Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:07 pm

2spikes Wrote:Ah, well ok. When you made this post, my prior post/response to you was pending moderation because I edited it again XD. I kinda feel bad actually but it's better to have the information condensed rather than scattered all over the place. But yeah, that's exactly what I did. I'm constantly copying and pasting into a document.

Great, makes sense!

2spikes Wrote:I don't know. I'm not sure this is the most efficient or otherwise any more effective a way for keeping the forums clean. So what, big deal if somebody comes and posts something "inappropriate", whatever that could be. Anyway, just my opinion..

The thing is, the life of a moderator can be painful, and he/she needs also to check if the double post are actually a double post, or a bit different.

MuhGomz Wrote:Wow, I remember when I first played this game and that had to be 3-4 years ago when it was a shell of what it is today. Almost everything about this game looks different. I can't remember if I saw it on newgrounds or another flash game hosting website but I was surprised to see its still being supported and worked on to this day. Finding this game again today made me realize how much I wanted to take it more seriously and try to beat it and unlock all the side stuff etc.

Hey, welcome! Well, this game was in newgrounds, until Mr. Fulp (the moderator) decided to just REMOVE all mario related parody games. He said Nintendo might DMCA Newgrounds, I dunno. He PM'ed me with a general paragraph, saying he needed to remove due to this and that, and thats all. My attempts to make him listen to me was in vain. Well I dont depend on newgrounds, although I have friends there and I still read something there (or play a non-Mario hentai game). The 'removal' was noticied in the first post of this thread.

MuhGomz Wrote:Unfortunately I ran into a bit of a issue. After completing the final boss of World 2 I returned back to the home world to find that after revisiting the bunker the computer terminal still loads up world 2 when I access it with the key. I can't say I experienced anything odd after destroying the second airship. I went straight from world 2-to peaches castle through sewers-straight to the bunker. I'll try to pay more attention next time to see if I can help find the problem.

Man, oh man! You and 4 more people ARE having those problems and we are still trying to find it out! This bug is very annoying, but you can check yourself that, if you play the game with default settings, then beat airship 2, you can really program the bunker to go to world3. If you read the posts above, you will see I updated the game earlier today with a possible fix, along with the possible causes of it (e.g. I am sure I only set 'key_cannon' when Peach falls from airship). So if she is in world2, she will fall with key_cannon being 'world2'. Then when she POPS UP the buddy friend in the bunker, it will be changed to 'world2_given', allowing her to go to 3. The same if she talks to him instead.

JJPG Wrote:peach disappears at the end (PIC)

Thank you! I am testing it now!
EDIT: Yes, DEFINITELY FIXED NOW! The options screenshot helped me!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby nobynoby » Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:16 am

Hey ivan,some more sex scenes that are full frontal, like the 5th choice when talking to a toad would be nice ;)
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:52 am

Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby 2spikes » Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:40 am

I noticed you didn't respond to the edits or previous post or downloaded the save file. I'm sure you're busy with plenty of other stuff but just making sure you saw them.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:42 pm

nobynoby Wrote:Hey ivan,some more sex scenes that are full frontal, like the 5th choice when talking to a toad would be nice ;)

Sure! Do you any preference of creatures? I may create more, but for creatures with low amount of scenes, like:
Boos: 6
Drybones: 6
X-nauts: 5
Monty Moles: 5
Chucks: 5
Buzzy Beetles: 4
Wrench Guys: 4
Anuboo: 4
Flurries: 4
Clefts: 4
Toadsworth: 4

2spikes Wrote:I noticed you didn't respond to the edits or previous post or downloaded the save file. I'm sure you're busy with plenty of other stuff but just making sure you saw them.

No, I havent answered because I havent detected them. Sometimes due to the delays, the post stays in the last page. I'll check it.
EDIT: Hmmm tons of new info, actually.

2spikes Wrote:No problem about the screenshot. Only.. I'm really not sure what you're asking me about before "after" or "without". I sort of explained the sequence of events of when things happened and to the best of my remembrance after what. I also think I mentioned in the previous comment that the first mentioned glitch happened before creating a save and then all the other times after.

The thing is, if the problem (glitch) started before saving or loading a file (that is, it happened during a gameplay) it might be easier to fix because that glitch might be causing all the havoc. I'll check the attachments.

2spikes Wrote:At the time that I was stating this, at no point was this in relation to a given powerup or dress that I stored. Everything I stated was in the exact context that I said it. At that point, I haven't even gotten any. Anyway, I wrote more on this in the 3rd edit in the previous post.


2spikes Wrote:Well, what you'd then have to do to test is load from either of the first two save slots in what I will give you, try doing something (I'd suggest also changing her outfit to lose the naval piercing just as I did and reduce the breast size) and saving right away to BOTH the clipboard and the slot, and then loading and seeing if those changes stuck in one and the other. If they did, since you'd still have the other slot left which possibly caused whatever issues I mentioned, you can use it to play and do a bunch of stuff after making whatever changes to try and see if you get the freeze glitch. Once you do, well firstly obviously you'd try and troubleshoot it, and secondly you should try the save thing again (which for the slots definitely shouldn't work, like for me, apart from simply the time stamp changing, but for the clipboard I guess you'll see).

Okay, that way I can surely test better!

2spikes Wrote:
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:manual saves would work without activating auto saves,right?

Not sure what you mean.

I mean that, if you play the game with auto save off, manual saves (to the slots) would work.
But seeing your edit above, it seems the problems also happens with auto save feature off, right?

2spikes Wrote:The only manual saves I got to do (where the time updated but none of the actual progress) was in the moments the Peach froze.

Wait! When a bug happened, you got to the pause screen and saved this state? Perhaps when Peach freezes, this is an unpredicted condition that the entire game is glitched and YOU CANT save at all costs! It might be 'bleeding' and corrupting future saves! I can make a way to avoid saving in those cases (like making the 'save' icon disappear). So I can fix that bug that is unrelated to the save problem!

2spikes Wrote:I was otherwise relying on auto-save which didn't seem to be working at all despite me going in and out of different places. However, that may have only been the case (that it wasn't working) because I loaded from that particular save slot which could've gotten messed up due to any number of all those other glitches I pointed out (initially or in the edits).

Due to the 'bleeding', perhaps the auto save got 'infected' since after.

2spikes Wrote:No, most everything that happened, happened after that very first and only save which I then was loading from. Slot 2 I simply tried saving to as a possible alternative to test what happens, but that was at the end with the very last try (which as I mentioned turned out the same).

So due to the 'bleeding', slot 2 ended up infected too.

2spikes Wrote:Remember, Slot 1 and 2 are what you want to test with. Slot 3 is the more recent one which I used having started a new game (where I discovered whatever details in the edits), having reset all options (the screenshot is before they were reset), so meaning with auto-save definitely off, and only doing manual saves.

That's what I am referring to. If I load slot 3 and do everything in the game, with auto save OFF, it might not glitch. If so, its a freezing problem (say, a bug in a creature scene) that freezes Peach and this alone might be bleeding to ANY save action, to whatever slot! If you then save to slot 3 again, that will be 'infected'. If you save to 4 and 5, both will be also bad. Etc.

2spikes Wrote:I didn't run into any issues having done that. That may just be coincidence however and in any case, I wouldn't use that to narrow down the problem. I would do the above mentioned testing. I'd also use Flash Player v22 as I have.

That? What 'that'? You say playing a game with auto save off? So if you are testing it now, I'll be waiting for your findings, while I test your slot 1 and 2.

2spikes Wrote:PS- Unless I missed it, you never addressed the whole issue with the game getting cut off top and bottom (btw, this only happens in the browsers or in whatever player when the window is maximized). It's stupid and in some ways trivial, but it does kind of thwart the desire to want to start the game a bit. Actually, if this is a parameter you can set and it's not an unchangeable issue with flash or something, I think all you simply have to do is have the scaling of the full picture set based on the edges/borders of the height rather than the width.

