Brothel Sim Game

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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Bang It Up! » Sun May 22, 2016 8:03 am

meismike Wrote:Thanks again Bang It Up.

1. Just fixed this, thanks for pointing it out.

2. This is what everyone wanted, it lets people change multiple jobs at once. I have added some thing that says their current job to make this more obvious.

3 and 4. I can't seem to reproduce this, and stripping is currently not producing lust. Did you start fresh for the video, or was it a file from a previous update?
EDIT: I can't believe it, but I actually forgot to make it "If lust is greater than or equal", it was just "if lust is greater than". Rookie mistake and I am ashamed of myself.

5. Unfortunately the options are only loaded after you click play. I think I will just remove the options menu from the start menu to make this less confusing.

also, just uploaded the new version.

3 & 4. Yes, in the video I used my save data from previous versions of the game. And it's okay, as long as you've found the cause of it.

5. Sorry, when I said restart. I meant that I "end the day and go to sleep" to save the game, close the game application and then reopen the game application again, then reload the save data. As it's shown in the video, the "Chicks With Dicks" box is still ticked (when it's supposed to be unticked) and "Every Day" box is still unticked (when it's supposed to be ticked) when I reload the game. Meaning, it didn't save along with the save data when I saved the game.


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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:31 am

Just updated. Also remember to check the blog for news on the next release.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby jero990 » Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:57 am

i was wonder if could change or add image when your slave fight at end od day like one for if guys fight and another girls and mixed fight for guy and girl fight ?
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:35 am

Just updated!
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby JacksonGood » Wed Jul 13, 2016 1:37 am

Looks great!
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby HaremManic » Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:43 pm

I have a few suggestions.

1. Have an update function.
The problem is that things like stamina, if a mission is done or not, and other details don't always change properly.
If you update the gold, stamina, and other details in an update function, you can sync those details by the calling this one function whenever you need too.

2. Tabs.
Sometimes there is information you want to know and don't see. Like if you are leveling skill of your girls you have to go back to the dorm to check the stats.
If there was a tab for stats you could look at your stats when you needed it.

3. Shortcut keys.
Clicking one place to have the girl work, then clicking the arrows in a different area to play the animation, then a third location to close this and go to the previous screen. It's not bad, but it could be better.
Shortcut keys make it so you could click them but you could also press buttons. Switching between girls or animations by using the arrow keys, and other things like this. It'll make it faster and more fun.

4. The game is great, I really like it.
I got over 200,000 gold by day 20 in the game.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Seriathus » Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:53 pm

Are you gonna include more story events?
It'd be nice if there were more ways of raising your slaves' mood besides food. If there were, you could afford to decrease the effect of food on mood a little.
I agree with HaremManic in that a better GUI is needed.

Also, one thing I think is sorely needed at the moment: the brothel needs to be safer. You put a lot of investments in it, and you'll still get clients that try to scam or beat your slaves, and even MORE police than in the streets. Considering your brothel only gets a small number of clients daily, it should be made a more appealing option than just a way to open up sex training.
On that note, it could be possible to have more updates for it? Like, more clients, better (both better paying and better looking/more hygienic) clients and upgraded safety?
Maybe even including stripping shows (there already are strippers, but you could open up shows once you have enough well experienced strippers) that can be more or less grand, culminating in orgies on stage? It would be incredibly good, though I acknowledge that's secondary.
Maybe even include some different fetishes, so that slaves can perform different sexual acts they enjoy more or less, affecting their mood and skills?
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby HaremManic » Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:05 am

Seriathus Wrote:Also, one thing I think is sorely needed at the moment: the brothel needs to be safer. You put a lot of investments in it, and you'll still get clients that try to scam or beat your slaves, and even MORE police than in the streets. Considering your brothel only gets a small number of clients daily, it should be made a more appealing option than just a way to open up sex training.
On that note, it could be possible to have more updates for it? Like, more clients, better (both better paying and better looking/more hygienic) clients and upgraded safety?
Maybe even including stripping shows (there already are strippers, but you could open up shows once you have enough well experienced strippers) that can be more or less grand, culminating in orgies on stage? It would be incredibly good, though I acknowledge that's secondary.
Maybe even include some different fetishes, so that slaves can perform different sexual acts they enjoy more or less, affecting their mood and skills?

