The Legend of Deadpool

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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:11 pm

You shot back at the tires, although you found that as you aimed back your couldn't see where you were driving the truck and you veered off the road. Being in a warehouse district, you soon hit the side of another warehouse, this one presumably not owned by S.H.I.E.L.D. as you plowed through and into it, still shooting back at your pursuers as you did so, although you couldn't quite see from this distance how close your shots were getting to their tires.
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:00 pm

" that i have the adventage of hidding-..." not really though "shut up, i could drive out of here while they find a way to the warehouse... it won't be long "Shut Up and let me solve my own problems" our problems, anyways, i start driving the truck and go through another wall, [just as we planned] no actually, but it was kind of a good idea, and start driving away from there, if there was even a good road to use
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:21 pm

Driving through yet another wall, the truck was moving much less quickly now, the front seeming rather busted. You were picking bits of glass out of your face from the broken windshield, hearing a 'clunk' as the driver side mirror fell off the side of the truck. The windscreen wipers broke as they tried to push some rubble off the truck. It seemed even armored vehicles could only plow through warehouse walls so many times and you had driven through more than you had expected moving through that warehouse's interior. However, once you were out, you started driving away, only to realize you weren't on the road as you had hoped but in the process of crashing into yet another warehouse...

...Several warehouses later, after you had been through a few rental warehouses, furniture storage, dried food storage, and a few... rather unusual warehouses but hey, who were you to judge, you finally made your way back onto the road, now with several pillows on top of your truck, a baguette sticking out of the driver side window, a chair leg jutting into the side of your seat and a life sized wax replica of George Washington in the passenger seat.
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:49 pm

"oh good, if this was a comic, we'll probably make a one page collage of this moment" [i said while-...] wendy...come on...stop trying to take over! you won't beat me! [alright...seems like someone wake up with a stick up her ass], i said while crashing again and again, "for christ sake, didn't now this was warehouse county! population! not so many anymore" i didn't slow down, instead i step on the gas even harder to go faster.

after that little obstacle on our long path-... [can i say this one?...pleease!] fine...[Awesome! -cof cof- on our long path to freedom, and to get away with this mission, i look around and laugh out loud] "Fuck Yeah!" i said while fist bumping George statue "hey george, how's life treating you? not good huh? yeah, you shouldn't steal from java the hutt, he turns you in stone" actually, it's not stone it's more of-... "Aaaanyways, i can't keep you here george..." i kicked the passanger door and throw george out of the truck, as i look back to see if i still had shield following me, then i look to the road, hoping to find a car to steal...
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:37 pm

The wax statue fell out of the passenger door and landed on the road, cracking against the ground beneath the truck before tumbling behind you. Looking back, you saw no vehicles in pursuit, just a lonely, heart broken wax figure lying in the middle of the road.

Feeling pleased with your success, you look back at the road to find a car to steal... only to realize that there was an entire vehicle blockade ahead of you. Seems like S.H.I.E.L.D. set this up to block your path during the time you spent driving through warehouses.
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:20 pm

i quickly stopped and let out a sigh, "ok, so, the ones who saw my face, are already dead, but they know i'm driving a half-destroyed armored truck...any ideas woman?" i asked to was for me? "who else did you thought i was talking to?" oh...right, well, you can check the back of the truck, where the boxes are, perhas there's a bigger gun? if not, you have to go back "go back? but if i turn around and go back, i'll find the statue and i have to apologize, i don't like to apologize to people i hurt by accident...ask my ex" don't have to,'s our ex "right".

i get out of the truck and walk to the back of it, just to open the doors and check that the boxes weren't in pain....too much, also i checked for something useful, i couldn't just go through them again "wanna bet?" No! we've already done it once, aside from those 'hi, i'm sorry' we gave to all those warehouse, the truck won't take much more "wanna bet?" For fuck sake, Woman!
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:46 pm

