Corta's Flash Edits - Exclusive Supporter Bootleg [25/Oct]

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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH wangs+maps teaser [9th July]

Postby ecksydee » Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:14 pm

Love seeing all this progress. I'm in boot camp atm but I'll dedicate a cursory fap every few weeks.

Can't wait to see what youll have in a year

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also why not varren dongs
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Thu Jul 14, 2016 6:02 pm

bit of a slow week, really..
been working on dat dere map screen. ;)

BHGH map screen early.jpg

thinking over how the actual 'game' will play.. I might turn everything into a day-by-day and have each session time based or something.
and maybe you pay up-front in the higher end bars for booking time or whatever.

population/wealth will probably need to drop off after every day you work somewhere, to encourage you to move around.
the ships will off-set that, too. they'll turn up here-and-there (and I already make 'em hide-able ;) )

anyways, I'll try and get the basic map stuff done this weekend.
then, next week I'll try and finish off the gameplay (timers and .. missions?) + throw in some more art and actually make the costumes buyable.

ecksydee Wrote:Love seeing all this progress.
Can't wait to see what youll have in a year


ecksydee Wrote:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

varren dongs

well, I do need 6 races for my map screen to look neat.. but, only if I cant think of anything better. (fits with the blood-pack ship, at least) an early stretch idea, I wanted to have 'boss' scenes that pop up in background that lead to non-hole poses.. and "aria's pet varren" was one of my first scene plans.
so, I kinda wanna keep the space-dogs for where they'd be their best. :)
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Sun Jul 17, 2016 6:02 pm

the paywall is real.
and I'm none too proud.. :|

new demo is live on patreon.
not sure about how their system works, but this one might get *cough* ..leaked if my new backers cant see it yet.
anyways, this build goes public in like two weeks. ~~ so stay tuned!

BHGH demoPic July18.jpg
BHGH demoPic July18.jpg (86.62 KiB) Viewed 3393 times

new stuff: costumes, new poses, maps + menu, bgm (sfx later) and loads of alien wangs!

oh yeah, not much testing on the ground hole, so tell me if you spot any bugs.
.. other than them all being human.. I just havent drawn 'em, yet. :\

once I've got the day system in, the blood pack, cerberus and council ships will turn up randomly (I spent a while in PS to be able to hide em, too!)
plus, they'll get their own unique looks and actual game balancing soon.
because.. right now, blood pack just takes all your cash.. :S

for next update I wanna finish off the upgrades, get the day-timers working, add a few more poses and draw some more costumes.
aiming for another week on the gameplay stuff.
as for the art.. we cant rush that now, can we?
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH paywall demo [18th July]

Postby 9911MU51C » Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:12 pm

the fuck your champion gangbang looks promising!
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH paywall demo [18th July]

Postby ecksydee » Tue Jul 19, 2016 5:46 am

Maaaan the trouble I went through to get patreons pledging to work on just my phone.

Here we are tho, three bucks into the mix
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH paywall demo [18th July]

Postby palandus » Tue Jul 19, 2016 7:02 pm

Looks "promising". Many features looks very interesting for the Mass Effect theme. It may be very good... when I can finally play it.

Though as I'm not a patron, I won't be seeing it for at least 2 weeks, so I'll have to check back in then and see if its any good / post any feedback. It is understandable to put it behind a paywall; artists do need food, need rent/house insurance payments, car insurance, etc... so its completely reasonable to see it. However, getting good feedback in a timely manner may be difficult utilizing this method.

An alternative is to provide the backers with something that non-backers don't get. In many of these patreon-supported ventures, the backers usually get something like cheat codes, or debug options, or secret info that non-backers might find if they work hard enough to look. That way, the backers are rewarded, and the non-backers would have access to the product and give feedback on it.

Another method I saw was of backers getting the latest version and non-backers getting the non-latest version, however again that prevents timely feedback as any issues reported by non-backers is probably already fixed in the backers version, but as they lack access to it they wouldn't know. The other problem with backers only having the most up-to-date version is that you would have to push out updates on a regular basis to satisfy the non-backer crowd who don't get the most up to date version. Often for games I follow that use this system, people have to force out updates once every 2 weeks to keep non-backers interested in the product. Often this method though heavily separates your fans and as a result many non-backer fans give up and go do other things and may or may not return.

