the time. @.@;
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Space Cat
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Knotgames » Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:23 pm

Wow! How many text to read!!! XD
First... Thank you all for your comments ^^

The archemage, we know it's a little difficult to beat and for the next version we reduced a his damage and the hp restored from Alphara and Omegahara it's decreased too.
About the potions we agree that it may heal a little more because its better the masturbation attack than them. Maybe we upgrade the healing potion and reduce the hp restored by the masturbation. We are still thinking about it though.

About Tina and money it's how Kumokumo told
Kumokumo Wrote:Next issue, there really shouldn't be much grinding at all. The only thing you can really grind is money, and you don't need much of it just enough for a few pots and essential items. A few minutes of pickpocketing or 3 trips to the farm (15 gold x 3 times a day max) and you should get anything you need. Tina, the farm girl, will only masturbate after a certain point in the day. If you go to try finding work and she isn't there, go into the barn and go back until she is. Then pick up the money, and repeat 3 times. After that, it's close to dusk and you can't do anymore framework for the day, in which case clicking Tina will instead trigger the masturbation event. If you wake up at the tavern, sing with the elves, then hit the farm three times, and sing with the elves once more before going to sleep, you can make over 100 gold a day, and that's if you're actually working hard at it. And frankly I'm all for some work in H-games. I mean if you wanted free h-scenes watch a video, but these games are to watch AND play, so there needs to be sufficient video-game elements to really make it a hentai GAME in my opinion.

I can't explain this better (even in my own language too xd) ^^

Space Cat Wrote:One thing I've been putting off mentioning but I will now. This game seems to have a case of the “not gays”. There are a lot of girl on girl scenes (yes they're awesome) but no male on male anything, anywhere. Now, I'm not asking for wild gay orgies but a few mild animations/pics would be nice to show Elana's magic is sexually liberating the people, not just giving them a radically different flavor of oppression. If girls are going bi, men should too, at least a little.

You, are right here. We'll probably add some soft event at least.

Kumokumo Wrote:Oh and also, futa IS being added. It was confirmed on the site and scenes are already underway. The idea is that Elena will be able to grow a dick at will once she reaches her third form. I believe it's mainly for Elena to "grow" on girl on girl scenes so that she can actually sex them that way, not so much as a constant hard on that you have to look at at all times.

Not futa, futa, but some kind of magic strapon

And about the sheep and the horses there isn't in our mind insert bestiality, however the sheep will have more importance in the next chapter

Space Cat Wrote:yeah this is the 2nd time I've filled up the magic ability tree and I still get no magic attack options in battle. I tried using the fix it button before i started my game too. I'm assuming filling up the skill tree is how you activate it, since I can't use physical attacks in battle untill i fill up the physical skill tree.

I don't know what's going on here but it's a game braker for me. Unless the level caps are removed, I'm not even going to be able to brute force my way through the bosses. Is anyone else having this issue?

Seems somthing broke in the game here. It happens sometimes with firefox. You said you tried with chrome but be sure to have it updated with the last versionupdate and if still doesn't work it will min the error it's dragged from the save file to and you'll have to start a new game. In that case the game should work fine. Hope it help and if the issue continue tell us and we'll try to figure out if could be somthing else.

Probably forgot to answer somthing... don't hesitate to answer anything if you have any doubt
Last edited by Knotgames on Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Knotgames » Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:26 pm

dachdach Wrote:Space Cat, thank you very much!

Found a bug
At the beginning of the 3rd stage of the boss fight.
If I start a fight with Visions spell, the game freezes permanently. (try two times)

My way to beat boss:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

On 3rd stage:
1) One use of Sed.Walkabout(just strongest AOE), then spam Mastrubation until healers mana drop to zero (each time we have 3*15=45 total dmg).
Spirit form, Visions and use Magic wind to beat one of healer quickly.
Drink some potions under Spirit form and beat the rest.

Thanks, yes this will be fixed in the next update :D

Space Cat Wrote:
Kumokumo Wrote:i guess i would have to explain that to Knot Games, send him a Pm or an email and see if he can get back to you. Not really sure what else to go on without experiencing it myself.

AH! Got it to work! If I play I it on knot game's blog, I can use chrome. Magic and physical attacks appear and function properly now. I just read adobe ditched updates for firefox, which is cuntish of them but it's adobe, they are cunts. :/
:D :D :D
Last edited by Knotgames on Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Elana Champion of Lust (ALPHA266)-Updated(08/02/2016)

Postby Lucky777 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:35 pm

Space Cat Wrote:would that really require a toggle?

I expect so.
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