Another Tail ( News Update April 10, 2014 )

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Re: Another Tail

Postby KaTsuO_O » Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:17 pm

The problems with the muzzle is the jaw and still that the nose isn't in the center of the muzzle. The jaw got a design of a human jaw, the last two might be a bit closer but still human and one because it goes back like this:

Untitled 1186.png
Untitled 1186.png (9.75 KiB) Viewed 7356 times

The line from her cheek fur to the bottom of her jaw needs to be either bent a bit or straight.

And two because the bottom of the jaw looks pointy. It have to be flat and the length between the top of her nose to the mouth have to be about as long if not longer than the length from her mouth to the bottom of the jaw.

Untitled 1187.png
Untitled 1187.png (21.8 KiB) Viewed 7356 times

This was my attempt to improve the head but I just can't make it anime like people want it so I don't show it in hope you will pick it up, I show it so that you can see an example of a jaw... Again. Think of the muzzle as a platform, you want that nose stand on the middle of that platform. It is easy to find it, look bellow the nose you will see a curved line that goes in to the right (our left) side of her muzzle. If you add that curve to 1b, 2 and 2a you will see that the noses isn't in the center.

I'm actually pretty sure that a proper muzzle won't work unless you drop the anime look and change the body.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby Bang It Up! » Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:21 pm

AnotherArrow Wrote:
Bang It Up! Wrote:Did you tried the 2nd one?

Yes, it doesn't work... @ least in my mind. If anything, the muzzle probably should be longer... but then i feel its still too awkward.

After sleeping on it, I'm leaning more toward ver 1b... it mixes the best of both... the head shape of version 1 with the muzzle of version 2.

I'll still keep nitpicking at it...

Well, fair enough... I like the Original w/muzzle Version 1b also. But... something seems off to me on that model, which is the Tiara & Upper Lip. The middle of the Tiara seems to be lack of an outline and as for the Upper Lip, it looks rather straight than curve on full scale body view.


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Re: Another Tail

Postby AnotherArrow » Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:07 pm

KaTsuO_O Wrote:The problems with the muzzle is the jaw and still that the nose isn't in the center of the muzzle. The jaw got a design of a human jaw, the last two might be a bit closer but still human and one because it goes back like this:

The line from her cheek fur to the bottom of her jaw needs to be either bent a bit or straight.

And two because the bottom of the jaw looks pointy. It have to be flat and the length between the top of her nose to the mouth have to be about as long if not longer than the length from her mouth to the bottom of the jaw.

This was my attempt to improve the head but I just can't make it anime like people want it so I don't show it in hope you will pick it up, I show it so that you can see an example of a jaw... Again. Think of the muzzle as a platform, you want that nose stand on the middle of that platform. It is easy to find it, look bellow the nose you will see a curved line that goes in to the right (our left) side of her muzzle. If you add that curve to 1b, 2 and 2a you will see that the noses isn't in the center.

I'm actually pretty sure that a proper muzzle won't work unless you drop the anime look and change the body.

Thanks again Katsu. Fixed the nose on version 1b, 2, and 2a to center the muzzle. Also straightened out the jaw a little.
I put in a flat chin on 1b, and a roundish one on 2, and 2a (a flat one didn't look right on those)...

Removed 1c... it just wasn't working for me...
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Re: Another Tail

Postby FMC » Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:18 pm

1B looks the best to me, now. But, like what's been stated before, if you want the more human-y look, 1a does really look nice for that.

I dunno. The Version 2 heads just don't seem like they fit on the body you created, which is part of the reason why I like your Krystal.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby KaTsuO_O » Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:23 pm

No problem. (1b) I must say it looks a lot more correct now as well as it is almost good enough to be Krystal. What is missing is her ears, I don't mean that she doesn't got any ears but those are a bit too far away from Krystal's so if you can make them more similar (something like the one in the head above) then I'm sure it will be pretty good after all.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby AnotherArrow » Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:55 pm

Worked on the ears a bit... did some mix and matching... new samples are up...

*I removed D at the last minute cuz it looks bad compared to E and F.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby Bang It Up! » Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:21 pm

AnotherArrow Wrote:
The attachment Test.swf is no longer available

*starting to feel like i'm at the eye doctor... is 1 or 2 better... 2 or 4... 4 or 1.... :)

Hmm... it'd be the battle between model E & model F, to me I like model F better I guess.
BTW, aren't Krystal's eyes looks more sexier like this...
Krystal's Face.jpg
Krystal's Face.jpg (18.81 KiB) Viewed 7065 times



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Re: Another Tail

Postby KaTsuO_O » Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:30 pm

I vote for E, it looks good honestly.

