yea_well_FUCK_YOU Wrote:nobody answered my question about what ever happened with the guy getting sued by sony lol. look, PS3 has better graphics, better controlers (in my opinion) and better online network, why better network? cause its free dammit!
Xbox has more games... thats all I can think of.
Wii, has some really cool combat games, like sword games and stuff, and also, Wii fit is kinda cool, but otherwise its shit.
BlueLight Wrote:miicas Wrote:skyrim nuff said
Skyrim mods nuff said.
haloman Wrote:BlueLight Wrote:miicas Wrote:skyrim nuff said
Skyrim mods nuff said.
Nuke in a can nuff said.
BlueLight Wrote:miicas Wrote:skyrim nuff said
Skyrim mods nuff said.
miicas Wrote:NOW lets talk dark souls some one said its frustration incarnate? BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT!!!!! WRONGO dark souls is 100 times easier than demon souls disagree with me? let's debate the point.
Acidrayne360 Wrote:miicas Wrote:NOW lets talk dark souls some one said its frustration incarnate? BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT!!!!! WRONGO dark souls is 100 times easier than demon souls disagree with me? let's debate the point.
I would, but I have no idea what you're talking about. ._.
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