Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Firehead » Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:44 am

Slissa was fighting with everything she had just to keep breathing through her filled throat. Aiming and concentrating her power was even worse. The tendrils that held her rocked and swayed her around as they thrust frantically against her body, but she focusing on the spell was the only thing keeping her sane enough not to just give in to the pleasure at this point. As she finally got her arm aimed properly the two entwined tendrils in her ass became the first to achieve orgasm. Slissa moaned around the tentacle currently doing its best to deprive her of air as her focus wavered. She was able to recover, but could only build up a little bit of lightning into her hand before a load was shot onto her face. Her right eye had to be shut to keep the cum from getting into it, and she needed to realign her arm to make sure she still had it aimed right now with the added challenge of only seeing out one eye. She was filled or covered in spunk again and again. Each time she lost a little ground in casting the spell and only had a short time to start making new progress before the next load. Her will to continue was wavering somewhere around her third orgasm her body began to rock against the tendrils trying to get more of the spunk that made it harder and harder to keep her magic focused.

She could see the energy gathering in the sky above them and knew she was so close. Her mind couldn't handle it anymore when the largest load she'd felt yet filled her pussy until it started to spill out to coat her thighs and tail. She writhed against the tendrils the spell completely forgotten at this point. Had she cast it before that last orgasm? She had no idea and couldn't muster up the will to care anymore as she gave in fully to the pleasure. Suddenly there was a crack of thunder followed by countless others she watched as she was thrown away from the creature. Her mind was so distraught at the interruption that she wasn't even able to recognize that the slew of lightning that bested the beast was well beyond her own power, nor could she manage to try to catch herself as she fell from the flinging she had received. Her body continued to flail about where it landed as the last remnants of ecstasy the beast had assailed her with ran its course.

As the pleasure abandoned her she found herself frantically rubbing her hands over her entire body. Her mind had finally given in and now it had been denied the pleasure it had only now come to desire. She felt betrayed as she was left unable to satisfy her own endless lust. The cum that covered and filled her began to fall from her, but nothing was there to replace it. Even rolling in it did nothing as it seemed to lose its potency on her mind and body. Exhausted from her attempts she lay there panting afraid she would just lie there forever mad with lust. A giggle rang out before a voice spoke to her. Slissa wasn't in a state of mind to even understand its words, but she turned her head to face the direction all the same. A cat girl covered in pink fur came up and with but a touch dispelled the madness from her brain. As her brain began to process everything correctly again she tried to sit back up, but her fatigue stopped her. Looking at the young girl who had no business in such a dangerous place. She found one thought that became the most pressing to her for the moment. "Who are you?"
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Zankio » Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:09 pm

Time felt like it had slowed as the half dragon sprinted for the ledge of the tower, the soldier calling after her felt distant as she leapt into the open air. Led by her instincts she tried not to think about the damage the fall would likely do to her, but this height was less than the fall to the valley floor especially with a tower crumbling into her. Even so she flinched at the approaching walkway of the wall, but feeling the tug of Kirios pulling her, desperately trying to slow her fall, she felt reassured. Calling out her thanks with a dry voice she tucks into a roll once the small drake was forced to let her go. Breaking into a sprint with hardly any time to recover. Nearly tripping over herself as the wall shook with more impacts from the dragons icy attacks, Reia silently cursed herself for waking up so early this morning, if she had only slept in an hour or two longer she might have been fortunate enough to avoid this whole mess. A shadow loomed over her, and the last thing that ran through her head was a memory of the home she left behind.

The soreness of her body only left her to guess that she must have been buried under the rubble. At least she could feel her body, no unexplained numbness she has expected of losing a limb, and though it didn't account for shock, she didn't feel like she was impaled on any sort of spike made of ice. Still she wasn't expecting the light when she finally had the willpower to open her eyes. The last thing she expected was to be looking into the jade eyes of stranger. The sensation somehow nostalgic of a long forgotten memory. Reia barely registered what she was talking about before the sudden embrace caused her to try and sit up, her banged head pounding from the sudden movement. "How did.. Who are.." The panic starting to sink in as her mind comes into focus. Seeing Kirios being so calm helped her relax a little but feeling so lost put her at unease. The distant roar of the dragon helped her feel closer to reality somehow, in a frightening way. "I don't know how, but if you did save me than you have my deepest thanks. Sadly I don't have any way of repaying your kindness.." She says with a lowered gaze. She reaches with a hand to pet Kirios, the simple act helping comfort her.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:13 pm

Having narrowly avoided death in a one on one combat against a Kelpie, Anna gelt pretty good. Of course, the feeling quickly vanished as she realized she had no clothes and was stained with cum. Looking around, she decides to try and set things right, beginning with her hair. Cutting down some of the nearby rise plants, she makes sure they aren't hiding any malicious plants and uses them to try and rub the cum off. Afterwards, she decides to do something about her lack of clothing and comes to think of the beast she's just felled. With some precise cuts, Anna tries to make some crude clothing from some of the Kelpie's hide to at the very least cover herself. While it was neither sanitary or stylish, it was only temporary and would at the very least suffice to save her from further embarassment.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Nobudi » Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:05 am

Well, that was certainly cut short. Grimacing, she wiped the blood from her face and carried on with the duo. Then when she felt like she was getting close, half a dozen half elves show up. She mentally cursed. Was there a way to fight? Instead of thinking about that, she was looking to see if there was any openings from the guards. She decided to point one of the Ferals to a rock, and motioned for her to toss the rock in the direction away form the temple. They needed to lure the guards away to sneak in.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby LillyMacow » Sun Jul 17, 2016 9:37 pm

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She puts a hand on your head and smiles warmly "Don't worry you need not pay me back I'm happy to help, I was sent here to find an arcane anomaly, by you can come back with me if you want I'm sure y master wouldn't mind,you don't look like you have a home." she stands up and walks over to a seat in the carriage sitting down "Oh of course where are my manors! My name is dove and yourself?!"

