The Roads We Take

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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:23 am

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magic check 14

You're able to make a sheet of ice for a slippery entrance as you quickly slide past the raging criminals. You regain control of your movement right at the end if the table where the briefcase of good and the crate of weapons set. The criminals are still engaged in fighting each other and don't notice you for the moment.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby lilbooth » Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:25 am

Riya decided that since there was only one other door in the room, and whatever was inside was incapable opening it, that it was a pretty safe bet. And considering the only exit from the other room was the ventilation, she felt rather safe using her revolver without the threat of attracting more attention. The room wasn't going to change once she opened the other door so investigating the strange noise, and possibly some dilapidated creature was her next step. She stayed in her low stance and crept towards the door. She would take a few moments to listen more intently before she dared to open it. She was also prepared to step back towards the entrance to the room, should anything too threatening emerged from the unmarked door. If it had some conventional knob or sliding hatch she would reach out with her mind rather than her hand to open the door.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:32 am

You find s latch in the door and when you feel prepared use your psyonic powers to open the door. It seems like a struggle to keep from jumping back, but trapped in the circular shower behind glass is one of the creatures. It appears to have been human, but now has been rotted with strange globs of a dark purple substance as well as empty glowing purple eyes. The creature sees you and tries to move toward you, but is unable to. Like you it is completely nude and it's rather placid member seems to stiffen at your sight a rather unflattering sight for yourself. The best repeats the cycle groaning and moaning, but having no luck getting out. Inside the bathroom itself you see a small mirror and a hamper.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby devilbird » Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:34 am

Food, glorious food! She loaded up her plate as full as she could and began devouring it all. Her apatite even rivaled Fuquoy's at this point. Ok, maybe not, but it was still impressive none the less. She was finally stuffed after her third helping and decided it was about time for her to head back to her ship. Who knows what Weech had done in her absence after all. Tik-Tik made sure they all had her contact info in case they ever wanted a booty call, or even just to hang out. She said her goodbyes to Fuquoy, failed to hold a meaningful conversation with Blood Eye and Bramocles, and went to receive her pay from Nolan. Afterwards, she kissed him goodbye and made sure he knew to send copies of all the photos to her ship.

She gathered up her things before she left. Tik-Tik placed her coat and hat over her shiny new suit of cumtanium armor. Yeah... she was going to need a shower when she got back to the ship. Maybe she and Zen could share one. That said, she kind of wished she was covered in fresh jizz, just to show all those prudes out there what they've been snubbing this entire time. Then she moved over to the door and waited for Zen.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby ZeroParadox » Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:36 am

Friday will grab and secure the gold first; either taking it out of its current container to be tucked into pockets, or better a satchel that can be secured to his person. Next he'll look over the crate for durability and size and how it will impede his exit from this madhouse to his ship.

(I need some details. How big is the crate, where is the exit and more importantly where is Friday's ship? I think I have a plan, but they hinge on those details.)
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:46 am

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you share your goodbyes with your newfound friends and receive your payment from Nolan. One thousand good, plus an extra five hundred that everyone pitched in to give you for the fun time. Zen finds you after getting your things together and you make your way back to the ship. Not too much to your shock you see a small security team has surrounded the vessel. "Come out with your hands..err extensions up" an officer says through a megaphone. You hear Weech turn on the ships intercom and utter some profanities that go over the guards heads. You see the merchant, a younger Promethean man, talking to the guard captain. A situation you'll need to resolve one way or another. "This happen often?" Zen ask with a chuckle taking in the sight.

Derek Robinson Friday
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you are able to pour the gold out into a small container at least five or seven hundred must be inside. Looking about you see that you have a straight path to the door where your ship awaits not too far away. The carts is narrowly as wide as you and a tad bit heavy. With the current hase you could possibly sneak out though if you were spotted you'd have to drop the crate to defend yourself. Another ice slick could help you, but could be unpredictable. This requires careful thought, consideration, and good god a man just lost his arms and you almost caught one. Better move it or lose it
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby ZeroParadox » Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:58 am

Grabbing the cart Friday will begin pushing it in the direction of the exit while conjuring up extra clouds of smoke to obscure him from the fighting and cover his actions. If haste becomes necessary he will conjure up another ice sheet to get out of there faster, basically using the loaded cart as a makeshift sled and using a magic burst to propel the cart through the doorway.

In fact, if he makes it out of here alive Friday will say that's exactly what happened as it sounds much more exciting and glorious! Could get some drinks out of it, perhaps.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby devilbird » Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:59 am

"Weech..." Tik-Tik muttered, seething with contempt.

It was probably for the best that they didn't understand what the little drone had called them. It would only make things worse. Hell, even she was offended by such profanity. The little jerk was definitely getting his parental controls turned on for a month. Tik-Tik sighed, knowing she still had to bail him out like usual. She walked up to the guard captain and the merchant.

