hoboy Wrote:I still keep my current files in a folder labeled TLF...it HAS been a while...
archer_gilgamesh Wrote:I'm not sure if this is the correct thread for this, or if there even is a correct one for that matter, but since the author's game was in that database he may know. Is there a reason this game, along with all of the other games were taken off of the Kimochi-Nutaku launcher. I was having a blast playing through all the games. One update and part of my world came crashing down.
Darthjake Wrote:Should hopefully be this month, she's been working on Ouroboros and was waiting for a parallex (not sure if I spelled that right), map to be done.
evildumdum Wrote:The order of thaumothingy, i've completed all four trials to do the fifth but it keeps telling me i need to complete the other four trials. Is this route blocked off in this latest version intentionally of is it a bug?
Darthjake Wrote:I don't have a save that far back, the farthest back is well past that, but I am doing another playthrough slowly trying to do the game without whoring out Qum, when / if I get that far, as I'm currently playing Warframe with friends, I'll shoot a PM or post it here if someone else has not done so already.
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