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Character sheet:
Name: Reia
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Picture: http://oi68.tinypic.com/2najog8.jpg
Backstory: Separated from her natural family when she was hardly more than a hatchling Reia's earliest memories are from being found by a man living in seclusion far in the North. With no civilization to speak of other than the two and their finely built cabin he raised her on his own, passing down his philosophies and some of his skills. With little else to do in the near barren frosts of the north she honed her bow and survival skills. It wasn't long past her maturity that her caretaker began to show signs of age, growing significantly weaker over the passing months until he didn't return from one of the periodic journeys he tended to go on. Leaving Reia with Kirios the ice drake that had been like a sibling to her almost her whole life thus far, the man had found him much like he had her, freshly born from the ice but seemingly abandoned. They nearly waited a year before they were forced to accept that something must have happened. Unable to solely survive on their own for much longer, Kirios urged her to leave the cabin behind and seek new life, perhaps if something hadn't happened to the man he might be out there somewhere still. Reia knew it was unlikely, but nothing would ever change if she remained here. So she packed her essentials and ventured forth with Kirios and kept herself from looking back, keeping her eyes fixed ahead and seeking a new purpose.

Inactivity Timer: x2 Days/48 Hours
Body (3)
-->Strength (2)
-->-->Power (3)
-->-->Durability (1)
-->Finesse (4)
-->-->Agility (3)
-->-->Accuracy (5)
Mind (1)
->Charm (1)
-->-->Seduction (0)
-->-->Diplomacy (2)
->Lore (1)
-->-->Knowledge (0)
-->-->Study (2)
Spirit (2)
-->Magic (2)
-->-->Raw (4)
-->-->Arcane (0)
-->Attunement (2)
-->-->Nature (1)
-->-->Beasts (3)
-->Ethereal (0)
-->-->Celestial (0)
-->-->Demonic (0)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Trying to find a stealthier way through you don't see one. Leaving you with two options, go through the guards or me the guards.

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Character sheet:
Name: Kades
Gender: Female
Age: 27

Backstory: Kades' circumstances of conception were quite unusual, considering that she was born an elf of two entirely different worlds. Her mother was a Woodland Elf hailing from the forests of Grace, a ranger of the forest that took a liking to 'tasting exotic flavors' beyond the tribe. She one day met a young High elf scholar, who seemed to be lost at the time. Her parents never married, but according to her mother's stories (which were all in mortifying detail of her own conception), there was a great deal of copulation between the two. She was born as the result of such an encounter. The truth of her mixed heritage would be hidden from the rest of her tribe for the better part of two decades, for her father had left, to return to his homeland.

Kades' life within the village was a peaceful time, since they had few encounters with the ferals. Growing up, she would end up taking much after her mother: a mischievous tomboy who pranked other with the boys and later, a more than occasionally lewd girl. She would bring mayhem, but would easily charm her way out with her good looks and smooth tongue, she felt like she was truly at home. Eventually, Kades would learn of her heritage. Unsure of what to make of her unusual existence, she began to secretly research the High elves, attempting to understand what made them so different than the Woodland elves. There, she discovered that she had a small affinity to Arcane magic. News of this was quick to spread, and eventually she was banished from the Tribe. With a few supplies and basic understanding of her own powers, she set off in the direction of where she suspected her father had originated from: Aldermen, the Capitol of High elves.

Getting to the surrounding forests, she quickly learned that it was dangerous to get too close to the city, with its strange magic interacting with the Chorus. She soon began to find herself fascinated with understanding how the two opposing branches began to interact, how the void would warp the chorus of life. She sough to understand it, make its power her own and how to master it safely. Now in her 27th year of life, she continued her research of life distortion magic, as a hermit living on the edges of the Aldermen forests.

Inactivity Timer: 3 Days
Body (2)
-->Strength (1)
-->-->Power (1)
-->-->Durability (1)
-->Finesse (3)
-->-->Agility (5)
-->-->Accuracy (1)
Mind (2)
->Charm (3)
-->-->Seduction (5)
-->-->Diplomacy (1)
->Lore (1)
-->-->Knowledge (1)
-->-->Study (1)
Spirit (3)
-->Magic (1)
-->-->Raw (0)
-->-->Arcane (2)
-->Attunement (5)
-->-->Nature (7)
-->-->Beasts (3)
-->Ethereal (0)
-->-->Celestial (0)
-->-->Demonic (0)

Laughing Hyena
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

"Direction? Away from the demons silly!" she says sleeply before passing out in your arms letting her limbs go limp. A you ran down the alley way you silently 'thanked' her for all of the useful information. When you exited the alley you are given to paths, away from the city, or deeper into the city toward he higher spirers. Away from the city, was a street covered in demons, mostly umps, which where small little buggers but could easily defeat an unarmed enemy and in numbers can fuck up a guard. Quite literally infact if they where female, clearly visible on the streets, as women where lifted up by two or three of the little guys and fucked in every orifice. In wasn't a sight you'd like to see, especially because sex wasn't all they where doing, many males where running but getting slaughtered by the demons, 3 guards where taken down by on rather large demon with 8 eyes, two of which where looking at you. The other direction deeper in was somewhat devoid of demons save for the odd imp flying around, but they where no threat in small numbers to warrior of your stature.