"Is there a problem, sir?" she asked kindly.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby lilbooth » Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:03 am

Riya searched through the hamper for anything remotely clean. Thick fabric is her first choice, and while she usually wears a suit that fits like a glove, she doubts any of the clothes in this bin have been specially constructed to not constrict movement. Her first priority is something cover her chest and core. She had a pretty low body fat percentage so she was used to being cold, but with no food in sight she had to conserve her heat. If she could find something to slip over her legs and rear then it was a bonus, but not imperative. Regardless of whether she found something to wear she would head over to the bed tucked into the wall and strip it of all its bedding. She wanted the fitted sheet that was mostly likely the first layer on the mattress. Once retrieved she wrap it tightly around her hand and head back into the bathroom. She would hold the barrel of the revolver and smash the grip against the mirror, somewhere near the bottom corner. Her goal was to create a small hairline fracture in the bottom, so the cracks would get wider and more spaced out as they traveled up the mirror. Then, as carefully as she could, she would grab the longest or sturdiest looking shard of glass from the mirror. She would proceed to cut along the edge of the fitted sheet to extract the elastic material that was inside. She used the sight on the revolver to carefully chip away at the glass and make a spot for a handle. After cutting a strip of fabric and wrapping it around the glass she secured it in place with the elastic. She saved a small piece of the elastic to secure her hair in a bun. It wasn't particularly long, but it could still fall into her face at inopportune times. With the creature still stuck inside the shower, she went about tearing apart the rest of the room. She didn't currently have a reliable way to store her makeshift blade so it stayed in her hand, or floated nearby for a few moments at a time. After she thoroughly searched the room she returned to the creature stuck in the bathroom.

It was strange that it had no clothes. It did happen to be in a shower which was a great place to not be wearing clothes but how it got inside the shower was rather interesting. Either it was infected or exposed then decided to shower, at which point it became this shambling rotting mess, or someone else locked it in here. Either way, it didn't really give her much information. The sudden change in the creature's phallic bits did mean it still had some circulatory system, or maybe the strange purple goo was animating its dick. If it was the former then this guy had to just a freezing as she was. There was so much she wanted to know about the creature but no real way to safely observe its action. Even before she was close, unless of course, it could smell her a few rooms away, it was trying to get out. So it is intelligent enough to know that being stuck in the shower is no good. And it still has the ability to control or uhh move its limbs and mouth, and lungs. She had no way to determine if the purple substance was able to move itself, or if physical contact could spread whatever condition this was. But with all her safe observation complete she would make her way towards the vents. Seemingly the only way out of this part of the ship.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:18 am

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"your robot has been harassing this merchant for the past day and he requires compensation for his loses. "I want a thousand gold for the business that little demon robbed me of!" The merchant angrily cries out. "Listen miss I don't want to waste the time of a woman such as yourself, but this man needs compensation before I can approve you leaving" the head guard says sizing you and zen up. If you've learned anything it's that everyone has a price. Perhaps you could charm the merchant into lowering his demanded price, or maybe trade something with him, or perhaps compensate him in other ways. These ideas flashed through your head though ultimately you didn't lean toward any one over the other. What was a bug to do?

Derek Robinson Friday
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Magic roll 3
You aren't able to conjure up any mist just little droplets. Fortunately though the criminals are still occupied with Es h other snd you are able to make it outside. Once outside you see your own ship and the two ships of the rival groups. No telling how long it will be before they notice someone les I got snd get suspicious.

Riya Maev
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you have no luck finding any clothes though are lucky with the sheets and forging your improvised blade from the glass. The creature looks at you in a fairly innocent manner. Still knowing that it may simply be a ruse you make your way back to the vent. The dark vent which seems foreboding and ominous. What could be more fun than being in a tight area with little maneuverability.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby ZeroParadox » Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:29 am

Before boarding his ship Friday will hastily close the doorway he came through and lock it up anyway he knows how; jamming up the lock up to magically freezing the closed door. Then he will load and secure the crate before closing up the ships doors and firing up his systems to forge a hasty exit. While the ship is winding up he'll also check his other systems for any problems.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:36 am

You are able to bar the doors with a nearby pipe buying you some time before needing to make your escape. The cart moves over to your ship easily and you manage to secure the crate inside. Rushing to seal the door to your ship you hear the criminals budging at the door. Hoping up to the cockpit you see that all system read outs are good and the engines simple need to warm up enough for you to lift off.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby lilbooth » Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:41 am

Riya took a deep breath and looked up at the vent. If there was a grate covering the vent then she would rend it free with her mind and proceed with whatever manner she could muster to get inside the vent. She doubted that there would be light inside so she would rely mostly on her hearing for navigation. Considering there was still air in this part of the ship, then there had to be fans or jets that were moving the air this direction. Really she just picked a direction and started going, stopping whenever she found a space the vents emptied air to.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby ZeroParadox » Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:49 am

