Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 23, 2016 2:26 am

wendy break the kiss only to plant some quick ones on your cheek, until she meet your hear "i told you we would end up fucking" she whispered into your hear with a kinky giggle before going back to kissing you, MJ couldn't hear of course, she just keep moving and moaning thanks to your cock hitting all the good spots
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Sep 23, 2016 2:53 am

He just couldn't resist the small eyeroll when Wendy whispered in his ear as he pounded MJ's tight cunt. Not bothering to give the redhead a verbal response, he instead responded by reaching between Wendy's legs and starting to play with the woman's clit, rolling the little nub between his fingers as he kissed her
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 23, 2016 2:58 am

you soon discovered that i was hard for her to feel the pleasure of her clit being caressed and kissing you, because as soon as you start playing with her clit, she place a hand on your should and stop kissing you, and of course start panting and gasping in pleasure, MJ seemed to have a great time ridding your cock on all fours, and you could feel that she was getting closer by the way her pussy felt
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:06 am

Reaching under her, he started to tease MJ's clit as well as he fucked her, though his attention was currently on Wendy, sliding a thick finger into her pussy as he thumbed her clip, absolutely loving her moans, pants and squeaks into his ear as she rode his fingers
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:14 pm

both women were moaning loudly as you touch them, wendy's legs were shaking a little and her hips start moving as you finger her, MJ was taking it like a champ, even though the pleasure was too much, she was still riding your cock fast and hard, getting closer to the orgasm
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:13 pm

With his finger still toying Wendy's pussy, Victor pounded MJ's body hard and fast. Taking his other hand from between MJ's legs, he grabbed hold of one of her soft cheeks, giving it a squeeze. He wasn't exactly sure how he was gonna explain to MJ at the moment considering he introduced Wendy as his cousin and now had just been nailing them both
Last edited by CrimsonNutcase37 on Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:57 pm

you hear a loud and long moan coming out from MJ's mouth, she was so close to a powerful orgasm even her legs started to slow down "c~can't take it r~red?" Said wendy with a chuckle as she was about to have another orgasm, you could tease her some more to shut her up, not that she cared, she was having the time of her life.
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:42 pm

Feeling MJ's legs slow down, Victor started thrusting into her faster, taking his hand off her rear to give her a hard slap to one of her cheeks. He knew that MJ may want a breather after this considering how much she was moaning and how hard she was shaking. Glancing over at Wendy, he sank another finger into her cunt, teasing her insides while his thumb rubbed her clit as he leaned over and captured the redhead's lips in another kiss, forcing his tongue into her mouth to keep her quiet
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:39 pm

Wendy was about to let out a loud moan once other finger was inside of her, but you managed to stop her when you kissed her, she was dripping wet, your fingers almost went in and out on their own, Mj had a hard and good time, it was hard for her to keep moving and she went from moaning to gasping once her orgasm start hitting her hard, and a good time because, well, who doesn't enjoy a good pounding?
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:07 pm

Feeling MJ's cunt clamp down on him as she came pushed him over the edge as well, the alien-enhanced hero groaning into Wendy's mouth as he filled MJ's pussy with his seed. He kept fingering and playing with Wendy's pussy while keeping the crazed girl quiet with his mouth, his tongue thrashing around inside her mouth
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:13 am

you didn't pay much attention to it because of al lthe pleasure you were having, but if you were focused, you would've noticed that the symbiote took your orgasm as a chance to throw a sample inside of Mj's pussy, and once your orgasm fade away and you were more relaxed, you could hear your symbiote laughing "HAHAHAHAHA, if you weren't a nice and suitable host, i would have abandoned you for her already, but i guess i can split in two and have twice as fun" then, the symbiote went silent "d-did you just said something?" MJ asked while looking back at you, this made Wendy to break the kiss just to look at both of you "I didn't here anything, did you hear something Mr. pillow? that's what i thought, you're going crazy girl, which is kinda bad, seems i'm supposed to be the crazy one, not you."
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Wed Feb 01, 2017 2:43 am

