House of R'Thoth (Finished)

Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby Clobworld » Wed Jul 20, 2016 12:35 pm

Necrosis64 Wrote:How do you get different animations for the dreadsteed?

you get different animations based on what armor you are wearing. monsters have armor breaking attacks that first remove the chest piece then the groin armor. play through the game for a while to find the different attacks. Depending on what armor you are wearing determines the animation.
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby Durendal » Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:11 pm

Love the game, though would it be possible to revamp the succubus fight?
Due to hitbox shenanigans, I just can't seem to get the clothed and no bra animations.
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby Jago » Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:34 am

Necrosis64 Wrote:How do you get different animations for the dreadsteed?

One method is entering the Eternal dream and using a different monster's stun while standing near the steed. Easy stuns include the fel hunter roar, imp's fel flame, or doom guard's stomp.

If you're fighting the steed alone, they do have a hoof stomp that stuns you at range--they just seem fairly reluctant to use it. It seems to help if you stand more horizontal to them than vertically.
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby Foust » Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:53 am

I'm new gere, so sorry if do something wrong ^^
1st - game is veeeery nice, thks Gore)

GoRepeat Wrote:
- Compromised with area locks so now there is a 25% chance the area lock will occur when entering a new room

PLEASE! Do some difficult levels with mb 0/10/25/50/75% of loking room.
I thnk someone wants to play veeery hard.
But I'm lazy - I want just getin animatons :D
Last edited by Foust on Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby Foust » Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:58 am

Jago Wrote:
Necrosis64 Wrote:How do you get different animations for the dreadsteed?

One method is entering the Eternal dream and using a different monster's stun while standing near the steed. Easy stuns include the fel hunter roar, imp's fel flame, or doom guard's stomp.

If you're fighting the steed alone, they do have a hoof stomp that stuns you at range--they just seem fairly reluctant to use it. It seems to help if you stand more horizontal to them than vertically.

Yup, and there's an easear way - after 2 slams dreadsteed starting to use his STUN (he stomping) so it's easy to get his anim: slam twice and wait for it :з
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby RussiaButini » Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:36 pm

Well hi there,

I played now the version of 23rd july and tested it and I have a few complains.

First I wanted to say that I love this game. Seriously. It's one of my favourite games on this forum and I never miss a post in this forum even though I started pretty late to follow it.

First complain: The area lock. I like the idea behind this but it made the game 300% harder. I can't reach the last stage in one of the three main dreams because all I witness (I had at least five area loks in every stage) is this area lock. I mean most of the enemies tank three hits as if you would normally summon them. If the 'boar' and the 'big orange guy with wings' (I compeletly forgot their names) would spawn in area lock at the same time wtihout an imp you just get so much coruption. Please reduce the health of enemies in the locked area and make the chance of appearing lower. 25% doesn't sound that much but trust me it is. And please remove it completely from the 'Eternal Dream'. It's just exhausting to farm animations there because this locked area thing is so annoying. Maybe you could make this thing a hard mode. I mean it makes the game harder so why not? People who want to play with locked areas can play with them and people who don't can just choose the 'normal' mode. Or you could make this an option for the player and not an entire mode.

Second (and last) complain: Performance after many stages. I don't know if only I have this problem but after I came back to the first main dream the game began to lagg really hard. I cleared two stages within every of the three main dreams and after I came back to the first main dream the game ran as smoothly as sandpaper. After I reloaded the game and only entered 'Eternal Dream' it ran smooth again.

And maybe another improvement (but not that bad): Staires are pretty buggy because you look like you are allowed to move up but you can't. I mean the hitbox now and not an entire new bug.

One suggestion I have: Maybe customizing your character in 'Found Memories'. Like you can choose colour, what she is wearing, maybe even different characters like Krystal or human/elves or something else. Maybe even colour from the enemy even though that's not that important. I don't know but I think customizing wouldn't be that bad and personally I wish for different charcters the most.

That was my opinion. Hope you can do something with this and I hope this game gets more amazing. Pretty good work and as I said really good game. Keep up the good work. And sorry for my English. I'm pretty unsecure with it because I'm spending more time on German forums than on English ones.

