Another Tail ( News Update April 10, 2014 )

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Another Tail ( News Update April 10, 2014 )

Postby AnotherArrow » Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:47 am

Old Update Info:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Update 9/28/2013: Recovered some old goodness and reworked it for starling. Going to start working on the game interface and opening for a bit before I dive further into experimental code & gameplay... and yes... I'm bring back versions 2 opening 8-)
Update 10/6/2013: Just a bit more with the intro movie. Implemented a temp dialog box for now, would prefer something fancier, but I just wanted to test my script reader code. Anyway, almost done with the opening... need to fix dialog characters so that they are less blurry...
Update 10/7/2013: Fixed blurry dialog characters... I love learning new things in code that make problems disappear... and provide utility for the future. :P
Update 10/12/2013: Refined parts of the opening. Setup new framework code for dialog box for future customization.
Update 10/17/2013: Started work on game stage code framework.

Minor Update & News 11/1/2013: Progress slowed due to overtime at work, and I will be working overtime for next two weeks. :( Anyway, minor update to some code and fixed other bugs that I noticed.

News & Status Update 11/20/2013:
[rant] It always seems that about this time of the year I get screwed with more work because we have to let people go... and It always has to be for the stupidest reasons. I don't condone or endorse the use of drugs, but my belief is you can do what you want to your own body. That said, I will never understand how some people think its okay to get "high" just before or even at work. I mean seriously! I'm trying to make a porn game here people! You're pushing more work on me because you can't do your f'ing job! [/rant]

So ya, still working overtime for now... hopefully the replacements will pick things up quickly and I can get back to it.
Don't do drugs. Please. Otherwise this project will constantly be delayed! ;)
(and if you do, please use responsibly).
-AA out

News & Status Update 02/10/2014:
Been so busy at work that I haven't had time to do anything! and just when things were settling down at work that I might get some much needed free time, they decide to send my on a few business trips for the next few weeks... ugh >_<

God willing, I might be back in 2-3 weeks depending on work... otherwise not till early May... :(

-AA out (packs bags and heads to Hawaii 8-)

News & Status Update 04/10/2014:
God! Its been about 5 months since I've last touched this project... :shock:
Finally got some time off, but sadly, I'm just not finding the motivation to work on this... at the moment...
Instead, I find myself having fun reworking a lot of old art assets, spicing up some other work, and revisiting an old game idea that was rekindled by one of Trunks posts. ;)

So, who know whats going to happen at this point... I'm locking this thread since I'm not going to be working on it for the time being...
but who knows, maybe what I'm fooling around with will morph into the next AT or some new project.

Here's a screenshot of some reworked assets.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

SS.png (64.21 KiB) Viewed 82409 times

Basic stuff, I know, but it's strange how working / editing the simplest things can be fun. :D

-AA out for now.

Warning: Does have sound.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

AnotherTail.swf [ 2.21 MiB | Viewed 121498 times ]

Last edited by AnotherArrow on Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:39 am, edited 116 times in total.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby PatchPirate » Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:20 am

The Metroid music and intro seems REALLY out of place.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby If_You're_Into_It » Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:15 am

PatchPirate Wrote:The Metroid music and intro seems REALLY out of place.

I disagree. I think it fits in just fine. And the intro was also very well written. It makes Star Fox seem... not campy =P I wish we didn't have to wait to see more.

Also, this is meshing both Krystal and Samus. Most people on this board have a fetish for both. Awesome!
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Re: Another Tail

Postby trunks2585 » Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:26 am

Wow. Now THIS is how you do an update after a long period of silence. I'm not sure where to start.

I think my first question is the art, did you draw all this yourself or did you find bits and pieces on the internet to use? the scene of fox looking at Krystal imprisoned kinda looked like the clip from one of the 'super nintendo' flashes on newgrounds, but I couldn't be sure. the closeup on her face during the backstory looks great but again i'm not sure if it's original art or taken from somewhere, I sure don't reconize it from anywhere, if it's your work I look forward to seeing the updated sprites. The animations were nice and smooth.

The story I'd honestly cut back on. I know things need to be explained but there's some stuff you could probably leave out or glaze over. Anyone playing this game should know their starfox history, I'd maybe start the background story from after the aperoid attack, leave in stuff that's all new info for this game. Also try not to make the casual dialog too long, I know it needs to be kinda long to explain things and it's not too bad right now, just make sure it doesn't get too chatty.

Other than that I really don't have anything else to say.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby el_nino13 » Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:56 pm

after one year waitin for ure work :mrgreen: this is just perfect u know with all stuff u have to do and real life is going on , it's very nice u spend ure free time on such game like this , the story it's pretty much good but u can add more pic to it my idea of course :P i hope that thing u right in the end ( not to soon ) was a lie , keep up the good work
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Re: Another Tail

Postby Bang It Up! » Fri Oct 21, 2011 1:38 pm

trunks2585 Wrote:Wow. Now THIS is how you do an update after a long period of silence.

Hmm... not too sure for me.
*Turns on the Time Machine*
Last edited by Bang It Up! on Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Another Tail

Postby SpectralTime » Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:18 pm

I can only say that this is pretty coo, man. Pretty coo.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby BlueLight » Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:22 pm

I thought this music this music sounded a lot like the metrodoid music (okay i have no Fing clue how to spell it). Well all doubt was expelled when i saw the opening for new game.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby FMC » Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:16 pm

First thing: This music sounds a lot more epic than usual with these headphones. Or was that how you incorporated it? Either way, I like it, and I think you shouldn't change it. Besides, it would REALLY fit if you're planning on having it exploration based like Super Metroid. And you did mention 'Space Pirates,' so... it does fit anyway.