The problem is that Flash is dumb. The default scaling mode is ON, but its NOT proportional. This is the WORST problem because the camera engine NEEDS it to be proporcional. When you 'drag and drop' the window edges, you can enlarge it like 5pixels in X and 1000pixels in Y. This can cause entire explosives crashes!

The solution was to make it scale proportional. So far, so good! BUT! When doing that, FULL screen mode will scale proportional ACCORDING do 3:4 screens (not wide screens!) There is no 16:9 option anywhere! So what I did? I made it scale proportionally, BUT for people who wants to play FULL screen in a widescreen, it wont be proportional. The problem: the browser DOESNT actually make it full screen (but rather in maximized mode), it will DISABLE proportional scale. In the options screen, you will see in ENGINE tab: 'Force 16:9 maximized'. This does what it says. It forces 16:9 in a 'fake full screen' (notice the quotes) mode. Certain browsers just maximizes it, instead of a true full screen, making the top/bottom areas cutted out. I hope I am clear about this. (another person had this problem, then he learnt how to use 'Force 16:9 maximized' and it worked perfectly!)

2spikes Wrote:One quick thing you might do is have an additional option not just to turn dialogue on or off, but to have it so that only new dialogue shows up (something which would also be saved with the save information). So in other words, if she already said it in regards to a particular enemy, she won't say it again. Even better, though I'm not sure it would work in all instances, would be if she does say it again but only the first bubble. Otherwise, it kind of takes away from the experience both ways, when it's constantly repeated in full or when she just says nothing.

Its better for me to just make her not say anything anymore in the second time onwards. Making only the first bubble visible when the same sex pose is done is not that easy. Okay I'll think about your suggestion of not showing if 'second time onwards'!

2spikes Wrote:EDIT: Ok, so I tried playing like yesterday with the original save files using the new version of the game you put out and everything is the same. I'm not sure if it's only an issue with the heels but I actually managed to get it in reverse as well, using the "clicking on load screen from outfit room" glitch, where I'd get her to wear the shoes (which by default it says she's wearing), and then I went into a level, went back into the outfit room, selected "none" for shoes/heels, and exited. She would still be wearing the heels (as I guess she's supposed to), but if I went back into the outfit room, it would still say "none".

Please remember this is a showroom screen. It shows her current outfit situation, sure, but if you change the heels to 'none', even if she appears without it, this is for new powerups! The same with garter, stockings and gloves! Those are generally applied to 'garter-compliant' outfits, 'glove-compliant' outfits, 'heels-compliant' outfits, etc. I know its a bit ackward to understand, but just think with me: if the player was able to put shoes on her all the time in that screen, he/she would be cheating all the time. The same with garters, etc. When Peach gets stark naked, AND with 0% horniness, she gets completelly fragile, so she can die if she gets hurt. If she is wearing something, creatures and hazardous objects just shred/destroy them. When naked, people just went in the outfit room and selected a pair of heels to her again and again. I hope you understand this concept. If you do, you can surely give me ideas on how to make this less confusing (perhaps putting more descriptive text on it).

2spikes Wrote:I actually did also now try to press "A" in the scene with Toadsworth and Peach disappeared again and the game essentially froze. So I guess that glitch is actually repeatable, but yeah, it wasn't fixed, at least not for me.

Cant reproduce! My test was with the SUCKING scene (he was awake before). I then used A many and many times and she sucked him over and over, until he slept again. If you tested 'A' in another scene (say, he was already sleeping and Peach had to suck his dick to make him woke up), so I have to check that other scene!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Sun Sep 11, 2016 6:41 am

Hi Ivan! I noticed how well the project has been going. Do you have anything big coming up for a future update? Also, I expect an answer from you in a few days since I sent you a new level layout.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby 2spikes » Sun Sep 11, 2016 10:03 am

But seeing your edit above, it seems the problems also happens with auto save feature off, right?


Wait! When a bug happened, you got to the pause screen and saved this state? Perhaps when Peach freezes, this is an unpredicted condition that the entire game is glitched and YOU CANT save at all costs! It might be 'bleeding' and corrupting future saves! I can make a way to avoid saving in those cases (like making the 'save' icon disappear). So I can fix that bug that is unrelated to the save problem!

Right again, and obviously I'm aware of that. Like I said however, first time this glitch happened I'm pretty sure I had no saves. Perhaps it made it a lot worse after that initial save, like I've been saying this whole time, which could've gotten corrupt. I did the manual save after the freeze glitch to at least try and preserve my progress. Since Slot 3 worked fine where I started a new game (and did with manual saves if you remember), clearly it didn't corrupt everything. Then I tried saving in that state to Slot 2 next time it happened for troubleshooting purposes. Whether I should or shouldn't was already a second question for me at that point as I experienced so much confusion and glitches already (again, game in progress; I totally understand, and it can still obviously be enjoyable if you don't try to do everything at once like me).

Anyway, the solution wouldn't be disabling the save slots if saving in the state potentially creates further problems. The solution would obviously be from solving the root problem. If anything, there should be more ways of saving (perhaps a keyboard shortcut) and perhaps some additional auto-save/recovery functions built-in. The best thing like I said would be to literally start the game right from where you left off automatically, with the manual save simply serving as an additional option to save at different progress states to different slots. The previous save should also always be stored as a backup in case something happened to the latest one.

Due to the 'bleeding', perhaps the auto save got 'infected' since after.

Doubt it. As a matter of fact, the first save I think was created by auto-save. In any case, even if it's those saves which were corrupted, seeing whatever glitches using those saves could help find whatever related if not direct problems in the process anyway, so I don't think it would be wise to simply dismiss this whole thing as an initially corrupt save file, especially since like I mentioned, the first time the glitch happened (I think it was in fact with Toadsworth), that was before ever having loaded from a save slot.

That? What 'that'? You say playing a game with auto save off? So if you are testing it now, I'll be waiting for your findings, while I test your slot 1 and 2.

Yes, I already tested it for a brief period while testing with auto-save off and saving seemed normal (as expected). It was clear from the beginning that the save file got screwed up somehow, but the root of that would not have been anything I did. It could've just been linked to whatever other glitches in the game having already happened. However, as you read I mentioned later, I was able to replicate that glitch starting a new game, simply using my formerly set options (as uploaded/attached a few posts back).

(another person had this problem, then he learnt how to use 'Force 16:9 maximized' and it worked perfectly!)

So I just tested and what actually ends up working is the "last resort" option. It works through all the screens. I don't really need to force fullscreen (I guess unless I was using a browser) since that works just fine and there's no issues when fullscreen. It's only when the window is maximized. The "last resort" option I think MIGHT but some greater strain on the CPU though. Imo, if there are no further consequences, for 16:9 monitors/resolutions (if that can be detected), that should be the default option.

But in any case, interestingly enough when testing this I ran into the problem again. I loaded from the third slot (which you also have in the save file, obviously now with the "last resort" option having been additionally turned on) and having done nothing else I went to Toad Town. I spoke to the seller guy; tested out a few of the option including taking the money. Did that two times. Then I went to ride the Yoshi. While riding I went left and right for a while, jumping, using the tongue (trying "X" to run which wasn't working), till I finally unmounted him right to the left of that first house up front (in between like the house and the seller guy). I may have clicked away from the screen at that point or something (not sure, but may as well try that), but then I noticed moving left and right wasn't working (Peach was still doing here breathing animation). I clicked on the screen and tried again and still nothing. Everyone on the screen was still animated. I pressed the Ctrl button and heard the sound but no menu popped up. At that point I closed the game :/. So, it's the first time it happened on the 3rd slot but it happened. The issue is definitely still there and I'd sorta be afraid of playing and losing all my data, especially if auto-save isn't entirely working properly. I really hope you can replicate it/have it happen to you as well somehow, at least using my options and save files.

When I played the other day, I had different options as well. For testing purposes however, I set my options the way I had them before (which includes auto-save) and now it happened again. I'm starting to suspect maybe that is what's causing the problem, or any number of the other options - not sure. Considering how much longer I played the other day and didn't run into the problem, there may very well be some correlation.

