The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/14: 200+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]

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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 8/26]

Postby Darthjake » Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:16 am

I found it when it was TLS, like build 1.73 or so I think.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 8/26]

Postby CloudRipper » Wed Sep 07, 2016 1:35 am

Ive caught up to the end of it, I know I probably missed a huge amount of content, but oh well lol. Now I'm looking forward to when the next release is so I can pick one of the elves for my harem
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 8/26]

Postby archer_gilgamesh » Wed Sep 07, 2016 3:59 am

I'm not sure if this is the correct thread for this, or if there even is a correct one for that matter, but since the author's game was in that database he may know. Is there a reason this game, along with all of the other games were taken off of the Kimochi-Nutaku launcher. I was having a blast playing through all the games. One update and part of my world came crashing down.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 8/26]

Postby Sierra Lee » Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:32 pm

hoboy Wrote:I still keep my current files in a folder labeled HAS been a while...

Haha, my design doc was still named TLF for ages after I changed the name. Though for the record, that was the right decision: as funny as I found the old title, it seems to have kept away many of the people who would actually be interested in a game like this.

archer_gilgamesh Wrote:I'm not sure if this is the correct thread for this, or if there even is a correct one for that matter, but since the author's game was in that database he may know. Is there a reason this game, along with all of the other games were taken off of the Kimochi-Nutaku launcher. I was having a blast playing through all the games. One update and part of my world came crashing down.

On of the problems Kimochi had was paying to host so many free to play games, especially given the lack of commercial titles in the English community. When Nutaku bailed out Kimochi, they removed all the non-commercial titles. So I'm afraid you won't see TLS on Kimochi again (it will always be free, plus it wouldn't meet the restrictions placed on them by payment companies). I hope to have something for them eventually, though!
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Sierra Lee
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 8/26]

Postby archer_gilgamesh » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:13 am

Well that sucks, Nutaku said that even after the acquisition, they would still allow the free to download games to remain on the launcher. Oh well, I guess I can uninstall that cause I already know how to get to their website and it's a good thing I know this forum exists.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 8/26]

Postby Sunly » Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:23 pm

Has SierraLee recover if so when will the next update be i love this game so much that i play all over every update
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 8/26]

Postby Darthjake » Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:37 am

Should hopefully be this month, she's been working on Ouroboros and was waiting for a parallex (not sure if I spelled that right), map to be done.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 8/26]

Postby Sierra Lee » Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:21 pm

Hello, everyone! I'm happy to announce that TLS version 0.21.0 has just been released to patrons!

This update includes a new regional map, biggest one yet by several metrics (the following screenshot doesn't cover quite all of it). This section is somewhat longer than normal and there's a lot going on.


This is also the first update where the system of having other languages in different colors will be heavily used. I hope once people see it in action, they'll see the options it gives for switching between multiple languages in a quick, intuitive way.


Meanwhile, Yarra is happy:


I'm still pretty busy with the commercial version of [url=""]Ouroboros[/url]. This is also a larger-than-average TLS release with more moving parts, so I'm budgeting extra time for bugfixes. Therefore, I'm planning to have this release available publicly on November 18.

To tide you over meanwhile, please do feel free to check out Ouroboros - the free version is still available on my blog. ^-^

Darthjake Wrote:Should hopefully be this month, she's been working on Ouroboros and was waiting for a parallex (not sure if I spelled that right), map to be done.

