X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:31 pm

"i don't like robbing, but yeah, with my abilities, i can stop the time and still everything we can, so he won't see us" i told thomas while grabbing his hand, it was the only way i could drag someone to me with my powerd, through physical contact...
"i hope she agrees, but with you, i don't think i need her" he said while looking deep in your eyes and gently moved inside of you, his cock, now familiar to your insides, was touching every weak spot he could find
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:30 pm

he nods "they'd kill us if they knew what we where, if it wasn't for that I'd feel weird about it too.... oh wow that feels weird" he tells you as you use your power,

I moan happily as he thrusts into me enjoying the feeling of him thrusting inside me, it seemed like he'd already managed to work out how to push me to the edge quickly, he was managing to build me up pretty quickly and I'd definitely cum at least once before he did
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:46 pm

"let's go then" i said while running towards a shop and taking everything i could, that was eatable and drinkable
"ismy little girl enjoying it~?" he asked trying to talk dirty to you, focusing on what he was doing to bring the most increadible pleasure to you
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:00 pm

he does the same, and once he had what you'd need he met you back outside, though now he had a lit cigar dangling from his mouth too.
I giggle a little, "she is~, is daddy enjoying my juicy little pussy?" I asks him with a smile
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu Aug 04, 2016 5:52 am

"oh my god... i can't believe you" i said while walking away from him "you were doing just fine, you think you look cool smoking?" i rolled my eyes and kept walking

"he is~" he said before you hear someone knock the door of the house "you got to be kidding me" he said while stopping for a moment to think "should i go?"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Thu Aug 04, 2016 7:46 pm

he laughs and follows you, "no, I just figured I'd try it" he tell you, "plus I figure, we've already had our first Victory, so why not celebrate?" he asks
I sigh a little aggravated that we where being interrupted "probably should, this building looks abandoned if they don't get an answer they'll probably just come in
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu Aug 04, 2016 7:52 pm

"like what?" i asked him while rolling my eyes, waiting for him to throw the cigar, or finish it, whatever he wanted

"fine" he said while pulling out and putting on some casual clothes, he goes down to open the door,just to find some strangers that claimed to be from the future, you couldn't believe Lucas actually believe in them, but again, he did not like thomas at all "do you believe in them?" he asked after closing the door and going back inside
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Fri Aug 05, 2016 2:33 am

"Victory cigar" he says with a shrug. he keeps smoking it a little longer and then throws it still lit into a nearby trash can "That was not as good as I thought it would be"

"I don't know.... Thomas is odd but I'm not sure he's capable of all that" I tell him with a distracted look " and telling jess may be difficult"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:01 pm

soon, a bunch of black cars stopped in front of both of us, aiming guns at us and shooting at us one bullet "Stand down Thomas, that is suppose to deactive your powers long enough" shouted an agent of shield "crap"

"i'm going to believe it, a guy who comes out of nowhere, gets in our house, and fucks your sister in the first day...ist'n suspicios at all?" he asked while sitting on the old and dusty couch in front of the table where the suitcase was
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Sat Aug 06, 2016 6:02 pm

Thomas tries to activate his powers anyway but fails to do so thanks to whatever it was they had used, though you could still probably use your powers if you had wanted too. it was clear he wasn't surrendering though.
"well in fairness he did save me, and jess must have trusted him, otherwise she wouldn't let him into her pants.... though I think I'm more cautious than she is " I tell lucas
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sat Aug 06, 2016 8:32 pm

i try to stop the time, just to fail just like lucas "what did you do to me!" i shout as i start walking towards them, just to get shoot on the chest and falling on the floor "relax...that just put her to sleep for a while, surrender now, and we won't have to do the same with you" said a woman with short hair and a serious look on her face "i won't say it again" she said just to aim her weapons towards lucas

"really?" answered lucas with a frown "because, don'twant to be mean, but you knew she took a differen't man everynight to your rooms, or most of the nights"

The woman
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Sun Aug 07, 2016 1:05 am

he sighs "fine, I know when I'm beat" he says putting his hands together as an agent approaches, so he could be cuffed, however as soon as they get near he punches them in the gut, and makes a run to grab you
I shake my head "she did not, I was in there most nights, she went to go sleep with her boyfriend occasionally" I tell him defending you while you where away
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Aug 07, 2016 1:29 am

he didn't make it that far away before the woman shoot at him with the same thing they shooted at me, knocking him out "idiot" she whispered to herself "all units, we got them, proceed to take the others quietly" she spoke through a radio "roger that" answered a girl*

