zum Damenhaus (new public release 3.8.1!) (11/03/19)

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Re: zum Damenhaus (Hotfix 1.4.2) (07/24/16)

Postby Ungawa » Fri Aug 05, 2016 10:43 am

ElPresidente Wrote:
random Crow Wrote:
ElPresidente Wrote:Reccomendation:
- do not tie a girl to a room. Makes little sense.

Rather, rooms will be automatically assigned. In other words, select a girl for a customer. If a room he wants is available, he will go there and the girl will go there. Otherwise, they will go to the first available room.

Frankly said, I don't want to change big chunks of the code, because I want to develop further ahead. But since you already have IxFa as a follower I would like to hear in which way you would change the assignment in detail. The order of events. Maybe I can do something about it then.

The reason I'm saying this is because it's impossible pot have the exact girl in the exact room (since you don't know in advance what a client will want), and once assigned you can't switch. Not that rooms are that important in a brothel anyway, but assuming they are, there would be little sense in permanently tying a girl to a room.
I don't know how you coded it so I won't comment on it, nor how hard it would be to change.

Ideally (and how most brothels with different rooms work), is that you have a room where the girls hang out and they go to a room with a client as needed.

To add to this, you can look into actual brothels such as the Bunny Ranch where patrons meet the girl first before doing anything. I don't know if you want to have a room assigned for the girls, but if you decide on this route, what could happen is that there can be a relationship between the patrons and the girls which makes it so they have preferences you can meet. Say that a girl gets more excited for one customer than another. What could also happen (again, up to you) is that you can have the patrons become more specialized so that people can know start to learn which one is which. Maybe the first ones are automatically the jeans outsiders or something to that effect. But as the game comes in, you see religious patrons that want plant girls (whatever floats their boat) or politicians who want private shows with dogs (okay, maybe not because of the implications)

The point is that the relationship can increase as certain patrons come in, which translates into a specialization and you can better be able to look into what a patron wants at a glance.

Still, to get back to the main point, you can look into the Bunny Ranch (they have a live stream) as a famous example of what a brother does if you want an example. You already have the main matriarchs in Amanda and Madeleine so it's best to keep them doing what they're doing.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby random Crow » Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:50 pm

Ungawa Wrote:To add to this, you can look into actual brothels such as the Bunny Ranch where patrons meet the girl first before doing anything. I don't know if you want to have a room assigned for the girls, but if you decide on this route, what could happen is that there can be a relationship between the patrons and the girls which makes it so they have preferences you can meet. Say that a girl gets more excited for one customer than another.

You offer a great concept here. But that would be a total different game. I'd like to stay with the simple concept of coming in, have a beer and after that have a girl. I know, it's just a suggestion, but I hope you can understand me.

Ungawa Wrote:What could also happen (again, up to you) is that you can have the patrons become more specialized so that people can know start to learn which one is which. Maybe the first ones are automatically the jeans outsiders or something to that effect. But as the game comes in, you see religious patrons that want plant girls (whatever floats their boat) or politicians who want private shows with dogs (okay, maybe not because of the implications)

This is also a good Idea. This would make sense, if I would change the the whole assignment thing. And I am note quite sure, if I'll do it, to be honest.

I never heard of Bunny Ranch. They have a livestream? xD I'll search for that.

Oh, and as an extra: I plan on doing clients, which just like to have sex with their one and only. In the 'Likes' list would be written only 'Madeline' for example.
Also random events will occur which have something to do with clients and the girls.
In general I'd like to say that the only characters I want to see as individuals are all VIP's and the staff. The clients will stay unknown, faceless perverts :p
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby Algene » Sat Aug 06, 2016 3:12 am

Hi RandomCrow, i just wanted to post my gratitude for giving me three hours of insanely grinding/gaming, for some reason im hooked with your game, i will love to be a patreon, but in my country there is no way of activating a credit card without being raped by the bank, i wanted to put my shameless and moneyless sugestion, i see that you have levels in the "skills" what about one animation for every five levels? in 5 anal will be the dead simulation of the girl, in 10 she at leats seens to do someting, in 15 she moves her hips (ever being submissive of curse) the one that i will love is "Sevice" level 1-5 works with her robe/rags the extra is the current one 6-10 works wih a transparent/slutty clothing the extra is undertable blowjob, 11-15 works naked the extra is chair sex, i will love to see that, i know that you probably are a busy person IRL but is only a suggestion, all is up to you of course(two last thing: 1 i will be lurking intensively this topic 2 sorry for the extrange and horrible abomination that is my engrish, is my 3rd language, thanks for all)
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby random Crow » Sat Aug 06, 2016 6:28 am