Okay I'll think about your suggestion of not showing if 'second time onwards'!

Ok, cool! The only thing I meant by only having the first bubble appear is sort of like an addendum to the option of not showing the second time. So basically, once/if that's programmed in, it's obviously harder but in case it wasn't clear, I was saying to have her say the first phrase only from that point on. I hope you see like why I propose this. I think that could really give it more dimension. Perhaps, if taking it EVEN a step further, each instance/enemy can have that initial monologue for each sex transition, and then each can have a single rotating phrase (maybe three each), for each different position done with each enemy. Yeah, it's a lot, but I think that's one thing which can be done to SIGNIFICANTLY enhance the experience. It would obviously be more engaging than long repeated text each time or none at all.

Please remember this is a showroom screen. It shows her current outfit situation, sure, but if you change the heels to 'none', even if she appears without it, this is for new powerups! The same with garter, stockings and gloves! Those are generally applied to 'garter-compliant' outfits, 'glove-compliant' outfits, 'heels-compliant' outfits, etc. I know its a bit ackward to understand, but just think with me: if the player was able to put shoes on her all the time in that screen, he/she would be cheating all the time. The same with garters, etc. When Peach gets stark naked, AND with 0% horniness, she gets completelly fragile, so she can die if she gets hurt. If she is wearing something, creatures and hazardous objects just shred/destroy them. When naked, people just went in the outfit room and selected a pair of heels to her again and again. I hope you understand this concept. If you do, you can surely give me ideas on how to make this less confusing (perhaps putting more descriptive text on it).

Ok, so I think I understood the concept. Nonetheless, what's throwing me off is perhaps the glitches then. Sometimes the things do get applied, like in the beginning of the game. I didn't even realize sh'e supposed to be naked because she started out with exactly what I assigned to her. Then, sometimes she would actually put the stuff on that I'd change, and sometimes she didn't. Then, there's that glitch with the shoes where it doesn't reflect what she's currently wearing, and I think those are the things which throw me the most off. What the showroom shows/says isn't always accurate. Finally, there's the glitch where if I go into the load screen from the outfit/showroom screen and then exit, all the changes I make actually get applied.

So now, glitches aside, here's my recommendation. I get it now. The "Showroom" screen and the "Outfit" screen should be separate. I should not be creating outfits by changing her attire on what is supposed to be showing her in her current state. What I would also do is not include heels or the garnet as additional pieces of clothing which protect her. Clothes/no clothes as akin to Mario with a mushroom in the games and then Mario without isn't clear at all. Giving the player the option by default to put on heels, gloves, stockings, and the garnet (not sure if I missed anything of that nature) should be provided at will, and it should simply be lost in purposeful scenes like the chomp chomp eating her (after which point the player should still have the aesthetic options to have her put back on the heels if they wanted). The default association with those things aren't to do with outfits.

Now, in the separate showroom with the different outfits where players can customize their looks, I see there's obviously the option to make them all look the same and essentially naked. That confuses things even further. The customization has to be such that each one can be differentiated if its crucial to the game. I don't understand how it can be otherwise. Anything short of what I mention would continue being confusing even now that I get it.

Cant reproduce! My test was with the SUCKING scene (he was awake before). I then used A many and many times and she sucked him over and over, until he slept again. If you tested 'A' in another scene (say, he was already sleeping and Peach had to suck his dick to make him woke up), so I have to check that other scene!

Just replicated this specific one two more times in a row starting a new game, in any configuration, even trying with auto-save on and with auto-save off (doubted it had anything to do with it in this case). No matter what option I answer in the beginning, when I go straight down to Toadsworth, with the sucking scene where he falls asleep, if I press "A" again, he stands up, she disappears, and the game freezes. Make sure you're trying it with all my options set as shown in the screenshot.

Also, the post with the "edits" I've been referring to for a while is that initial one I did in response to you. I think you still may not have seen all of them. The one which was initially posted over night. There's three huge edits with plenty more information there, including two concrete glitches XD
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby GadenKerensky » Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:44 pm

The gallery appears to not work when using the cheats; there is no way to progress the scene. Unless there's something I'm missing.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:54 pm

Just to reinforce I am still in my vacation, until day 13th.
So I am not coding all the time.

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Hi Ivan! I noticed how well the project has been going. Do you have anything big coming up for a future update? Also, I expect an answer from you in a few days since I sent you a new level layout.

Already answered (About Level 8-2). I havent received any other message.

GadenKerensky Wrote:The gallery appears to not work when using the cheats; there is no way to progress the scene. Unless there's something I'm missing.

Lets talk by parts.
- Gallery not working: Where? The entire gallery? Remember that, when using the main chat (1, 9 and 0 at the same time), you need to go to the gallery and click in the button 'UNLOCK', then click again to confirm it.
- No way to progress the scene: which scene? where? which creature? Generally we use NEXT KEY to progress (if you choose keyboard 1, its SPACE. If another keyboard, it can be E or yet another key).

2spikes Wrote:Right again, and obviously I'm aware of that. Like I said however, first time this glitch happened I'm pretty sure I had no saves. Perhaps it made it a lot worse after that initial save, like I've been saying this whole time, which could've gotten corrupt. I did the manual save after the freeze glitch to at least try and preserve my progress. Since Slot 3 worked fine where I started a new game (and did with manual saves if you remember), clearly it didn't corrupt everything. Then I tried saving in that state to Slot 2 next time it happened for troubleshooting purposes. Whether I should or shouldn't was already a second question for me at that point as I experienced so much confusion and glitches already (again, game in progress; I totally understand, and it can still obviously be enjoyable if you don't try to do everything at once like me).

I made a little progress about this bug but I have not updated anything until further investigation. Thats because I dont have any freezing cases documented, that is, which scene, which creature, which level, etc. Once I get able to reproduce the freeze, I can check the debug console. I have not tested your save slots yet, but I'll do soon.

2spikes Wrote:Doubt it (about 'bleeding'). As a matter of fact, the first save I think was created by auto-save. In any case, even if it's those saves which were corrupted, seeing whatever glitches using those saves could help find whatever related if not direct problems in the process anyway

Yes, like checking the debug console for items in particular like heels and garter. Lets say only those two got corrupted. I could just reproduce the bug then fix those two. But the problem appears to be deeper. You said the princess was not starting in the desired saved level hole (in the worldmap), but her castle instead, so I guess the corruption just resetted all states to default. When we save a state, I just tell to the system: 'hey, please save those class instances: Config, ConfigPlayer and ConfigNPC'. Each of those have, say, 40 or more variables. The system serializes it automatically. But yes, if during serialization a bug happens in variable 20 or Config, it may not process the rest, neither the other files like ConfigPlayer. Again, I have to investigate.

2spikes Wrote:Yes, I already tested it for a brief period while testing with auto-save off and saving seemed normal (as expected).

This makes me think the auto save might be the main culprit, alongside the freezes (like toadworth case).

2spikes Wrote:It was clear from the beginning that the save file got screwed up somehow, but the root of that would not have been anything I did. It could've just been linked to whatever other glitches in the game having already happened. However, as you read I mentioned later, I was able to replicate that glitch starting a new game, simply using my formerly set options (as uploaded/attached a few posts back).


2spikes Wrote:So I just tested and what actually ends up working is the "last resort" option. It works through all the screens. I don't really need to force fullscreen (I guess unless I was using a browser) since that works just fine and there's no issues when fullscreen. It's only when the window is maximized.

The problem is that browsers make them 'maximized' then tell us its in full screen mode!

2spikes Wrote:The "last resort" option I think MIGHT but some greater strain on the CPU though. Imo, if there are no further consequences, for 16:9 monitors/resolutions (if that can be detected), that should be the default option.

If Flash had a 'isMaximized' boolean value, everything could be easier. It doesnt have it. The thing is, the last resort works.