Tips on playing the game:
1.Choose jobs. Without the jobs the game is hard, it does all the stuff you're talking about. Maids improve mood of all the girls, security guards make it safer and less cops, promoters bring more customers to the brothel.
2.Use the gym and library, you need high strength, high intelligence, or both to prevent people from running or scamming. If someone scams and you have high stats you'll even beat them up or outsmart them which gives you double money.

1. Playing the game properly makes you OP pretty quickly. Like more money than you know what to do with and more customers in the brothel than you have girls. pro tip. If the police meter is up it also effects your brothel so make sure you bribe them when you switch over to the brothel.
2. The animations seem very familiar. Almost like I've seen them before. I agree that the animations are lacking, also they are laggy sometimes. I've never worked on a project as big as this so I wouldn't know how to optimize animations that well.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Seriathus » Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:29 pm

HaremManic Wrote:
Seriathus Wrote:Also, one thing I think is sorely needed at the moment: the brothel needs to be safer. You put a lot of investments in it, and you'll still get clients that try to scam or beat your slaves, and even MORE police than in the streets. Considering your brothel only gets a small number of clients daily, it should be made a more appealing option than just a way to open up sex training.
On that note, it could be possible to have more updates for it? Like, more clients, better (both better paying and better looking/more hygienic) clients and upgraded safety?
Maybe even including stripping shows (there already are strippers, but you could open up shows once you have enough well experienced strippers) that can be more or less grand, culminating in orgies on stage? It would be incredibly good, though I acknowledge that's secondary.
Maybe even include some different fetishes, so that slaves can perform different sexual acts they enjoy more or less, affecting their mood and skills?

Tips on playing the game:
1.Choose jobs. Without the jobs the game is hard, it does all the stuff you're talking about. Maids improve mood of all the girls, security guards make it safer and less cops, promoters bring more customers to the brothel.
2.Use the gym and library, you need high strength, high intelligence, or both to prevent people from running or scamming. If someone scams and you have high stats you'll even beat them up or outsmart them which gives you double money.

1. Playing the game properly makes you OP pretty quickly. Like more money than you know what to do with and more customers in the brothel than you have girls. pro tip. If the police meter is up it also effects your brothel so make sure you bribe them when you switch over to the brothel.
2. The animations seem very familiar. Almost like I've seen them before. I agree that the animations are lacking, also they are laggy sometimes. I've never worked on a project as big as this so I wouldn't know how to optimize animations that well.

I have security guards and maids, improving mood isn't that much of a problem but I have no way of knowing how much security is needed or how the security I already have is contributing. I know how to play the game.
But the brothel is STILL less safe than the streets, and this is not okay. It should be inherently safer, and it's not.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:34 am

Just updated.

Thanks for your suggestions HaremManic. Hot keys are a great idea! I usually only play it with a mouse(my other hand is no where near the keyboard) but this would probably help some people.
We experimented with tabs in a previous version of the UI. They look nice but are annoying to work with.
The fact that things aren't updating is a bug, do you know any specific things that don't update your stamina. Besides cheats, but I still need to fix those anyways.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby FruitSmoothie » Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:24 pm

I think one of the main UI issues is that stamina bar isn't shown in the training windows (Library and Gym). Your bedroom (Stat/job change room) also has a bug where it will keep showing the total amount of characters you've owned even if you've sold some too. Example being my window shows 11/14 even though I only have 11 slaves currently (I sell my early slaves with low beauty). Also, dunno if it's a bug or not but you can still train slaves who are out on missions. Heads up if it isn't intentional.

Another thing that would be nice is if the brothel/street/mission window were revamped to allow you to quickly find the appropriate sex slave for the job. Late game you spend 80% of the time scrolling through the brothel/street/mission window trying to find the right slave.

Quite a few ways that could be handled, like automatically sorting by gender or automatically recommending a slave for a certain client or mission based on how many requirements they fulfill. Could also revamp the menus to show more than one character at a time. Hotkeys would help but even still the game won't feel too optimized for having more than 3-5 slaves or so at a time, if you have to click/arrow through each and every character constantly. Could just show 3-5 girls on screen at a time, or have a rotating roster, but that might be trickier (I like this idea).

The brothel and street menu should also probably not bother showing slaves who are out on missions or have no stamina, and thus can't be used in the brothel anyways. Just added pointless scrolling.

