Jumbo70's Art Garden

The place to post non-Flash projects such as RPG maker games.
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This forum is for posting and collaborating upon third party work. Please do not post request-threads, and avoid posting artwork that is not your own unless it is being used as a reference.
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What should i focus on?

Keep going the way you go now.
Study more of the proper placement of the butt hole(anatomy).
Study more shadin.
I don't care bout polls but I like tick boxes and buttons.
Total votes : 30

Jumbo70's Art Garden

Postby Jumbo70 » Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:33 pm

Hi there!

I dont know if i throwed this at the right place but anywhore thou admins can transport this to other places if needed.
So i was a stalker here for some time now and finally decided to make an profile here for two things.
1. try to learn some flash.
2. get criticism on my art, cuz it seems to be werry hard getting it in furraffinity.

So here is the link to my Fa account and id hope if you people would give me Constructive criticism bout my art.
I will put those pieces of art here that i really want critique for.

But anykind of constructive critique in any pics are welcome!

Just wondering, should i edit this post with the pics i especially want critique for or do i make new posts?

Edit: I will reset the poll everytime it hits 100 votes, this way it will be more accurate id say

Infinity project starts at page 14.

my current signature:
fmr.gif (45.51 KiB) Viewed 4724 times
66jlt3hl.gif (96.8 KiB) Viewed 25897 times
Sigiaanus.jpg (40.52 KiB) Viewed 38197 times
Nimetön.gif (60.03 KiB) Viewed 4724 times
CroppedLil.gif (193.66 KiB) Viewed 4589 times

Modified.gif (258.08 KiB) Viewed 2577 times
Last edited by Jumbo70 on Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:05 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby Kreptyne » Tue Nov 01, 2011 5:31 pm

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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby Belmorn » Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:10 pm

This one works: http://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/crasy/
You should simply delete the last three letters in your link (link without "url" at the end)

Can't say much about your art thou, because I have neither talent nor experience in drawing, but here are enough experts who'll help you
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby KaTsuO_O » Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:37 pm

As long as it is something creative and not just text (such as just an idea) it belongs in this section. It would probably be best if you made a new post for each picture to keep it a bit organized but you can do either way.
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby Valithan » Wed Nov 02, 2011 7:14 am

I could probably get into more details for specific requests, but here's a general overview from just a browse over your linked gallery.

Your artwork comes off as highly referential; not a bad thing, you're learning and have an eye for what you want to make and where to look up references. However, you're proportions come off as a mixed bag with vertical body marks very down to the letter (too much so), but the widths are inconsistent; both don't feel very natural.

To clarify about the vertical proportions; In this style, the bust ends one head-length below her head, but when you're doing it, the mark is the top of the hair (which adds extra height)

I'm guessing that you're either doing your linework entirely with a mechanical pencil, or you go over and finalize your lines with it; but then you use different pencil weights for the shading. Not a critique here, just trying to figure out what tools you're using and how so I can make suggestions or give advise accordingly.

I could probably recommend a few things to practice and improve, and unless you want specifics on a given piece, that's pretty much what I have to say for now.
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby Jumbo70 » Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:43 pm

Valithan Wrote:I could probably get into more details for specific requests, but here's a general overview from just a browse over your linked gallery.

Your artwork comes off as highly referential; not a bad thing, you're learning and have an eye for what you want to make and where to look up references. However, you're proportions come off as a mixed bag with vertical body marks very down to the letter (too much so), but the widths are inconsistent; both don't feel very natural.

To clarify about the vertical proportions; In this style, the bust ends one head-length below her head, but when you're doing it, the mark is the top of the hair (which adds extra height)

I'm guessing that you're either doing your linework entirely with a mechanical pencil, or you go over and finalize your lines with it; but then you use different pencil weights for the shading. Not a critique here, just trying to figure out what tools you're using and how so I can make suggestions or give advise accordingly.

I could probably recommend a few things to practice and improve, and unless you want specifics on a given piece, that's pretty much what I have to say for now.

good good im happy :D i get cirtique! Not 100 precent sure what you mean with all youre saying here (my english aint perfect) but il try :D
and for the tools i am using...
il put up a pic, it will explain bestImage Behold! My tools of the trade!
(the pen is around 4 cm long XD )
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby SFFan » Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:00 am

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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby Jumbo70 » Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:00 pm

SFFan Wrote:http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6173778/

my fav

Thanks :D

Well here is the first one i specialy want critique for
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6801044/ (it is mature so you cant se it if your not and member, if someone wants i can upload it somewhere else too)
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby Valithan » Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:27 am

it'd be very preferable for you to upload to something else that doesn't need another login/registration.

