by CumInTiana01 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:02 pm
"fine, but take care of your back, old man" she said before letting you go and swinging towards the building, now you cliim the building the psycho was but she've already left, she was close though, you could feel the scent, she was very very close, almost, like if she was standing behind you "Gotcha" she said while singing and hitting you on both of your hears from behind with the palm of her hands, stunning you pretty bad "hey, aren't you black beast? so, how's that going? are you the black version of Beast? you know, the mutant, if not, someone could sue you for copyrighting, you look nice though, can we go on a date, well, actually, this is a date, since i don't shoot a rocket towards my date and let them leave until the first date, so, can we take it slow? but if we're going to bed, i like it hard and quick" god. didn't she stop talking? you were more stunned by her voice than the hit, but eventually, she kicked you on your sore back before pulling two guns out and start shooting at you "don't take it that bad, it's just work, someone hired me to kill you, so, if we work this out, you think we can be friends? cuz you seem to be a pretty nice guy.