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*OMG...who could the mysterious blue voiced woman speaking!...go check Iron man! or well...check your part of the game

"what a nice sister" he answered with a smile before he fall on the floor knocked down by a harmless bullet, then the same agent who shoot him shoot you with other kind of bullet "do not move or attempt anything, that bullet should knock your powers out...surrender now!" said the agent "obey...don't want to force a pretty girl" said a woman standing behind you with a blue shield...wait what? shouldn't she be dead!?

Stephany rogers: Captain America
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Sun Aug 07, 2016 1:49 am

I turn to glare at the woman with the shield, "and I don't want to kill someone who's already dead, but " I tell her, seething as I realise my powers where indeed disabled,"Lucas think you can take the one with the gun?" I ask him
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:13 am

"yes i can!" said lucas befores standing up and getting ready to give some punches, just to be shoot by an arrow at his arm, it was a harmless one, soon, a the girl from before enters inside the house really quick "we need to go" she the fast woman "yes, if you want to save your sister...do not fight back, we're on your side" answered Captain america before the guy who was with the girl came in the house as well with another girl "when you listen our side of the story, you won't doubt killing tht atom guy" said the captain again "i don't doubt it" answered lucas while looking at you, you were outnumbered "but...Hill's orders!-...." the captain throw her shield towards him, knocking him out, "take him, we don't want hill knowing we're not with them" said another guy coming inside the house, a redhead..."let's go" he said before walking out through the back door
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:29 pm

I nod and follow them "anything to keep my sister safe, just remember if your trying to trick me, just bare in mind my wrath is something you don't want to face" I tell them
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:53 pm

"threats is something you don't wanna make, you don't have powers and we outnumber you" said the redhead shield agent "and it won't be necesary either, but something is clear, that guy will be dead, no matter what you do" said the captain talkign about who you hope is thomas while taking lucas on her arms "lets go" said one of the women before leading you out of the house and into the forest, just to be stopped by a clown car, and another woman came out "what's this?" asked the archer a little confused "never seen a woman get out of a clown car? fun fact...don't get in a clown car, it's bad for your back,...yes, i know is not a fun fact-...shut the hell up, i'm trying to meet the new guys here, no, lemme do this!" said the woman and the others look at each other confused "you talking to yourself?" asked the fast woman "yeah...fun fact, i hear voices....yes i know saying fun fact doesn't make it fun...can you stop? i'm in the middle of something! alright, FYI...i'm the one stole your tech, and FYI, ms Hill, scary woman, send me here, to finish the job, nothing personal, but she's kinda blackmailing me, so, it is personal, but not with you personal, more like with me personal-..." she was interrupted by the captain "get to the point" said the captain while facepalming herself "yeah...i'm deadpool and i have to take those mutants to hill" she then aimed at the captain with her shotguns

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but with a mask
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:36 pm

I burst out laughing and try to teleport, only to realise that I still couldn't "right.... thanks for neutralising my powers guys, really useful" I say with a sigh "your really stupid you know that" I say to deadpool "you shouldn't be fighting us, we're heading to the helicarrier anyway, and we're going to do something miss hill will disapprove of, you can get revenge and probably stop her blackmailing you" I tell her
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sun Aug 14, 2016 11:18 pm

The captain smiles at the way you wanted to do things and the others were looking around hoping to not stumble upon another shield agent "well, you're seven, Shield is like, the whole U.S...with me, will be eight against shield yay i know how to count so don't take this personal, but if we fail, i'll be in jail, or worse, working for shield life-time long, plus, theres nothing you can do against me...i cannot die...look, i'll prove it" she said before aiming her gun at her head, the captain throw her shield to stop her, but didn't make it in time, she shoot herself and fall on the floor "well, at least she won't need to see a professional in heaven, or hell" said the brunette before asking you to move again through the forest
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:56 pm

I follow them "well that'll buy us some time" I say with a nervous laugh, following them as closely as I can "if you hadn't shot me we'd be there already" I tell them complaining about the walking, " how long till my powers come back? "I ask
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