'Hey, the fuck was that about?' He thought, only to receive no response from his Other, which annoyed him to no end. Of all the time to suddenly start with cryptic bullshit, it just had to be just as he was flooding his neighbour's cunny with cum. Looking between the two girls as he slid out of MJ and sat back on the bed, he gave a small shrug "I didn't hear anything besides you both moaning" Victor lied, raising an eyebrow
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:12 pm

"m-my head feels funny" Mj said as she stood up slowly, Wendy didn't move though, she was looking at Mj with a weird frown "i've never meet a girl who gets high with jizz inside of her, how you do it? can you teach me? cuz it looks like you're having the trip of your life" as you expected, Wendy does not shut her mouth "i'm going to have so much fun with her, fucking all the guys in the city..." you could feel it as almost a teasing whisper "t-there it is a distant voice" Mj was having trouble standing up, Wendy's eyes widened and she opened her mouth, you were about to shut her up before she pointed at Mj "i-Isn't that your black goo?" she whispered as the symbiote slowly covered MJ's body.

Mj right now:
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:01 am

Vic scowled as he saw what appeared to be part of his Other beginning to cover MJ, turning her into some kind of female version of his transformed state. He'd heard the faint whisper in his mind from his Other and it pissed him off for some reason. Quickly getting off the bed, Victor's fists clenched as he willed his symbiote to start covering him as well. Who knows what MJ would be like if the symbiote took full control of her mind, so he wanted to be prepared
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:37 pm

"this just looks wonderful, and i bet it'll feel wonderful too" said the Symbiote while taking control of Mj's body completely, quickly the Symbiote shoot webs at both of you, Wendy was caught by a few and end up covered in it, but you, thanks to your sense, you managed to dodge the weebs, but as you dodge, the symbiote runs out of the room and jumps out of the open window of your apartment.
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:47 pm

Snarling in anger, Victor quickly shifted into his Venom form and sliced Wendy free with a swipe of his claws. He didn't bother to grab anything else as he darted out of the open window himself after the possessed MJ. Fuck knows what was gonna happen with MJ's powers augmented by the Symbiote and with all the other superheroes in the city, he didn't exactly want MJ to end up causing some kind of big superhero showdown in the centre of town
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu May 04, 2017 4:02 pm

Wendy wasn't as fast as you, so to not lose track of you, she only put on her mask and underwear before jumping out of the window just like MJ did "Don't leave the party behind" she yelled while following you, you quickly spot the venomized MJ running through the streets, and she quickly turned around when she spot you, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" laughed the symbiote before turning around and swinging away "this isn't going to be easy...riiiight?"
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Thu May 04, 2017 9:27 pm

Venom only sent the crazed half-naked women a dry look as he followed MJ, trying to snag her with a few web lines as he tried to speed up enough that he could hopefully tackle MJ before she drew too much attention to themselves. God knows what S.H.I.E.L.D would do if they managed to catch MJ, let alone himself so the quicker he managed to grab her and hold her down, the better
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu May 04, 2017 10:41 pm

"Hey. what the hell is wrong with you? don't you give me that look, you look at me like your symbiote just betrayed you and found a super powered host....WAITAMINUTE, Why did the symbiote sneak into her? i mean, why would it refuse a girl with a Healing factor, it will literally make the symbiote inmortal, i'm not jealous or anything..." at this point, you had a strong desire to shut her up with a punch in the face before your symbiote do as she says and takes over both Redheads.

Deadpool runs right behind you as you follow MJ, you throw a few webs to catch her but the symbiote throws some cars at you, you dodge the first two, the others you didn't had a choice but to smash through "HEY DON'T- *pant* -LEAVE ME BEHIND, YOU'RE *Pant* FASTE-..." one of the cars you dodge went flying straight towards her, shutting the annoying girl up.
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