Algene Wrote:Hi RandomCrow, i just wanted to post my gratitude for giving me three hours of insanely grinding/gaming, for some reason im hooked with your game, i will love to be a patreon, but in my country there is no way of activating a credit card without being raped by the bank, i wanted to put my shameless and moneyless sugestion, i see that you have levels in the "skills" what about one animation for every five levels? in 5 anal will be the dead simulation of the girl, in 10 she at leats seens to do someting, in 15 she moves her hips (ever being submissive of curse) the one that i will love is "Sevice" level 1-5 works with her robe/rags the extra is the current one 6-10 works wih a transparent/slutty clothing the extra is undertable blowjob, 11-15 works naked the extra is chair sex, i will love to see that, i know that you probably are a busy person IRL but is only a suggestion, all is up to you of course(two last thing: 1 i will be lurking intensively this topic 2 sorry for the extrange and horrible abomination that is my engrish, is my 3rd language, thanks for all)

Wow, such a nice hymn of praise! :oops: Thank you!

If I am not mistaken, you can support NSFW stuff on Patreon now with PayPal.
Correct me guys, if I 'm wrong.

To your suggestion:
I'm terribly sorry to say, but I don't think I can do this.
It would work if I only had slaves and a few main characters. But I plan on doing more (monster)girls. I'm sure you see how much work this would be to do for every girl like 3 animations for every position. Okay, the animation won't differ that much, but it is still a lot of work.
In fact, I actually planned to do more bar "service" animations (I mean the handjobs the slaves/plantgirls give). But in the long run I think it is better to stick with one, just to not over do it with animations.
And since Breeding Season fell apart, I realized, that I need to make a cut on some points. I want to see this game finished someday ;)

random Crow
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby HeartAttackBob » Sat Aug 06, 2016 7:59 am

Really enjoying the game, keep up the good work random crow!
I particularly liked the forceful anal animation for human slaves.
Can I request a little extra squirming/kicking from the slave? :D

I have one big suggestion, and a few finance suggestions.
Big suggestion: Just like hair design and color, slaves & plantgirls should have a range of possible boob sizes. It would really spice up the visuals to have some big breasts on some of the girls. Although the slaves appear well endowed when purchasing, they all appear to have rather small breasts while working.

Finance Balancing suggestions:
-It would feel more satisfying to build expensive rooms if the customers paid more for using them. Assuming x1.0 for Average, I suggest x1.3 for Stately, x1.6 for Luxury.
-The minimum pay (when getting the desired room wrong) should be higher. Maybe 25 minimum. Getting paid 10, which is almost nothing, for customers who want Stately or Luxury rooms in the first few days is very frustrating.
-When girls are assigned to Private Shows, they do not appear to gain any skill. It is disappointing for them to gain no skill when doing private shows.
-There should be a larger pay gain for assigning a waitress to the bar. Assigning Madeline is barely worth the little extra money. Adding a waitress gains almost nothing.

I'll try to throw a few bucks your way on Patreon.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby random Crow » Sat Aug 06, 2016 7:28 pm

Good evening everyone,

HeartAttackBob Wrote:Really enjoying the game, keep up the good work random crow!
I particularly liked the forceful anal animation for human slaves.

Thank you, I will!
Yeah, the client is like: "All right girl, keep talking, I do my thing in the meantime. And stay the heck down!"

HeartAttackBob Wrote:Big suggestion: Just like hair design and color, slaves & plantgirls should have a range of possible boob sizes. It would really spice up the visuals to have some big breasts on some of the girls.

I renounced different boob sizes, because there will be other girls in the future who are big breasted, and some which are not. Another importent reason was to prevent clipping. By that I mean that for example big boobs aren't attached to the girls chest anymore somehow. But all in all I would say I can at least TRY playing around with that. But at the moment I got different stuff to do for the game.

HeartAttackBob Wrote:Although the slaves appear well endowed when purchasing, they all appear to have rather small breasts while working.