2spikes Wrote:But in any case, interestingly enough when testing this I ran into the problem again. I loaded from the third slot (which you also have in the save file, obviously now with the "last resort" option having been additionally turned on) and having done nothing else I went to Toad Town. I spoke to the seller guy; tested out a few of the option including taking the money. Did that two times. Then I went to ride the Yoshi. While riding I went left and right for a while, jumping, using the tongue (trying "X" to run which wasn't working), till I finally unmounted him right to the left of that first house up front (in between like the house and the seller guy). I may have clicked away from the screen at that point or something (not sure, but may as well try that), but then I noticed moving left and right wasn't working (Peach was still doing here breathing animation).

This is a Flash issue. I cant control 'mouse out of screen' cases and 'alt tab' or another event making us go back to the screen. You can just try to click in the screen with the mouse, then check the keyboard again. At least here it works. During scenes, if you click in another window (like another application), you need to click again in MIM PUT screen, but this will zoom the scene in. Just click 3 more times to return to the default zoom, and then you can use the keyboard normally.

2spikes Wrote:I clicked on the screen and tried again and still nothing. Everyone on the screen was still animated.

Cant reproduce! If its yet another Flash issue, please try to use ALT+ENTER or a combination that forces full-screen/not full screen to see if it unlocks.

2spikes Wrote:I pressed the Ctrl button and heard the sound but no menu popped up. At that point I closed the game :/

If you heard the sound, THEN in this case the game was working and receiving keyboard commands. It seems an hidden glitch that then make the game unplayable, not because of 'mouse out'. I just ask you to reproduce it again if possible, then tell me the steps exactly. Example:
1 - I entered the game, in full screen mode YES, force maximized NO.
2 - I pressed ESC (or ALT-ENTER or whatever) and its now in windowed mode
3 - I made Peach run with yoshi. Then I unmounted her. During that unmount process, I clicked in another application (another window).
4 - I clicked once in MIM PUT screen, to try to go back. Now I cant do anything. By clicking CTRL, I noticed the game IS answering my commands, but something glitched when I came back.

Then I start my obsessive tryouts with debug console ON.

2spikes Wrote:So, it's the first time it happened on the 3rd slot but it happened. The issue is definitely still there and I'd sorta be afraid of playing and losing all my data, especially if auto-save isn't entirely working properly. I really hope you can replicate it/have it happen to you as well somehow, at least using my options and save files.

Yes, I'll SURELY check the save system!

2spikes Wrote:I played the other day, I had different options as well. For testing purposes however, I set my options the way I had them before (which includes auto-save) and now it happened again. I'm starting to suspect maybe that is what's causing the problem, or any number of the other options - not sure. Considering how much longer I played the other day and didn't run into the problem, there may very well be some correlation.

Okay, I'll take this into consideration when testing!

2spikes Wrote:Ok, cool! The only thing I meant by only having the first bubble appear is sort of like an addendum to the option of not showing the second time. So basically, once/if that's programmed in, it's obviously harder but in case it wasn't clear, I was saying to have her say the first phrase only from that point on. I hope you see like why I propose this. I think that could really give it more dimension. Perhaps, if taking it EVEN a step further, each instance/enemy can have that initial monologue for each sex transition, and then each can have a single rotating phrase (maybe three each), for each different position done with each enemy. Yeah, it's a lot, but I think that's one thing which can be done to SIGNIFICANTLY enhance the experience. It would obviously be more engaging than long repeated text each time or none at all.

Well, there is a way (If I am not mistaken) to make them say different phrases already, but when Peach is a nymph. This happens for all bubbles in those scenes.
As for the first balloon being fixed and the others absent, I can still try to implement this, but its harder.
As for the balloons rotating words after the first one, its yet more complex to make, but not impossible. I prefer to first try to make what I promised: a way to make the balloons appear the first time only (if 'Text Ballons' options is in, say, ONCE button mode).

2spikes Wrote:Ok, so I think I understood the concept. Nonetheless, what's throwing me off is perhaps the glitches then. Sometimes the things do get applied, like in the beginning of the game.

Yeah, thats a glitch :/

2spikes Wrote:I didn't even realize sh'e supposed to be naked because she started out with exactly what I assigned to her. Then, sometimes she would actually put the stuff on that I'd change, and sometimes she didn't. Then, there's that glitch with the shoes where it doesn't reflect what she's currently wearing, and I think those are the things which throw me the most off. What the showroom shows/says isn't always accurate.

I'll be adding this to my BUGs to be fixed!

2spikes Wrote:Finally, there's the glitch where if I go into the load screen from the outfit/showroom screen and then exit, all the changes I make actually get applied.

Okay marked for FIX!

2spikes Wrote:So now, glitches aside, here's my recommendation. I get it now. The "Showroom" screen and the "Outfit" screen should be separate. I should not be creating outfits by changing her attire on what is supposed to be showing her in her current state. What I would also do is not include heels or the garnet as additional pieces of clothing which protect her. Clothes/no clothes as akin to Mario with a mushroom in the games and then Mario without isn't clear at all. Giving the player the option by default to put on heels, gloves, stockings, and the garnet (not sure if I missed anything of that nature) should be provided at will, and it should simply be lost in purposeful scenes like the chomp chomp eating her (after which point the player should still have the aesthetic options to have her put back on the heels if they wanted). The default association with those things aren't to do with outfits.

This was made since the beginning (2012) so people could check the current Princess situation, then change her to his/her liking and configure powerups and items like heels. I havent put a way to make her start the game with heels, garters, gloves, etc, because in the beginning, she is with 'lingerie only' mode due to the plot! Otherwise, by changing this initial configuration (say, stark naked), I would need to change the plot (by making the toads steal all of her clothes, not only her outter outfit, that is, the dress). I prefer not doing this. What I can do right now is to avoid her to accept another outfit partially (this is a bug), like putting 'YOSHI' outfit in the main screen and then see her in her bedroom with a yoshi head (this should NOT happen).

2spikes Wrote:Now, in the separate showroom with the different outfits where players can customize their looks, I see there's obviously the option to make them all look the same and essentially naked. That confuses things even further. The customization has to be such that each one can be differentiated if its crucial to the game. I don't understand how it can be otherwise. Anything short of what I mention would continue being confusing even now that I get it.

Since the beginning (2012) players that played MIM PUT adopted this system, because they 'so wanted' to throw fireballs while stark naked, and you guess it, fly without a tail. this would make a HEAVY confusion because how a naked princess could just 'fly' without a tail? So, back in 2012 (or 2013) I removed the Raccoon powerup from the showroom. But players still wanted (LIKE CRAZY) to be free to change outfits there. They wanted a frog peach to be stark naked. Then you say: 'how could I then find out WHICH powerup I am currently in'? I answer you: 'just check the icon in the HUD. The top left one'. Also, if you go to pause screen, you will see an icon over her head (the big model in the right). So this feature was accepted during all those years. Then you observed some areas to be improved. I like your ideas. But please understand its a thing already 'buried in the game' for ages.

2spikes Wrote:Just replicated this specific one two more times in a row starting a new game, in any configuration, even trying with auto-save on and with auto-save off (doubted it had anything to do with it in this case). No matter what option I answer in the beginning, when I go straight down to Toadsworth, with the sucking scene where he falls asleep, if I press "A" again, he stands up, she disappears, and the game freezes. Make sure you're trying it with all my options set as shown in the screenshot.

I am testing it yet again with your options just to be sure!

2spikes Wrote:Also, the post with the "edits" I've been referring to for a while is that initial one I did in response to you. I think you still may not have seen all of them. The one which was initially posted over night. There's three huge edits with plenty more information there, including two concrete glitches XD

Phew! :o I'll surely check all of them. But later! Thank you!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby nobynoby » Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:25 am

i actually prefer the xnauts and the chucks hehe. thanks for listening to my request! not many game creators listen to their fans like you do. (ahem Call of Duty). :D
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:05 am

nobynoby Wrote:i actually prefer the xnauts and the chucks hehe. thanks for listening to my request! not many game creators listen to their fans like you do. (ahem Call of Duty). :D

Okay, so be it! I will think about it!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby LarsR » Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:01 am

Hi Ivan,

First of all, once again, thanks for the great game! And thanks for continuing to improve it. I can't thank you enough :-)

I want to help you with the dialog writing in the game, there are some places where it is not very good. I'd love to help you fix that!

