by CumInTiana01 » Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:17 am
"is not true" said the guy before i spoke "a guy who can control the atom, he can bend reallity as he pleases, he can make you dissapear with a thought, maria want him to use him to change reality, to turn bad guys into good guys, or taking them out...he won't agree, he will get free and destroy everything" i said before rising my hands, showing them we were not the bad guys "heh...i told you they were not bad..." said the captain to her friend "shut up" answered his friend "you owe me fifty bucks" said the captain again "i know, girls, get dressed, we're leaving, i'm nathan romanoff by the way, she's Stephany know who she is, the legendary captain america, she was found frozen a few months back, it's still a secret"