Soo Cubus (December 3, 2016)

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Re: Soo Cubus (August 28, 2016)

Postby Sexums » Thu Sep 01, 2016 9:26 pm

Coinicopia Wrote:
Dude! That picture is freaking amazing! You're a better artist than I am, fo sho. Thank you so much for posting that. By any chance could I make a fanart gallery on the devblog and stick it in there? I will most happily link to any artistic-type sites you may have to give you credit, and perhaps to get you some business. I just saw you have such a link in your profile, sooooo...!

I expected some fanart EVENTUALLY, but I didn't think the first one would be THAT good. Jeezums crow.

Haha, I'm really glad you like it... and I'm actually planning to do a lot more fan art for your game just because I enjoy it so much. Even just for the amusing comments and animations. And of course I'm fine with you posting that picture on your devblog, in fact I think that'd be awesome. (Plus being the first one there :D)

Getting some business would be cool too, if only to keep me afloat while I try and make my own game. I'd love to make one like Soo Cubus with the animations and amusing text, but that's for another time.

Anyway, keep up the great work! :D

(P.S. How do I unlock Mindy? I haven't the foggiest what to do o.o)
Thanks! I'll set a page up for it tonight.

Mindy isn't an unlockable NPC in this. I do have some ideas for her in the future, though, and given how many requests I've gotten for her I might make her the star of the next game. At the very least she'll be a much bigger presence in it.
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Re: Soo Cubus (August 28, 2016)

Postby Coinicopia » Fri Sep 02, 2016 1:01 pm

I did say I would do more artwork for Soo and this time it's a little trip into those beloved Sewer lands and a strange encounter with a new friend.

And no, it's not Joe. (I don't think Sexums has his Fanart part up yet so I'll drop this here for now and if necessary, I'll send it that way later)
But yay, Fanart #2

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Visit me at FA to see my pictures! (Though it'll mostly be furry there).
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Re: Soo Cubus (August 28, 2016)

Postby Sexums » Fri Sep 02, 2016 10:39 pm

Coinicopia Wrote:I did say I would do more artwork for Soo and this time it's a little trip into those beloved Sewer lands and a strange encounter with a new friend.

And no, it's not Joe. (I don't think Sexums has his Fanart part up yet so I'll drop this here for now and if necessary, I'll send it that way later)
But yay, Fanart #2

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Dude! 'nother nice one. I will shove it on the Fanart page, which is, indeed, up, though it could admittedly use a bigger link. Your pic is front and centre on the devblog at the moment, in fact. And so long as it's not against the board rules, I'm happy to see your work appear in this thread. It's certainly related to the topic.
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Re: Soo Cubus (August 28, 2016)

Postby Coinicopia » Fri Sep 02, 2016 11:29 pm

Awesome on all counts ^^ I'm really enjoying drawing these so I hope you don't mind if I draw a bunch more. I'll post anything I do here (Unless a mod/admin informs me otherwise) and send it to your e-mail as well in case you want to put it up on the fan-art page.

Also, when you've got the time would you be able to answer a couple questions for me?

1. What game engine do you use for Soo Cubus or did you write the engine yourself?
2. Do you know what some good programming tutorials are? I've looked but so many are locked behind big pay walls or just not user friendly.
3. What software do you use for your animations? I've always used MS-Paint + Photoshop animation.

And lastly, for everyone; If you like my art work I am free to do any sort of images for websites, blogs, games, etc. So feel free to PM me if you need someone :)
Visit me at FA to see my pictures! (Though it'll mostly be furry there).
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Re: Soo Cubus (August 28, 2016)

Postby Sexums » Sat Sep 03, 2016 12:16 am

Coinicopia Wrote:Awesome on all counts ^^ I'm really enjoying drawing these so I hope you don't mind if I draw a bunch more. I'll post anything I do here (Unless a mod/admin informs me otherwise) and send it to your e-mail as well in case you want to put it up on the fan-art page.

Also, when you've got the time would you be able to answer a couple questions for me?

1. What game engine do you use for Soo Cubus or did you write the engine yourself?
2. Do you know what some good programming tutorials are? I've looked but so many are locked behind big pay walls or just not user friendly.
3. What software do you use for your animations? I've always used MS-Paint + Photoshop animation.

