Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/12)

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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Lucky777 » Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:45 pm

lok987 Wrote:- Maybe tone down some of the talking. I like, that you try to write a (long?) story around the characters and the game, but I really think the conversations are too long. I suggest cutting them down by about 33 %.

I suggest to you, Kita, that you disregard this suggestion from Lok987 as though it never happened, and strike it from your memory. Pay it no heed. Give it no consideration.
If you start to worry that the conversation might be too long -
Write another line. As long as it is the usual high quality, the game will only be better for it.

A tactless way of putting it, but sometimes the direct route is the best.

lok987 Wrote:- Place a door, stairs or visible passage, where there ought to be one. There are several rooms, where there is no indication, if you can go "through the wall" or not.

...Well, actually, that's ... pretty legit as an observation. I just kinda assume that you can go through all 3-square-long walls, but ... well ... some clearer indication would probably be pretty cool, yeah. Just please try to remember to put it in on every instance of an entrance/exit if you DO decide to put in such an indication, because that one single entrance/exit you forget to mark is going to be the devil for players to notice as an entrance/exit.

...'Course, if it's a visible door per se, then ... the block that one could go through might be only one square wide instead of 3, since it would be the door and not the wall.

lok987 Wrote:- Check the scrolling mechanism of the loading menu. Scrolling through the save slots is to fast or something. Everytime I scroll over serveral slots up and down, I'm not landing on the right slot, but somewhere different.

There is actually a way for the player to deal with that, Lok: Just make sure that the slot you want to hit is actually visibly highlighted. You can always tell if you're on a particular slot or not, you might just have to scroll all the way up and loop around, or scroll all the way down and loop around, or do some variant of that, to see where the visible highlighter actually is.

That said though... it WOULD be kinda cool if the save menu could be tweaked so that little extra workaround wasn't necessary, I will admit.
Nothin' that would make the saves previously acquired into saves you couldn't carry over to a new build of the game though, plox, if possible.
Not that I would have anything against training up a new batch of 8 characters once in a while - indeed, I would probably do that anyway, just as a way to pass the time, at some point - but as the game gets longer, that's going to become more and more daunting of a proposition.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby KITAmaru » Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:18 pm

Thanks for your support, though I would just like to point out that I am somewhat limited in what I can do via RPGVX, and ironically most of your suggestions revolve around its inherent limitations.

lok987 Wrote:- Increase the resolution and / or give the choice to change it, so that everything is bigger. The window is rather small on a 24" TFT. Maybe double the size would be a good start.

That's the biggest resolution that RPGVX will actually allow, seriously--I'd have it slightly bigger if I had my way (for the sake of 3DCG pics). There's always the option to toggle fullscreen on RPGVX, but as far as adjusting the actual resolution goes, it won't go larger than 640 x 480 no matter what script you use. Not to mention the layout of some rooms are designed with that resolution in mind, so honestly there's not a lot I can do here.

lok987 Wrote:- Give the option to change the music / sound volume. It's really loud, when playing with headphones. Right now, I'm decreasing the Windows Sound Volume.

Would be a neat option, though I can't currently find any scripts that do this after searching high and low.

lok987 Wrote:- Implement a "Load" function into the game, because you can only load a game through the main menu.

That's actually something that's another part of VX's default things--I haven't played another RPGVX game yet that allows you to simply load from the menu.

lok987 Wrote:- Check the scrolling mechanism of the loading menu. Scrolling through the save slots is to fast or something. Everytime I scroll over serveral slots up and down, I'm not landing on the right slot, but somewhere different.

It's a bug associated with ERZENGEL'S 'More Savefiles' script--it's already fixed for next patch.

lok987 Wrote:- Place a door, stairs or visible passage, where there ought to be one. There are several rooms, where there is no indication, if you can go "through the wall" or not.

Yep. Been working on that this patch too--although I am not going to overuse the doors where it doesn't make sense to me. If I find a decoration that serves as a functional marker, I'll probably use that. I also don't do the doors for side passages for the most part, since it looks... odd, until I can find a better side-view of one via a tileset.

lok987 Wrote:- Maybe you can increase the walking / running speed a bit. Some areas are rather large.

No can do...However, you can hold "Shift" to run faster. While using the SHIFT option, I've personally never had any issues with getting through an area.

lok987 Wrote:- Also please try to fill some of the corridors with rubble, torches, plants, columns and other random items. Some areas are quite empty.

