The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Seriathus » Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:04 am

ElPresidente Wrote:Female content is still sorely lacking.

Why can't I rape a prisoner as a woman? (strap-ons exist for a reason)
Why can't I have have other women do it?
Why can't you go to the bar as a woman?

Seconding this, as well as the request for including male prostitutes. Maybe also add career paths and other classes? Whores could specialize and become dommes or escorts or whatever, while thugs could become guards or something else. Maybe also allow for female thugs?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Grandork » Thu Jun 23, 2016 4:01 am

Hey guys, I'm kinda stuck, Alice still has 55 Dignity, i'm at day 78 and no other event to help we reduce it, did I fuck up somewhere? Cops came to my place twice before I upgraded my estabilshment, did I upgrade it too soon?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby IxFa » Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:53 am

The game is incomplete, Alice content isn't fully available to my knowledge.

To enter the [?] room on the bottom floor though. That's got fun stuff.

as well as the request for including male prostitutes
Yes please.
thugs could become guards
Currently no difference between classes besides maids can be assigned to the maid room. You can edit your save so that your thugs are guards, however. Nothing but a title, but neat.
I've notably written for Corruption of Champions, as well as other projects to a minor extent. My alias is always IxFa.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Seriathus » Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:13 pm

IxFa Wrote:
thugs could become guards
Currently no difference between classes besides maids can be assigned to the maid room. You can edit your save so that your thugs are guards, however. Nothing but a title, but neat.

Yup, of course I meant when the classes actually have some peculiarities. They could get, like, special abilities. Female thugs could get Power Punch and Taunt, for example, while adventurers could have some unique abilities of their own.

Oh, and of course, if male prostitutes are included, you should be able to capture male foes like you can capture female foes right now.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Deathisnotanoption » Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:36 pm

Spectacular job once again, Marune! I look forward to the new version of your work. :)
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Dark-Rain_94 » Fri Jun 24, 2016 9:46 am

Big fan of your game, nice job. Keep up the good work! :)
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Shades » Sun Jun 26, 2016 6:30 pm

So I just had a weird glitch occur. The short version is that the dialogue with Alice at the end of the date about her past got completely skipped.

Here's the long version of how things went:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

As I was playing I wasn't able to get the Alice shower scene. It was going into day 20 or so and nothing. I was waiting for the scene before bothering going on a date, but since it wasn't happening I just went on the date. I got her to show her "twins" and then went on another date the next day and she finished with the BJ.

Soon after, I did get the shower scene but the dialogue about her past never happened. I also still got the dream with Alice and Julia.

I've never had this problem before. If I hadn't had the shower scene then the date should just end, or, at the most, I keep seeing the "twins"

Anyway, I don't know if this helps, but I just thought I'd put it out there.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Marune » Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:03 pm

Updated to 1.2 version. Check the first post.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby reve » Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:36 am

I have a little critique for Eva's outfit. It looks too much like the school outfit. Maybe you could do something like this picture to differentiate it a bit more? Considering that Eva is a special character, I think it would be nice to have something different.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Dandelion » Fri Jul 01, 2016 1:00 am

So I got the 1.3 version today.

Spent about an hour - or two? - trying to find Alice at her new activity or to find Eva at the toilet.
All I did in that time was:
Start the day. Check if Alice event happens. Take a shower to spend 45 minutes so the bank is open - which is weird, because it takes 45 minutes to get to the bank, but you can't chose to go there until it is already open - then go to bank to check if Eva is in the toilet. Go back home, check for Alice. Go to bank and check for Eva. Rinse, repeat 'til the bank closes. Check for Alice again, shower again to pass some time, check for Alice again, shower etc. 'til the day is done. Sleep. Same procedure next day...

Guys, those "random events" make it a boring clickfest IMHO.

Second complaint:
Could it be that some of the attribute checks are a bit steep?
My male MC has WITS and BEAUTY at 8 and CHARM at 15.
When I call Alice to the office and try to flirt the attribute check fails 8 times out of 10.
Alice has WITS 2 (!) BEAUTY 17 and CHARM 15
When my MC goes into the bar in the morning to have a drink, he fails the WITS check and - bang - a full day spent drinking one lousy drink?!?
So at level 7 he needs more than 15 CHARM to ask Alice for a date and more than 8 WITS to not diddle away a whole day instead of 30 minutes in the bar? And of course some STAMINA, STRENGTH and HEALTH to survive some combat...