One part where the text is not very good, is the toad dialog. It is now this:

1) Allure her to play with your dick (or sometimes "Play with her asshole quickly!")
2) Make her suck you
3) Tease her
4) Tease her more
5) Tease her even more!
6) Slip in her asshole!
7) Let him choose!

The problem is that the subject of the sentences is the toad, not peach. It would be much better for "immersion" if the text was from the point of view of peach, like this:

"Toad, please ..."
1) Show me your dick! (or sometimes "Fuck my ass!")
2) Let me suck you!
3) Look at my pussy!
4) Massage my ass!
5) Tease me from behind!
6) Slip in my asshole!
7) Do what you want!


I will ...
1) Play with his dick (or sometimes "Have him fuck my ass")
2) Suck his dick
3) Show him my pussy
4) Make him massage my butt
5) Have him tease me from behind
6) Allow him to slip into my ass
7) Let him choose!

Both styles are from the perspective of peach, and both would work. I slightly prefer the second one, but the first one is shorter. So pick the one you prefer :-)

I think the dialog for the toads can actually be improved even more. A more complex dialog would be nice, where each option opens a few other options. Some options could only be available when peach is a nymph and/or horny enough.
I would love to help with that, if you're interested.

If such dialog code is in a single place, I could even code that for you, which would be easier for you than if I described the changes and you had to code them. I'd just need the current dialog code to start with.
In fact, If I had the part of the code with the dialog text, I could improve the text of many dialogs in the game. For example, there are some minor errors in some speech bubbles, but they disappear before I can copy them.

I know I have asked you before to allow others to view and edit the source code of the game, and I do know it's not easy and you want to do that later if the code is more finished.
However, I think it would already be great for small changes like this. And if you use github (or somthing similar), "pull requests" would make it extremely easy for you to see the details about each suggested change, and approve it or not.

If you don't know github, be sure to look into it, it's extremely good to allow others to suggest edits to your code while you still have easy and full control.
Also, people don't need to have the full source and art, or be able to build and test themselves. For dialog changes, and other small tweaks, that is not needed.

Anyway, I'd like to end this post by thanking you for the great game again :D
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby 2spikes » Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:56 am

This is a Flash issue. I cant control 'mouse out of screen' cases and 'alt tab' or another event making us go back to the screen. You can just try to click in the screen with the mouse, then check the keyboard again. At least here it works. During scenes, if you click in another window (like another application), you need to click again in MIM PUT screen, but this will zoom the scene in. Just click 3 more times to return to the default zoom, and then you can use the keyboard normally.

I regret mentioning the click thing at all XD Not sure why you went on that tangent. I was just trying to be thorough in saying everything that might have happened. I am aware of all the things you mentioned and I said I obviously tried clicking back within the window (if I even clicked out of the window at all to begin with). I only mentioned it because it could've been what caused whatever glitch. The point was everything else I mentioned. Point was, the same glitch happened again with the freezing or whatever you want to call it (which manifests itself differently but in effect is really the same), and like I said, it has a clear element of randomness to it. I tried to provide more information by including every step I did till the glitch happened, though I doubt doing all those steps, even with all the options, would make the glitch happen again in exactly the same place, as I don't think it's a particular place/action which causes it (other than in the case of like Toadsworth).

Cant reproduce! If its yet another Flash issue, please try to use ALT+ENTER or a combination that forces full-screen/not full screen to see if it unlocks.

I've tried this before. The point of me bringing up the glitch again, besides the fact that it happened again, was that it didn't pertain this time for sure to any of the presumingly corrupt save slots. Going in or out of fullscreen doesn't solve the issue. This is the first time it happened actually OUT of fullscreen btw because previously I played fullscreen every time. This time I was just testing the "last resort" option.

I just ask you to reproduce it again if possible, then tell me the steps exactly. Example:

I understand what you're asking me. I felt I communicated from the very first post and many times after that this is impossible. I can't "reproduce" the glitch, and all the ones I can I've otherwise listed. I posted full descriptions of what happens, I posted all the options I play with (including character options), I uploaded my save file, I further elaborated on things I tried and how I've tried them, and now in the previous post just in case I provided literally every move I made (using my options and the third save file) and exactly where it happened again and how. The issue is random apart from all those provided things. Not sure if you followed every single detail of what I mentioned (including options, character options, and the save file provided), but either way I doubt the issue would be reproducible in that way. Just play for thirty minutes using all my information and saves and do random things within the initial locations (before level 1-1).

There's really nothing else I can do on my part, but it is a serious (the most serious) issue.

I prefer to first try to make what I promised: a way to make the balloons appear the first time only (if 'Text Ballons' options is in, say, ONCE button mode).

Right, absolutely! All those other things would obviously be additional; I simply tried to elucidate the point on what I feel their value would be in terms of whatever kind of depth/additional level of engagement the game would bring.

This was made since the beginning (2012) so people could check the current Princess situation, then change her to his/her liking and configure powerups and items like heels. I havent put a way to make her start the game with heels, garters, gloves, etc, because in the beginning, she is with 'lingerie only' mode due to the plot! Otherwise, by changing this initial configuration (say, stark naked), I would need to change the plot (by making the toads steal all of her clothes, not only her outter outfit, that is, the dress). I prefer not doing this. What I can do right now is to avoid her to accept another outfit partially (this is a bug), like putting 'YOSHI' outfit in the main screen and then see her in her bedroom with a yoshi head (this should NOT happen).

Since the beginning (2012) players that played MIM PUT adopted this system, because they 'so wanted' to throw fireballs while stark naked, and you guess it, fly without a tail. this would make a HEAVY confusion because how a naked princess could just 'fly' without a tail? So, back in 2012 (or 2013) I removed the Raccoon powerup from the showroom. But players still wanted (LIKE CRAZY) to be free to change outfits there. They wanted a frog peach to be stark naked. Then you say: 'how could I then find out WHICH powerup I am currently in'? I answer you: 'just check the icon in the HUD. The top left one'. Also, if you go to pause screen, you will see an icon over her head (the big model in the right). So this feature was accepted during all those years. Then you observed some areas to be improved. I like your ideas. But please understand its a thing already 'buried in the game' for ages.

Well, regarding all this, whatever the reasons, I honestly wouldn't know of any other way to make things not confusing besides having it the way I described. Obviously fixing the pertaining glitches would be a good start though. All I can really say is repeat the points I made. If done the way I mentioned, no plot changes would be necessary. People can still have their wish of customizing costumes; it would just be more limited. I'm not sure you grasped the full scope of my suggestion(s). Put simply in terms of what the problems is, currently there's no balance or clear understanding of what's fixed and what's changeable, and therefore what's supposed to be as part of the game and what's happening or something that's in response to changes I made. I literally played through the game thinking that a good deal of the dialogue/plot was in response to my actions and whatever changes I made myself to what she's wearing (which I thought I chose to mostly be nothing rather than it being part of the plot). One thing for sure I will say is that perhaps lingerie (or at least heals) shouldn't count towards her taking more or less damage or not and she should just be able to wear that whenever with user preference. I think there are currently also just variables which overlap where they shouldn't, due to whatever features being added later over time like whatever customizability.

One thing I forgot to mention is that on top of all those things being in one menu, already serving like 4 different purposes where you mention there shouldn't be any overlap (with no real way of really knowing that), there's also customizing her body (breast and belly size). This I'm guessing can be changed how you'd like? Then there's also the min/max settings in the options? I think all those things should be on yet another screen called "Character Customization" so people can choose how they would ever want her to look at all parts of the game. So the "pregnancy" and "asshole" options for example would also be there.