A few vehicles by the blockade pulled away from it when you stopped the truck, moving up to you as you searched around in the back. It seemed that the actual back of the truck was in much better shape than the front, seemingly more armored and protected, showing that they apparently cared more about the cargo than the drivers. But then again, they probably didn't expect the drivers to crash through several warehouses. Most of the crates seemed intact and, upon looking them over properly for once, you realized this was very high end weaponry. Major stuff. No wonder S.H.I.E.L.D. was putting so much effort behind stopping you. Still, it didn't take you long to find a rather powerful rocket launcher... and then to drop it and pick up an even more powerful... and more importantly, much larger rocket launcher.
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu Aug 04, 2016 7:29 pm

"hell fucking yeah, the Gm is on our side, i told you that!" What the fuck are you talking about, Woman? "don't pretend you don't know, the post is a lie, and shit like that" i think the saying is The CAKE is a lie "i'll stick with the post is a lie" anyways, i pick up the powerful rocket launcher and take it with me to the front side of the truck, i get in and let my new rocket friend rest in there before-...wait! need a mask! "i have just the thing" i said before pulling down my pants and panties and then, pulling up my pants again...wait...please no. "just said the action woman" no, please no. "Say it!" sigh, fine, then i put my panties on my head, covering half my face, i hate you...."you love me...."

i start driving again, normally, before stopping at a safe distance but nice distance to destroy them "happy christmans, even though we're in july, according to this post timeline!" i shout before shooting the rocket launcher at them and quickly drving through them as i opened a way to go "i hope that's it"
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:20 pm

The rocket launcher was very effective... as in, the entire blockade, gone right away. You were surprised when the thing seemed to fire three rockets at once, all of which targeted different parts of the blockade and blew them up, clearing the way entirely. With your new super weapon, and pantie mask, you started driving down the road with no sign of further pursuit or danger. Although seeing as you were carrying a truck full of weapons like this one, you were worried about more interference that you could run into. Plus, it was clear now this was definitely no ordinary weapon stealing job if the weapons were this powerful.
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:06 am

i cannot believe we just made a stunt like that with our panties on our face "i know right!" i said excited, no no, it's not what i meant, it's horrible, we made a fool of ourselfs "chill out girl...we got the job done, plus, i already took off the tracker" i said before throwing the tracker out of the window, how did you-...."i had to eat out certain Gm's pussy to know where to look at" what the fuck are you-...nevermind..., i pull out the phone my employer gave me and called him "have the cargo, dropping it in the spot" i said before stopping at an abandoned warehouse and going out of the truck "look at this place, i'm sure three people from the future will be fucking right here tomorrow*" i said with a smile, oh wendy, you and your imagination. "i just hope the other warehouse didn't tell this one what we did to its family", i decide to relax and wait for the men in suits with my money

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* to catch that fourth wall breaking joke, go check out X-men house of atom's last updates!
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:21 pm

Mmhmmm... aah~... uh... I mean, after dialing the the number your employer gave you, the phone was answered quickly, however there was no voice responding to the call, only faint background noise to indicate your call had gone through. Shortly after you delivered your message the call was disconnected from the other end as they hung up. A few moments later you received a text, telling you to drive the truck into the warehouse. As soon as you finished reading it, the entrance to the warehouse began to fold up, allowing you to drive in with the truck. A second text arrived on your phone, telling you your money was located in a suitcase by the exit of the warehouse.
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:33 pm

"hey...i have some inside problems-... Don't..."do you think you could send a guy, to help me out, with these inside problems?" Stop...."if you know what i mean~" sigh... pretending i didn't say that, i walked ut of the warehouse-..."! the fuck? i don't agree with this-..." -...look for the suitcase, and walked away, taking off my panties from my head and throwing it away "you're a bitch" You're a slut "you're me!" then you're a bitch "and you a slut" touché, i just keep walking through the road as i watch the city not far away...

