poiman Wrote:you also could make yo use this spare part of grass on right side of brothel for ... good question, for what? somekind of "waiting room" will be cool, meybe row of gloryholes? dance floor? VIP room? just a place when you can send few ppl from this all time growing queue. Or meybe an option to select other ppl from queue? its a bit annoying when you have a row of empty average rooms and quy want to go for only single already occupied stately room ...
well, its only a few loose ideas may be useful in the further development, meybe not.
it is good that each of us can make one single tiny brick and add it to this big brick brothel
looptyloo Wrote:Obviously it should just be toilets so that the girls could make money for the first floor. ;P
Justapuppet Wrote:I too am very intrigued by the implications of the presence of the "Human" preference Xd Hope I'm not totally wrong about that...
Justapuppet Wrote:As is though, I have found a couple of bugs.
I'm not sure how exactly I triggered the first one, but somehow when I'd played for a bit and got very famous, and ended up with a pretty long line of visitors, one of them didn't correctly approach the elevator after the previous guy went in. This sorta soft-locked the game because then no one behind him in line could go in anymore or pass him up, as he refused to move, and there was no way to continue or do anything from there without re-loading the game.
random Crow Wrote:The other is just that, after an extended period of play, it seems that the animations don't fully play anymore -- either they get cut short or the early parts of them end up extended so that the "cumshot" parts toward the end just don't play anymore after a while, as it ends before them. This seems to happen pretty consistently for me after it's been multiple days since I picked up where I left off, but again, re-loading the game sets it back up to working normally.
Justapuppet Wrote:I also must concur that the elevator speed is definitely a huge bottleneck, and sorta defeats the purpose of having that many slaves. In fact, it seems the entire bottom floor (or maybe bottom 2 floors) are best just ignored, because it takes so long for the elevator to go back and forth between them that it severely reduces productivity and wastes tons of time. I know you said you don't think you'd be able to squeeze in anymore elevators as the structure of the place is pretty much set in stone, but maybe if there were some way to eventually upgrade the elevator speed, or increase its capacity or something? Just some thoughts.
Orbot_Vectorman Wrote:If I may suggest one thing for this game, please implement a que system for the clients, so I can assign them to the right girl even if they are busy attending to another client. Or perhaps a way to look at all clients in line to better plan how to assign them to the right room.
Justapuppet Wrote:Sounds good! Unfortunately I wasn't paying enough attention to the one bug to be able to tell you whether there was a twitch or not when the line stopped moving, and I haven't nailed down how to reproduce that bug yet, if there's a consistent way to do it. Hopefully you're right and things being re-done will have got rid of it in the new version.
Justapuppet Wrote:Glad you've been testing and noticing these things too, though, as well as paying attention to feedback. Looking forward to future updates!
AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:I concur with others that the game's speed is a bit sluggish. While there are more elegant solutions, it's possible to change the frame-rate in-game for a quick fix, so you could for example allow the player to set the game to 30fps, 35fps or 40fps according to their whim. This may not be possible if you're using a programming library like flixel or stencyl.
AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:It would be good to see more exaggeration in your characters and in your animations.
AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:Since slave girls can assist Madeline in the bar, maybe a slave girl could become bartender after she has gained a certain amount of Service skill? Perhaps they could be specifically promoted to bartender after attaining a certain amount of Service skill.
armegetton Wrote:so are you leaning toward more game or more sim? I'm only asking because it currently seems to have the building blocks of a great game.
most similar to the waitress cafe game that I used to see (or some other resource management game)
as it is now, players can never lose. which is fine, if it's just supposed to be a broth sim. players can take it slow and watch the scenes with this.
armegetton Wrote:I just think it would be interesting to have different types of customers, some that walk slow/fast, some that take forever to sex, others that are pre-mature
armegetton Wrote:- I assume the green star (upper left) is reputation of some sort, the green text, however, is often unreadable due to sky background or other similar colors. moving the camera elsewhere 'fixes it', but isn't as effective if the intention was to be 'at-a-glance' status (day of the week isn't as bad, but black on black ...)
ElPresidente Wrote:What you could use is an artists for some art overhaul. It's decent enough, but could be better.
ElPresidente Wrote:Also, lesbian customers might be nice
WonderGamer Wrote:I assume the pages when you mouse over a girl is supposed to show specifics about that girl. Should I assume this is one of the things in the game that hasn't been implemented yet?
WonderGamer Wrote:I've noticed that if you mouse over a information panel while it's being displayed while a customer is selected, that it dims out. Might there be a possibility to allow de-selecting of that customer if clicked on (or adding another button or hotkey to allow de-selecting of the customer).
WonderGamer Wrote:I've noticed that you can scroll not only with the mouse when it gets to the end of the screen, but also the WASD & arrows keys; would it be too much to ask for an option to disable mouse scrolling?