And lastly, for everyone; If you like my art work I am free to do any sort of images for websites, blogs, games, etc. So feel free to PM me if you need someone :)
Keep at it. They're great pics. As for the questions:

1.) I use a program called Stencyl. It's specially-tailored towards making games. Flash games you can compile for free; a license is needed for anything fancier than that.
2.) I have next to no programming experience besides some HTML and CSS, neither of which are that useful for making (most) games. I would honestly recommend looking into something like Stencyl or Game Maker for creating games if you don't have any programming experience, if that's all you plan to do with your programming knowledge. Stencyl is nicely-streamlined in such a way that it's not too difficult to cobble together games, though there's a fair amount of trial and error involved in getting stuff to work.
3.) To create the sprites I use a pixel-centric program called Graphics Gale. It outputs the frames and I plug 'em into Stencyl, where I can then dictate frame order and speed once I turn the sprite into an actor. If your focus is on more traditional art forms you won't find much use for Graphics Gale, I don't think, though if you ever need to do some sprite work I highly recommend it.

Feel free to PM me here or on Patreon if you need any help with the game-making process. It's a struggle at first, but ultimately a lot of fun. (Especially if you can make your own graphical assets, which, I can tell, you can.)
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Re: Soo Cubus (August 28, 2016)

Postby musical74 » Sun Sep 04, 2016 1:14 am

7 keys, but I can only find 6...where's that 7th key?

I found a slight spelling error, when you clobber a hobo and take the funds. Meager is spelled meagre instead.
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Re: Soo Cubus (August 28, 2016)

Postby Sexums » Sun Sep 04, 2016 1:56 pm

musical74 Wrote:7 keys, but I can only find 6...where's that 7th key?

I found a slight spelling error, when you clobber a hobo and take the funds. Meager is spelled meagre instead.
The last key is found randomly in HoboFights. I'm going to change how it's found, as the chances of picking it up are quite low.

As for meagre, I use the British spelling of words. Because Canadian, eh.
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Re: Soo Cubus (September 5, 2016)

Postby Sexums » Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:05 am

Damn. I usually try to use replies to bump the new version up to the top. Alas... anyway, weekly version is out, so go to. Cum! CUUUUUUUM
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Re: Soo Cubus (September 5, 2016)

Postby Firefall » Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:13 am

Nice stuff here, little disappointing getting all the keys still doesn't do anything, but the progression in the sex scenes now adds a lot and I noticed a couple new random events kicking around(or maybe the rng just hadn't ever kicked them up for me. Who knows.). Great work.

Are you planning to add more stuff to the strength stat in future updates? Cuz as it stands, there's really not a lot of point to not ignore it completely once you get it over twenty or so as far as I'm aware. And does/is the pub going to have an event leading to it being free like the college and gym do? I've never seen it, and the gym one's been pretty rare for me too, but that could just be rng.
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Re: Soo Cubus (August 21, 2016)

Postby meisbi » Tue Sep 06, 2016 12:26 pm

Sexums Wrote:
musical74 Wrote:Was half-expecting to be able to *win* the game, since the King's palace is shown, but not yet...

Amelia's attitude when the Devil tries to kill her is hilarious, it's like she has a one-track mind. Regarding the hobo-fights, they seem to grow in power along with the game, so later fights are more challenging (which is fine). Does Sew not give Soo a key? I have 5 keys, not sure where the last one is, but I THOUGHT Sew gave one too.

Keep it up, this is good stuff!

Sew gives a key. I forgot to include it the first time 'round. Pretty sure it's implemented properly in the latest build. It's the most difficult one of the lot to get.

How do I get this Sew-the-stripper-key? I got five keys already but am still missing the creepy-eye-key and the dollar-key :(
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Re: Soo Cubus (September 5, 2016)

Postby Sponkle » Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:03 pm

Well, adding this to the list of games to be following, a save feature would be nice if possible but that's about it. Enjoying trying to work my way through this.
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Re: Soo Cubus (September 5, 2016)

Postby musical74 » Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:59 pm

You get Sew's key a bit differently than the others. You need to be having hot set with Sew for awhile, ignore big D's warning about knocking it off, then watch the fight between Sew and big D (which is hilarious). Pretty sure you need the special item for Sew too.
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Re: Soo Cubus (September 5, 2016)

Postby Ungawa » Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:00 pm

musical74 Wrote:You get Sew's key a bit differently than the others. You need to be having hot set with Sew for awhile, ignore big D's warning about knocking it off, then watch the fight between Sew and big D (which is hilarious). Pretty sure you need the special item for Sew too.