To make it simple, without any details as previously tried to be provided, I just think where there needs to be a clear distinction is between character customization options for the users which are always available and customization options which pertain to outfits (not including "naked" as having it there also confuses things) which obviously only apply to when you have whatever powerup.

Finally, for further sense and consistency, a mushroom should technically be what gives her her traditional dress, but at this point, given that the mushroom has a different purpose, perhaps too many parts of the game would have to be changed for this to work, but honestly everything revolving around these aspects are confusing and would imo have to be rethought.

I am testing it yet again with your options just to be sure!

Yeah, this one with Toadsworth should really be replicable. If you cant replicate this one, perhaps it could be the key to all the other things as well, and once you're able to replicate this, the other glitch which appears to be random may become present for you as well.

Phew! :o I'll surely check all of them. But later! Thank you!

Good luck once again! There are some easy glitches I think to fix which were listed in those original long edits. Hope everything comes together and I hope this project really pays off for your somehow. I'm really glad there are people like you willing to do this. The following may sound trite, though it's not, but the world would be a much more miserable place without people like you willing to do things for truer incentives than those monetarily driven. It's always great though of course when in the context of our society, whatever you're doing can also help you in that way, and hopefully it does in some shape or form.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby 2spikes » Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:01 pm

LarsR Wrote:I want to help you with the dialog writing in the game, there are some places where it is not very good. I'd love to help you fix that!

Hey Lars, so I agree that perhaps the text can be better at points, but the reason for the perspective you brought up in the case of the Toads is because the idea is at that point sh'e snot actually fully open to the idea of sex (even though she has non-stop sex with everyone, lol) and it's supposed to be in the minds of the Toads to possibly try something and she sort of gets lured in/plays along with it.

Regarding your idea for making the source code public, I kind of agree with Ivan that this might only make sense once the code/game is more finished. I would be chaos with like endless versions of the game otherwise with random glitches plaguing each version, with whatever potential branches possibly never getting fixed. Hope that makes sense.
Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:54 pm

Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby tripflip » Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:13 pm

2spikes Wrote:Hey Lars, so I agree that perhaps the text can be better at points, but the reason for the perspective you brought up in the case of the Toads is because the idea is at that point sh'e snot actually fully open to the idea of sex (even though she has non-stop sex with everyone, lol) and it's supposed to be in the minds of the Toads to possibly try something and she sort of gets lured in/plays along with it.

Yeah, the idea is that she starts the game innocent and wanting to stay a virgin until she can find Mario. She's very naive about what constitutes sex, however, and you can tell from the dialogue that she's been given some strange definitions of what constitutes a massage, or lotion, or what should be expected for a "morning session." She is also a very horny person, but lives in a certain amount of denial of her desires (though this denial is largely through naive ignorance and a bit of social pressure- it's not like a dogma thing or anything like that).

Depending on what the player does, she may stay this way through the game, or come to openly like sex with all manner of creatures. The Toad scenes are an option right at the start of the game, so assume Peach is at her most innocent. Making all dialogue change when she's a nymph would be nice, but it would also be a lot of work.

I guess if I were to change the Toad dialogue to be from her perspective, I'd make it:
Give him some relief? 1) With your hands 2) With your mouth 3) Tease him 4) With a massage 5) Tease the tip 6) Ass massage (hope he doesn't slip!) 7) Let him choose (Space) Go away
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby LarsR » Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:21 pm

2spikes Wrote:Hey Lars, so I agree that perhaps the text can be better at points, but the reason for the perspective you brought up in the case of the Toads is because the idea is at that point sh'e snot actually fully open to the idea of sex (even though she has non-stop sex with everyone, lol) and it's supposed to be in the minds of the Toads to possibly try something and she sort of gets lured in/plays along with it.

I understand, but because it's from the perspective of the toad, it breaks immersion. You suddenly are not playing as peach, and that is confusing. It would be great to prevent that.
But I do understand your point, and actually, that's something I think I could fix with a more complex dialog (toad begging for help, and suggesting giving a massage, or "showing a trick with his mushroom", etc. Then peach can naively agree to one of the options). That more complex dialog would also depend on if peach is a nymph or not (once she's a nymph, she would directly ask the toad to fuck her).

2spikes Wrote:Regarding your idea for making the source code public, I kind of agree with Ivan that this might only make sense once the code/game is more finished. I would be chaos with like endless versions of the game otherwise with random glitches plaguing each version, with whatever potential branches possibly never getting fixed. Hope that makes sense.

I don't think that needs to be the case. Just put the code on github (read-only, but not the art and some other files used to make the game. That way, only Ivan can actually create the game. People can do pull requests if they change something, and Ivan can freely ignore these if he wants.
Really, github is great to keep control of your software! :-)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:40 pm

LarsR Wrote:Hi Ivan, First of all, once again, thanks for the great game! And thanks for continuing to improve it. I can't thank you enough :-)

Glad you like it really ;)

LarsR Wrote:I want to help you with the dialog writing in the game, there are some places where it is not very good. I'd love to help you fix that!

Please be welcome! I'll surely improved it with help! Your ideas for the toad is great, i could choose your second change (the one you prefered). I also liked it. But as 2spikes said, there are certain dialogues I want to see 'from the perspective of the enemy', so its like we are forcing them to screw up our virgin Princess ;) Its a way we can get dirty without making Peach so 'lewd', like she is wanting sex like crazy.

LarsR Wrote:I think the dialog for the toads can actually be improved even more. A more complex dialog would be nice, where each option opens a few other options. Some options could only be available when peach is a nymph and/or horny enough. I would love to help with that, if you're interested.

I like the idea, you can surely help with the 'hierarchy choosing', that is, selecting an option to open more options. So it will be like the princess is talking to him and opening more choices. I just cant program it right now, or I'll delay the production of world 8 levels.

LarsR Wrote:If such dialog code is in a single place, I could even code that for you, which would be easier for you than if I described the changes and you had to code them. I'd just need the current dialog code to start with.

You dont have to worry about the mechanics of the dialogue code, really. I can do it quite fast. I use something like (just for curiousity):
Code: Select All Code
  if (obj.notice)  {
     if (Dlg.d(obj,0,0,1,"Enemy","Security: Hey, CUNT, time to leave this room! (PRESS "+KeyEvents.getNextText()+")","fBackside"))
     if (Dlg.d(obj,Dict.nextKey,1,2,"PeachNotTalking","(CHOOSE A NUMBER)\n1) I wont leave! \n2) Stroke his dick!"))
              if (Dlg.d(obj,1,2,0,false,false,"fEXIT",false))
             if (Dlg.d(obj,2,2,0,false,false,"fEXIT",false))
   } //if notice

Sorry about the 'lack of tideness'. The post changes my tabs and makes it less readable.

The first parameter is obj (the object itself, like the creature). The most important parameters is the second, third and fourth: 'Dict.nextKey,1,2'.
It says: 'if you press SPACE, the state 1 will become state 2'.
The thing is, I can kind of 'hierarchise' the above, so certain options will open yet another options. But again you dont need to worry about it.

LarsR Wrote:In fact, If I had the part of the code with the dialog text, I could improve the text of many dialogs in the game. For example, there are some minor errors in some speech bubbles, but they disappear before I can copy them.

Those code are scattered over almost 300 scenes :/ Its hard to find them. I plan creating variables for them (a kind of hash) so it will be quickly changed, as I have the project of tranlating the game! (i18n). But this is reeeeeally a thing for the future/far future!
What you can do is just to go to the gallery (with cheat mode), then check the scenes you want to improve. When the text bubble appears in, you can quickly press PRINT SCREEN, then paste in a image editor. I do this.

LarsR Wrote:I know I have asked you before to allow others to view and edit the source code of the game, and I do know it's not easy and you want to do that later if the code is more finished. However, I think it would already be great for small changes like this. And if you use github (or somthing similar), "pull requests" would make it extremely easy for you to see the details about each suggested change, and approve it or not.

