VintageBass and Nescafe
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Despite your fumbling and your pants being pulled in one direction, you - Reggie - manage to get Annabell free without any issue. The other issue is, sadly, being armed. You manage to spot a box somewhat off to the side filled with some of your stuff, mostly whatever was on your person that they felt... less than safe leaving you with. The choice to join Marie's crew would have granted you your stuff back.
Downside? At least one pirate is between you and your gear. Not directly between, but there's no way you could make the dash without that one going for you. Yeah, they didn't all stand together like a Final Fantasy enemy encounter, they're a little spread out on deck.
Annabell! You are now free and have a hostage wrapped up in your chains. You look quite badass with your coat/cape, which will defy logic and winds. As long as you have arms, the coat will not leave your back. I mean, unless you take it off.
On to more pressing matters, you quickly loot the pirate and gain both a cutlass and a pistol. Guns have unlimited ammo, so don't let that stop you. From your preferences, you keep the sword and give it a few practice swings to get a hang of it and pass the pistol to Reggie.
While you both don't have all of your stuff back, you are now armed.
You both also take note of the box and the pirate in the way, since it has pretty much the rest of your stuff in it.
Before you can properly act, a strange scantily clad woman leaps down from above. She does something to the mast, up close you can see it's some kind of witchcraft or the like. When the woman gives the mast a shove... it begins to fall.
By the way, that pirate who is in your way? Pirate B.
Yeah, spoiler, he isn't going to like what happens next.
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Ah yes! The good old classic kicking! Unfortunately, those feet of yours don't count as weapons. Maybe you should get some kind of reinforced or weaponized boot if you want to continue kicking? Having a melee weapon would also give you the modifier to your attacks otherwise.
Hunter's Attack Roll: 11 + 4(DEX) = 15
Pirate Thug A's Roll: 3 + 0(DEX) = 3
Damage: 1 (Base) + 0 (Unarmed, no bonus) = 1 Damage
Pirate Thug A's remaining HP: 13
Before you get a chance to attack again, or the pirate to retaliate, you hear a horrible cracking sound from behind you. Luckily, you're positioned in such a way that you wont get hit by what's coming, but the same can't be said by your opponent.
To everyone on the top deck:You all hear a horrible creaking sound as the mast breaks and falls, colliding with the other one as it goes. This is a good time to remind you all that this is a huge ship, three masts and everything.
Well anyway.
Ropes and splinters fly around as the mast collapses, ultimately smashing into the captain's quarters and the shift in weight causing the ship to list and sway. The gangplanks fall into the harbour. This ship is having a bad day.
Speaking of bad days! You guys are fine, since you were all close to the mast when it fell and got outta the way. The pirates who were about to fight, however...
Pirate Brute Roll: 3 + 0(DEX) = 0
Pirate Thug A Roll: 16 + 1(DEX) = 17
Pirate Thug B Roll: 9 + 1(DEX) = 10
Pirate Thug C Roll: 15 +1(DEX) = 16
The big guy had finally found a weapon, a large handheld cannon-like weapon. He was ever so slightly distracted by his find, so he only noticed the mast at the last second, just before he was promptly crushed by it. The crunching sound wasn't pleasant, and the fact that he's still moving slightly more so.
The other three dart out of the way in time, but Thug B (who has a knife) got clipped by the mast on its way down. He's partially pinned beneath it, completely crushing the arm that had a weapon in it. He's not moving any time soon, but is still trying anyway.
So a good start to this encounter.
The tattered ropes and sails makes it a bit hard to see across the deck now, but anyone looking can spot a box filled with the remainder of everyone's equipment and stuff.
Fantasy Fanatic
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Your plan was a success, incapacitating one goon and probably outright killing the big guy. The ship is crippled and wont me moving for a while. Good work. When you land, you do so in style and grace, no doubt entrancing those behind you. Especially since your outfit leaves nothing to the imagination.
You can still fly for the rest of the encounter, but you can't cast any more big spells today, as you are out of Ability Points. Something to note. Sadly, thanks to your 'trick', it's going to be a bit harder to simply walk off of the ship. A different plan to get them off is required. Especially before the rest of the crew finds their way up from below...
Hopefully everyone you just helped can swim.
Amaranis A'daragon
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The word 'rummage' is amusing and appropriate, is it not?