If anything, you should be able to upload the image itself to display in the forum thread
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby Jumbo70 » Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:33 am

Ok i think i do like this in the future then :D
so here is the pic.
and here is a bigger version if needed
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby whitewidow » Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:34 pm

Looks very nice, but it seems a bit weird that she has no nipples.
I love lamp.
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby Jumbo70 » Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:35 pm

whitewidow Wrote:Looks very nice, but it seems a bit weird that she has no nipples.

not so far yet :D
but thanks anyways :D
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby Belmorn » Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:24 pm

Well, there are three things that I would say could be improved. (Not sure if it's gonna help you)

First; her waist seems too thin, but this could be just my opinion
Second; the same goes with her neck/throat, too thin to be abe to hold her head
Third; the toes on her left side are bit large

Apart from that, it's really awesome.
Keep up your good work.
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby KaTsuO_O » Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:10 pm

I agree with Belmorn, especially about the neck.

Time to throw out suggestions. The head looks a bit too squashed, the line on her left eye should be bent outwards instead of inwards. Her right eye should be tilted so that the inner part is lower than the other side. Her belly looks like it is going inwards because of the bellybutton, if she are standing like that then the bellybutton needs to moved a to the left as well as ribs and muscle tone makes it look like there is some meat. The fur on her cheeks, elbows and legs is going in the wrong direction, though I must say it looks good like that. Then for the boobs, I kind of like them like that but maybe a more natural shape would look better. The hip area is too short and the chest area is too long. The chest fur could use a middle line as well to make it look more fluffy. Last the tail could use some work, looks a bit wet.

I think that is all.

Got to ask, in what area do you want to improve, anatomy or ???
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby Jumbo70 » Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:45 pm

Belmorn Wrote:Well, there are three things that I would say could be improved. (Not sure if it's gonna help you)

First; her waist seems too thin, but this could be just my opinion
Second; the same goes with her neck/throat, too thin to be abe to hold her head
Third; the toes on her left side are bit large

Apart from that, it's really awesome.
Keep up your good work.

More to improve on, Thanks! :D
KaTsuO_O Wrote:I agree with Belmorn, especially about the neck.

Time to throw out suggestions. The head looks a bit too squashed, the line on her left eye should be bent outwards instead of inwards. Her right eye should be tilted so that the inner part is lower than the other side. Her belly looks like it is going inwards because of the bellybutton, if she are standing like that then the bellybutton needs to moved a to the left as well as ribs and muscle tone makes it look like there is some meat. The fur on her cheeks, elbows and legs is going in the wrong direction, though I must say it looks good like that. Then for the boobs, I kind of like them like that but maybe a more natural shape would look better. The hip area is too short and the chest area is too long. The chest fur could use a middle line as well to make it look more fluffy. Last the tail could use some work, looks a bit wet.

I think that is all.

Got to ask, in what area do you want to improve, anatomy or ???

I want to improve everywhere i can :D
Thanks for the critique, tough i dont understand what you mean with the left eye?
Like this? (just a fast doodle on a paperscrap that i found lying around, hopefully not important.)
damn this time difference...
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby Kengi » Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:33 pm

to be blunt there is MUCH better furry art out there....
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby KaTsuO_O » Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:40 am

@Kengi there is always something that is better than your own stuff but you shouldn't compare it to others, only to your previous.

Of course you want to improve everything but you need to start somewhere. Just tell the first that comes on mind when it comes to need to improve and I'm sure you can get help with it.

For the eye, yes that is how I meant, you can go even more curved to get a better feeling that the eye is round with some shadow under the top eye lid.
Don't create a porn game if you're only interested in porn.
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby Jumbo70 » Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:31 pm

Body mostly to start with, so that makes anatomy right?
The head is decent, but i need to focus on da body
Fingers and Feet would be a good second.
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby KaTsuO_O » Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:57 pm

Yep, basically how the body is shaped is anatomy.

Step 1. Look up anatomy, http://www.posemaniacs.com is a great site for that.
Step 2. Take notes, size, lengths and placement of body parts and compare parts in size, lengths and placement.
Step 3. Draw a body using 3d shapes with circles as joints and a big circle as head.

I started to use 3d shapes for body parts and it really helped me a lot. If you have questions or want more information, feel free to ask anything.
Don't create a porn game if you're only interested in porn.
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Re: Jumbo70's Art

Postby Jumbo70 » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:53 pm

I had to be in my car for 10 mins ago so i make this brief.

I would appreciate critique for this one
sorry for not being active, but this pic and skyrim took alot of my time :D

Edit: Well i have more time now :D
so i say thank you katsuo for the site! It's pretty cool :D
and i noticed that this pic may not be visible to all cuz it is a little to big for browser(whatevah) so il put a link

On other notice ive been wondering in changing the eye to a different style, gonna put sum candidates either later today or some other time (near future).
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