Sincerely RussiaButini
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby rekafredam » Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:20 pm

Wow, love the game. Your games are the best on this forum so far (I haven't checked everything but still).
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby manyes71 » Thu Jul 28, 2016 4:01 am

Man, I found the later levels really frustrating to play. Like someone else pointed out earlier, you start getting boxed in frequently on top of the inescapable barrier with three enemies of varying movesets. Like how the hell am I suppose to attack the scorpion thing AND not get wrecked by the boar AND not get rained on from the winged guy? In the off chance you manage to kill one, you end up running into the same problem 5 rooms later. I've passed through dozens of rooms in one go (and not going in circles, mind you), and don't encounter a since pylon. At this point, I'm stripped of armor, highly corrupted, and have pretty much zero motivation to continue. I suggest that you add in safe spots on the map that you can use to repair/purify and/or limit the amount of rooms generated in one map. Also, I found the hitbox of everything to be frustating. Like I'll somehow NOT hit an imp closer to me than any of the demons or I'll be forced to avoid an enemy only to be stun be the AOE from yet another one. I had expected that the backslide gave me some short frame immunity or distance, but was disappointed to see that neither was implemented. For me, it served only as a way to cancel an attack if say a boar or void walker was on top of your target enemy. I've only gotten as far as unlocking Shivarra scenes.
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby explodingbepis » Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:06 am

For the lazy ones, this is the save for the current 7/24 version. Mine was in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\<some letters, might be different>\localhost (i downloaded the swf, otherwise in a lok folder). Has all animations unlocked.

GP Edit - save file removed because I don't want the spam to begin; don't start requesting or posting saves or posts will be edited/removed
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby Digfree » Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:31 pm

Just seeing this now, nice to see you are at it again mate :D

my first play through had a few bugs though.

first off we both got froze in place during his attack...
glitch.PNG (673.73 KiB) Viewed 3416 times

(also that boar enemy is hands down harder to kill and more annoying then any other enemy I fought.

2nd, on level 3 or 4 the redguy fucked me, and as he was fucking me the cutscene to the next level started to play over said fucking and I was warped to the next level (not sure if intentional)

Over all cool game mate, level themselves look good but could use some props for landmarks/to break. Let me know if you need any help with anything mate would love to help ^_^
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby Lambent » Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:37 am

Yay, more feedback! Just what you always wanted, I'm sure.

First off, I really like this game. It's as though you took (almost) all my fetishes and rolled them into one juicy draenei game. It's a very nice game and I enjoy it despite finding some aspects of it frustrating. With that being said, I have a question, a bug report and some gentle suggestions for you to consider. :D At least one has been said before, but I figured I'd throw mine onto the pile.

Question 1: How do you avoid the "stomp"-style stuns, such as with the horse or the... er... one of the tall, red, armored demons? (I don't know what most of the things are called, so I'm going to make up descriptive names for them.) I've tried hitting them to interrupt, getting distance, and even backsliding in the middle of the animation, but nothing seems to work. I might just be very bad at this. I am very bad at this (haven't been able to beat any of the level 3 areas), but I've still tried my best.

Question 2: How in R'Thoth's name do you get the armored and topless animations from the boar? I can't for the life of me entice it to mount unless I'm naked. Other enemies are so much faster that they always get there a hair more quickly.

Bug: when the goat-demon does his spectral grab attack and I'm on a stair, it often freezes me in a walking animation without me going anywhere, resulting in me having to go to the main menu and lose my progress. Pretty frustrating on the Level 3 areas when I've got all the shrines. :D

Here are a few thoughts, some of which could be taken as suggestions. And before I go on, I should stress that it's possible this is just a difficult game. I can get that! I solo'd every boss in Dark Souls 3 because I felt like it: difficulty can be fun and rewarding. But if you'd like to make it a little easier on poor, untalented folks such as myself--or, perhaps better yet, add a difficulty option if it's not non-trivial--here are my thoughts on different ways that could be achieved. To be considered individually, mind you. All at once, it might make this all porn and no game. (which would be cool with me, ahurr)

- Reduce stun length slightly. It feels like any time I get stunned, even if I'm on the other side of the level (e.g., with stomp-stuns), I'm GOING to get fucked. Even with slower enemies, like Dickhorse or Armored Stompydemon. It's not too bad as it is, and perhaps you want stuns to always result in being fucked, so eh! I feel like it would help with being stunlocked to hell and back during clone-fights, such as the white succubus, though.
- Make all player attacks stun briefly. Capra Demon (goatboy, satyr?) is an awesome example of this. I feel like hitting him actually does something, which isn't something I can say for most enemies. Armored enemies might be resistant to it, like the player, which would be a nifty, if potentially complicated, touch.
- Wall off area-locks behind a difficulty setting? Getting raped four times in a row by a My Angry Pony/Horny Goat combo as I wander around, completely lost, trying to find my way back to the Level 3 starting points is usually what "kills" me, way more often than the bosses. It's generally not too bad if I get an imp or a Not A Beholder, Because That's Copyrighted in there, but if it's a horse and a scorpiondogwolfthing, I'm usually pretty fucked (hah!) because of the two AoE stuns.
- Add a faint AoE feature to player attacks to compensate for the (in my opinion) rather merciless accuracy required to actually hit things. I have poor depth perception to an extent, but I find it very difficult to line up attacks on fast-moving enemies.
- Maybe add a BRIEF couple of invincibility frames at the end of quick-sliding? It's a nice feature, and it makes the Shivalike enemy do-able, but I still find enemies like her to be very difficult to avoid being grabbed at least once. And Albino Succubus' clones constantly seem to run into me while I'm sliding. I'd argue this would be the least-useful of the suggestions I've mentioned, honestly, but it's a thought.