Really? Mm, looks like I should pay more attention to that when doing future drawings / animations.

HeartAttackBob Wrote:-It would feel more satisfying to build expensive rooms if the customers paid more for using them. Assuming x1.0 for Average, I suggest x1.3 for Stately, x1.6 for Luxury.

If that is the room they want, they DO pay more for it ;)

HeartAttackBob Wrote:-The minimum pay (when getting the desired room wrong) should be higher. Maybe 25 minimum. Getting paid 10, which is almost nothing, for customers who want Stately or Luxury rooms in the first few days is very frustrating.

Seems legit. Eventually I increase that.

HeartAttackBob Wrote:-When girls are assigned to Private Shows, they do not appear to gain any skill. It is disappointing for them to gain no skill when doing private shows.

They get service points there.

HeartAttackBob Wrote:-There should be a larger pay gain for assigning a waitress to the bar. Assigning Madeline is barely worth the little extra money. Adding a waitress gains almost nothing.

Mm, I don't want making the amount of money players get there to huge, since Madeline would never be assigned to a normal brothelroom again, just because of the money she makes on the bar. But I think I can balance the earned coins out a bit at the bar.

HeartAttackBob Wrote:I'll try to throw a few bucks your way on Patreon.

As long as you have enough for yourself, I am happy about that.
Last edited by random Crow on Sun Aug 21, 2016 3:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby Failquail » Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:42 pm

Just found this game and i'm really quite impressed so far, awesome grindy fun.

Some suggestions:
-A lot of people have mentioned the girls being fixed to their rooms. How about making it so you can click and drag girls to a new room, much like you do to assign clients? (make the girls swap rooms if the other room has a girl in it) That would make it far easier to assign clients to room types they want without having a million different room/girl combinations guessed in advance.
-All the rooms being underground feels very odd. How about having the rooms built above the bar level instead of below it? Also i'd suggest starting the building with two floors only, you could make adding extra floors on top something you need to buy later down the line.
-Why is Madeline the only person who can man the bar? As i like having the bar open this means i can never use her in the rooms and see her different animations :( How about having it so a slave can be barmaid, perhaps once they've learnt service lvl2 or something so they've had job training from Madeline.
-This might be a bigger problem to fix, but could the rooms be made a bit more compact? (especially room width) On my laptop it's just endless scrolling to get anything done (720p screen) and it's not much better on my desktop PC with a 1080p screen...
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby random Crow » Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:37 am

Hey there fellow,

Failquail Wrote:-A lot of people have mentioned the girls being fixed to their rooms. How about making it so you can click and drag girls to a new room, much like you do to assign clients? (make the girls swap rooms if the other room has a girl in it) That would make it far easier to assign clients to room types they want without having a million different room/girl combinations guessed in advance.

I had the same idea, way before creating the game. In the end I decided to make it less complicated to programm and choosed the easier assignment method. All in all you suggest a solid idea. I would say my method is subject to change.

Failquail Wrote:-All the rooms being underground feels very odd. How about having the rooms built above the bar level instead of below it? Also i'd suggest starting the building with two floors only, you could make adding extra floors on top something you need to buy later down the line.

I'd like to let the rooms stay in the underground.
Unlock the floors while playing was my intention in the first place, but something different must happen first (wait till my next update and you will see ;) )
Failquail Wrote:-Why is Madeline the only person who can man the bar? As i like having the bar open this means i can never use her in the rooms and see her different animations :( How about having it so a slave can be barmaid, perhaps once they've learnt service lvl2 or something so they've had job training from Madeline.

Many, many people suggested similiar things. Cause of Madeline. I will figure something out.

Failquail Wrote:-This might be a bigger problem to fix, but could the rooms be made a bit more compact? (especially room width) On my laptop it's just endless scrolling to get anything done (720p screen) and it's not much better on my desktop PC with a 1080p screen...

Mmm, that's a new one. If you zoom out before assigning averything it scrolls faster naturally, but I guess you already figured that out. Sorry, I can't help you for the time beeing.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby Failquail » Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:44 pm

Mmm, that's a new one. If you zoom out before assigning everything it scrolls faster naturally, but I guess you already figured that out. Sorry, I can't help you for the time beeing.