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Character Sheet Laughing Hyena
Name: Miguel Gorgias
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Picture: http://ami.animecharactersdatabase.com/ ... 326102.jpg 

Backstory: Gorgias belonged to a once noble family devoted to the church of Hyperion, within the kingdom of Solaris. Acting as their agents and inquisitors, rooting out corruption and evil they were the goddesses greatest agents. However that was a long time ago. Nowadays the house is only mentioned as a scandalous joke at parties, warnings of dealing with devils. For their youngest daughter was cursed with a barren womb, incapable of bearing a child despite her desires to carry on the lineage. In desperation she was made an offer by deceptive dark powers wearing the guise of a mystic. To bear a child through divine miracles, the mystic offered the girl the tools needed to summon a being capable of bearing her a son. The ritual that was to be done lasted for one black night during the blood moon. A pact was made that night. Her virginity was claimed on that night by a greater demon. Thus when three seasons had passed, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. However the childbirth was naturally troublesome. She told no one of what had transpired in order to protect her house and her son. She chose exile to protect him fleeing to the farmlands and outskirts of Burnish.

The boy grew ignorant of these truths of his birth. And was raised within the outskirts of a local lords fiefdom. Learning his alphabet and social guidance from his mother, he was reared into the doctrines of the church all the same. Her secret hopes were to use those teachings to quench the innate evil that fueled his birth. The child quickly grew from a meek boy to a swordsman, aspiring to incredible heights, learning of knightly heroes and great deed. The youth practice the art of swords and shields in order to prove himself worthy of becoming a squire. His own venture into such affairs turned out quite different. He was conscripted into the army of the noble and was properly trained in the arts of war. He never became a knight true, but he learned how to kill and grew in rank within the lords private military. 

However the decadence of his lord proved insatiable... And as he matured, disturbing visions now turn his sleep restless and his true nature is becoming more and more potent. The battle of angels and demons is now set over the shoulders of a mere mortal.

Inactivity Timer: Three days (Please PM me if I become unresponsive by the third day.)
Body (3)
-->Strength (3)
-->-->Power (2)
-->-->Durability (4)
-->Finesse (3)
-->-->Agility (2)
-->-->Accuracy (4)
Mind (3)
->Charm (5)
-->-->Seduction (4)
-->-->Diplomacy (6)
->Lore (1)
-->-->Knowledge (2)
-->-->Study (0)
Spirit (1)
-->Magic (0)
-->-->Raw (0)
-->-->Arcane (0)
-->Attunement (0)
-->-->Nature (0)
-->-->Beasts (0)
-->Ethereal (2)
-->-->Celestial (0)
-->-->Demonic (4)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

"Who's who?" she asks looking around "Oh you mean me? I'm me. Link of course!" she says with a giggle, turning into. Blur before almost instantly appearing behind you leaning over your head and waving at you. "The link of what? Good question! Anyways I have things or you to do, and you are going to do them, I promise it will be fun, though I'm not sure if I can bring your tentacle friend with you... The misses wouldn't be a fan of that... So sorry!" she says blinking again over to the edge of the cliff looking over while she mentions the swamp monster who's col goo was still covering you, infact if you layed there much longer it might solidify you against the ground. She flashes back over to you clasping hands together bubbling with excitement "Oh I can't wait for you to meet the others... Though now might not be the best time... They're having some low times right now..." she adds putting a finger to herlips in a mocking manner pretending to think it through.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Gender: Female
Age: 17
Inactivity timer: 3 days
Picture: https://static1.e621.net/data/15/25/152 ... 11a23a.jpg 
Backstory: Slissa was always a curious little thing. Her natural curiosity and lithe frame lead to her frequently be chastised for being in places she shouldn't. Always willing to see what's up the next branch or on the other side of that hole. Some wondered if she even knew the meaning of danger.
Living in the giant's foothills was tough for any creature, but even more so for the small statured kobolds of Slissa's tribe. The massive vegetation could make for good shelter, but you never knew when a new tree root as wide as your own torso might decide to grow through your bedroom. The massive animals were an even greater nuisance. Even the ones that wouldn't swallow you whole would step on a home as if it were little more than a small hill. It was because of this that the position of shaman was so important to the tribes survival. Tribe members with great spiritual potential were trained to keep plant and beast from damaging the village whenever possible. For this reason it was very exciting for Slissa when she was selected to apprentice under the tribe's current shaman, the venerable Kransk.
From Kransk she learned the art of communing with both plant and animal as well as the basics of the art of magic. Her life was looking great until disaster struck. A strange plague began to befall the members of her tribe. Kransk did what she could, but could only work to slow the progress of this strange disease that began to eat away at their people. To save the tribe Slissa was sent on a quest. She would set out to find any hint of the source of their malady to try and find a cure while Kransk would continue to keep the tribe from dying off completely. With great determination Slissa has left searching for any sources of knowledge that may give her a hint to save her home.

Body (2)
-->Strength (0)
-->-->Power (0)
-->-->Durability (0)
-->Finesse (4)
-->-->Agility (8)
-->-->Accuracy (0)
Mind (1)
->Charm (0)
-->-->Seduction (0)
-->-->Diplomacy (0)
->Lore (2)
-->-->Knowledge (0)
-->-->Study (4)
Spirit (4)
-->Magic (2)
-->-->Raw (4)
-->-->Arcane (0)
-->Attunement (6)
-->-->Nature (8)
-->-->Beasts (4)
-->Ethereal (0)
-->-->Celestial (0)
-->-->Demonic (0)

Fantasy Fanatic
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

putting together your makeshift clothes and rubbing off the cum on your back, though the um in your hair you couldn't get out. You make the slightly less embarrassing swim back to the hut. Getting there and knocking on the door you hear the man say "come in I have readied the boat." through the door. If you choose to enter immidietly you find him cranking open a wooden hatch beneath a suspended boat on ropes. The hatch being big enough to fit the boat through and led straight into the water below. your clothes where still where they belonged, Pika being curried up around your stuff.

