X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:13 am

"look at it this way, i we hadn't shoot you, the agent will know there was something out of place, and probably call for back up" said the captain with a sigh as you walk deeper in the forest "probably two hours, it was a a short dosis, but knowing hill, your sister and atom lord probably have the long dosis" said nathan, who was leading th crew, "i just want this to end" said the brunette woman and her friend laugh "at least you weren't hit by a shield when you had your pants down" said her friend with a chuckle, just before deadpool showed up, she was hanging upside down on a tree in front of you "you know is rude to leave a woman hanging alone? get it?" she said before jumping off of the tree "you-....you're alive" said the archer a little surprised "i told you i was inmortal, dude, you're not a good listener perhaps a bullet in your hear will help you listen, so, i don't want to kill anyone kinda, so, hand over yourself before i force you...wait, that came out wrong, give yourself in-...no, that doesn't work either, you know what, you're under arrest...yes, that works!" she then aimed at all of you again
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:47 pm

I sigh "join us or get out of our way" I tell her impatiently, "your being selfish you know, if we don't do what we're about to do, everyone will die.... all you humans at the very least" I tell her in one last effort to persuade her to change side
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:46 pm

you couldn't see her face, but a misterious force makes you feel she was raising an eyebrow "humans what? well, i can be considered a mutant since my powers were triggered by the mutant gene, unnaturally of course, but i'm not being selfish, i'm in a trial here, you don't understand, but again, i don't care!" said deadpool as she starts firing but the captain covers all of you with the shield
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Sat Aug 27, 2016 5:16 pm

I dive for some cover "I would help, seeing as this maniac is after me, but II lack the ability right now" I shout angrily at the others over the gun fire, from what little cover I have, mean while I keep trying to use my powers, hoping they'd return so I could put an end to this quickly
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:38 pm

"i got this" said the brunette before running away at high speed "no you don't!" said deadpool while hitting her while she was approaching "nice distraction!" shout the captain while throwing the shield towards deadpool and it hit her "Run!" shout nathan
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Mon Aug 29, 2016 12:41 am

I get up and start running just like they told me too, but I wasn't very fast, I hadn't had much need to run, since I got my powers, so I no longer had much stamina
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:37 pm

"you won't run far away!" shout deadpool before shooting the brunette woman who was still recovering from the hit, "Shit!. we need to get back for her!" said the archer while all of you ran "hell no!" shout lucas, finally, you lost deadpool and you had a minute to catch some breath
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:35 am

"there's nothing I can do without my powers " I tell him "if you can neutralise this I could teleport to her and bring her hear, and dump that loud mouth in a volcano somewhere"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Tue Aug 30, 2016 6:34 pm

"your powers will come back eventually, we had orders to neutralize you and only take the time stopper and the atom controler, so stop behaving like a little girl!" said nathan while the captain stood between the two of you "calm down, this is not the time for friendly fire" said the captain trying to calm nathan down "it's easy for you to say it, you didn't lost a friend today" said the archer before looking at his blonde team mate "i'm going back for her" then he start walking away "let him go...we still have a mission" said the captain before leading the way
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed Aug 31, 2016 11:31 pm

"just get me out of here till I can teleport and then I'll come back and find her" I tell them moving with them,
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Sep 04, 2016 3:05 am

"sure, lets go to some place we can rest and you can recover your powers, but that means letting your sister to die" said nathan a little sarcastic "alright, whats the matter, you're not like this" said the captain "i don't want to be ruled over by a guy who can literally destroy shield with a thought, so i want to finish this as soon as possible" then they proceed to lead the way again
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Sun Sep 04, 2016 3:58 pm

I glare at him "I am on your fucking side, so stop treating me like this, I need my powers if I'm going to be any use to you, otherwise you may as well just let that lunatic have me" I snap at Nathan
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Tue Sep 06, 2016 6:04 am

"this is obviously not going anywhere, can you both stop right now? theres no time for having this discussion" said the captain as the quinjet appeared out of nowhere "you can rest, i hide the jet here in case we needed transport"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:02 pm

I nod and get into it "right," I say with a sigh "we have about an hour and a half to plan, then we attack" I tell her
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:08 pm

"sure, that if we don't get caught first" said nathan with a sigh "you you stop being such a big baby? we already lost the future folks, we may need the keep the mutants with us to save, uhm, i don't know, the future" said the captain to nathan
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:18 am

I sit down in the quinjet and wait for them to get in so we can leave, "come on we need to move" I tell them irritably
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:31 am

both of them get in the quinjet and start flying it towards the helicarrier "so...do we have a plan?" asked the captain
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:21 pm

"not yet.... If you know where my sister is being held and can show me, then I can start working on it, once you've given me that Is just a question of finding and killing Thomas which can't be that hard right?" I ask them, this was going to be hand, and I'd like to save the others as soon as I can
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Sep 11, 2016 4:48 pm

"don't think so. they're keeping your sister in the helicarrier, they had a special room ready for her, but thomas is at the triskelion" said the captain while heading to the helicarrier first, since your sister was so important for you
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Mon Sep 12, 2016 3:01 am

I nod, " right, if you can get the plans of both for me I'll have a plan quickly, I know you think I'm just after because my sister is important to me, but she's useful" I tell them, she would be useful, " I teleport but she can freeze time, it's quite a useful ability if we can get her to go along with this, with her we can kill Thomas without him even expecting it with her" I tell them hoping that they would take me a little more seriously, they both seemed to treat me like I was just doing this for my sister but I really wasn't
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