And like others said, the animation's smooth, and for people like me (who are a bit rusty on their Starfox history, since I've only *really* played the Super Nintendo Star Fox game, and didn't even beat it) the backstory gives me more info on Krystal. I honestly knew nothing of her history. I just liked the games here. xD

Anyway, bottom line is, I love the story and the music, and the animation's solid. So all in all, this really revitalizes my apprehension (in a good way) for this to get done. ^.^
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Re: Another Tail

Postby darkfredo » Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:17 pm

well for be the first question this will be the final draw, for all the game :?: or you will use the Lok draws (i prefer the Lok draws :D , but is your game i respect that).

The story is fantastic, nice intro to the game... i can't wait for see new update or the final game, good luck AnotherArrow and keep going with the game
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Re: Another Tail

Postby TheKnight » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:31 pm

Hahahaha, the intro makes me Nostalgia.
Oh. It's only an intro.
Well, fuck.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby Jornin » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:53 pm

Hmm, this is the second time I've been unable to get a "Full View". Anyone else having that problem?
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Re: Another Tail

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:54 pm

Needs some grammar Nazi work but otherwise very nice.
after clicking New Game it goes black in a blink and fades in to Krystal's eyes popping up with the text.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby Gfrag2766 » Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:49 am

no fade in here
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Re: Another Tail

Postby Reapergod36 » Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:33 am

Very nice, I liked how you retold the game stories briefly.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby desfore » Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:37 am

Wow, I'm fucking amazed at how cool this looks so far. Can't wait for part 1 to come out.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby Meep Meepersons » Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:40 pm

Mmm, very sexy smooth flowin flash babycakes ;3 Not much I can say that already hasn't, GJ! *Dramatic Thumbs-Up*
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Re: Another Tail

Postby KaTsuO_O » Sat Oct 22, 2011 6:11 pm

I like what I see so far, shows good potential! Just that there is ways you can make it look more polished easily.

One is to add a more of a dark feeling:
Untitled 1174.png

All you really have to do is make a black box the same size of the screen and color it with a radial where the center is completely transparent.

Also, something that bugs me is how the menu looks so I suggest you give it a cleaner look:
Untitled 1175.png
Untitled 1175.png (70.54 KiB) Viewed 376213 times

To add outline it is just to add glow effect at 1000%.

Then the text looks a bit too simple:
Untitled 1176.png
Untitled 1176.png (14.49 KiB) Viewed 376213 times

I took the original color and put it as a 200% glow and made the text white.

The laser doesn't really look that good, something like this should look better:
Untitled 1177.png

It should start at completely red on the first frame. You have probably noticed the clouds in the background is blurry, I would say that is a good idea but it is really expensive so if you want that then you might be able to make a image of the blurry one and add it in to the movieclip instead of using a blur effect.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby Reapergod36 » Sat Oct 22, 2011 6:56 pm

KaTsuO_O Wrote:I like what I see so far, shows good potential! Just that there is ways you can make it look more polished easily.

One is to add a more of a dark feeling:
Untitled 1174.png

All you really have to do is make a black box the same size of the screen and color it with a radial where the center is completely transparent.

Also, something that bugs me is how the menu looks so I suggest you give it a cleaner look:
Untitled 1175.png

To add outline it is just to add glow effect at 1000%.

Then the text looks a bit too simple:
Untitled 1176.png

Add more red to your laser model Katsu. It looks too pink, and at that point the just red looks better.
I took the original color and put it as a 200% glow and made the text white.

The laser doesn't really look that good, something like this should look better:
Untitled 1177.png

It should start at completely red on the first frame. You have probably noticed the clouds in the background is blurry, I would say that is a good idea but it is really expensive so if you want that then you might be able to make a image of the blurry one and add it in to the movieclip instead of using a blur effect.
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Re: Another Tail

Postby AnotherArrow » Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:24 pm

Updated with Suggestions.
*press* staples-that-was-easy-button

Trunks Wrote:I think my first question is the art, did you draw all this yourself or did you find bits and pieces on the internet to use? the scene of fox looking at Krystal imprisoned kinda looked like the clip from one of the 'super nintendo' flashes on newgrounds, but I couldn't be sure. the closeup on her face during the backstory looks great but again i'm not sure if it's original art or taken from somewhere, I sure don't reconize it from anywhere, if it's your work I look forward to seeing the updated sprites. The animations were nice and smooth.

The story I'd honestly cut back on. I know things need to be explained but there's some stuff you could probably leave out or glaze over. Anyone playing this game should know their starfox history, I'd maybe start the background story from after the aperoid attack, leave in stuff that's all new info for this game. Also try not to make the casual dialog too long, I know it needs to be kinda long to explain things and it's not too bad right now, just make sure it doesn't get too chatty.

The art is... well... me trace-drawing.... if that makes any sense.
I used reference images as a base... like ... soneds.jpg & ... _00093.png to make the two scenes. I had more... but.... the original intro was 3x longer... I cut it back to something I thought was reasonable.

The face in the background is something I whipped up as a placeholder till I finalized my style... hell I may just keep it cuz it turned out pretty well. Still need to make her blink every now and then.

darkfredo Wrote:well for be the first question this will be the final draw, for all the game :?: or you will use the Lok draws
Neither... well... definitely not LoK original art nor my art from the original Another Tail. Everything is from scratch. Which is why its going to take some time to do.

ByHisBillowingBeard Wrote:Needs some grammar Nazi work but otherwise very nice.
after clicking New Game it goes black in a blink and fades in to Krystal's eyes popping up with the text.
By all means, feel free to proofread my work. I'm just typing away in the Flash window.... and to my knowledge, it doesn't have a spell check or grammar checker. As for the popping up with text... that's the error I've mentioned. I, for the life of me, can't figure out what is causing it to randomly skip 20+ frames.
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