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Name: Anna Hyweild
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Inactivity timer: 2 days. (PM me)
Picture: http://files.vividscreen.info/soft/dfc7 ... tall-l.jpg 
Anna comes from a place called Wolf's Den. It's a very large but shallow cavern in the north east mountain ranges. The cave is home to one of the largest packs of wolves on the continent. Her tribe co-exists with the wolves in the cave. The cave is known as a holy site, filled with fire for light and plenty of wide structures built in and along the walls dotted around.
Wolf's Den is located in the Brightmoore territory. The territory of Brightmoore is known for its harsh and strange weather patterns such as spontaneous blizzards, endless rainstorms, and drastic temperature shifts. Meaning anyone living there has to be tough to not just survive, but prosper. Due to the climate, the territory of Brightmoore
has no real kingdom but instead has the Brightmoore Alliance of the tribes who train their own soldiers and will unite if the territory of Brightmoore was to be invaded. While their numbers are small compared to other kingdoms, Brightmoore territory only breeds and trains the strongest of warriors. Having done so for generations, there are few unable to fight should the situation demand it.
The territory of Brightmoore views strength above all else since magic is uncommon, but Anna's tribe has also discovered the value of friendship and cooperation from living together with the wolves. Both the wolves and the people of the tribe have learned much from each other and it is not uncommon for humans and wolves to stick together since working together is beneficial to both of them. While the humans of the tribe value strength in the image of the wolf, they also value compassion and kindness since family and friends are important.
However, due to an argument about the ways of the tribe and it's future, her younger brother left Wolf's Den and disappeared. Anna is now traveling in search for her younger brother who was meant to take over her fathers role as chief advisor one day. She travels fairly light and began her journey with only her wolf companion Pika to keep her company. Her choice of weaponry is a Glaive the length of 2 of her arms lengths. (http://www.cbswords.com/images/kr0050.jpg)

Experience Points: 0/25
Body (4)
-->Strength (4)
-->-->Power (5)
-->-->Durability (3)
-->Finesse (4)
-->-->Agility (6)
-->-->Accuracy (2)
Mind (1)
->Charm (1)
-->-->Seduction (2)
-->-->Diplomacy (0)
->Lore (1)
-->-->Knowledge (2)
-->-->Study (0)
Spirit (2)
-->Magic (0)
-->-->Raw (0)
-->-->Arcane (0)
-->Attunement (4)
-->-->Nature (0)
-->-->Beasts (8)
-->Ethereal (0)
-->-->Celestial (0)
-->-->Demonic (0)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Heading out into the streets you make your way toward the massive caverns that loomed over the city, there darkness pulling you. Every time you look at them for to long making you nausea. You have never seen such a big cavern before, you couldn't tell the cave apart from a starless night. Making it to the edge of the city you where about to step foot onto the cavern floor when you hear a voice behind you say "You know, a lot of people go missing in those caverns, it's not wise to go without someone watching your back." turning around you see the strange women from the inn sitting on a rock behind a building covered in its shadow, how long had she been there?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Henrietta Heavyfeather
Gender: Female 
Age: 22
Backstory: When she was young, Henrietta became an apprentice under a famous Scholar. A Historian and Archaeologist, the greatest gift Henrietta's master gave her was to spark her inquisitive mind. Henrietta traveled with her master to various locations cataloging the history of Talandar. During this time, The young apprentice became more and more curious about the history of Ragnrock and the creatures who inhabit that stange other world. During one trip, Henrietta found a small deposit of brimstone. She had always heard the wives' tales regarding them but she needed to know for herself. Henrietta tried to ingest one. Just as she swallowed, her master caught her. Henrietta was immediately scolded and sent home ahead of time. This was the moment when they started to drift apart
When it came time for Henrietta to begin her own research, she made the study of Ragnrock and it's demons her focus. Despite her teacher's disapproval, She took her supplies and traveled to city of Bedrock just at the bottom of Talandar. She could say that her research was for the betterment of mankind or some other purpose. But in truth Henrietta just had an insatiable thrust for knowledge. To her a new discovery was better then any form of pleasure known to man, not that she had much experience.

0/25 experience points
Inactivity Timer: 3 Days
Body (2)
-->Strength (1)
-->-->Power (2)
-->-->Durability (0)
-->Finesse (3)
-->-->Agility (4)
-->-->Accuracy (2)
Mind (3)
->Charm (1)
-->-->Seduction (0)
-->-->Diplomacy (2)
->Lore (5)
-->-->Knowledge (4)
-->-->Study (6)
Spirit (2)
-->Magic (1)
-->-->Raw (2)
-->-->Arcane (0)
-->Attunement (0)
-->-->Nature (0)
-->-->Beasts (0)
-->Ethereal (3)
-->-->Celestial (0)
-->-->Demonic (6)
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Jul 18, 2016 11:51 am

The looming caverns were more intimidating then Henrietta first thought. She could feel this oppressive force weighing down on her. However, if she wanted to avoid destitution she would have to enter. That's when she hears a voice. Turning to face it, she is confronted by the woman from before. "You're the one paid for my room, right?" The young explorer asked as she approached the stranger. "I could use someone who's familiar with the area to lend me a hand. I swear when I make a find, I'll compensate you for your time."
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Zankio » Mon Jul 18, 2016 7:27 pm

Reia feels her cheeks heat up at the girls kindness, unused to such a welcoming stranger. "I don't exactly have anywhere I need to be.. I mean anywhere is better than back there." She says with an empty laugh, then becoming a bit more aware of the situation as the she gets up to go take a seat Reia quickly adds in. "As long as I'm not a burden or anything, I wouldn't want to get in the way of the one I should be doing everything I can to thank." She says sheepishly even though she was very curious as to what this anomaly they came this far north in search for. "I was named Reia. And I still cant thank you enough for saving me, Dove." She tests out the name, realizing how strange it felt to actually be meeting someone new.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Nobudi » Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:45 am