I guess i didn't explain it too well :P

Yes, zooming out all the way works. But i like having it zoomed in one step while playing to see more of the detail.
At that level, it's *just about* possible to have the bar and four rooms available on screen at once. The rooms seem a bit unnecessarily wide though, i reckon you could have 6 rooms fit on screen at that zoom level with a bit of tweaking.
(As a side note, at that zoom level the zoom - + buttons are exactly in the way of the bottom-right room, could they be moved to the top of the screen?)
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby random Crow » Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:28 pm

Failquail Wrote:Yes, zooming out all the way works. But i like having it zoomed in one step while playing to see more of the detail.
At that level, it's *just about* possible to have the bar and four rooms available on screen at once. The rooms seem a bit unnecessarily wide though, i reckon you could have 6 rooms fit on screen at that zoom level with a bit of tweaking.
(As a side note, at that zoom level the zoom - + buttons are exactly in the way of the bottom-right room, could they be moved to the top of the screen?)

Interesting. I will think about this stuff after I I'm done with the things I am occupied with at current. And the rooms are indeed quite long.

I have to admit,I would like to keep the buttons on the right side. Maybe I just got used to it.
In general I would say that both things, the buttons and the width of the room are connected together. By that I mean if I would change the room size for example, the buttons won't be in the way anymore.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby Hannemann117 » Sat Aug 20, 2016 3:37 pm

I'm loving the progress on the game, keep up the good work. :)
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby Justapuppet » Sun Aug 21, 2016 2:47 am

I think you were right about the reputation thing, I was getting it pretty consistently before but seems to be gone now. Must've just been the display.

However, I did find one more thing (that I didn't already see you say you already solved, at least). Occasionally, a customer will just kinda walk on through the building, out the right wall and on to eternity, instead of stopping at the elevator or dog show. I was able to play a new game all the way up to the point that I had "Best known" ranking without this happening, but after that it started to happen pretty frequently, so possibly it has to do with how many people are there at once. Unfortunately, the game still considers them as active though apparently, so when it does happen, the day will never end, so to advance you'd have to re-load the game.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby random Crow » Sun Aug 21, 2016 2:30 pm

Good day,

Hannemann117 Wrote:I'm loving the progress on the game, keep up the good work. :)

Thanks man, I will.

Justapuppet Wrote:However, I did find one more thing (that I didn't already see you say you already solved, at least). Occasionally, a customer will just kinda walk on through the building, out the right wall and on to eternity, instead of stopping at the elevator or dog show. I was able to play a new game all the way up to the point that I had "Best known" ranking without this happening, but after that it started to happen pretty frequently, so possibly it has to do with how many people are there at once. Unfortunately, the game still considers them as active though apparently, so when it does happen, the day will never end, so to advance you'd have to re-load the game.

Found the bug and fixed it for the next version. Must have overlooked that, thank you Justapuppet!
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby WonderGamer » Fri Aug 26, 2016 10:12 am

I still haven't seen any change in the edge-of-screen scrolling function since I started playing this, so let's make this a point to point out how it currently is is a problem. Run the SWF directly in fullscreen (F11) in Internet Explorer at a widescreen ratio. It appears that game is using a set ratio for a 4:3 resolution, which makes the game a hassle to play in anything wider. At 1440x900 (the resolution I use most), the left & right fifth of the screen are scroll areas, leaving only the center 3/5 of the screen where it's not going to scroll on you. This game is worse than most when it comes edge-of-screen scrolling because it's a rather large area on the sides that it's going to force scroll on you.

One other thing I noticed is there's a small area outside of the scroll area on the top/bottom that stops scrolling, so apparently it doesn't reach fully to the edge of the screen; that might be acceptable if the purpose was to help mitigate unwanted scrolling while moving outside of the flash area, but that's apparently lacking on the sides, so I can't say I belive that would be the case...