WonderGamer Wrote:I think the detail in this game is pretty good, even surprised that you added squrting (although you have to be scrolled in all the way & fullscreen to even get notice it & it's still hard to see it unless you futher zoon in via flash right-click menu),
WonderGamer Wrote:I noticed a "like" on the guys that comes visiting that states "human". Should I assume you're going to be throwing furries, elves or other non-humans into the game?
random Crow Wrote:armegetton Wrote:I just think it would be interesting to have different types of customers, some that walk slow/fast, some that take forever to sex, others that are pre-mature
I like the Idea of small differences in the behavior of the common client. I will keep that in mind.
AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:It would be good to see more exaggeration in your characters and in your animations.
I have to check if a particular animation (for example a simple walk-cycle) fits the character. And I constantly try to improve the art quality, as long as they don't interfere with the flow of the animation (for example limps go over other limps)
ElPresidente Wrote:What you could use is an artists for some art overhaul. It's decent enough, but could be better.
I simply can't afford one, but I hope I can get a modest artist in the future.
AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:Sure. But I would still suggest making the baseline state of motion more active. You don't want to make every every animation just the minimum amount of motion (I've drawn games like that and they look boring). After all, if you see someone who is doing some activity making only the smallest necessary motions, it reads as though the character is trying to hurry or isn't happy about doing the act. This is probably fine for the slave girls(...)
AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:(...),but one would imagine that Amanda is in this business because she likes sex
AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:I would be happy to give you advice or critique for free for a while. I'm in art school right now, and I'm learning a lot of principles and techniques that I don't really have time to try out in my own projects, it would be fun to geek out about these things with someone else and try to see these tricks in action.
AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:I have trouble figuring out some of the client preference clues as far as what counts as "light hair" or "exotic hair" or "ponytail". Usually I would be able to figure this out through trial and error, but because there's delay between the request and the reward and there's a lot of other distractions going on, it's hard to get a sense of what is working and what isn't. It would be helpful if there was some immediate feedback, or if it were possible to check each girl's criteria in writing.
AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:As an experiment, I tried leveling up Amanda's "Vaginal" skill to 1. It took a while, and then after reaching "vaginal" 1, it was like 3 days before anybody asked for vaginal sex again. You can imagine how disappointed I was when I learned that all you get is +1 gold. Needs to be something better. A constant percentage would work well, like 10% extra per level.
AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:When I saw that you could put two girls in one room, I thought that would be the answer to customers who ask for both light hair and dark hair. Doesn't seem to work that way, but maybe it could work in the future.
random Crow Wrote:WonderGamer Wrote:I've noticed that if you mouse over a information panel while it's being displayed while a customer is selected, that it dims out. Might there be a possibility to allow de-selecting of that customer if clicked on (or adding another button or hotkey to allow de-selecting of the customer).
I can do that, without a problem. I am curious why you suggest this function. Is this panel too much in the way, when enjoying animations?
random Crow Wrote:WonderGamer Wrote:I've noticed that you can scroll not only with the mouse when it gets to the end of the screen, but also the WASD & arrows keys; would it be too much to ask for an option to disable mouse scrolling?
Do you mean a disable when the mouse is at the edge of the screen, or disable mouse scrolling in general? On both I'd like to know why you would like to have this changed. Like above, i'm really curious.
WonderGamer Wrote:Not exactly. The idea is if you could change the potential client for a different one (one before the other) that may have a preference I can meet over one I may already have selected (you can't actually see what their preferences are until you select them, unless you change that to being visible on mouse-over); if they have to go in a certain order anyways, then there's point little point in de-selection of clients. You lose reputation for an unhappy client regardless of whether you dismiss them or they get impatient & leave, so wouldn't it make sense to be able to meet the needs of clients that you can better meet before those that you can't meet as much rather than just tossing them aside & not getting the chance to still fit them in?
random Crow Wrote:*Set long text in spoiler*Spoiler (click to show/hide):
NICE! That's what I wanted to hear! I fully understand the problem. And as a reward for you and maybe countless other people, I made it much better right after reading your post! You'll get it with version 1.2.
random Crow Wrote:Topic pregnancy:
Pregnancy definitly will come! But not in the near future. This task will be sooo time consuming, but also so rewarding for you people! I have to listen to my gut feeling, when it's the right time to do it.
random Crow Wrote:- for male prostitutes and underage sex I deny any comment for the moment.
- i won't do the extreme stuff you mentioned, that is not my style. I know, you just say it to show me some comparisons.
- also I will never let the player force to watch fetishes he doesn't like (when it's more than a simple footjob). You can count on (for example the pregnany thing) that there will be a function to disable it.
Oh, and I never heard of the game Sex Pit. Eventually I'll take a look.
random Crow Wrote:Well, overall said you are right, of course. The only argument I have for keeping (only / most of) important parts of an animation activ, would be that it costs less memory and it's faster to finish.
But do I have to take care about game memory yet? Do I want to spent more time with one animation, but make it more detailed? That are questions I have to ask myself.
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