Kades frowned when she finally figured that there was no other way around it. She closed her eyes and tried to hum a small tune, to sing a spear out of the wood surrounding her. She did so as a test to see how far her power recovered. "We may need to break through," she whispered to the duo.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Firehead » Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:31 am

Slissa found herself confused by the girls question. It almost sounded to her like it had never occurred to her that a stranger wouldn't know who she was. The girl immediately brought up a question that Slissa hadn't been thinking about her name having some meaning behind it and appearing behind her almost like she'd teleported. As much as she owed the girl for the rescue, she wasn't really that keen on helping the young girl with whatever task she needed her for. First of all, she already had a very urgent quest of her own, and second of all, there was certainly something wrong with this girl. Picking herself up off the ground she realized how nasty she looked covered in that things goo. She looked around for water to clean herself off in while being careful of any other vines considering the girl implied the creature hadn't been killed. She did feel she owed the girl a response though as she looked, "Thank you for your help, but I can't really help you. I have something important to do, and I don't see what help I'd be to you if you're capable of that lightning storm yourself."
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Laughing Hyena » Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:29 pm

Looking over the situation he didn't need much time to figure out which way to go. She advised him to run away from the demons. There were many pouring from the ways out of the city and there were less deeper within. There had to be some kind of escape plan for the city in case it was overrun like this. Besides those hopes the real kicker to his decision was that he clearly would get torn to shreds and the other factor was her body was still cradled in his arms. He couldn't very well fight as effectively like this. Thus, sword in hand he ran deeper into the city, away from the massive hordes. Any demons that come his way seeking the female he was carrying would find his blade as his answer to them. He was all too willing to slay them should they be foolish enough to think of him as a potential target. But first and foremost was the objective. Run fast, run wisely.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:15 am

Having found her way back, Anna makes sure the man won't see her stained hair and responds to him while picking up her stuff.

"I'll be right there, just give me a moment." She says before taking out a bone comb from her bag pack and tries to get the last of the horrible cum out of her hair before changing into her regular clothing, throwing the Kelpie made ones into the water.

If the cum still isn't coming off:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Climbing down the hatch an taking a seat in the man's boat, still working her hair with the comb, she asks the man if he knows about how to get something like it off. "You wouldn't happen to know anything against getting this stuff washed out?" Anna asks him.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby LillyMacow » Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:07 am

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The woman grin is visible from under her hood. "A compensation? hmph" she lets out a forced chuckle dropping off the rock and walking passed you toward the cavern. Stopping a few feet infront of you, her cowled body bordered by the vast darkness looming infront of her "It's this way, fighting doesnt seem to be your specialty, stick behind me and no one will die, hopefully". The walk through the cavern is certainly disturbing. The deeper you get the more solid darkness, glancing behind you Bedrock has become little more then a candle in the distance, you hadnt been walking for more then an hour, so you werent that far away, something about this darkness must be snuffing out the light. Looking back you notice a purple haze rather close, how you didnt see it sooner you arnt sure. "You see it now?" the women's voice makes you jump slightly as it has been nothing but eery silence for hours. Looking more closely at the light you make out the silloute of decreped ruins around it, the purple light shining out from between fallen pillars and crumbled walls. The ruins seemed rather large, perhaps the size of a small village, and the light was in the middle. She speaks again "That's what you want, an artifact of... not of this world. Not bad for a first scientific discovery is it not?" before you get the chance to make a response she preemptively hushes you. You hear what sounds like metal scarping on stone in the distance, though in this darkness you cant really tell any distance, even sound. (Knowledge Check; 4 successes). Your studies on demons before arrival allows you to decipher what's responsible for that noise. A warden, large bastards covered in long steel chains covered in sharps edges. It swings them with blinding speed splintering stone pillars and crippling armored soldiers with a single hit. They dont ever kill, only imprison, though anyone would prefer the former if you got the choice. If it does spot the two of you while roaming down here its unlikely you would ever leave these caves. Luckily your knowledge on wardens is rather extensive, they have no eyes, they can only sense with their chains, which can be taken advantage of if known. The cowled women seems intent on heading toward the ruins ahead, but it might be smarter to try to sneak around, avoiding any confrontation with the warden.

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"Oh dont worry, you are no burden to me... Reia." She says smiling though she seemed to have a hard time with your name, maybe she isnt very social either. "I am just happy to have been there when the wall fell. Dragons are certainly no joke." she says twirling her snow white hair. "Truth be told i didnt want to come out here, the north is far to harsh for my liking but this... anomaly must be contained. I'm sorry, you must be greatly confused, I dont really understand it too well myself, so i can only imagine your own confusion." she says tapping her fingers together averting her eyes from you and biting her lip. "You must be cold without clothes... I'm sorry I had to remove them to heal your wounds properly." at this moment you notice you are wearing nothing but a single bandage wrapped around your breasts. You find your clothes in a pile, clearly badly torn and bloodied even a couple of large wooden splinters from the supports of the wall where still stuck in the fabric, you shiver at the realization you really did almost die. Then it hits you, if she took of your clothes then... your tail flicks around, as if only now did it suddenly realise it was free to move around, well now someone knows your secret.

Fantasy Fanatic
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Water not working, you decide to take a more physical approach to the removal of the cum. It works out and after a minute your hair is clean, though still damp, but thats just water... hopefully. Changing into some real clothes and then stepping into the room, you find the boat has now been lowered into the water but the pulley system through the trapdoor. The man stands at the hatch offering his hand to help you down into the boat. "Thank you, for removal of, beast" he says simply, not exactly a parade but it would due for a thanks, more importantly you have your ticket out of the flood lands. Pika uncrules himself froma round your belongings and pads over to your side wagging his tail and licking you. Getting on the boat, you make your way across the flood lands, it takes a whole day to make it to shore on the slow moving canoe, finally arriving at dusk the boat man simply nods before heading back out into the flood lands. Now on the shore you look around, the wall of black mountains now towering overhead. The dazzling stars in the twighlight sky catch your attention, when suddenly a single pink streek flies through the sky, at first you assume it to be a shooting star, but it continues down, landing in the woods about mile up the mountain forest from you. The night sky is lit up by the pink light for just a second, and then a crack of thunder roars past you. What was that?