The best way to do edge-of-screen scrolling is to use a margin at the edge of the active window, not a set radius of assumed play area, unless you're intending on forcing the set area of the game so it won't change when played at larger resolutions (of course people can still fill the screen by right-clicking, then clicking on Show All, but this won't change the ratio).
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby random Crow » Fri Aug 26, 2016 5:13 pm

WonderGamer Wrote:I still haven't seen any change in the edge-of-screen scrolling function since I started playing this, so let's make this a point to point out how it currently is is a problem. Run the SWF directly in fullscreen (F11) in Internet Explorer at a widescreen ratio. It appears that game is using a set ratio for a 4:3 resolution, which makes the game a hassle to play in anything wider. At 1440x900 (the resolution I use most), the left & right fifth of the screen are scroll areas, leaving only the center 3/5 of the screen where it's not going to scroll on you. This game is worse than most when it comes edge-of-screen scrolling because it's a rather large area on the sides that it's going to force scroll on you.

One other thing I noticed is there's a small area outside of the scroll area on the top/bottom that stops scrolling, so apparently it doesn't reach fully to the edge of the screen; that might be acceptable if the purpose was to help mitigate unwanted scrolling while moving outside of the flash area, but that's apparently lacking on the sides, so I can't say I belive that would be the case...

The best way to do edge-of-screen scrolling is to use a margin at the edge of the active window, not a set radius of assumed play area, unless you're intending on forcing the set area of the game so it won't change when played at larger resolutions (of course people can still fill the screen by right-clicking, then clicking on Show All, but this won't change the ratio).

Hey WonderGamer

I found out pretty late, after the first releases, how the game behaves when in fullscreen. I only tested it in 800 x 600 so far; that's what it meant to be played.
When i'm occupied with version 1.7 (at current it's 1.6) I take some time and play a little with the scrolling AND zooming functions.
I can't promise anything, since when it comes to these issues I have a hard time.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby WonderGamer » Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:04 pm

random Crow Wrote:Hey WonderGamer

I found out pretty late, after the first releases, how the game behaves when in fullscreen. I only tested it in 800 x 600 so far; that's what it meant to be played.
When i'm occupied with version 1.7 (at current it's 1.6) I take some time and play a little with the scrolling AND zooming functions.
I can't promise anything, since when it comes to these issues I have a hard time.

Should I assume you don't have a widescreen monitor? It might be possible that others here can help with a marginal scrolling function rather than a set 4:3 ratio scrolling function if you're not sure how to do it yourself (some just use clickable scroll arrows, which probably isn't acceptable for your game, but would be easier to deal with than unwanted auto-scrolling; personally, I just prefer using the arrow keys, but doesn't really resolve the problem of unwanted scrolling...). If you don't have a widescreen monitor, you might consider running the SWF by itself in a wide-stretched browser window to compensate for the wide resolution ratio. This is perhaps the one thing that gets on my nerves with the game & the extensive side-scrolling areas only intensifies that problem 10-fold... :x

I also mentioned something about the lacking area at edge of screen on the top & bottom, which I assume is a bug, but that could probably be a feature to break unwanted edge-of-screen scrolling should somebody move outside of the flash app area. I would suggest toggleable options (via the title screen) so people can chose whether they want to use edge-of-screen scrolling & perhaps a togglable inactive window edge-of-screen scrolling disable/anti-scrolling function if you think that might be worthwhile using.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby random Crow » Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:26 pm

WonderGamer Wrote:Should I assume you don't have a widescreen monitor?

I do have one. I just didn't test the game in fullscreen.

WonderGamer Wrote:some just use clickable scroll arrows, which probably isn't acceptable for your game, but would be easier to deal with than unwanted auto-scrolling;

Yeah, you are right. In the game you scroll the whole time. I can't make the players click buttons for it nearly constantly.

WonderGamer Wrote:I also mentioned something about the lacking area at edge of screen on the top & bottom, which I assume is a bug, but that could probably be a feature to break unwanted edge-of-screen scrolling should somebody move outside of the flash app area.

That was my first simple attempt to stop the scrolling when outside of the boundaries of the game. The sides normally should work, too. But it's not very reliable.

I don't know if there is a feature in actionscript that detects, that the mouse is actually not in the application anymore. So I still try to make my own.

WonderGamer Wrote: I would suggest toggleable options (via the title screen) so people can chose whether they want to use edge-of-screen scrolling & perhaps a togglable inactive window edge-of-screen scrolling disable/anti-scrolling function if you think that might be worthwhile using.

That would be a good feature. I still need to fix the real issue though. But for the moment it might be enough. As I said, I play around with scrolling after the next update.