P.S: Did some quick/messy mockups/concepts for what I was trying to explain above.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

For the rotating one, the green checkmarks mean that they meet the requirements for the mission/client. Obviously would need some refining. Rotating one might not fit easily in some windows, but I really like being able to see/click any of your slaves at once without needing to scroll over, and you seem to want to keep the full bodies shown instead of doing portraits or something in those menus. You could also vastly shrink down all the non main focus girls, that would save room and allow for more information to be shown for the side girls like current stamina. Think like all the girls that aren't in the middle/currently selected are chibi sized around the circle, lol. Would make it so you could have like 20 full body characters shown on the screen at a time. If you clicked on any of the small girls, the roster rotates to them and they become the full sized/middle girl.


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The 3 girl image at a time is more straight forward, would save some clicking/hotkeying. It only shows girls that meet the requirements for the currently selected client or mission in the window. So if no girls are compatible it would just be like "No girls meet the requirements", and show nobody. The more characters that are compatible, the more they would shrink to fit on screen.


Ah, hopefully you know what I mean. I just think that stuff needs some changes to make late game more bearable. You could also just throw a little window in there that shows all your current slaves portraits to select them quickly (WIth check marks if they are compatible with the client/mission). Seems like there's a lot of room.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby lunaark » Thu Jul 28, 2016 4:55 pm

I think it would be great if we can buy girls with more physical diversity (for exemple "demonic" looks like BEA or angel or furry)
Are you alone on this project ? :O

Edit: I just see that you're not alone
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby ElPresidente » Mon Aug 01, 2016 12:32 pm

Would it be simpler to just filter and show girls who match the minimal requirements?

Unless you can send unqalified girls for some lulz.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby AnarchicDoktor » Mon Aug 01, 2016 12:50 pm

If someone has already pointed this particular bug out, I would like to help confirm it. The name of your custom character changes from whatever you set it as. For example; I set the female character's name to Katriana and later in the game it changed to Natasha and a bit later it changed to Carla.

Yes I like weird names for my characters. :P
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby katcombs » Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:55 pm

I just noticed those little pixel icons on your blog page, did you make those or were they made for you? I just love um!!!
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:10 pm

Just updated!

FruitSmoothie, thanks for the bug reports, I should really start writing these down...
We originally planned on having that 3 girl menu system, I just haven't gotten around to it. And I am slowly working on automatically filtering out the girls on missions and in jail. I don't think we will ever get so far as to add customization filtering options though.

Katcombs, yeah sismicious made them, expect more soon!
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby Anonymousthatisme. » Sun Aug 14, 2016 9:55 am

how do u get money cuz u only start with 100 dollars and i want AT LEAST 1000 :? :|
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby FruitSmoothie » Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:38 pm

I was wondering, do skills actually improve the character's abilities in various tasks? Like a higher chef level improving how much benefit food gives you if served by them?

One problem I see with the game right now is that although missions are an option, they don't seem to be anywhere near as efficient as pimping the girl for money. That they have requirements, take time to complete, as well as the lack of lust gains and all really hurts it in my opinion. The lust cost increasing every 10 days is a bug, right? By the time I could afford to send some girls out on missions, I couldn't use them much or I wouldn't make the next lust collection requirements. Most missions feel counterproductive atm since the only goal in the game is to obtain lust right now after all. Missions really need some clear benefits over just another way to gain money I think, if they aren't going to reward lust.

Also still feels pretty easy to make money/succeed in this game. I even kinda gimp myself by hiring few girls and avoiding some brothel stuff, and quickly end up with tens of thousands of dollars/perfect girls and get bored by about day 20.

P.S: Looking forward to the npcs, should make the game more entertaining.

Anonymousthatisme. Wrote:how do u get money cuz u only start with 100 dollars and i want AT LEAST 1000 :? :|

Get to work on the streets. Your MC can't take missions, so it's your only option at the start of the game.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:04 am

You are right, I need to balance the rewards for missions a lot more. Mostly they are there to raise your girls skills, but that does not effect enough in the rest of the game right now. Like being a good dancer will increase your stripping income soon, I just need to get around to adding that.

Anyways, new update on the main page y'all.
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Re: Brothel Sim Game

Postby meismike » Fri Sep 02, 2016 1:48 am

Just updated.
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