IC thread is up here:
viewtopic.php?f=25&t=6723Okay hey everyone, so my old rp Gordian Orgias has pretty thourled died. So I decided that I will try again but I will structure it more, it removes some of the mystery but I thought maybe if I start giving away more of the story at the start people will be more intrested. If you where a player of Gordian Orgias, you can use your old chacter or make a new one either works, also the story you where in the middle of will come back so sorry for the déjà vu.
Anyways here is a little setup for the creation of the setting of Gordian Orgias:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Before the beggining there was but one lonely soul. It wished for one thing, to create. The being had unfathomable power so far beyond our compression that attempting to fully understand it was far from just impossible. The lonely traveller decided its first creation would be a world full of peace and never ending happiness. Thus the first Eden was created, a vast expanse of untap imaginable beauty and safety. The creatures where two seprate breeds of life, the first where the elders, immense creatures that ruled the lands with awe and wonder. The second group where the gods, beings with unparalleled power, but only in specific concepts, such as live, or wisdom. The first Eden was perfect, and millions of years went by in a flash with no change. That was until the one soul realized this wasn't the world it wanted, it was too good, a world without conflict is world not worth watching. It began to destroy Eden, morphing it into a new world known as Ragnrock. The world was filled with hatred and demons, the once towering trees of perfect greens and browns, became glistening black mountains spewing with lava. A new creature, Lords of hell, the reverse of gods, where created and they quickly formed demons to do there bidding on the surface world who soon roamed the planet leaving the fiery world of brimston in their wake. This was when the elderkin began too die, the offspring of the elders. Many of these magnifcent beasts where killed, only a fraction remained, shuch as unicorns. The gods could not watch idely and the god of fertility soon created angels, which with the help of the other gods became being with power and emotions. Angels then came down to Ragnrock to attempt to defeat the demons. The war of etherals, as it was known. Lasted hundereds of thousands of years before a final battle was held. This battle never came because the one soul landed on the planet for the irst time, it stopped everything, and pushed back ragnarock too a select few parts of the planet, locking away many of the strongest demons, however it didn't return any of the killed elderkin or the corrupted gods. After this the one soul created a third world over top the returned lands of Eden, Talandar, a world rich with magic, and most importantly mortals, many, many mortal beings. Humans, it was most proud of, after this it promptly returned to wherever irresides in the void. It has been millions of years since the ethereal war and the remnants are still present, gods still control the planet, elders are still spotted lurking in the horizon, demons still attempt to return the world to ragnarock, angels have become the link between gods and mortals, occasional,y showing up around the world, and allof the elderkin still roam the earthly as endanger species. Mortals, however have become the dominant kind of life on earth, humans, Elfs, dwarves, kitsune, dryads, and many more species. There take on animals, where horses, foxes, lions, wolves, and so on. These where not the only mortals created however, the corrupted gods created here own kind of mortals, goblins, orcs, golems, orgres, trolls, and so on. Even worse still are their take on animals, monsters, giant spiders, dire wolves, specters, harpies, and thousands more. Monsters soon became a bigger threat then even the demons and became the new primary threat of civilization. This where our story begins, a fantasy world, full of magic, monsters, gods and demons, how will our heroes do, and what is Gordian Orgias?
So tell me if you are intrested, I am working n charcter sheets and mechanics now and will hopefully be done soon, but I'd like to know how many players I am working with. So yeah, hoped you liked the little snippet on the creation story, and I perpously left out a lot out of that, so it may seem confusing but you will learn more in the rp. Thanks!
Character sheet:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
(link or image here)
Backstory: (pm about what kind of past you want and I will give you information needed to make your backstory lore friendly)
Inactivity Timer: (how many days until you are willing to let your charcter get temporarily taken over by me to move them out of the way of other charcters progression, see more detail in my lower post)
Body (0)
-->Strength (0)
-->-->Power (0)
-->-->Durability (0)
-->Finesse (0)
-->-->Agility (0)
-->-->Accuracy (0)
Mind (0)
->Charm (0)
-->-->Seduction (0)
-->-->Diplomacy (0)
->Lore (0)
-->-->Knowledge (0)
-->-->Study (0)
Spirit (0)
-->Magic (0)
-->-->Raw (0)
-->-->Arcane (0)
-->Attunement (0)
-->-->Nature (0)
-->-->Beasts (0)
-->Ethereal (0)
-->-->Celestial (0)
-->-->Demonic (0)
The way this works, you get 7 levels to put into spirit mind and body. for each point you put into one of those stats you may put two points into the stats that are in the next layer in (for example one level in spirit means you have two levels to put into magic attunement and Ethereal. Then for each level you put into one of those you may put two levels into the next indent of the respective stat chosen, for example one level in magic means you have two levels to put into Raw and arcane. Hope that makes sense thanks! and dont forget to pm me if you want help with your backstory!
(edit: indents didn't work so now they are arrows)