Unless of course you were able to advertise this 2 week period as time for the backer group to serve as "testers/QA" before releasing it to the public as a whole. But, we shall see if its worth the wait, yes?
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:08 pm

nothing to show off yet, just popping in ;)

KiWolfGirl Wrote:[cross-thread] top level trolling corta

I din do nuffin. :roll: :lol:

9911MU51C Wrote:the fuck your champion gangbang looks promising!

itz gon b fun. :mrgreen:

..and why do I always get ideas when I'm locked-into stuff already..?!
-just throwing these out there as a sneaky heads-up..-
zone stuff. tinkerbell/navi, wasp/clover (totallyspies), sakura/femshep.
one-a these days.. but not today.

ecksydee Wrote:three bucks into the mix

~love yah!

palandus Wrote:It may be very good... when I can finally play it.
An alternative is to provide the backers with something that non-backers don't get.
In many of these patreon-supported ventures, the backers usually get something like cheat codes, or debug options, or secret info that non-backers might find if they work hard enough to look.

skipping over cheat codes, because anywhere a game gets posted, they'll be in-tow. far as rewards go, I'm a little iffy on actually blocking off anything.
dev-notes and talkey-talks are all well and good, but if half the audience I'm trying to court never sees my plans or what's actually going on.. then how can I expect them to believe in me and fund all my degenerate habits?

palandus Wrote:Another method I saw was of backers getting the latest version and non-backers getting the non-latest version
..however again that prevents timely feedback as any issues reported by non-backers is probably already fixed in the backers version

if I was a team or something and could GUARANTEE quality updates on the reg.. then they might not be so crazy..
but, in my hands, a system like that could mean popping out boring, minimal updates every so often or holding on too long and losing dat-dere 'user retention'

a flat time-based deal seemed the most humane/simple way to go about it.. plus, I've got 5 times more people supporting me than I did last week -- so it did something. :D

and honestly, I'm not that worried about all the extra bug testing I'd miss out on.
I know that my generous backers are perfectly capable of seeing messed up stuff and telling me all about it.

in-fact, it's already happened and I made a hotfix shortly after. ;)

palandus Wrote:Unless of course you were able to advertise this 2 week period as time for the backer group to serve as "testers/QA" before releasing it to the public as a whole.

that's also another thing.. it makes sure I've got that extra little while to put in a little more polish here-and-there.
because, once it's out there.. aint much I can do.

classic example: h-key 5's original launch was full-laggy when full-screened.
with a little more head-up time I could've tried fixing that on-the-spot instead of waiting a ages to do a full reboot. (that's still only half done.)

those last few days are where all the magic happens, too.. nika trinity made leaps and bounds with those extra few days of work.
you didn't see the half of it, but trust me.. taking the time to dig through it, I found a whole load of stuff that needed fixin'

so, yeah.. extra time cushion is worth it for everyone. :)
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Fri Jul 22, 2016 7:40 pm

uhh, hai. I been drawing deze. :D

BHGH newsheps.jpg
BHGH newsheps.jpg (72.55 KiB) Viewed 3246 times

been a pretty big day-job work week for me, so this is all I've actually got done so far.. :(
but, still try'na get'cha somethin' good over the weekend. ;)

and claps for all my patreon peeps -- we doin' it!
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:32 pm

alright, it's not new gametypes.. but maybe you'll like this better.. :D

new poses!

BHGH newPoseCollection.jpg

first one is a re-do of the ground hand scene.
next up, I'll need to figure out how to make a biotic-handie look sexy.. can't just copy the omnitool stuff -- that would be rubbish.
..and I lose most of my day every time I browse mass' 34 galleries for inspiration. :|

the actual demo is still cooking.
been kinda bogged down getting these costumes -- I've added quite a few new parts into the mix.. and until everythings done, a few characters will look janky. :?
so, once I've got clothes taken care of, then I can get back onto drawing the center hole wangs and finally making that day system.
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH new poses teaser [25th July]

Postby Chabir » Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:49 pm

Looks awesome.

Does it have some kind of storyline or goal? Like, earn money, level up?

Or maybe some rogue like elements? Have fun, but dont mess up (get pregnant, ...)?

If the goal is to earn money, there could be a nice twist. To earn money (to get better), you need to have sex (instead of handjob). To have sex, you should use protection or the pill. Both cost money. You want to make (and not spend) money. Now the player has to decide. Earn more money (high risk), or play safe (low reward). The more he risks, the more he can earn. But he need to be careful.

