TMKNStorm Wrote:How do u reduce the amount of corruption R'thoth gives u? Its really trouble some since i started the boss fight with having some corruption ? It would be nice if that corruption score when u start the final boss fight would refresh to none. If u start with quite it bit of corruption when starting the boss fight when u reach the r'thoth grabs u phase she gives u a LOT of corruption. In my first playthrough i had started off with too much corruption so i had to restart the game from the beginning again=so punishing
. And in my second play through i managed to start the boss fight with about 3-4 corruption and managed to pass the first grab and don't think i have any hope of getting the last sex scene without restarting over and face the boss with no corruption. Btw to get the imp ending scene lose to corruption to the imp after killing the red demon girl in boss fight part 4. And in this boss fight i assume there is about 7-10 phases(not sure cause i havent been able to reach the good ending).
Hmmmm, doesn't the corruption reset if you exit the game (or just to menu), then loading to checkpoint via Old Dreams?
TMKNStorm Wrote:Also in the final boss fight first phase usually it gets really laggy so much so when i walk in a certain direction the character keeps walking even when my finer is off that button and in another direction
Restarting my Standalone Flash Player helped with getting rid of the lag.
TMKNStorm Wrote:Tbh i feel the final boss fight is a bit too repetitive with the minor bosses, the fight against yourself was a nice addition(personally i wished i didnt have to face them 3 times- i am assuming u have the face yourself the third time sometime after the 2nd time r'thoth grabs(which i haven't passed yet). Personally i felt the boss fight with what i got to experience so far was a little anticlimactic since u don't get to smack r'thoth personally around( assuming that she is the one with the six boobs who just makes fireballs fall on u)? But overall the game is pretty good just that the game tends to lag at times.
Glad to see hear you've completed the game! I'll share a little bit of findings of the boss fight monsters to help anyone who might have had a hard time going at it as I have. Pardon my ignorance of WoW nomenclature!
Succubus: [Not sure if this monster is guaranteed to be the first enemy to spawn, it was always the case when I loaded checkpoint after having beat the game]
1. You can slam attack her twice as she spawns, if you land the first one very very soon after she appears - then follow up the second immediately.
2. They way to identify the real one among the three is to attempt to damage them. The one that takes damage is the real one. I wouldn't worry about them running into you and losing armor pieces in the process.
3. When the 3 clones stop moving, make sure to slam attack. You can do this twice before she teleports away.
4. The pattern the clones "move/bounce" around the arena in is fixed. There's a certain spot that guarantees you're never in their path, and can land a few hits in the process as well to ID the true unit. Here are the details:
i) As she splits and the clones start moving, move to the bottom of the arena and a little bit to the left, dodging the Top Succubus as she moves exactly to the bottom left corner. Screencap: ii) The moment the Top Succubus rebounds out of the corner, move into the corner spot quickly and remain here for the rest of the process. Once in the corner, you are free to left click attack the clones as they approach. Screencap: this corner trick will likely lead to taking a bit longer to kill the enemy due to lesser damage output compared to staying in the middle to dish out thrust attacks.
Twin doppelgangers 1. The left clone does a light/thrust attack that destroys armor. The right click does a heavy/slam attack that stuns you - get hit and you're going to get it.
2. Keep a distance and land slam attacks as they approach. Be patient and keep moving diagonally to avoid attacks. Kite them around the arena as you repeatedly look for opportunities to land slam attacks. Be aware of their post-damage shield of course, just step away after you hit them.
Emphasis on patience - it's the key to beating them without taking any damage.
Red futa succubus 1. Land slam attacks as she disappears and appears. The little imp alternates between the projectile attack and the stunning ground-flames. Take note of that along the way and be sure to be mobile to dodge the ground-flames. She won't last too many slam attacks, then you can finish off the imp any way you wish.
6-armed demonHer two attacks I call the line-flame and the flame-trap.
1. For the line-flame, simply avoid being in the danger zone as she does the attack. Come in to land slam attacks after she misses.
2. For the flame-trap, she'll take a moment to charge up. I don't have much experience with this one, but I believe the flame balls will not appear at your exact position. You'll have to walk into them after they pop up. Just be careful as you move, and anticipate when she'll finish charging and pop the flames. They'll be a gap you can simply walk out of the trap.
Again, be a bit patient and you shan't get hit by her attacks.
R'thoth1. Easy enough. Just land two slam attacks on her once she pops up. You can do so before the firestorm actually hit the ground. Then, simply avoid the attack AoEs.