Name: Henrietta Heavyfeather
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Backstory: When she was young, Henrietta became an apprentice under a famous Scholar. A Historian and Archaeologist, the greatest gift Henrietta's master gave her was to spark her inquisitive mind. Henrietta traveled with her master to various locations cataloging the history of Talandar. During this time, The young apprentice became more and more curious about the history of Ragnrock and the creatures who inhabit that stange other world. During one trip, Henrietta found a small deposit of brimstone. She had always heard the wives' tales regarding them but she needed to know for herself. Henrietta tried to ingest one. Just as she swallowed, her master caught her. Henrietta was immediately scolded and sent home ahead of time. This was the moment when they started to drift apart
When it came time for Henrietta to begin her own research, she made the study of Ragnrock and it's demons her focus. Despite her teacher's disapproval, She took her supplies and traveled to city of Bedrock just at the bottom of Talandar. She could say that her research was for the betterment of mankind or some other purpose. But in truth Henrietta just had an insatiable thrust for knowledge. To her a new discovery was better then any form of pleasure known to man, not that she had much experience.
Inactivity Timer: 3 Days
Body (2)
-->Strength (1)
-->-->Power (2)
-->-->Durability (0)
-->Finesse (3)
-->-->Agility (4)
-->-->Accuracy (2)
Mind (3)
->Charm (1)
-->-->Seduction (0)
-->-->Diplomacy (2)
->Lore (5)
-->-->Knowledge (4)
-->-->Study (6)
Spirit (2)
-->Magic (1)
-->-->Raw (2)
-->-->Arcane (0)
-->Attunement (0)
-->-->Nature (0)
-->-->Beasts (0)
-->Ethereal (3)
-->-->Celestial (0)
-->-->Demonic (6)