Hello all
TylerPal Wrote:I need some help with the maid castle. I can't seem to find the key to the interesting thing in the kitchen and Nina, an alchemist you need to talk to doesn't appear where I am told she is when I go to visit her. Anyone know what I can do?
For the key i don't really remember where it is, but i think that you must wait until day 4 and spoke with a maid in the room where you eat
As for Nina, is she the sister of Rose (the priest) ? To meet her you should have access to 1st floor and go all west and north (in chapel)
If you have more question, here is a little walkthrough i made for the maid castle some time ago (it works with the new version as well, i just try it). However it's only what you need to complete the castle and nothing more (you can explore more to find new items etc)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
A) 1 day (when you first enter the castle)
go to your room, choose 3rd choice, leave,
1) go to west hallway (the one that has the kitchen),
a)bottom left room, examine picture
b)bottom right room, take the powder (in shelf with plates)
c) up right room, ready diarry in self
2) go to east hallway (the first area that has up and down rooms)
a) left upper room examine shinning star
b) left bottom room you will need the item from self but you can't take it now, just remember it (you don't need to examine shinning star in this room)
c) up middle room speak with left maid to take note
3) go right to next screen (where there is the dinning room)
a) left upper room remember the box there is a item you need later
go to your room and sleep
B) DAY 2
go to kitchen chooce 1st otpion, 2nd option, 2nd option, 1st option, 2nd option, 2nd option, 1st option, 2nd option, 2nd option (there maybe some ever better combination but i am unable to find them. if anyone know how to don't increase the stats please tell me - i am unable to find it)
go to sleep
C) DAY 3
got o Laudry, choose clothes, choose bucket, and to don't increase the stats you need to do a small mistake, i personally choose 1st option, 1st option, go to garden, 2nd option, go inside, go to head maid, 2nd choice, leave, meet Rosa sister, go to sleep
D) DAY 4
go to head maid, clean everything (where there is a shining star), when you start wonder if you should stop, continue the cleaning, IMPORTANT: READ THE NOTE IN THE FLOOR, after finish back to master, 2nd option, cleaning again, (IMORTANT: CLEAN THE FIREPLACE) and clean the table and anything that has a star, (in mirror choose 2nd option, bed 2nd option, wardrobe 2nd option), talk to master, leave
Then go to Hilde (east Hallway), choose no to kiss, then go to Rose, 2nd choice and then start exploring
1) in west Hallway (the one that is the room of Rosa master, bottom right room, take potion of strentgh from second row boxes in miidle right one)
2) IMPORTANT: in East Hallway (the rightmost screen) go north in chappel and speak with Rosa sister
3) Now you need to find the ingrediant for destroying the staff. Go to first floor, east hallway bottom left room, the shining star in shelf, then go to right all the way in 1st floor eastern hallway (there it is dinner room), upper left room in box you find the blood, then go to garden and find the red flower and take one (stand on the flower and press enter). Now you have anything that you need for destroying the staff
4) Before you continue lets find some ingrediant for the weaking incubus spell (VERY IMPORTANT) that they are in first floor and garden. First in garden go to upperleft corner and press enter. Then go outside the castle (castleyard) and stand in a yellow flower and press enter. Then go to 2nd floor east hallway (the one with the chapel), bottom left room take wand from bed.
5) OPTIONAL BUT MAKE A FIGHT MUCH EASIER: now you can try to destroy the staff. To do that you must go to 2nd floor eastern hallway and in the right bottom room there is a maid that prevent you to enter the room. To enter, go to upper left room where there is a basket and examine it. Then return to maid and now you can enter the room and destroy the staff (IMORTANT. BEFORE YOU SPEAK WITH MAID DO A SAVE). The room is VERY DIFFICULT (at least for me) but if you can destroy it.
6) After you destroy the stuff (or not) go back to sleep.
E) DAY 5
go to your master (2nd floor western hallway, middle right room) choose 2nd choice, go to wardrobe, choose 3rd option, back to master, go bedroom, 1st option, leave, go to take hilde (east hallway middle bottom) choose 2nd choice, go to take Rosa (west hallway), choose no, leave. IMPORTANT: Open the items, key items and choose the weakening Incubus spell. Now you should have everytjing and you will know what you must do. Go to sleep
F) DAY 6
Go to 3rd floor, go west, choose 2nd, 1st , 3rd, 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd and then choose embarasing
Then start exploring.
a) Go to library (3rd floor east hallway left upper room, select the shinning star, leave, go to right upper room, then go back to library and talk to blondie guy, and choose trick him. Then fight him. When you win go to sleep
G) DAY 7
Go to 3rd floor all east, do the job (important the right and left is from how YOU see, so the left one is the one near the exit) and then serves them. (Choose no every time someone want to try his food - don't know what happening if try yes)
if you don't make a mistake then you don't receive an item
Then go to sleep
But be careful because in last version there is a bug in castle (not game-breaking)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
You can't destroy the incubus staff because the fire are stuck in the middle and preventing you to pass. However it is possible to win against incubus without destroying his staff