anan Wrote:i cant go world 3 i complete world 2 but when i go bunkers says world 2 :/
LarsR Wrote:OK, let's start with some dialog fixes!
LarsR Wrote:Current text: "He is looling at me... so tender..."
Should be: "He is looking at me... so tender..."
LarsR Wrote:Current text: "We should stop here. Wouldn't want to slip!"
Slightly better: "We should stop here. You wouldn't want to slip!"
LarsR Wrote:Current text: "My butt's broke' oooh... I am so tired. I need to rest a bit..."
Should be: "My butt's broken oooh... I am so tired. I need to rest a bit..."
Or even better: "My butt is worn out... oooh... I am so tired. I need to rest a bit..."
LarsR Wrote:Current text: "Ohh, he's tucking my slit, I am horny!"
Should be: "Ohh, he's fucking my slit, I am horny!"
Or even better: "Ohh, his finger is fucking my slit, I am horny!" or "Ohh, he's finger fucking my slit, I am horny!" or "Ohh, he's fingering my slit, I am horny!"
LarsR Wrote:Current text: "Ohhhhh! You pounded my horny hole with a hot gush!"
Pounded feels like the wrong verb here.
Some alternatives: "Ohhhhh! You creamed my horny hole with a hot gush!" or "Ohhhhh! You blasted my horny hole with a hot gush!" or "Ohhhhh! You splashed my horny hole with a hot gush!" or "Ohhhhh! You filled my horny hole with your hot cream!"
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:I think players want to 'feel' like Peach is saying it already, perhaps.
Give him some relief? 1) With my hands 2) With my mouth 3) Teasing him 4) With a massage 5) Teasing the 'tip' 6) Massage with my... ass (hope he doesn't slip!) 7) Let him choose (Space) Go away
LarsR Wrote:OK, let's start with some dialog fixes!
nobynoby Wrote:Hey ivan i think ive found a glitch or bug (or maybe not), but in the scene where the ghost randomly gives buttsex, you cant control the loop.
anan Wrote:i cant go world 3 i complete world 2 but when i go bunkers says world 2 :/
master_blizzard Wrote:I must be the worst idiot ever, since I can't find anyone else with this problem the hell do I finish the castle in World 7 (level 7-6)?
The door on the top says I need a key or switch and I've looked everywhere like a thousand times. The door on the bottom sends me to a placer where nothing happens at all (and believe, I've WAITED).
What am I missing?
Auron Wrote:So i wasn't able to reproduce the world 2 bug in the bungalow, to be more specific, i don't know how it appears. But maybe it has something to do with the game settings? I don't play on deafault.
Here are my option settings:
tripflip Wrote:I agree with a lot of these changes, and I appreciate that the dialogue is getting attention. I'd just offer slight alternatives to some, mainly because I'm not a fan of passive verbs.
Flora Wrote:Hey I'm a big fan of your work and I would like to know when will the ass size come out.
prabhas2018 Wrote:Hello Respected Developers !!
I Like this Game very Much. But sorry for my low PC Specs i just have 2gb ram. And i dont know whats happening but the game when playing with adobe flash player or swf player it just lags every movement .
previous versions with only one level with that tortoise bower villain was so great and it has NO LAG. but im sad about this . anyone recommend me some tips to play this game smooth !!
pls somebody
LarsR Wrote:Current text: "Ohhhhh! You pounded my horny hole with a hot gush!"
Pounded feels like the wrong verb here.
Some alternatives: "Ohhhhh! You creamed my horny hole with a hot gush!" or "Ohhhhh! You blasted my horny hole with a hot gush!" or "Ohhhhh! You splashed my horny hole with a hot gush!" or "Ohhhhh! You filled my horny hole with your hot cream!"
I honestly think the word pumped would fit instead of creamed, because it fits pounded more closely (and in my opinion sounds better)Current text: "Ohhhh! I've seated right on his face! How embarassing!Must leave!"
"I've seated" feels stange, and "embarassing" is spelled wrong.
Should be: "Ohhhh! I'm sitting right on his face! How embarrassing!Must leave!" or "Ohhhh! I sat right on his face! How embarrassing!Must leave!"
Okraeater12 Wrote:Does this game support Mac? If not is there a way to save saved games only?
sy7777 Wrote:I'm finding a constant glitch in witch all playable characters simply vanish at certain spots in the game like the entrance to the ghost house or when i jump on an enemy (unintentional of course)
L-money Wrote:Any news on that domshroom powerup, Ivan?
JohnMarston26 Wrote:is there going to be a scene whith the big goomba in the goomba village?
JetStar212 Wrote:It would make more sense to be 'I Must Leave! At the end rather than 'must leave'. And sorry if this comment is a bit late, I didn't check the site yesterday
Doctor93 Wrote:Hey, Ivan. Quick bug report. I'm having issues coming down on Goombas. I haven't tested extensively, but I went ahead and took a screenshot last time it happened. I came down (from flight) at a kind of weird angle (almost a walking angle, but not quite) and landed on top of a Goomba. The Goomba acted like I landed right on top of him, but Peach disappeared. Of course, I know the delete/shift-mash fix, but that doesn't help any.
K.X Wrote:Hi all, I'm stucked on level 7-6 White Castle. I can't find how to open the door. I try to find some secret boxes, or hidden doors, but nothing help me.
When I jump below the starting cloud, I can move on the second floor of castle, but it seems to be a bug, not the solution. Is this level broken ?
I play with version 3.20
avid Wrote:Hey Ivan. I noticed awhile back there was an ass size button added, and I've literally been waiting for that feature to come to this game as far back as 2012... Do you have a timetable for that feature possibly?
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