Ant1989 Wrote:Guys, I think it best to stop making homages and fan games, this is a legal minefield. Another Metroid 2 Remake, a fangame made by DoctorM64 has just received a DMCA just after being reliased. Thanks God I got my copy, but He would avoid these issues if he had not used a Metroid Title and just the general idea. By the way, if you like the genre, google for it, it is best game I ever played.
Ant1989 Wrote:Guys, I think it best to stop making homages and fan games, this is a legal minefield. Another Metroid 2 Remake, a fangame made by DoctorM64 has just received a D*MCA just after being released. Thanks God I got my copy, but He would avoid these issues if he had not used a Metroid Title and just the general idea. By the way, if you like the genre, google for it, it is best game I ever played.
Shardoom Wrote:Sorry Ivan but that fullscreen button didn't do anything. (Didn't work at all actually)
Shardoom Wrote:The problem isn't *when* the game goes fullscreen, it's that you've set it to go fullscreen in 4:3 mode, without adding black borders to the edges. (letterbox style). So anyone with a widescreen monitor (which are likely the majority these days) are going to have the top and bottom of their screens cropped. This area unfortunately also holds a lot of the important game information lol
if (St.stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE) {
}else {
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:So I am making worldmap 8. Here is what we have so far... (thanks MPLDAM for the idea!)
I will replace that palace miniature for 'Bowser Castle' minuature, a new asset.
I may create more levels (those 'hand snap' ones in SMB3) between those IN PROGRESS Levels.
I may even create other areas (small worldmap warps) with corridors and pipes, in order to search for more levels or bonuses but I cant promise this until all normal levels are made.
The first level to be made is Bowser Castle!
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:I use this code in the game:
- Code: Select All Code
if (St.stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE) {
}else {
This works in fullscreen in a widescreen monitors because it does create the black borders (SHOW_ALL creates it)
But only if you press the button, or control+F (again, in Flash Player standalone).
I tried to make this work in chrome, but it seems it isnt working in some installments.
The only problem with this code is that when you double click in the window (to maximize it), this wont add the black borders.
There is no workarounds so far (that I know of).
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:The map looks great! Though I suggest you change the castle graphic for this world. Maybe make it gray or something.
random_user Wrote:Since there is no better solution for now, could you upload two versions of the game? one with StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL as default for chrome users? that would be awesome. Thanks in advance.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:MPLDAM9919 Wrote:The map looks great! Though I suggest you change the castle graphic for this world. Maybe make it gray or something.
As always, it looks like you dont read all my text hehe.
Lets go there again...."I will replace that palace miniature for 'Bowser Castle' miniature, a new asset."
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:o_0 .....Oops. I didn't see that part. Sorry Ivan. Do you want me to start 8-2's layout soon?
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:EDIT: DONE! Please test it again. You need to go to the OPTIONS SCREEN and activate 'FORCE 16:9 MAXIMIZED' button.
random_user Wrote:Ivan-Aedler Wrote:EDIT: DONE! Please test it again. You need to go to the OPTIONS SCREEN and activate 'FORCE 16:9 MAXIMIZED' button.
Tested and working with black bars, awesome, now it can be played in fullscreen again =), keep up the good work.
EDIT: Actually, the menu is perfect, but the ingame overlay (score, stats, etc) is still cropped, maybe these are in another screen?
Screwbucket Wrote:I went into the Shyguy village after getting my hands on the Shyguy outfit in game...was really hoping something different would happen if I was wearing it! XD
Screwbucket Wrote:Also, is there a guide for this game floating around? Porn game guides...not exactly the most common thing in the world. XD
Screwbucket Wrote:Love the game, keep it up, man!
Screwbucket Wrote:Oh! Something just occurred to me! Instead of releasing the pure .swf file, would it be possible to release some sort of application version of it? Stand alone, launches within its own window? Off the top of my head, the porn game Simbro does something like that, I believe.
Screwbucket Wrote:Also, this is just a loose idea as I have no idea how your code is structured, but I thought of two potential safeguard to prevent animation related bugs. I say potential because while I have encountered something related to these, I'm not sure if it's on my end or not. 1: During animations that involve moving between screens (ie: entering a pipe/door, leaving a pipe/door), make it so that you cannot bring up the menu until the animation has completed.