You're right! The problem is the ancient way I organize the code (due to the nature of Flash games). They generally have 'inner script code' instead of just external code like *.java. My plan is to externalize everything, so all dialogues will be in a file like Dialogues.as (its a convention to call 'as' for actionscript, like .java for java). For now, please use the gallery method. I know there are scenes out of the gallery, like bed scenes, but then you can use the printscreen method.

I use github, but for java projects.

LarsR Wrote:Anyway, I'd like to end this post by thanking you for the great game again :D

I appreciate all your suggestions and opinions, thanks!

2spikes Wrote:I regret mentioning the click thing at all XD Not sure why you went on that tangent. I was just trying to be thorough in saying everything that might have happened. I am aware of all the things you mentioned and I said I obviously tried clicking back within the window (if I even clicked out of the window at all to begin with). I only mentioned it because it could've been what caused whatever glitch.

Oh I see! Yes, it can be the culprit. But hmmm I havent found any glitch directly related to this. We are then back to the starting point.

2spikes Wrote:The point was everything else I mentioned. Point was, the same glitch happened again with the freezing or whatever you want to call it (which manifests itself differently but in effect is really the same), and like I said, it has a clear element of randomness to it.

I hate that :( The randomness of appearance just makes me nuts trying to reproduce them. I think I will only be able to catch your bugs when I have enough time to just play the game fully, like I am the player now. My current problem is that I dont have time for that. I'll surely do that once I have time (perhaps after day 17).

2spikes Wrote:I tried to provide more information by including every step I did till the glitch happened, though I doubt doing all those steps, even with all the options, would make the glitch happen again in exactly the same place, as I don't think it's a particular place/action which causes it (other than in the case of like Toadsworth).

Hmm now that you mention the toadsworth case again..... Once I get the error (I havent tested it today because I'll be travelling back to my work place, as I am in the end of my vacation - I even donated blood today, as I like to help people), once I get it, I'll then correlate the error with the save system, as other glitches might have the same root as the Do Over system.

2spikes Wrote:I've tried this before. The point of me bringing up the glitch again, besides the fact that it happened again, was that it didn't pertain this time for sure to any of the presumingly corrupt save slots. Going in or out of fullscreen doesn't solve the issue. This is the first time it happened actually OUT of fullscreen btw because previously I played fullscreen every time. This time I was just testing the "last resort" option.

Ok got it!

2spikes Wrote:I understand what you're asking me. I felt I communicated from the very first post and many times after that this is impossible. I can't "reproduce" the glitch, and all the ones I can I've otherwise listed. I posted full descriptions of what happens, I posted all the options I play with (including character options), I uploaded my save file, I further elaborated on things I tried and how I've tried them, and now in the previous post just in case I provided literally every move I made (using my options and the third save file) and exactly where it happened again and how.

Right! So please wait me to reach my home so I can test your settings in a 'full game play'. Then I can feel those ugly glitches.

2spikes Wrote:There's really nothing else I can do on my part, but it is a serious (the most serious) issue.

It sure is! Let them with me!

2spikes Wrote:Right, absolutely! All those other things would obviously be additional; I simply tried to elucidate the point on what I feel their value would be in terms of whatever kind of depth/additional level of engagement the game would bring.

Great! The depht/engagement level will surelly rise!

2spikes Wrote:Well, regarding all this, whatever the reasons, I honestly wouldn't know of any other way to make things not confusing besides having it the way I described....Put simply in terms of what the problems is, currently there's no balance or clear understanding of what's fixed and what's changeable, and therefore what's supposed to be as part of the game and what's happening or something that's in response to changes I made

You can at least give me how those screens should be divided. Like, what would remain in the outfit screen? What would remain (or have new) in the showroom screen? Will both have the 'peach in a mirror' model? If so, the showroom would show the current 'dressed' (or not) princess, while the outfit room would show no model at all until we click in a powerup button? We have more problems with them being divided up in two different screens:
- In the outfit room, if there is no model until we click in a powerup button, what happens if we click 'apply to all powerups'? We arent seeing any model until we click in a powerup button!
- If we prefer to make the model appear all the time in the outfit room, which default clothing will appear there? The current outfit? But this is what happens currently in the 'old' showroom, right?
- If the new showroom doesnt have buttons that have been there before (like boob size), since we moved to the outfit screen, people will start complaining about having a way to see bigger boobs right in the showroom screen, so they can play with her animations (walk, jump, crouch...) in that screen.
- In the new showroom, as we wont have 'change outfits' anymore (the left/right outfit selector), some people will start asking for those there, so they can visualize how she will be dressed in the showroom.

We will end up with almost the same buttons in the showroom and the outfit screens.
So, again, its a discussion not so easy to be addressed, also because of the 'buried up concept' since 2012. People are accustomed to do 'everything' in the current showroom/outfit screen.

What I can think about it right now is to let the showroom as is (calling it 'SHOWROOM' instead of 'OUTFIT ROOM'), then I duplicate that screen, but now calling 'the new outfit screen', but with a different background, like a closet. But without the 'peach in the mirror'. It would have clothing and powerups selectors, BUT NOT the buttons 'drop earring, drop crown, nail color'...So it will be just a setting page, like the OPTIONS screen, to set powerups. People can then configure heels, garter, powerups, etc. (which will be common to all powerups that has dress-like outfits). There will be a message saying that all those options will only be set when a powerup is taken (like it is currently in the 'old' outfit room).

People can still see her with different boob sizes, nipple sizes, etc, in the showroom, but again, those are ONLY FOR viewing (we cant change her size definitelly in that screen, this is since the beginning of the game creation!). Also in the showroom, people can click in 'right now' options, like 'drop earrings' and 'drop crown'.

If you have a better idea, please depict it.

2spikes Wrote:One thing for sure I will say is that perhaps lingerie (or at least heals) shouldn't count towards her taking more or less damage or not and she should just be able to wear that whenever with user preference.

The game code is not like that, unfortunatelly. But you can deactivate 'Lingerie Can be Shred' in the options (option "NO"). So she will be hurt, without losing her heels, garters, etc.

2spikes Wrote:One thing I forgot to mention is that on top of all those things being in one menu, already serving like 4 different purposes where you mention there shouldn't be any overlap (with no real way of really knowing that), there's also customizing her body (breast and belly size). This I'm guessing can be changed how you'd like? Then there's also the min/max settings in the options? I think all those things should be on yet another screen called "Character Customization" so people can choose how they would ever want her to look at all parts of the game. So the "pregnancy" and "asshole" options for example would also be there.

Those screens were made in a time we dont have many options! Thats the 'problem'! The game improved so much that we have tons of options now. So your idea is more than welcome. Its expected to have those special screens, I just want ideas on how to make them properly. For example, the Character Customization could be the current Outfit room (the new Show Room idea above), so people can select things they want RIGHT NOW to happen. So if they want her to have the biggest belly, even without being pregnant, they can just set it. The Character Customization can then have those MIN MAX options (then I could remove those in the current OPTIONS screen).

2spikes Wrote:To make it simple, without any details as previously tried to be provided, I just think where there needs to be a clear distinction is between character customization options for the users which are always available and customization options which pertain to outfits (not including "naked" as having it there also confuses things) which obviously only apply to when you have whatever powerup.

I got it, but why not including naked in the outfit screen? What happens if people dont want her to wear anything all the time?

2spikes Wrote:Finally, for further sense and consistency, a mushroom should technically be what gives her her traditional dress, but at this point, given that the mushroom has a different purpose, perhaps too many parts of the game would have to be changed for this to work, but honestly everything revolving around these aspects are confusing and would imo have to be rethought.

The red mushroom makes her boobs bigger (and soon, her ass too, in a 50% chance) so this is a buried in concept since Playshapes times. I wont be changing this, sorry.
As for the OUTFIT mushroom (the pinky one like in 1-3 level), this gives her the 'pink dress powerup' setting already (if its set as a CLASSIC DRESS, she will be wearing it). The 'soccer mushroom' (the black and white one like in 1-1) gives her the 'SOCCER powerup' in the outfit screen. The default is Striker outfit.