Could be a fun system (and something i'd definitley bake on patreon if they finally accept paypal again).
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH new poses teaser [25th July]

Postby Nobudi » Mon Jul 25, 2016 7:00 pm

Looks good so far. It's weird to look at the quarian model and know their legs are supposed to be closer to digitigrade, but can't complain.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH new poses teaser [25th July]

Postby ecksydee » Tue Jul 26, 2016 7:47 am

Nobudi Wrote:Looks good so far. It's weird to look at the quarian model and know their legs are supposed to be closer to digitigrade, but can't complain.

Shh, lets not double his work by making new digitigrade models and animations for quarians

Speaking of digitigrade I havent read the thread much but you happen to have a female turian in the works?
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:35 pm

alright.. so I basically had to make a gallery just so I can test costumes now that they're split -- so bargain-basic peep-show confirmed for next demo. :D

BHGH galleryEarly.jpg
BHGH galleryEarly.jpg (65.39 KiB) Viewed 3120 times

naked/costume stuff working plus coloured bikinis and lingerie if I can make it look nice. (yay, fashion!)

anyways, plan: once I've checked over all the current stuff to try and spot any weirdness I'll get onto drawing the center-cocks so their holes will work fully.
once all the old stuff 'goes' then I'll throw another demo up, because I think I've been cooking this update for just about too long, now..

Chabir Wrote:Does it have some kind of storyline or goal? Like, earn money, level up?

money + levels -- you betcha!
but story.. no, not really.

Chabir Wrote:Or maybe some rogue like elements? Have fun, but dont mess up (get pregnant, ...)?

I dont wanna over-complicate this one.. so, I'm gonna keep the gameplay nice and simple.
just you wait and see. ;)

Nobudi Wrote:It's weird to look at the quarian model and know their legs are supposed to be closer to digitigrade

I'll make quarian hands (eventually) but the feet will probably stay human-sies.
unless loads of people kick up a fuss.
(and feel free to, too. if people actually care about something then I wanna hear about it!)

ecksydee Wrote:female turian

not all..
and seeing as there's so little content to reference, it'd be a bit of an ask..

but again.. if people really care, lemme hear it!
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH gallery teaser [29th July]

Postby Nobudi » Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:47 pm

corta Wrote:I'll make quarian hands (eventually) but the feet will probably stay human-sies.
unless loads of people kick up a fuss.

It won't be too difficult, you just need to curve the femurs back a little more, until it looks kinda like a second knee.

Heres some references if you're interested
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Also: Quarian helmless option?
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH gallery teaser [29th July]

Postby palandus » Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:16 am

Been two weeks now since the first announcement of the paywall edition; announced on July 17th and two weeks (14 days) is today. Will we, who aren't paying, get the version that was announced two weeks ago, or will we be getting the new and improved version created from feedback from your Patrons?
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Sun Jul 31, 2016 4:12 pm

yup, it's freebie update time!
here's that thing from two weeks ago :D

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

BlackHole GloryHole [2016-7-18].swf [ 8.43 MiB | Viewed 3034 times ]

## [cheat code is still my patreon url, copy it from the start-screen.]

new stuff: costumes, new poses, maps + menu, bgm (sfx later) and loads of alien wangs!

oh yeah, not much testing on the ground hole, so tell me if you spot any bugs.
.. other than them all being human.. I just havent drawn 'em, yet. :\

once I've got the day system in, the blood pack, cerberus and council ships will turn up randomly (I spent a while in PS to be able to hide em, too!)
plus, they'll get their own unique looks and actual game balancing soon.
because.. right now, blood pack just takes all your cash.. :S

for next update I wanna finish off the upgrades, get the day-timers working, add a few more poses and draw some more costumes.
aiming for another week on the gameplay stuff.
as for the art.. we cant rush that now, can we?

new patreon demo update tomorrow -- just need to fix up a few more things before release.
I'm getting up early tomorrow and I just lost a good hour or two because of a single undercase 'L' in my upgrade menu.. :oops: :| :roll:

and I'mma try and get this thing done by next week.. a week later than originally planned.. :|
things to go: quarian costumes, clothes shop/a prettier buy system, day-counters, reputation & unlocking faction ships through it .. plus, actually drawing them, too..

palandus Wrote:Will we, who aren't paying, get the version that was announced two weeks ago, or will we be getting the new and improved version created from feedback from your Patrons?

yeah.. in two weeks. :lol:
sucks, I know.. but, the fact that it's working quite so well (compared to before) means my porno-socialist-utopia won't ever be realised.. :?