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Dark clouds begin to form directly overhead at far more then just unnatural speed. Link pulls out a small pink parasol, "If you needed to wash off you could have just asked" Seconds later a terantual downpour comes from overhead drenching you, but the goo did wash off. Then as fast appeared the clouds dissapated, "While i accept the compliant I am afraid I need your help, your plague can wait, I never liked elders anyways, im sure you would agree." taking the parasol she wrings it out, a disproportionately large amount of water coming out. "I'll make you a deal, you help me, ill help you, I can tell you everything about that plague of yours, but i dont work for free. A pink fire starts in her hand, she quickly blinks up into your face, shoving forward a the fire, which has now become a contract... though a slightly on fire one. "Just write your name and I'll do the rest, easy as that." her voice was so sweet and innocent it was nauseating.

Laughing Hyena
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Sprinting through the streets, slashing down any imps in your way, and dodging most higher demons, knowing full well, that slowing down would be the end of you. You had made it considerably deep into the city, this far in the guards where far more coordinated, a large wall of them with shields and speards blocakded the path any deeper. They where holding back the threat but it was clearly a losing battle. One of the priestsses behind the wall was healing a wounded soldier when suddenly a large worm like creature burst out of the ground beneath her several tentacles lashing out and wrapping around her, devouring the man she was healing before dropping back under, the girl still in its grasp, her screams echoing in the pit. The ground began to tremple and more of these large tentacle worms burst out, completley throwing the formation into dissaray, imps and lesser demons, taking the chance to catch them with there backs turned. Turning your back to the grizzly scene you sprint forward, running up a fallen statue to jump over one of the pits made by the worms. You where on the home stretch, it was a long narrow street from here to the central tower. Your hopes where dashed however as a large mortar shot hit the central tower, followed by a second volley. To your dismay the towering spire buckles following toward you, leaving you trapped on a narrow street, all of which was a bout to be crushed by a massive spire. Firey rubble begins to rain on you as the looming shadow of the collapsing spire engulfs you. then suddenly it all stops, color inverts once more. Link jumps to life, her eyes shooting open. "Ahh... you didnt last very long at all" she pouts disapointed she didnt get to sleep longer. "It can't be helped I guess, but dont expect me to save you everytime." She glances around, carnage and ravishing all around you. A female shield bearer was trapped under her own shields weight on the ground, several imps crowded ontop of her, it was clear what they where doing to her face. Three women where all tangled up together in the tentacles of one of the firey worms, all getting fucked by its numerous tentacles. "Maybe we should leave..." Link says unable to tear her eyes away from something, though you cant tell what in the rather chaotic scene. "-anyways lets go!" she snaps and out of it and with a snap of her fingers everything went white, the taste of blood filled your mouth and you lost your body goes limp collapsing on the ground. You seem to have transported to some sort of endless white void, behind your head you could here links voice but it was so echoey all you could make out was "I- got- 3 of- Orgias-". You then black out, awakening once more you find your self in a small cottage, out the window is a very serene grassy steppe land filled with a lattice of pure creeks, essentially the opposite of the literal hell in the making you where in. Sitting across the table from you where two more empty seats. there was desk on the other side of the room, which link was laying on rather lazily "Ah! good one of you made it. I knew i could trust myself to get the job done." she says kicking her feet in the air. "Well now we wait for the rest."
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:00 am

"Well, Pika. Seems we're tracking that thing, whatever it is." Anna tells Pika as she tries and plot a safe rout to the crash site. While she'd usually hold of on any new tasks this late in favor of setting up camp, she and Pika had spent a lot of time on a canoe, most of it sleeping and conserving their strength. So right now, it would be better to see what it was that had landed in the forest and make sure it hadn't set the forest on fire. And if it turns out to be nothing of importance, it'd make a good place for a camp since most animals would be avoiding that place after such a visual demonstration.

While not plotting a direct course for the impact site, Anna does try and find a fast one through the more open parts of the forest and less uneven terrain before setting of with Pika right by her side.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Firehead » Sat Sep 03, 2016 4:42 pm

Slissa looked up with concern at the unnaturally gathering clouds. They were dark and no doubt filled with water. She wasn't looking forward to it and was about to recommend finding shelter when Link spoke about her need to clean up. "W-what" she barely got the words out before the heavy rain drenched her before the clouds dissipated as quickly as they'd originally appeared. The girl seemed to ignore Slissa's look of annoyance at the very sudden impromptu bath to inform her that she could help though she was rather indignant at the implication that the potential demise of her people was no big deal. The girl pulled out a piece of paper promising to help her save her people if she helped the girl out and also signed the paper. It didn't take much thinking to decide to sign it. Considering the power she showed the girl probably did have some way of helping her. "What do I write with?" Once she had a writing utensil she would quickly put her name down on the paper. Once it was done she looked expectantly at the cat-eared girl and asked. "So how do I save my people." Thinking that they'd get started on the plague right away.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby LillyMacow » Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:06 am

Fantasy Fanatic:
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Making your way through the woods swiftly you hopped over small creeks, slid across moss covered rocks and rolled underfallen logs. Nature never was good at slowing you down, and you made considerbale distance for about 30 minutes. When suddenly a deep growl came from in front of you. Skidding to a stop you slip on a wet rock rolling down several feet, landing on all fours, lifting your head you are met face to face with 2 glowing cobalt eyes staring straight at you. (Lore check: 2 successes) You recognized such an iconic eye color. These where cobalt wolves, physically no different from a wolf but they are able to manifest shadow puppets of themselves, essentially creating there own pack. As you ebgin to back pedal to get back on your feet, Pika quickly bolts forward, jumping onto your back and lunging over your head tackling the wolf into the shadows. Quickly two more pairs of eyes appeared out of no where, clearly they whernt the real ones but, they still cant be ignored. You are left with only two real options, help pika or fend off the shadows and trust that pika can win on her own.