*Looks at Bang It Up!'s image* It would be good if you could get the eyes more like Krystal as well, they are quite important actually. Then one more thing, sorry to ask but can you give her arm a bit more muscles? Looks way too thin.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby trunks2585 » Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:51 am

E or F. Before I parrot the comment on the eyes, I have to ask you, what do you want more, to please the fans, or to please yourself (which will likely also please the fans.) I think the current eyes you have can work, but I can certainly agree with bang it up and katsu that using the eyes in the link bang it up gave, would also be much sexier. However reworking the eyes is when you start getting into just redoing the whole head (again) which can be rather frustrating.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby FMC » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:07 am

I dunno. Yes, this is a sex game involving Krystal. But, given what's going on with her, I dunno if a 'sexy' look is proper for this. I kinda like the more 'battle hardened and withered' look she has right now -- it's its own sexiness, to me. Then again, this is coming from a 19 year old, flat-chested girl, so maybe it's to be expected I think like that. v.v

That being said, the eyes always have been fine for me. They may not be 'Krystal' perse, but if you're not going with the traditional view of Krystal here, then maybe you should show that by not following every 'traditional' thing about Krystal -- but keep it close enough that you can tell it's her. If you know what I'm trying to get at.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby AnotherArrow » Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:05 am

@ Bang's Pic
I tried several variations with that eye shape... the best one that I've come up so far has just been posted. I had 2 others, but the new one just out does them.
Trying to get the exact eye shape doesn't mesh well with my current head. I'm afraid to change the shape of the head too much as it might feel "off" when attached to the body... like what happened earlier with version 2.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby Surskit » Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:30 am

I can't be trusted to properly edit a thing so I just drew over the part of her head that I thought was detracting from her sex appeal.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby trunks2585 » Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:55 am

i like surskit's eye edit, not sure about the jaw edit though.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby Surskit » Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:08 am

trunks2585 Wrote:i like surskit's eye edit, not sure about the jaw edit though.

Didn't touch the eye, that's all AnotherArrow. Touched the jaw because I thought it dipped too low for a fox head. Made the muzzle look bigger than she's normally depicted.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby trunks2585 » Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:19 pm

ah my mistake, well then good job AA. I hadn't checked the front page.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby Savader » Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:48 am

As for the sprite choices--I'd go with H. Her eyes looks more serious and soldier-like, and her ears seem to fit the rest of her head's proportions. But while I'm on the subject--I just want to say that I really like her look in this project of yours. Hope to see more of this game in the near future. :D
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Re: Another Tail

Postby Fox Paradox » Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:33 pm

So far I am loving G :9 the ears a bit closer to Krystal's than H, but minor tweaks are minor. I wouldn't obsess over it since your just getting Another Tail started again. Personally when making a game I would use basic shapes just to get the core game mechanics together and worry on the aesthetics later, but that said your work is very impressive and look forward to seeing more.

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Re: Another Tail

Postby Bang It Up! » Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:01 pm

Fox Paradox Wrote:So far I am loving G :9 the ears a bit closer to Krystal's than H, but minor tweaks are minor. I wouldn't obsess over it since your just getting Another Tail started again. Personally when making a game I would use basic shapes just to get the core game mechanics together and worry on the aesthetics later, but that said your work is very impressive and look forward to seeing more.

This. :D


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Re: Another Tail

Postby AnotherArrow » Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:05 pm

Fox Paradox Wrote:So far I am loving G :9 the ears a bit closer to Krystal's than H, but minor tweaks are minor. I wouldn't obsess over it since your just getting Another Tail started again. Personally when making a game I would use basic shapes just to get the core game mechanics together and worry on the aesthetics later, but that said your work is very impressive and look forward to seeing more.
Much of the core battle code is done... just not active (for testing purpose). I did start developing the system using stick figures, but when I needed to test animation controls, I had to develop some characters. I'm obsessing over the minor aesthetics now so I don't have to worry about redoing any cut-scenes or animations later.

Also added my freehand attempt at Surkit's edit (I) and Surskit's edit (J)
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Re: Another Tail

Postby Lucky777 » Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:29 pm

With all the work going into these tweaks, and with the fact that I voted for a different thing previously, I'm probably about to sound like a straight-up ass.

I try to avoid doing that, but please bear with me here.

"Y'know, I actually like the Krystal in the flash+battle animation right now, and I don't think there's a single thing wrong with her facial style."

She's extremely humanoid, but that seems like more of an interpretation than a flaw. Most ya might need to do is make her nose MORE humanoid, even.

Looks odd as hell when you come to it after looking at the official LOK stuff, but it doesn't seem that wrong after you get accustomed to it - at least that's how it affected me.

Don't get me wrong, I like G as well.

I'm just saying the face in there now no longer cries out to me as being wrong, apart from the oddness of the nose.
If I find a link of the kind of animu nose I'm thinking of, I'll post it later, but of the top of my head I THINK I might be talking about the kind of nose you might find in Project A-Ko or on Unipuma/Annapuma from Tank Police. Edit: ... &id=608187 Ain't quite human, though humans have 'em in some animu.
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