Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:20 am

"i can't leave you a day without making a mess? dude, you're just like some kind of venom, or poison" said the scarlet spider while swinging towards the rhino and kicking him away "dude...take a breath, you look beaten down"
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:22 am

"Unlike you, I can't really take two dudes at once" Venom teased lightheartedly as he got to his feet, feeling his Symbiote start to heal his wounds
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:25 am

"well. i take two dudes at once, but none of them are you" she replied while jumping back to battle "i'll handle this, you, rest" she said while webbing the rhino's head so he couldn't see and trying her best to not step on the sand, but after a few minutes of kicking the rhino's butt, the sand guy hit her away, sending her towards a car next to you "alright. i can't take two guys at once either"
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:33 am

"I'll take Sandy, you take big dumb and horny" Venom proposed, cracking his neck as he rose, a rebar length with a lump of concrete at the end in his hands. Let's see how he liked being hit with a hammer
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:37 am

[Scarlet roll: 4] [rhino roll: 5] [sand guy roll: 18]
"well, i like a Big, Dumb, and Horny." she said before nodding and jumping towards the rhino, he was running at full speed towards her and she swing away to dodge him, both ending without a scratch, you on the other hand, when you were about to get closer to the sand guy, you got stuck on his sand which was coming out of the sewers "the sewers are rather useful, You black beast...what kind of name is that? sounds like a bad porno" added the sand guy before succesfully hitting you again
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:44 am

"Well you'd know about pornos since I'm sure no woman wants sand there. Either that or its why you broke out with your furry-sexual life partner. What, does he like it course?" Venom mocked as he shot a tendril at a nearby car and threw it at the Sandman
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:51 am

[sand guy roll: 15] [your roll: 5]
the sand guy chuckle before smashing you on the ground three more times "i don't need porn, since i'm fucking you up right now" the scarlet spider was thrown away by the rhino, but she hit sand guy, interrupting him mid-speech "don't worry love, the cavalry is here" said the scarlet spider while painfuly standing up, traying to sound like tracer from overwatch "no one? come on, it's a good game" she added before the rhino start running towards her, "here we go again" she jumped and webbed the rhino until he fall, then she sat on top of him waiting for you to finish
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:57 am

Venom growled before getting an idea seeing the gasoline from all the cars he'd thrown coating Sandman and grinned as he reached for his waist, the suit reaching into his pocket and retrieved a lighter "Well, you are pretty hot" Venom said as he tried to light the gasoline soaked sand
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:01 am

"dude wait...there is personal belongings around here, and who knows ho might be hidding-..." she was soon interrupted by the sand guy hitting her and taking her away with his sand until leaving her close to a car, he then covered all the gasoline with his thick sand to avoid getting it burn "thanks girl, for giving me time to do this before he could light me up"
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:08 am

Venom rolled his eyes as he felt himself getting angry, and his symbiote as well, feeling his body tense and grow slightly as it bulked up more, Venom firing a Web at the sandman's face while he looked for a source of water
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:11 am

"damn should come prepared to a sandy battle" said a familiar voice before a water gun was dropped in front of you, before you knew it, a girl in a pink and white hydra outfit was there with a water gun of her own

the teen...
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:16 am

He just scowled at the water gun thrown in front of him as he picked it up, in the mood to kill something right now
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:18 am

"let's get sandy, wet" said the teen while start shooting water at the sand guy, waiting for you the same as its sand becomes lighter and lighter by the second, "where's mine?" asked the scarlet spider while caressing her head "sorry. i only have two, and i'd rater give one to the angry looking guy" answered the teen "fair enough"
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:21 am

Venom waited till the water gun was half-empty and Sandman looking pretty soaked before tossing it to Scarlet as he lunged at Sandman with a roar, clawed hands reaching back to try and cleave his face off
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:25 am

you managed to take some of his face off, only to become sand and regenerate itself "dude. it's a guy made of sand, you can't do much" said the teen while shooting water at the sand guy's face
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:29 am

"It makes me feel better" Venom growled as he lashed out with a fist to punch his head off, ignoring that it wasn't very helpful
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:15 pm

"uhm. i should go, i'm altering the time line, i'm a character that was created as a cameo to avoid you both getting killed, so, i'll leave until the writter feels the need to kill you both" she then turned around and start running away "what the hell is she talking about? i mean, she was helpful, but, is she on drugs or somethin'?"
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:19 pm

Venom growled as he turned his attention to the girl who was running away "I don't know but I'll find out" Venom growled as eh fired a webline at the escaping teen, trying to snare her so he could yank her back
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:28 pm

"dude. you'll mess up the time line creating an entirely new Secret wars. stop that" she said as you yank her back towards you "you gotta let me go, the writter will do anything to take me out of scene, so lets leave peacefully until some shitty villain from another universe comes to fuck us up in the ass" she added before elbowing on your stomach, making you let her go "ninja bomb" she said before throwing a smoke bomb and dissapearing...well, that was close
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:34 pm

He grit his teeth as the little runt elbowed him in the gut and escaped via a smoke bomb. "I swear to god, I've never punched out a woman before..." Venom growled as he rose, rubbing his gut as he glared at the area the girl had been in
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