Rummage Check: 18 + 3(WILL) = 21
You open the box you were hauling and some of the others that were waiting on the pier. It seems that the other swabbies who would've carried them up have vanished, how odd. Anyway, you find a whole stock of gunpowder and cannonballs in a pair of boxes. There's a cannon sitting on the deck not too far from you to boot.
One of the boxes seems to be filled with an assorted bundle of different things, unorganized. You find a total of 10 gold, a pistol (You magically have unlimited ammo, don't worry) and a decent sized pack of water-proof rations that'll last you about two weeks, if you are really careful. There is what looks like a good quality knapsack to put everything you've looted into and sling over your shoulder. It has nothing of note inside, books and trinkets and papers that you don't have the time to look over. Now it also holds a pistol and the rations you got. If you wanted to go traveling by yourself, this is a good start.
Just as you finish stuffing everything into the pack and getting going towards the town, you hear the cracking of the mast and watch as it collapses onto the ship. The weight change causes some water to splash up onto you.
Well then.
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Searching... that has to be fun, right?
Least you're out of the line of fire. Now, about how much you find:
Investigation Check:
Your Roll: 19 + 2(WILL) = 21.
You search for a few minutes, ignoring the shouts going on outside. As you dig around you find some nice jewelry, scattered gold coins (totaling up to 20 coins) and several maps. One of them catches your eye, since it is surrounded by odd symbols. It is a copy of your map, just not shifting and magic-y. In fact, it looks halfway drawn. Was the captain trying to copy your maps? That might be a little bad, especially if you do actually want the Eye.
So you grab that map.
As you continue to look around the room, you hear a loud noise and the ship start to move. A loud CRASH fills the room as what appears to be the mast breaks it's way into the room. Luckily you were well out of it's way when it fell. But if you had been rummaging at the desk for a little longer, you might not have made it.
You look around in surprise at the new addition to the room, wondering what to do about your hiding spot having a new sky light. But... something else catches your eye. This is absolutely magical. It was hidden before, but the ship's shaking and the fact that the roof is now caved in has revealed it. A suspicious looking metal cube, about the size of your palm, that is glowing with a soft green light. As you touch it (assuming you do) your collar begins to glow the same colour.
Nothing bad happens, just glow. You think this is probably very important.
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The goon that is still in the room notices you stand up and goes to nudge your gear closer. He seems pretty fine with the situation and is struggling to no to chuckle at your comment. The jailer on the other hand is clearly about to angrily retort to your lovely little comment about her face, but stops quickly when she sees you remove your top.
Accidental(?) Seduction Check:
Pirate Goon's Roll: 7 + 0(CHA) = 7
Pirate Jailer's Roll: 8 + 1(CHA) = 9
Nellie's Roll: 20 + 4(CHA) = 24.
LHP Damage: 5 (1 base + 4 CHA) x2 (Nat 20) = 10.
Pirate Jailer LHP remaining: 5.
Pirate Goon LHP remaining: 0.
You watch the other pirate grow a somewhat noticeable bulge. His breathing grows heavy and he soon falls to his knees, grasping at the bars and trying very hard not to stick his other hand down his pants. You can pretty clearly see what happened and, judging by what the odd voice in your head said, you know you did this just by taking off your top.
The jailer has a wet patch on her pants to match her companion, and is obviously blushing and staring at your tentacle covered breasts.
She's probably into that.
You now have all of your equipment and have offhandedly dispatched one guard and the jailer is quite thirsty for squid now. You do feel the ship lurch, not in a good way, so you should probably get out of here.
Good job!
Meep Meepersons
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Lust Link Activated! Any damage (LHP) you sustain will also be taken by your opponent. However the same goes for you too...
Unless either of you get a Nat 20, that is. They kind of overtake the situation.
Lust Attacks:
Pirate B's Roll: 4 + 0(CHA) = 4
Nurt's Roll: 20 + 9(CHA) = 29
LHP damage: 10 (1 base + 9 CHA) x2 (Nat 20) = 20 damage.
Pirate B's LHP = 0.
Speaking of which...
You pull Pirate B into a kiss, which she doesn't resist. As your lips touch, a dull purple glow surrounds them. The kiss gets a little more fierce, you can feel her tongue trying to push it's way into your mouth... but she backs off, stumbling away from you and reaching into her own trousers and top to play with herself. You think you can hear her moan 'So cute' at one point.
That worked.
You feel confident now that you've defeated a creepy foe... only to struggle to keep your balance as the entire ship lurches. The sounds of splintering wood fills your ears. Something bad must be going on up there.