also, 69 supporters and 269 dollary-doos.. well done, everyone! :P :lol:

Nobudi Wrote:It won't be too difficult, you just need to curve the femurs back a little more, until it looks kinda like a second knee.

if I was a better artist.. sure, it'd be easy.
but, spending a few days drawing (at least five?) new sets of legs and all their costumes is a bit more than I'm gonna dive into on a single request.. :|

tell ya what, I'll put a poll up with the update.. "do it" vs "skip it and move on"
that's a fair way to deal with that, right? ;)
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH freebie demo [1st Aug]

Postby Borkenone » Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:17 pm

lip will glitch out when you fuck the dick in the middle.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:49 pm

New demo, finally!
[for backers, muhahaha!]

BHGH demoPic Aug1.jpg
BHGH demoPic Aug1.jpg (91.74 KiB) Viewed 2987 times

What's new?
a basic costume picker + new costumes, new bikinis & actual naked option
gallery mode & shadow-clone technique(see cheats)
maps & upgrades are done -- money now does stuff!(rep counts up, but doesnt actually do anything yet.)
+ new vorcha slums map! (still drawing faction ships)
all males drawn for all holes
all poses ought to work (except max-hand and the new max-sex pose, which I forgot all about, till just now..) :\

plus, regular fixes and other stuff that I've forgotten all about.

Head-start: my patreon url (copy from the start screen)
Gallery: hehe.. not here. :P
Shadow-clone aka 'cluster-fuck mode': it'sh a sheekwet. :lol:

and thanks again to the backers of BHGH:
Alexander Randolph
Eirika Nightshade
Ryan Palmer

~ love yahs <3

Borkenone Wrote:lip will glitch out when you fuck the dick in the middle.

yeah, that was spotted and fixed day one.
..cant remember if it was early enough to make it into the hotfix, though.. :?

still, that'll learn me not to throw something in last minute.. oh, wait.. I havent learned a thing.. :roll:
Last edited by corta on Sat Aug 06, 2016 5:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH v0.9 patreon demo [1st Aug]

Postby palandus » Mon Aug 01, 2016 10:19 pm

To be fair, anything we report now will likely have been fixed, like the flickering backgrounds, the lips, the unlimited blowjobs, the weird fact that anal regens faster than vaginal, and I'm sure a whole bunch of other things I noticed. Thus, unless you intend to buy into the paid version none of our feedback will be valuable, as Corta has had over 2 weeks of feedback from paid patrons to fix them... not that we will get to see those fixes for another two weeks though.

Course, if Corta HATES hearing a broken record of repeating bug reports that she has already seen before already, Corta should include the hotfixes in the release version for non-paying people. Because after all, whats the point of having two weeks of pre-release feedback to get it "gud" if Corta intends to just release the buggy build anyway to mass consumption.

Thoughts, Corta?
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:47 am

oh yeah, here's that poll about quarian hands/feet.
turns out I didnt forget afterall. :lol: :? :|

[poll closed]

palandus Wrote:To be fair, anything we report now will likely have been fixed, like the flickering backgrounds, the lips, the unlimited blowjobs, the weird fact that anal regens faster than vaginal

pretty much, yeah. backgrounds stick, lips dont flicker and suck-energy was reloading to the hand variable.. (stupid typos..)
anal regen is by-design, though. it's a smaller cap, so it regens 'faster' because you're looking at a percent.

palandus Wrote:Thus, unless you intend to buy into the paid version none of our feedback will be valuable, as Corta has had over 2 weeks of feedback from paid patrons to fix them... not that we will get to see those fixes for another two weeks though.

again, it sucks.. I know.
an idea occurred about making some global-goals to reduce the wait-time for non-paid updates.. but I know what my numbers look like when it's a free-for-all ..and I wanna make this my real job some-day.

palandus Wrote:Course, if Corta HATES hearing a broken record of repeating bug reports that she has already seen before already, Corta should include the hotfixes in the release version for non-paying people.

that has been the hotfix. I already swapped it over a few mins after posting it.
the older version had glitch-lips on all center-hole scenes as well as perma-'cluster-fuck mode' on all the new anims.. (because so much was thrown in just before launch)

palandus Wrote:Because after all, whats the point of having two weeks of pre-release feedback to get it "gud" if Corta intends to just release the buggy build anyway to mass consumption.

shiner toys for those who share. ;)
Last edited by corta on Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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