Screwbucket Wrote:2: Again, I'm not sure how this one might apply as I don't know how you transition from a normal state to a sex animation state and back again, but I hope this could still lend some use. When you enter a sex animation, keep track of where the player was standing. Next, add an "Abort Animation" button in the enter menu (where the emergency return to world map button is) which skips to the very end of the animation and ends it. If there's no script that might lead the stage to fade to white and end anyway, return the player to the last point they were standing before the animation began. To prevent abuse and people just spamming this to "speed run" through animations, you can set it so that the animation that you just aborted does not count towards the gallery or counter (in the event that said animation adds a value to a counter which adds additional scenes to that enemy). If your character is STILL stuck after doing that, not being in the middle of an animation should ensure that you can use the emergency jump off a cliff button, lose a life, and return to your last checkpoint. For me, there have been two instances where an animation caused problems, both in world 3. The football Kupa and the guy in the clouds fishing with dildos. While what I'm proposing might not fix instances where these bugs can occur directly, it would give players a means of aborting broken animations without having to restart the level or, worst case scenario, reload the game.
if (Player.withCreature) {//if she died during an active enemy scene, put it in GotoAndStop(1), like in Zess T and all NON-SCENE MAIN creatures.
//TODO: In As3, I still need to reinforce the 'init()' function which will make movement=true again, etc.
withCreature=null; //free it.
random_user Wrote:Tested and working with black bars, awesome, now it can be played in fullscreen again =), keep up the good work. EDIT: Actually, the menu is perfect, but the ingame overlay (score, stats, etc) is still cropped, maybe these are in another screen?
DAT LUIGI FAN Wrote:Hello. Can I have Peach's and Toadella's Sprites? I'd like to use them in MUGEN Engine.
sirR0BIN Wrote:cannon seems broken, will only set for world 2, even with cheats activated
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:random_user Wrote:Tested and working with black bars, awesome, now it can be played in fullscreen again =), keep up the good work. EDIT: Actually, the menu is perfect, but the ingame overlay (score, stats, etc) is still cropped, maybe these are in another screen?
No, they all use the same screen. Have you tried to just go to the pause screen, the leave it again to 'refresh' it? I'll check that either way.
random_user Wrote:Ok, after retesting, here is what I think its happening: when you enter in-game you are forcing the StageScaleMode.NO_BORDER again, at least this is what happening to me, so when I press ctrl (menu) the menu is also cropped gain, then I go to settings > click on the fullscreen fix. Everything is ok in the menu, but as soon as I close the ctrl (menu) it goes back to StageScaleMode.NO_BORDER again. PS: Also the fullscreen interface menu button in settings is actually working, but it never saves the state to ON (when closing the game it goes back of off), maybe when going back to game you re-checks the cache settings and since it was not set to ON it goes back to OFF? Could also be the case. Even if this is not the case, I think that being able to save this is also a better behavior, since everything else in the settings is saved.
Screwbucket Wrote:I'm noticing that the longer I play the game, the slower it gets. This would suggest a memory leak, so I'm curious how you (or flash) handles junk collection and processing. Like...when you finish with a resource or object, how does the program clear out its reference and prevent game slowdown?
Screwbucket Wrote:I ask because I've noticed that, sometimes, enemies seem to persist after leaving the room they cummed to death in (hehe...what a way to go...). For example, sometimes, when I enter pots, enemies from the room "above" me fall through the floor and into the pot room I'm in or even beyond the pot's walls and into oblivion. It made me curious as to how long they were being kept around in the game's memory.
Screwbucket Wrote:Something that could go a long way towards optimization for slower computer's is the addition of an option that automatically removes the bodies of enemies (perhaps with the caveat that ts only applies to non-essential/boss/named NPC's) from the field after you leave the room instead of (I hope) after the level has been completed. While somewhat minor, some enemies (like the ShyGuys, Flurries, and Goombas) can spawn into a room in large numbers and while a few bodies might not make that big of an impact, a few dozen in several rooms could. Of course, this is pure speculation as I'm not sure how much of the game's resources are spent rendering NPC's, let alone dead ones. Couldn't hurt to test and find out.
Screwbucket Wrote:On another note, I have no idea why, but my computer (that, while many years old at this point is built for gaming. I'm running an NVIDIA GeForce 970 for god sakes!) always seems to chug on flashplayer games for whatever reason and I have to frequently lower the quality down to medium. I have no idea why. So maybe my issues with an apparent memory leak is actually being caused by my tower? But...yeah.
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