And that's at normal difficulty... can't even imagine how that would look like at hard ^^

Got another one... Girls coming up to their boss asking for a raise - ok, I can live with that. I got a small problem with nearly automatically losing the "Fuck Competition" if my MC is not at 100% stamina, though. Especially not, when the girl herself is at an extremely lower stamina value herself.
Especially at the start of the game, when you have to look for new whores you end the day quite often with little stamina left and - bang - in comes one of your whores and burglars your money away.
I ain't got a problem with that fuck competition itself. But it should be restricted to when a whore gains a new level and it should be decided by a fair stamina vs. stamina battle.

And now I had some quite extreme experience.
I just had hired a whore from the slums without checking her attributes first. Turns out she is LAZY. So in the evening - before she has done ANYTHING - I call her into the office to fire her again. But I can't, because that lazy bitch asks for a raise and pushes the Fuckgame upon me. I win this time - full stamina for the win - but I spent the whole night with her. When I try to fire her during the next day, the same shit happens - Call her, can't fire because Fuckgame, MC full stamina, wins. But after that stamina was down and MC would have lost the next attempt.
So now I have a lazy bitch in my whorhouse THAT I CAN'T EVEN FIRE!!!

Dudes, please... change something. That game mechanism is just fucking bad. Maybe implement the option to fire employees from the data screen instead of having to call them to the office.
Last edited by Dandelion on Fri Jul 01, 2016 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby IxFa » Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:23 am



Edit: I could not replicate this. Her salary was indeed that insane number though. Other girls wouldn't be given such an offer. I don't know what caused this.
I've notably written for Corruption of Champions, as well as other projects to a minor extent. My alias is always IxFa.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Borkenone » Fri Jul 01, 2016 3:20 pm

I use my save from the last build and the loan creditors come every day, is this a bug or is this just how it is now?
if so then it's a little to hard I think.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Seriathus » Fri Jul 01, 2016 6:07 pm

It's a bug.

That said, I'm glad that you can access Hitomi with the female MC too now - and I really like the implementation of the strap on. I wish you could use it to rape prisoners, though.
Haven't tried the new bank events - are they only for male MCs?

By the way, will Hitomi be able to warp you to different worlds with a female MC too? I know she can't now, but will she be able in the future? If so, will we find male special characters to recruit? I'd love it if we had that, because it would mean I'd also be able to choose a special character for my male MC too, which would certainly motivate me to play it.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby seitu » Fri Jul 01, 2016 7:36 pm

I can't find Alice in the Glory Hole room :(
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby none90 » Fri Jul 01, 2016 7:46 pm

Is there a cheat option? I have red smth about it, like to repeat one time scenes, and other staff. How to manage them?
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby YelloMit » Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:29 am

There was a few cheat codes before, but I tried them with the latest version and none of them work.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Dandelion » Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:21 pm

v1.3 Bug ?!?

After assigning girls to the glory hole rooms there seems to be some bug with the customers. I waited at the reception for the first glory hole customer to arrive. Then I checked in which room he was. When I entered that room, there were TWO customers shown. Checked the other glory hole rooms, too. Every girl had two customers, but the girls could have been moved out of the room - indicating that they weren't really busy with a customer.
Checked back in the reception room and advanced time. Only ONE customer was shown on the result screen for the glory hole room.

Still haven't met Alice in the glory hole room yet...
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby Skads » Sat Jul 02, 2016 4:07 pm

YelloMit Wrote:There was a few cheat codes before, but I tried them with the latest version and none of them work.

That's because they were changed.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby m-void » Sat Jul 02, 2016 4:16 pm

YelloMit Wrote:There was a few cheat codes before, but I tried them with the latest version and none of them work.

I think the cheat codes are updated.
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Re: The SimBro Game (Brothel Sim)

Postby IxFa » Sat Jul 02, 2016 10:05 pm

Not finding that shower scene.
I've notably written for Corruption of Champions, as well as other projects to a minor extent. My alias is always IxFa.
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