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Quickly manifesting a pen she hands it to you, allowing you to sign the contract. Looking closer at the contract you note, that it is written in no langue you have ever seen before, all being strange symbols, though the closer you look at them the harder it is to understand them, they seemed impossible, lines where there one second then you would blink and suddenly the symbol looked completely different. The longer you tried to make sense of it the less sense it made, the words where so... fluid. Having enough of it, as you had gotten both figuratively and literally sick of trying to understand it, you quickly sign your name. The instant you lift the pen from the contract it vanishes. "I'm glad you made the right choice, I promise you that you wont regret this decision anytime soon." In a blur she is suddenly right behind you "There is a dryad in a forest known as The Horizon Forest, it's an island in the eastern sea, she can answer many of your questions... Well so can i but thats no fun right?" As you turn to confront her, she again blinks behind you, "Now, its your turn to help me, there is a women named Anna Hyweild, I want you too help her, she is going to be in a bind in oohh... a half hour or so. Well talk again soon good luck" She disintegrates into dust before you. The dust is rather buetiful, shades of deep blues and specks of white, almost like a night sky. The dust then seeps into the soil spreading rapidly, you begin to back up as the soil changes color to the same night sky. Its speed grows exponentially and in moments it is under your feet. Looking beneath you, you see a dark clouds making a floor far beneath you, the only light being the moon and stars. Then suddenly. You fall through the colored soil.
Your ears fill with the deafning roar of wind, and your stomache churns as you realise you are falling, and fast. You where very high up in the sky, you couldn't see land just the top of the clouds beneath you. A cone of pink light begins to form beneath you leaving a streek through the sky behind you. Finally percing the clouds you see below you a forest, and to your right large black mountains, sharp and jagged. It occurs to you that when you hit the ground... it wont be pretty. You arnt given a chance to attempt to land softly... even if it was possible. And you close your letting out a cry as you crash into the trees at blinding speed. There is a thunderuos crack, similiar to lightning, and a the pink cone beanth you flashes in sync. Not feeling you body get turned into mush, prompts you to open your eyes to realise you are unharmed, well except for a few scratches. You where caught on a tree branch, the silence without the roaring wind of free fall is strange, all you can hear is your heart beating and your own panting. You lay there motionless unable to move muscle in utter confusion, your body unable to feel much of anything after the numbingly cold wind you just endured. The sound of a distant murder of crows (lol i am so happy I got to use that phrase in a sentence) makes you come to your senses, looking down you see a short fall into a bed of mossy black rocks. It might be best to get down carefully (Agility check: 2 successes/despartion 1) you manage to clamber down safely, however on the very final branch you loose your balance and fall flat on your ass. It wasnt very painful, only really hurting your dignity. Looking around the dark forest, you remeber you where supposed to look for some girl, sadly the forest was a bit big so finding her might be a bit difficult.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:09 am

Reacting quickly, Anna draws her weapon and sprints towards the shadow puppets, knowing full well that attacking a predator head will result in a moment of confusion as its "prey" doesn't show fear like it's supposed to. Relying on that small opening, she tries to quickly puncture the puppets with quick jabs so as to make them go away. Since they're only shadow puppets, their durability is bound to be fairly low. And Pika is fully grown and can handle himself for a moment. Just to be sure, she announces her plan of action to Pika. "Pika, keep it occupied while I deal with these two!" She shouts out as she attacks.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Sep 04, 2016 3:58 pm

The promise of future payment seemed to win her over. Taking the woman's advice to heart, Henrietta followed the cowled stranger. Fighting really wasn't her forte but could prove to be surprisingly quick. As they travel, the darkness becomes more and more oppressive as they move further in. She doesn't try to strike up a conversation mainly due to the dark atmosphere. Looking back at Bedrock, her heart sinks a bit as she sees how small the lights of the city have become. They were getting farther and farther from safety.

It wasn't until then that she noticed the purple haze. When the woman talks to her again, Henrietta lets out a small yelp. "AH! Goodness you scared me half to ..." Before she can finish, Henrietta saw the ruins and her eyes lit up. This was exactly what she was looking. All she had to do was examine the runes and bring her discovery to the local scholars and she would have her in. Before she could get excited, she was hushed by the woman. As you hear the sound of chains. It's so distinct that Henrietta knew exactly what it was.

Leaning over she whispered into the woman's ear or at least where it would be. "I could recognize that clanking anywhere. It's a Warden. They're extremely strong and can attack with blinding speed. But they have no eyes and can only sense with it's chains. We might be able to sneak around it. Just don't let it spot us or well be trapped here forever." Henrietta said.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Firehead » Sun Sep 04, 2016 5:00 pm

Slissa took the pen and started to look over this contract. She found herself confused at the strange script. Even more disconcerting was the way the symbols seemed to change shape or move all together. The strange characters combined with the way they didn't seem to stay in place gave her a headache and frustrated her. Not wanting to look any longer she just put pen to paper and got her name down. Something about what Link said annoyed her a bit more. "You say I won't regret this soon, but I'd rather not regret it at all. Now how do I he..." Before she could even finish talking Link was behind her giving her her lead. It seemed she was somewhat fortunate as she wouldn't have considered going out to sea on her own. By the time she had registered the fact that Link was going to leave her tribe hanging for the sake of 'fun' the girl was already behind her giving orders before disappearing. Great now she had to find someone while knowing nothing but their name and that they'll be in trouble soon. What kind of trouble? She didn't even notice the change in the ground around her until just before the ground fell out beneath her.