If you don't, *spoilers* you don't get to enjoy the world as she loses her temper...
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Re: Soo Cubus (September 5, 2016)

Postby Eddard » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:50 pm

any guie to find keys? i cant find the third and i really apreciate a guide for each one thx guys!
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Re: Soo Cubus (September 5, 2016)

Postby musical74 » Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:48 pm

MOST of the keys you get from named NPCs that give you keys for doing each item enough times. The exceptions are Sew, who gives you her key after she and the big D have words (really hilarious). The one key that you won't get from NPCs is a rare drop from the Hobofights.

Noticed a mistake, most likely because you changed how much things are. Squid-away now costs 15,000 instead of 20k, but when you scare aware the squid, it still says it was purchased for 20k. Same with the gifts, they are 12k but it still says 15k when you give the whipped cream to Sew. (Not sure about the others, it's not mentioned how much the dildo costs)
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Re: Soo Cubus (September 5, 2016)

Postby Ungawa » Fri Sep 09, 2016 8:20 am

musical74 Wrote:MOST of the keys you get from named NPCs that give you keys for doing each item enough times. The exceptions are Sew, who gives you her key after she and the big D have words (really hilarious). The one key that you won't get from NPCs is a rare drop from the Hobofights.

Noticed a mistake, most likely because you changed how much things are. Squid-away now costs 15,000 instead of 20k, but when you scare aware the squid, it still says it was purchased for 20k. Same with the gifts, they are 12k but it still says 15k when you give the whipped cream to Sew. (Not sure about the others, it's not mentioned how much the dildo costs)

Now I'm frustrated. I just went through a playthrough with all the keys and can't figure out how to proceed with all seven instead of the fight with four...
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Re: Soo Cubus (September 5, 2016)

Postby SapphicKatherine » Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:07 pm

I absolutely love this game. I'm impressed at your regular updates feedback with the forum. I hope your Patreon is treating you well.

A couple of questions:

1: When Ameilia first loads, seems like the grey background to the text doesn't show up until a frame or two after the text starts. It's not a big deal, but a little weird. It happens when you purchase the box of robot parts as well.

2: Since you're a fan of the Chrono Trigger series, can you add a new game+ when players restart? Keep the stats, but not the items and keys?

3: Could there be whore fights as well as hobo fights? Maybe the hobos are based on strength and the whores are based on charisma and you can choose who to fight.

4: I've also had an issue with strength not being that helpful. Could maybe every 5 or 10 points of strength translate into another point of stamina? The game is easy enough when doing charisma as your base stat, but quite a bit tougher using strength.

Thanks again for the awesome game!
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Re: Soo Cubus (September 5, 2016)

Postby Sexums » Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:21 pm

Firefall Wrote:Nice stuff here, little disappointing getting all the keys still doesn't do anything, but the progression in the sex scenes now adds a lot and I noticed a couple new random events kicking around(or maybe the rng just hadn't ever kicked them up for me. Who knows.). Great work.

Are you planning to add more stuff to the strength stat in future updates? Cuz as it stands, there's really not a lot of point to not ignore it completely once you get it over twenty or so as far as I'm aware. And does/is the pub going to have an event leading to it being free like the college and gym do? I've never seen it, and the gym one's been pretty rare for me too, but that could just be rng.
The game is only a few months old. Please be patient on the keys. The scenes for getting them all (or six of them anyway) are going to take some time to complete.

And yes, everyone comments on strength. I'm probably going to give it a 1.5 multiplier in combat, so it's better than Int, and maybe tie it to additional stamina boosts each day.

Sponkle Wrote:Well, adding this to the list of games to be following, a save feature would be nice if possible but that's about it. Enjoying trying to work my way through this.
Saving is coming.

musical74 Wrote:MOST of the keys you get from named NPCs that give you keys for doing each item enough times. The exceptions are Sew, who gives you her key after she and the big D have words (really hilarious). The one key that you won't get from NPCs is a rare drop from the Hobofights.