eventually i made it to my place and throw the suitcase to the floor, before sitting on the couch and-...oh~ "oh~" i stood up again and pick the gun i sat on, before throwing it away and sitting again "gotta admit, we did good back there" for once, i agree "do you think whe should pay a visit to our handsome neighboor?" again, i agree, but the sun is coming out...i think he's still sleeping "crap" yeah, crap
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:02 pm

You were paid in full in the suitcase and it seemed that there was no sign that S.H.I.E.L.D. had tracked you. By the time you got back the sun was just beginning to rise, although it was still fairly early in the morning. Moving the... rather pleasurably placed gun from the couch, you sat down, realizing you were still in a stolen S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform. After that mission, you would need to replace your suit.
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sat Aug 06, 2016 7:50 pm

i undress completely-..."oh yeah...let those tities out~" woman...can you stop? "alright..., as i was saying, i undress completely and walk to my bathroom to take a rather long, nice and warm shower, "a really nice and long, and warm" then, i walk out drying my hair with a towel-..."you know, the worst part of not having the suit on, is that i need to pretend i'm not crazy...." you're not crazy, you pretend you're crazy to make sure nobody spot our inside feelings of traumas-...." need to do that" i walk to my closet and open it, before opening a hidden door inside of it, just to find more of my outfit "you weren't expecting that, do you Gm?" neither did i "shut go make me a sandwich" ok...i walk out of my room " win this time" i'll make it quick, because i love you "aww" and take some bread, ham and cheese, to made me a sanwich and eat it

this is boring..." i said while getting dressed in my casual "-cough- slutty -cough-" clothes and walk out of my apartment, making sure to grab the keys "glad you did it, don't want to get stuck outside again" that's relative, because if you're outside, you're not stuck-..."alright...move on" i walk to the door in front of ours and knock it softly, hoping the neighboor is awake "we really should learn his name, but the Gm will say it anyways"
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Aug 07, 2016 8:32 pm

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Do you want to choose a reference pic for him?

Knocking on his door, you waited fro a few slow moments before you heard some footsteps on the other side and a rather tired voice call over "One second!". After that point, it was only a matter of time before your heard his footsteps move over to the door and he opened it up, still dressed in a vest and some boxer shorts with some rather messy morning hair. While it wasn't likely he was asleep, as your light knocking wouldn't easily wake someone up, he had probably only recently woken up, and seemed a little groggy, as well as a little surprised to see you outside his door at this time.

"Uh, Hi. Wendy, right?" he said, seeming to be trying to not look at your 'slutty' clothes "What can I help you with?"

It was at this point you realized, you still didn't recall his name.
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby CumInTiana01 » Mon Aug 08, 2016 6:00 am

be cool "you be cool" You-..."we" -...said out loud "oh..." be cool "yeah i hear you" i whispered with a nervous smile before leaning forward a little to show off my cleavage...heh...slut "well...i was making coffee and i wonder, if you would have some sugar-... go're doing fine "but now, i was wondering i wonder a lot of things...hehe if you wanted a take a hot coffee with me, or maybe do some netflix N' chill" i'm impressed [you're not the only one who can be sultry] that aint sultry, hey, at least you stop speaking out loud
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Aug 18, 2016 4:08 pm

He rubbed the back of his head, smiling sheepishly at you before gesturing inside, if a little confused. "Uh... sure, I think I've got some sugar. I guess we could also stick something on to watch, what do you have in mind?" he asked, inviting you inside. It took you a few moments of baffled consideration to realize he wasn't joking, he genuinely didn't seem to figure out your obvious advances. Either this guy was even more tired than he looked or he was a complete airhead.
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Re: The Legend of Deadpool

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu Aug 18, 2016 8:24 pm

i let out a sigh and came in, maybe he was just, not in his senses, yet, we need to be a little more forward, but not to much because we don't want him to think we're a-..."no...look, what i meant you want to get laid? because i really need it if yuo know what i mean" ...-slut, do you even listen to me? [sometimes? but we really need this] that's a nice way of saying we really want this [you admit it, now we're in this together] sigh... sometimes i wonder who's the brain
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