Slissa let out a scream which was quickly devoured by the howl of the wind racing past her and twisted and turned as she flailed about in free fall. Wasn't she just on the ground? How did she get up here? The little girl seemed to grow more a bother with every passing moment. Fearing she was going to die Slissa could think of nothing to do but wrap her arm around her tightly closed eyes in fear of the upcoming forest. She plummets through the branches of a tree. Her body if buffeted by the branches on her way down some managing to leave scratches on her. With her eyes shut she fails to see what it is that stopped her from becoming a smear across the ground. Sitting a moment to catch her breath before she opens her eyes to find herself cradled on a branch. She tried to get down making it most of the way before a bout of dizziness makes her fall the last few feet. Taking in her surroundings she fails to see any sign of the person she's looking for, probably because Link wouldn't have found that fun enough. The thought of shouting comes to mind, but the thought of alerting something else to her presence isn't pleasant, so she quietly wanders through the forest. Hopefully she'd find this person before Link decided it was necessary to 'help' again.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby Zankio » Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:07 pm

A small shiver flows up Reia's bare form as her state of undress dawned on her. Although not particularly ashamed of being exposed in front of her current company. Her tail dragging softly across the wooden boards to cling to the side of her thigh. "Not to worry, living up here for so long I've grown kind of used to it." She lied, it was more likely her heritage helped acclimate her to low temperatures. With knees shifting together Reia reflected on how little privacy remained. "Besides, a little cold is worth being alive and breathing." She adds with a childish smirk. "I don't know about whatever this uh, anomaly that brought you here. But for the time being I'll help with whatever I can do for you. Then maybe if I can accompany you back to wherever you came from I'll find a way to return this debt." Reia felt it would be safer to travel with Dove while she recovered.
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Re: Gordian Orgias; Talandars Scar

Postby LillyMacow » Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:49 am

Fantasy Fanatic:
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Your fearless attack catches the first wolf off guard, it attempts to lounge off the rock it was on but it was too late. You skewer it with great accuracy, while at first the pole arm is met by the expected resistance of slice flesh and bone, it quickly turns to smoke losing all resistance against your blade. The second wolf bursts forward biting your left arm, it manages to draw blood, but before it can get a good grip and pull you to the ground, you quickly bring back your pole arm. Cracking it's skull with the back side of the glaive. It too disapearing into darkness, however the bite wound seemed to have an effect on you. Everything seemed to be getting darker, and in the pitch black shadows you begin to see dozens of those glowing blue eyes. From what you know of cobalt wolves, they couldn't possibly make this many copies of themselves, so they must be some kind hallucination. Leading you to the conclusion this must be some kind of trick to confuse it's prey, making it impossible to know from which shadow they will get struck from. Hands shake slightly as you worriedly begin tos pin around, not trusting any of the shadows any longer. Your fear paralysis is broken however when pika comes rolling out of the bushes. She lands ontop of the cobalt wolf she was rolling with, now ontop she lunges down, muzzle wide open and ready to rip out the beasts throat. When suddenly out of the shadows behind them another wolf bursts out, pouncing ontop of pika, biting her scruff and yanking her head back, keeping her from biting the cobalt wolf. Pika let's out a yelp but can do little more, now being pinned between the two wolves. You have your own issues however, you could have sworn you saw a pair of eyes move to your right, turning you see there is nothing there. Suddenly you hear commotion behind you, pivoting just in time to see a wolf mid lunge at you. You have little time to defend, only managing to raise your pole arm sideways, using it as a bar to keep the wolf from biting you. Other then that you weren't prepared and it's momentum knocks you on your back, the wolf landing ontop of you. Your weapons handle placed right under its head lifting its face inches above your own and not letting it any lower. Leaving you face to face with the angry looking blue eyes staring you down.

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Wandering around you don't find any sign of humans. After several minutes you give up sitting down on a rock. It's then, it occurs to you that perhaps nature could help you find the solution.

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Dove rummages around in a crate, before pulling out two large and fluffy winter coats, made from some kind of white beast, clearly very big in size. she puts one on herself giving you the other "If nothing else, this should protect your dignity" she says with a small chuckle. Minutes later the cart stops, looking out the carriage flap you see a large ice ravine leading down for what looks like forever. To cross this ravine there was a large stone bridge, similiar in arcitecture to the wall. Dove pulls out a map, looking at it puzzled for a second before blushing and flipping it right side up. Looking at it again her eyes light up "Ahh yes! Where here... The anomaly must be around this bridge somewhere." she looks worriedly at the bridge, more specifically at the guards all over it's entrance. "Umm... Do you have any ideas as to how to get past them?"

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"if that is the case then I've got a plan." you run in and grab the artifact, I'll distract the Warden." not waiting a response she runs into the ruins ahead of you. With not much choice you follow suite. Inside the ruins, it is rather bright, the every purple lighting fills the area, which was coming from inside a small staircase downward in the middle of the area. The warden was also down there, a large scar covered demon, almost all of its body was covered in heavy armor and chains, it's face completely hidden under a completely wholess helmet. The woman was alreadys down there, and she was quick to step on a chain. Chains began to lash out from he wardens body in her direction, if you had to guess this would be your time to sneak in. One of the chains swings wide of the woman, instead smashing through two stone pillars, both falling and crumbling ontop of her. A cloud of dust rises and you arnt sure if she is fine, but numerous chains began showering the rubble so hopefully she wasn't stuck in there.
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