To the zooming feature: Every now and then I try myself on it again. The code were never the issue, it's a mathematic problem which I can't solve for the time beeing.
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby WonderGamer » Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:00 pm

random Crow Wrote:
WonderGamer Wrote:I also mentioned something about the lacking area at edge of screen on the top & bottom, which I assume is a bug, but that could probably be a feature to break unwanted edge-of-screen scrolling should somebody move outside of the flash app area.

That was my first simple attempt to stop the scrolling when outside of the boundaries of the game. The sides normally should work, too. But it's not very reliable.

There's a good chance it don't work on the sides when the displayed area of the flash app is wider than intended (widescreen, for example), since you probably used a small area set at the expected 4:3 variable & it doesn't extend beyond that small area at larger widths. Of course additional toolbars & different browsers can throw that off also, due to lesser height of the application (changing the deadzone based on set ratio), so extending the deadzone around the edges to the edge of the window would make it so it works regardless of what ratio the app is being played in (of course this will break normal functionality for those that actually use it, so better to look at making it a true edge-of-screen scrolling function rather than trying to adjust the deadzone of the current function; it might actually be best to remove the deadzone altogether until you get the edge-of-screen function working properly).

EDIT: Of course your other option is to force the resolution of the app to a set ratio that can not be altered by window size (see Soo Cubus in these forums), which I expect a lot of people won't be happy about...
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby WonderGamer » Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:18 am

General question, but I was going to ask if the name of this game was German, seeing as the spelling of the second word in the title made it appear that way. I ran it through a translator & determined that at least the first word ("zum") was, translated to "for", but the question at this point is is there an English translation for ”Damenhaus". Not that it really matters, just curiosity killing the cat (and maybe some brain cells along with it). :P
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Re: zum Damenhaus (version 1.5!) (08/01/16)

Postby random Crow » Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:12 pm


WonderGamer Wrote:There's a good chance it don't work on the sides when the displayed area of the flash app is wider than intended (widescreen, for example), since you probably used a small area set at the expected 4:3 variable & it doesn't extend beyond that small area at larger widths. Of course additional toolbars & different browsers can throw that off also, due to lesser height of the application (changing the deadzone based on set ratio), so extending the deadzone around the edges to the edge of the window would make it so it works regardless of what ratio the app is being played in (of course this will break normal functionality for those that actually use it, so better to look at making it a true edge-of-screen scrolling function rather than trying to adjust the deadzone of the current function; it might actually be best to remove the deadzone altogether until you get the edge-of-screen function working properly).

I fully understand your point. I juggle around with some ideas and if I got a good result you will find it in the patchnotes (sooner or later ;) )

WonderGamer Wrote:EDIT: Of course your other option is to force the resolution of the app to a set ratio that can not be altered by window size (see Soo Cubus in these forums), which I expect a lot of people won't be happy about...

I played quite a few flash games in fullscreen and I always liked it. And I don't want to take a feature away from the players, which they know and have become used to. I'd rather try to make it better.

WonderGamer Wrote:General question, but I was going to ask if the name of this game was German, seeing as the spelling of the second word in the title made it appear that way. I ran it through a translator & determined that at least the first word ("zum") was, translated to "for", but the question at this point is is there an English translation for ”Damenhaus". Not that it really matters, just curiosity killing the cat (and maybe some brain cells along with it). :P

Ah, the first one who asks this question. When I think about it I should probably post an explanation and a translation on my blog. But for now I will answer your question here:
The english equivalent for the word "dame" would be "lady". Add the "n" and you have the plural of it: "damen".
If I think today of a "Dame" it would look something like this (quite old fashioned, even that the word is still in german use.):

1910 Dame.jpg
1910 Dame.jpg (30.26 KiB) Viewed 2357 times

The last part "haus" simply translates to "house".
So you could say it's a house full of ladys.
I checked the phrase, but this combination of words isn't in use for anything special. That means the game can be found quick in the internet.

The first part "zum" could be indeed "for" as in "zum Beispiel", which means "for example".
But in this context it's an idicator for an inn.
Now this picture makes sense,right?:

zum Damenhaus.png
zum Damenhaus.png (12.94 KiB) Viewed 2357 times

I didn't want the game to have "brothel" in it's name. Even if it is a brothel simulator, this word is just soo common for these types of game. So I sticked with german.
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