2spikes Wrote:Good luck once again! There are some easy glitches I think to fix which were listed in those original long edits. Hope everything comes together and I hope this project really pays off for your somehow. I'm really glad there are people like you willing to do this. The following may sound trite, though it's not, but the world would be a much more miserable place without people like you willing to do things for truer incentives than those monetarily driven. It's always great though of course when in the context of our society, whatever you're doing can also help you in that way, and hopefully it does in some shape or form.

Thank you! Well, we do what we could ;) I'll try my most, as I am a player as well!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:53 pm

2spikes Wrote:Regarding your idea for making the source code public, I kind of agree with Ivan that this might only make sense once the code/game is more finished. I would be chaos with like endless versions of the game otherwise with random glitches plaguing each version, with whatever potential branches possibly never getting fixed. Hope that makes sense.

Thats why I already opinated about that in the first post of this thread. When the game IS completed and organized, I can surely release it (GNU).

tripflip Wrote:Yeah, the idea is that she starts the game innocent and wanting to stay a virgin until she can find Mario. She's very naive about what constitutes sex, however, and you can tell from the dialogue that she's been given some strange definitions of what constitutes a massage, or lotion, or what should be expected for a "morning session." She is also a very horny person, but lives in a certain amount of denial of her desires (though this denial is largely through naive ignorance and a bit of social pressure- it's not like a dogma thing or anything like that).

Thats it! ;) She wants to do dirty things (she keeps dreaming about many new poses day after day) but she is so embarrassed about it. When she discovers the pleasure of sex, she wants to 'go to that incredible world of lust', but at the same time, she doesnt want to be discovered.

tripflip Wrote:I guess if I were to change the Toad dialogue to be from her perspective, I'd make it: Give him some relief? 1) With your hands 2) With your mouth 3) Tease him 4) With a massage 5) Tease the tip 6) Ass massage (hope he doesn't slip!) 7) Let him choose (Space) Go away

I think players want to 'feel' like Peach is saying it already, perhaps.

Give him some relief? 1) With my hands 2) With my mouth 3) Teasing him 4) With a massage 5) Teasing the 'tip' 6) Massage with my... ass (hope he doesn't slip!) 7) Let him choose (Space) Go away[/quote]

LarsR Wrote:I understand, but because it's from the perspective of the toad, it breaks immersion. You suddenly are not playing as peach, and that is confusing. It would be great to prevent that. But I do understand your point, and actually, that's something I think I could fix with a more complex dialog (toad begging for help, and suggesting giving a massage, or "showing a trick with his mushroom", etc. Then peach can naively agree to one of the options). That more complex dialog would also depend on if peach is a nymph or not (once she's a nymph, she would directly ask the toad to fuck her).

Yes, a more complex dialog where we can participate more ( playing as the princess) could surely give immersion because we will 'feel' that naiveness more. This means we could be seeing more 'Do that.....with my butt' instead of 'Make her do with her butt'. But I dunno....Perhaps I dont feel so much different between those two subject changes.

LarsR Wrote:I don't think that needs to be the case. Just put the code on github (read-only, but not the art and some other files used to make the game. That way, only Ivan can actually create the game. People can do pull requests if they change something, and Ivan can freely ignore these if he wants. Really, github is great to keep control of your software! :-)

I do know! GitHub is incredible! But as I said above, the game has 'code files' as well as 'script files inside many movieclip objects'. People would need to 'open the FLA' to get to those scripts. The externalization process is still a huge task and I prefer to finish the game and create more content (as well as fixing bugs).
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby LarsR » Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:36 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
LarsR Wrote:I understand, but because it's from the perspective of the toad, it breaks immersion. You suddenly are not playing as peach, and that is confusing. It would be great to prevent that. But I do understand your point, and actually, that's something I think I could fix with a more complex dialog (toad begging for help, and suggesting giving a massage, or "showing a trick with his mushroom", etc. Then peach can naively agree to one of the options). That more complex dialog would also depend on if peach is a nymph or not (once she's a nymph, she would directly ask the toad to fuck her).

Yes, a more complex dialog where we can participate more ( playing as the princess) could surely give immersion because we will 'feel' that naiveness more. This means we could be seeing more 'Do that.....with my butt' instead of 'Make her do with her butt'. But I dunno....Perhaps I dont feel so much different between those two subject changes.

Exactly, it will make the player feel this naiveness more. I think it would be great! I strongly feel that the subject is very important for immersion. But if you really want options for the toad, that could work a little better, if you replace the portrait of peach during the dialog with that of a toad. And also perhaps change the color of the dialog to (for example) blue instead of pink. Just to make it instantly clear you are no longer choosing for peach. But still, I'd personally stick to keeping all dialog choices from the perspective of peach. It is essential for immersion and will really be a benefit for the quality of the game.

But anyway, in the end this is just a small detail, and this certainly does not need to be a high priority. I'd just love it if this makes the low-priority todo list ;-)

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:I do know! GitHub is incredible! But as I said above, the game has 'code files' as well as 'script files inside many movieclip objects'. People would need to 'open the FLA' to get to those scripts. The externalization process is still a huge task and I prefer to finish the game and create more content (as well as fixing bugs).

Ok, I see now. I know a lot of programming languages, so I just assumed everything is already split into a lot of smaller files. But I don't know flash and how it handles files, so I didn't know it doesn't work like that in flash.
I'll patiently wait for the "externalization" to be done. I'm sure that won't be something you can do easily or quickly, and that there are higher priorities.
In the mean time, I'll make screenshots of dialog that needs to be fixed, and report it here.

(and again, thanks for making such a great game :mrgreen: )
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby LarsR » Tue Sep 13, 2016 7:33 am

OK, let's start with some dialog fixes! :-)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Current text: "He is looling at me... so tender..."
Should be: "He is looking at me... so tender..."

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Current text: "Oh! A hot spit all over my pussy!"
The word "spit" is strange here. It feels better with something like: "Oh! A hot squirt all over my pussy!" or "Oh! A hot gush all over my pussy!" or "Oh! A hot splash all over my pussy!" or "Oh! Hot cream all over my pussy!"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Current text: "Am you... going to do this with me?"
Should be: "Are you... going to do this with me?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Current text: "We should stop here. Wouldn't want to slip!"
Slightly better: "We should stop here. You wouldn't want to slip!"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Current text: "My butt's broke' oooh... I am so tired. I need to rest a bit..."
Should be: "My butt's broken oooh... I am so tired. I need to rest a bit..."
Or even better: "My butt is worn out... oooh... I am so tired. I need to rest a bit..."

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Current text: "Ohh, he's tucking my slit, I am horny!"
Should be: "Ohh, he's fucking my slit, I am horny!"
Or even better: "Ohh, his finger is fucking my slit, I am horny!" or "Ohh, he's finger fucking my slit, I am horny!" or "Ohh, he's fingering my slit, I am horny!"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Current text: "Ohhhhh! You pounded my horny hole with a hot gush!"
Pounded feels like the wrong verb here.
Some alternatives: "Ohhhhh! You creamed my horny hole with a hot gush!" or "Ohhhhh! You blasted my horny hole with a hot gush!" or "Ohhhhh! You splashed my horny hole with a hot gush!" or "Ohhhhh! You filled my horny hole with your hot cream!"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Current text: "Ohhhh! I've seated right on his face! How embarassing!Must leave!"
"I've seated" feels stange, and "embarassing" is spelled wrong.
Should be: "Ohhhh! I'm sitting right on his face! How embarrassing!Must leave!" or "Ohhhh! I sat right on his face! How embarrassing!Must leave!"
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.20 (Sep 9/16)

Postby nobynoby » Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:57 am

Hey ivan i think ive found a glitch or bug (or maybe not), but in the scene where the ghost randomly gives buttsex, you cant control the loop.
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:52 am


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