The mapper flaking out on me was a very frustrating delay, but I got a different person who could do the map quickly and then wrapped up my work on it. Hope to be back to a normal schedule soon!
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 11/18]

Postby Sierra Lee » Sat Nov 19, 2016 12:23 am

Version 0.21.2 is here, enjoy! ... lease.html

Also, if anyone missed the release of Ouroboros, it's now available on as well, and the DLsite version is just awaiting approval. More info here: ... os-20.html

I hope to be back with more info and releases in good time. Until then, enjoy! ^-^
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 11/18]

Postby Sierra Lee » Thu Nov 24, 2016 12:28 am

Okay, this should be the last bugfix version for this update. If you played through the previous one without issue, then you can ignore this, the version you played was fine. People who made certain choices (skipping Altina entirely, for example) may not have been able to play everything, however, so this version should help them. New downloads in the same place as before: ... lease.html

Hope everyone has a good day, whether you're celebrating Thanksgiving or not! ^-^
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 11/18]

Postby Sierra Lee » Sat Dec 10, 2016 12:49 am

Hello, everyone! I'm happy to announce that TLS version 0.22.0 has just been released to patrons!

No screenshots this time, my schedule is a little tight due to the season, but you can read more about the update here:

Also, if you aren't on Patreon, you probably missed the piece of fanart someone commissioned of Simon and Yarra, so I'll put it here:
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 12/16]

Postby Sierra Lee » Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:13 am

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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 12/16]

Postby evildumdum » Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:45 am

The order of thaumothingy, i've completed all four trials to do the fifth but it keeps telling me i need to complete the other four trials. Is this route blocked off in this latest version intentionally of is it a bug?
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 12/16]

Postby Darthjake » Sat Dec 17, 2016 3:03 pm

evildumdum Wrote:The order of thaumothingy, i've completed all four trials to do the fifth but it keeps telling me i need to complete the other four trials. Is this route blocked off in this latest version intentionally of is it a bug?

If you recall one of the trials Robin said she'd need to research it do complete the trial, I think one of the trials that is marked complete may not be fully complete yet, but we can research the Order stuff with Robin, and research takes time, we'll probably be able to do those trials (the far left one I think), and then the middle and last one after the next exspansion.
Last edited by Darthjake on Sat Dec 17, 2016 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 12/16]

Postby Sierra Lee » Sat Dec 17, 2016 3:20 pm

Bingo, Darthjake! Sorry this one is confusing, the way it's spread out over multiple updates. The plan is that Robin will be able to finish everything the next time you visit Yhilin (at the earliest).
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Sierra Lee
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 12/16]

Postby g0i5y » Tue Dec 27, 2016 1:00 am


Is anyone willing to share a save with me from after suit of armour is used to deal with Aka's corruption? I'm pretty sure I completed that whole 'chapter/section' of the game. My saves got deleted and playing all the way through again is daunting.

P.S. Sierra Lee, if you dislike me requesting a save -for whatever reason- please let me know and I'll remove the request.

P.P.S. Sierra Lee, you're awesome!
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 12/16]

Postby Darthjake » Tue Dec 27, 2016 1:55 am

I don't have a save that far back, the farthest back is well past that, but I am doing another playthrough slowly trying to do the game without whoring out Qum, when / if I get that far, as I'm currently playing Warframe with friends, I'll shoot a PM or post it here if someone else has not done so already.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 12/16]

Postby g0i5y » Tue Dec 27, 2016 2:28 am

Darthjake Wrote:I don't have a save that far back, the farthest back is well past that, but I am doing another playthrough slowly trying to do the game without whoring out Qum, when / if I get that far, as I'm currently playing Warframe with friends, I'll shoot a PM or post it here if someone else has not done so already.

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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 12/16]

Postby Sierra Lee » Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:17 am

Hello, everyone! I'm happy to announce that TLS version 0.23.0 has just been released to patrons! This update takes us into Zirantia for the first time.


A new country means new plot, new tilesets, a new language, and new characters! You'll get to meet her and many others this time, and some of those meetings will be tense:

This game also has a lot of sex in it, I swear.

For example, Yarra gets to indulge one of her long-held fantasies this update. The political situation might be walking a tightrope, but succubi have strong feelings about how to reduce tension...

You can expect this version to be posted here in a week!
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 12/16]

Postby Sierra Lee » Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:43 pm

Hey, guys! An interview with me was just posted on LewdGamer, check it out: ... sovereign/
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