Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:33 am

finally, the secret was about to be discovered, you opened the backpack slowly, to find a red spandex outfit, when you spread it to have a look propertly, you found out that it was the Scarlet-Spider outfit, either she was a huge fan, or she was the spider, and with that kick she gave you, hours ago, the answer was pretty clear
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:40 am

Victor stared at the costume in his hands for a few moments, then glanced over his shoulder having heard no noise to show that MJ had woken up. Glancing back at the material in his hand, he put it back into the backpack and zipped it up without a word. So the hot girl he just nailed was the redhead who'd been teasing him all day. Huh, well that...that certainly was interesting. Part of him wanted to confront her about it, but he reckoned she'd tell him of her own accord. Plus, it did seem kinda kinky if he eventually worked her to the point where they fucked with masks on with only her having no idea he knew her identity.

Grinning at the thought, he turned and headed back to his bedroom, already coming up ways to try and tempt her next time they met in costume. It was kind of a kick in the balls that she'd been under his nose and he had no clue. Oh wel-Huh. Guess that meant he must have caught her heading back the other night when he caught her on the roof
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:46 am

you return to your bedroom to find the naked woman still sleeping completely naked on your bed, thanks that you now know her secret, this relationship between her alter ego and yours will be more exciting, it was turning you own already...
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:50 am

He was a little tempted to wake the redhead up by fucking her, but he figured she may actually need the sleep, so he lay down behind her, cuddling her from behind. It didn't stop him from rubbing his stiffening cock between her cheeks however as he buried his face in her hair
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:14 am

you woke up the next morning by the smell of coffee and pancakes, weird, you didn't have that kind of food here in your apartment, but again, your lover lived in front of your apartment, and since she wasn't there laying with you, using your kitchen to cook her food was the only answer
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:27 am

Cracking open an eye at the smell of pancakes, Victor raised his head from the bed, a confused look on his face before his mind caught up with the fact that his neighbour must have stayed to cook breakfast. A little weird that he hadn't been woken by her scootching out of bed, but whatever. Raising from the bed, he scratched the back of his head as he headed towards his kitchen, not giving a fuck about getting dressed quite yet
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:22 am

"good morning" said the Redhead while wearing only her panties as she cooked "it's almost finished...take a sit" she happily said and after a couple of minutes she was sitting in front of you topless with a plate of pancakes and a coffee mug for each of you
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:29 am

Victor blinked in surprise at the sight before him and silently sat down, eyes glued to MJ's rear in her panties. Since he'd been straddling his lap last night, he only really got to see it clothed when spandex was covering it and damn did his neighbour have a nice rear. When she put the pancakes and coffee in front of him, Victor rubbed the back of his neck, eyes switching to her exposed chest "Gonna be honest, really wasn't expecting this" Victor said, eventually tearing his gaze up to her face
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:35 am

"well...i'm sorry, i really am, but, my room mate came back this morning, and i thought i could eat with her, but she returned with her boyfriend and i didn't want to cook for three people" she said while looking away embarrassed "sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable"
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:39 am

Victor chuckled "Oh no, the surprise is greatly appreciated. I just thought I'd wait up to a note thanking me for a good night with the potential of more to come" Victor said with a grin before he took a sip of the coffee
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:45 am

"well...i work out everyday, i can knock you out and leave you a note, if that's what you want" she said with a chuckle as she starts eating her food "although i was going to leave and come by after work, but, again, my room mate came with her boyfriend and i didn't feel like cooking for three"
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:46 am

Victor just smiled and shook his head "Fair enough. You know my door's open anytime I'm not at work myself now" Victor said after another mouthful of coffee before he looked her over once again and grinned "Especially if you come over dressed as you are now, though I'll settle for the schoolgirl outfit you mentioned" he teased
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:54 am

she chuckle as she ate her food "i don't think that thing will fit me anymore..." said the woman while taking a sip of her coffe, "but i don't have a problem coming to your place topless"
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:59 am

Victor only smiled when she said she wasn't sure if the school-girl outfit fit her anymore "Oh, the problem's not if it'll fit, it's whether or not I'd be able to control myself enough to not rip it off you" he said casually with a smirk before starting to tuck into his plate of pancakes
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:05 am

once you start eating, she was done already, she chuckles at your comment and stand up to do the dishes "well, seems like either of us can control their sex-drives, and thanks to that, i'm going to give you the best breakfast" when she finished doing the dishes, she moved under the table and you felt how her lips wrapped around your member
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:13 am

He couldn't help the huge grin that spread across his face when she suggested it, now could he help the pleased sigh that passed his lips when the redhead got to work on his member like she'd done the night before. His hand resting on top of her head as she moved back and forth slowly, barely paying attention enough to eat more of his food
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:26 am

she close her eyes and start stroking the inchs she couldn't fit in her mouth while moving and sucking your cock just like you enjoyed her doing it, someone knocks the door but with a hot redhead on her knees suxcking your cock, you couldn't care less
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:30 am

"Who is it?" he called, making absolutely no move to get out of the chair he was in, grabbing a handful of MJ's hair as she sucked on his cock. He knew it wasn't polite to interrupt a lady when she was in the middle of something, much like he knew that his door was locked so whoever it was would have to talk through the wood
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:38 am

"i'm MJ's Room mate, she left this morning, saying she'll hang out with she still there?" she asked and MJ looked up to you while shake her head as the tip of your member remained in her mouth, obviously not wanting her roomie to know she was actually there
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Re: Venom [CrimsonNutcase37]

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:42 am

"Nope, saw her last night though, said she was spending the night with a friend" Victor answered, using his hand on MJ's head to push her down a little more onto his cock, shuddering a little at just how good her mouth felt to him
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