1638. noice ninja thing lady ^^ if you wish for feedback then only thing i can find is that her right eye is a wee bit too much to the left, nice piece!
1639. Rat bird thing: bueno!

1640. Well it all depends. If you dont have undertale, id recommend getting it, the story is pretty good in it.
The witcher franchise is noice too. they follow a linear, like mass effect. But its possible to start from witcher 2 and end up with witcher 3's latest dlc. Witcher 2 wraps up pretty well what happened in witcher 1 during your play.
Saints row, enough said with that.
Just cause 3: plant thursters on cows and link them to a petroleum tank. Watch it go fly and kaboom on your feet.
Mafia 2 (mafia 3 pre-purchase) for you mob guys/girls out there.
Hunie cam studio for lewd.
Fallout 4 is on sale also
And doom for that tiny bit of horror shooter.
Dark souls for git gud and praise the sun.
civilization for you who want to take it slow in a turn based strategy game.
For Lotr fans out there. Middle earth: Shadow of mordor is almost a must buy.
Tomb raider for tits. Also for adventure.
Thats about it what i can come up with a quick think