And a few random thoughts to make non-gameplay elements "easier" for perverts like me, who just want to rub at themselves and make heavy-breathing noises:
- Adding a quick-skip-animation function to, say, the right-click button would be nice, so I can skip the umpteenth time being raped by a horse (I have trouble with the horses; can you tell?) more rapidly. That's not a huge deal, though.
- Having a cheat to unlock all of gallery mode would be amaaaaazing. I can appreciate working for my porn, but I've accidentally wiped the gallery before, and waaah. The animations are awesome! I just have trouble getting to some of them.
- albino succubus, why must you strip off all my clothes every time? (This isn't a suggestion. This is just a plaintive cry.)

Great game, can be pretty frustrating, gets me hot under the collar, you're awesome, I am terrible at fighting horses. Amen.
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby rekafredam » Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:57 am

Are the levels/maps/stages random? I can't get past red futa eredar.
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby phildeeznuts » Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:15 pm

This game is really dope, good job GoRepeat!
However, the area lock makes the game a whole lot more difficult and more tedious to play. You have to remember that some people here just want to beat their meat (the sex scenes are very good, great work btw)
Moreover, it seems like the game itself seems to slow down after running for a long time, a lot of people have been having this issue.
Also, am I the only one who can't progress/skip the scenes in "Found Memories"? It seems like I have to wait for them to naturally progress and end.

Anyway, I have a few suggestions, hopefully some of them get implement later on haha

- Reduce the health of the enemies found in a locked area (or make the area lock a feature that can be turned off, maybe like a choosable "hard" difficulty option). Being surrounded by that big red demon, that dog with tentacles and the pig ALL at the same time makes it really difficult to quickly kill them, and you are bound to be corrupted sooner or later because of the odds against you.
- Please fix the lag/slow downs. This one is fairly obvious.
- Make the scenes in "Found Memories" progress -able (lol) with Z and X respectively.
- Add a fourth armour mode where our Draenei heroine is completely buck naked. This of course means that there are going to be more scenes :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
- Gangbang scenes Honestly, this can tie raelly well with the area lock feature which was just implemented.

Man, I don't know what to say. LOK forums have this nasty reputation of people not finishing their work but I'm definitely happy this game is getting constant updates. Keep it coming GoRepeat, you are the don of this site.
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby GoRepeat » Sun Jul 31, 2016 3:56 am

Thanks for the feedback all; don't get your hopes up for any major changes, but I will review the thread for any last minute suggestions/issues that won't be to much effort to implement.
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby Clobworld » Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:12 am

I noticed in the found memories the 3rd animation with the doom guard the loop seems to be cut short before restarting.
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Re: House of R'Toth

Postby kanoran » Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:33 am

I still couldn't get past "The Hand" so I just gave up and downloaded a complete save file. Seemed like even if I had gotten past that level, a lot more frustration was awaiting me afterwards in the castle...

Yeah if you could share that save file with me or at least tell me where you found it I'd definitely appreciate that. As much as I love the sex scenes in this game I cannot get through any of the stages even with the 'you can't lose' aesthetic because of how horribly my PC handles flash games.
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby Clobworld » Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:54 am

just played through the game. On the new animations would it be possible to make it so you have to click to continue to the next so they dont flash by soo quickly?
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby Sirwuftafufta » Sun Jul 31, 2016 11:14 am

Two things I'd love to see would be having the endings in the "Found Memories" screen not auto-progress, and to have color customization. I really like the PiV scenes with the red futa, but sadly they don't stick around very long.
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby talksauce » Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:59 pm

I cannot figure out for the life of me how you're supposed to tell which Succubus is the right one. Is there supposed to be some kind of clue? I can't figure out any visual cue, and it seems like you can't just follow the one in the middle. I managed to get 3 of the 4 pillars just by guessing, but I'd like to get it right eventually.
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Re: House of R'Thoth

Postby LaSuperba » Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:00 am

Succubus can be determined by which one hurts you while they are rotating. You can hurt them too if they are the real one while rotating.
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