Noticed a mistake, most likely because you changed how much things are. Squid-away now costs 15,000 instead of 20k, but when you scare aware the squid, it still says it was purchased for 20k. Same with the gifts, they are 12k but it still says 15k when you give the whipped cream to Sew. (Not sure about the others, it's not mentioned how much the dildo costs)
Pretty sure I fixed that in the next build, but I'm not positive. Comes from changing the prices in the store at the last second.

SapphicKatherine Wrote:I absolutely love this game. I'm impressed at your regular updates feedback with the forum. I hope your Patreon is treating you well.

A couple of questions:

1: When Ameilia first loads, seems like the grey background to the text doesn't show up until a frame or two after the text starts. It's not a big deal, but a little weird. It happens when you purchase the box of robot parts as well.

2: Since you're a fan of the Chrono Trigger series, can you add a new game+ when players restart? Keep the stats, but not the items and keys?

3: Could there be whore fights as well as hobo fights? Maybe the hobos are based on strength and the whores are based on charisma and you can choose who to fight.

4: I've also had an issue with strength not being that helpful. Could maybe every 5 or 10 points of strength translate into another point of stamina? The game is easy enough when doing charisma as your base stat, but quite a bit tougher using strength.

Thanks again for the awesome game!
- Yeah, that happens in a few scenes, actually. Since it's minor it's currently low on my fix-list, but I will get it done eventually.

- I considered a New Game +, but unless I add lots of new content I'm not sure there's a whole lot of point. Once you have enough experience with the game it's quite easy to push your stats well into the hundreds before day 100. I'll think about it. Even if I do add a New Game + it'll probably be attached to getting the 'good' ending, which doesn't exist yet anyway.

- Not a bad idea. I will consider WhoreFights.

- Yep, see above on strength. I'm starting to hate that stat.
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Re: Soo Cubus (September 5, 2016)

Postby SapphicKatherine » Mon Sep 12, 2016 5:23 pm

- I considered a New Game +, but unless I add lots of new content I'm not sure there's a whole lot of point. Once you have enough experience with the game it's quite easy to push your stats well into the hundreds before day 100. I'll think about it. Even if I do add a New Game + it'll probably be attached to getting the 'good' ending, which doesn't exist yet anyway.

I can see that. My issue was playing through and getting the interaction with Big D and the different NPCs. After Sew scared him off, I couldn't get him to come back no matter how much I slept with Ameilia. The theater is also great for pumping CHA and it would be nice to be able to do a run where I can build CHA, then do another run where I stop making movies after CHA already starts higher. Maybe on New Game+ the stats for the King, Big D, and the sewer monsters are higher.

I suppose I could also try dumping everything into stats early and not buy the special items til the stats are in the 100s like you mentioned. Hmm.
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Re: Soo Cubus (September 5, 2016)

Postby Sexums » Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:09 pm

SapphicKatherine Wrote:
- I considered a New Game +, but unless I add lots of new content I'm not sure there's a whole lot of point. Once you have enough experience with the game it's quite easy to push your stats well into the hundreds before day 100. I'll think about it. Even if I do add a New Game + it'll probably be attached to getting the 'good' ending, which doesn't exist yet anyway.

I can see that. My issue was playing through and getting the interaction with Big D and the different NPCs. After Sew scared him off, I couldn't get him to come back no matter how much I slept with Ameilia. The theater is also great for pumping CHA and it would be nice to be able to do a run where I can build CHA, then do another run where I stop making movies after CHA already starts higher. Maybe on New Game+ the stats for the King, Big D, and the sewer monsters are higher.

I suppose I could also try dumping everything into stats early and not buy the special items til the stats are in the 100s like you mentioned. Hmm.
Yeah, Big D only comes the one time. That event will be one of two that determines which character will join you in the 'good' ending. I considering having Big D available for all of the characters in a single play-through, but it didn't pan out with my plans very well.

Higher stats are a possibility, but unless I add a fair amount of new content to reward players for pressing through those battles New Game + would be little different than just starting the game over again.

Oh, also, new build.
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