Once all systems are go Friday will hurry out of the hangar bay. Assuming this deal was going down at a legit starport he will contact control to tell them he's hurriedly leaving the port due to a fire breaking out and suggests locking it down before the flames can spread.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby devilbird » Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:53 am

So Weech had just been annoying the man all day, and the greedy little merchant decided it was his chance to bleed her for some free money. Well she certainly wasn't going to pay him, if that was the case. She also decided against trying to pay with her body. As much as she enjoyed sex, it would be bad if word got out that people could extort her for it. Besides, she doubted she could seduce him anyways. Zen and her friends were kind, but most people still stigmatized her people when it came to intimacy. Unless she knew he was already into something like that, she couldn't rely on sex to bail her out. That left her with the one skill she's managed to develop the most since meeting the troublesome little drone. Lying out of her ass.

"But officer, husband here is lying to you," she said to the guard captain as a look of shock came across his face. "You see, I am bride he ordered from And that drone is collection bot from site. He bought me for thousand gold, used me, and threw me away."

Tik-Tik certainly smelled of sex, which gave credit to her story. While those rumors were floating around, anyone was believe to have fucked a Thri-Kreen would likely be seen as a freak. If she could paint the merchant as some sort of deviant, then the guards would be more likely to side with her. If these rumors were going to be there, she might as well use them to her own advantage.

"Husband is trying to collect refund," she continued, "but site say no refunds. He never even paid in the first place. That is why bot go to collect his debt. Please officer, don't let him make me go back empty handed. I will be sold on black market if I have nothing to show."

So that was sexual deviancy, delinquency of paying a debt, domestic dispute AND a foreign crime ring. She'd settle for simply getting away without having to pay, but she wanted to try and show this little toad who he was messing with. She just hoped the guard bought it.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:07 am

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you make your way up and into the vents. The only sound you hear is that of your movements through the vent an eerie silence filling the area. The first grate you pass shows a section of the ship covered in the thick dark purple goo and what appear to be some sort of spore plant growing. Another shows a graphic scene of some the crew who had tried to fight back, but were tore to pieces by the the reanimated creatures. Soon you come to a crossroads of the vents with two paths. One Lessing left and the other leading right.

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your ship fires up and blast off. Sure enough the criminals break out as you lift off snd Fire at your ship in a vein effort to get back their wares. The control gets your message and you see the hanger bay doors closer after you tripping the criminals for you to make your escape. Home free at least with gold, loot, and no worries. A good days work by any light.

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"you got anything to say about this?" The guard captain ask the merchant who looks at him in shock and then squints at you. "I..she..." He sighs "I'll drop the charges officer" he says pouting back to his stand. "Are you alright miss?" The guard captain, a cute lacertilian with a security visor covering his face, ask.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby ZeroParadox » Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:15 am

Chuckling lightly to himself Friday fires up the navigation systems in search of a safe port to lay low at for a spell. Hopefully there's someplace friendly to him within range. Once a course is plotted he'll go back to the crate he just acquired to check its contents. Don't think he's ever seen one of these particular style of weapons up close and personal before.

(gotta call it a night. Until tomorrow everyone!)
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby lilbooth » Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:17 am

Riya pulled one of the bullets free from her ammo belt and launched it down the vent to the left. If she heard the predictable noise of the bullet bouncing around in the vent without any interruptions she would go left. If instead the bullet sent back no sound, or perhaps some distorted sound from unknown material in the vent, then she would take the alternate route to the right.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby TheUnknown » Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:21 am

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You make your way back to the hull and find the crate there with red flame markings in the side waiting for you. At least two or three high quality crimson tide weapons in there that could fetch you a good price at the market.

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the bullet drops and sends back a sound the only sound other than your breathing presently. Turning left you see that a long way further down the line is a faint yellow light from a grate. A possible sign of life or another concerning sight. Either way the prospect of a potential ally was hard to ignore.
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Re: The Roads We Take

Postby devilbird » Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:26 am

Tik-Tik watched with no small amount of satisfaction as the merchant left in defeat. She did wish that she could have gotten some money off of him, but wasn't going to push the issue. That said, she at least needed to keep selling the role until she was in the clear. Tik-Tik turned to the lacertilian. He was cute, and she could definitely have some fun with a man in uniform. Unfortunately, she did need to start her hunt for Evans eventually. Maybe she would play it by ear and see what options Zen liked.

"I'll be fine, officer," she said, "I think I just want to avoid him from now on and go home. Unfortunately, I still need to worry about the money. I don't suppose a handsome young man such as yourself knows how a desperate bug like me could make some money on this station?"
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