As I fill the game in, more stuff will inevitably show up, although I plan on adding more NPC's than random doodads, really.

lok987 Wrote:- Maybe tone down some of the talking. I like, that you try to write a (long?) story around the characters and the game, but I really think the conversations are too long. I suggest cutting them down by about 33 %. Moreover, if it's possible, you could either make the conversations skippable or make them continue faster. It's something that also annoys me with "real games", where you can't skip the cutscenes although you already watched them a couple of times.

In the future I'll most likely put an option to skip certain cutscenes or lengths of stuff, but in terms of shortening it, probably not. That's just how I am--a wordy writer. If you don't like it, I'm sorry, but that is one thing I am not willing to compromise on. I am a generally descriptive person so as to build a detailed image for the fantasy, which I understand is tedious when it comes to stuff you've seen before, but unfortunately I'm not going to make a 'shortened version' anytime soon. If this wasn't a game, it would most likely be a written story or forum-based RP--but thanks to RPGVX and 3DCG, I am able to provide it in a more user-friendly manner.

So, bottom line on that end is; a 'scene skip', yes, quite possibly. An abridged version, absolutely not.

In other news, just finishing up the last scene for the Chambers stalls... then for the fun stuff ._.;
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Kull » Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:13 pm

truly extraordinary game
You are a poet XD
But I have a question
Can you upload the text file of dialogues ?
my English is not so good and with the text file I can traslate more easily (supported by a translation program); is a pity not to fully understand the texts and this could help others like me.
I understand that there may be many reasons for not being able or not willing to do this.
It's your free choice, no hard feelings ;)
Sorry for my poor language skills, I'm good in other XD... and congratulations, you're officially an international programmer (if you were not already)
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby ZeroEXE.ZX17 » Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:57 pm

KITAmaru Wrote:
lok987 Wrote:- Give the option to change the music / sound volume. It's really loud, when playing with headphones. Right now, I'm decreasing the Windows Sound Volume.

Would be a neat option, though I can't currently find any scripts that do this after searching high and low.

lok987 Wrote:- Maybe tone down some of the talking. I like, that you try to write a (long?) story around the characters and the game, but I really think the conversations are too long. I suggest cutting them down by about 33 %. Moreover, if it's possible, you could either make the conversations skippable or make them continue faster. It's something that also annoys me with "real games", where you can't skip the cutscenes although you already watched them a couple of times.

In the future I'll most likely put an option to skip certain cutscenes or lengths of stuff, but in terms of shortening it, probably not. That's just how I am--a wordy writer. If you don't like it, I'm sorry, but that is one thing I am not willing to compromise on. I am a generally descriptive person so as to build a detailed image for the fantasy, which I understand is tedious when it comes to stuff you've seen before, but unfortunately I'm not going to make a 'shortened version' anytime soon. If this wasn't a game, it would most likely be a written story or forum-based RP--but thanks to RPGVX and 3DCG, I am able to provide it in a more user-friendly manner.

So, bottom line on that end is; a 'scene skip', yes, quite possibly. An abridged version, absolutely not.

lol i wanted to say something about the volume bu i thought that it couldn't be done so i didn't ask XD and i love all of the talking myself, the detailed words is one of the things i love most about DL i would say put more if it fits and works with the moment :D XD but a scene skip is a good idea
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby KITAmaru » Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:21 am

Yeah, a scene skip would be the wiser choice overall.

Ah, very cool, Kull. Unfortunately it'd take quite some time to do just the texts, but if I manage to find an easy way to put them all into .txt or .rtf format, then I'll send them your way. No promises though.
What country are you from, by the way?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:23 am

Not sure if mentioned. Grammatical correction--

When you've defeated an enemy it should be..

30 EXP was received
5G was received

Or simply put

30 EXP gained <<<this is probably is better than previous correction
5G gained
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Kull » Sun Oct 09, 2011 1:33 am

I am Italian.
I thought maybe I can try to find someone to translate the game officially.
a multilanguage RPG, it sounds very professional, and I think we can do please.
If you are interested I can try to get in contact with one of them (again if I find him).
Obviously it would still be a sacrifice for you, as you should do likewise to a text file, but with more attractive results

P.S. I would have an idea for improving the sexual scenes
you could add small windows (comic book style) and zooming of the subjects to emphasize particular scenes or actions in general.
I have seen a similar technique in a Dragon Quest VIII's flash hentai manga (search on google "Zesika Chapter").
I do not know the program and probably not easy, certainly involves some work, but I propose XD
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby KITAmaru » Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:20 am

Ah, very cool Kull. Obviously, this is very much a 'fanmade' project as in I don't currently have the time to really make this a huge thing, but I will constantly plug away at it when I can.
As far as the EXP/G received thing, Billowing, it's an RPGVX default that I've not yet figured out how to change.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Shaolinraiden » Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:06 am

I think you're doing a fantastic job. I have been checking the forum every day after work to see if you've put up another update. I'm a fan, for sure.
I can't wait for the next update so I can play through and explore the new events you add.

Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby lok987 » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:15 am

Hello KITAmaru,

thank you for the reply!

KITAmaru Wrote:That's the biggest resolution that RPGVX will actually allow, seriously--I'd have it slightly bigger if I had my way (for the sake of 3DCG pics). There's always the option to toggle fullscreen on RPGVX, but as far as adjusting the actual resolution goes, it won't go larger than 640 x 480 no matter what script you use. Not to mention the layout of some rooms are designed with that resolution in mind, so honestly there's not a lot I can do here.

KITAmaru Wrote:Would be a neat option, though I can't currently find any scripts that do this after searching high and low.

KITAmaru Wrote:That's actually something that's another part of VX's default things--I haven't played another RPGVX game yet that allows you to simply load from the menu.

That's too bad :-(. After you had mentioned the fullscreen option, I clicked around a bit and found out, that you have to rightclick the title bar of the window --> properties and select "start in fullscreen". Better than nothing. :-)

KITAmaru Wrote:It's a bug associated with ERZENGEL'S 'More Savefiles' script--it's already fixed for next patch.

Greatly appreciated!

KITAmaru Wrote:Yep. Been working on that this patch too--although I am not going to overuse the doors where it doesn't make sense to me. If I find a decoration that serves as a functional marker, I'll probably use that. I also don't do the doors for side passages for the most part, since it looks... odd, until I can find a better side-view of one via a tileset.

You could use a trail as an indicator to show where the ground is worn out.

KITAmaru Wrote:No can do...However, you can hold "Shift" to run faster. While using the SHIFT option, I've personally never had any issues with getting through an area.

Gonna try that. Thanks!

KITAmaru Wrote:In the future I'll most likely put an option to skip certain cutscenes or lengths of stuff, but in terms of shortening it, probably not. That's just how I am--a wordy writer. If you don't like it, I'm sorry, but that is one thing I am not willing to compromise on. I am a generally descriptive person so as to build a detailed image for the fantasy, which I understand is tedious when it comes to stuff you've seen before, but unfortunately I'm not going to make a 'shortened version' anytime soon. If this wasn't a game, it would most likely be a written story or forum-based RP--but thanks to RPGVX and 3DCG, I am able to provide it in a more user-friendly manner.

So, bottom line on that end is; a 'scene skip', yes, quite possibly. An abridged version, absolutely not.

Have played through your game again yesterday and I have to say, it's not bugging me that much after all. A scene skip will do the trick for me. Lucky777 can sleep calmly again. :-)
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby kevinopn » Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:50 am

Hello! ^ ^ I'm French and I give myself the trouble to speak English translation with Google so it's normal if it could be inconsistencies in my sentences ^ ^

I create an account expressly for this, frankly I KITAmaru I love your game going forward as it is complete it ^ ^ even if it's English I surkiffe, if the idea takes you head to the French translation I will be the first to try ^^
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby iliekmudkips » Sun Oct 09, 2011 1:54 pm

One thing I personally want is to be able to save or quicksave during a h-scene, when we have to choose a certain choice.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Lucky777 » Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:34 pm

lok987 Wrote:Have played through your game again yesterday and I have to say, it's not bugging me that much after all. A scene skip will do the trick for me. Lucky777 can sleep calmly again. :-)

: D

Also, Kita, in all seriousness, if you include a .txt file in all future releases either entitled "controls" and talking about the run key among the others, or entitled "Yo, hold shift to run faster" and being empty apart from that, I think that would be pretty cool.

'Cause like

The walk speed IS slow enough and the game big enough to make it a pretty awesome thing to know for SURE, and the controls, though common to all RpgVx games that I've played so far, will still be a mystery to anyone picking up an RPGVx game for the first time and using this game as their introduction.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby ZeroEXE.ZX17 » Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:58 pm

it is awesome how much this game is growing and how big (fans and willing helpers wise) it is getting as well, just wish a few people that know how to use the same things as KITA would come abord, to make the work load less on KITA
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby mando » Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:03 pm

ZeroEXE.ZX17 Wrote:it is awesome how much this game is growing and how big (fans and willing helpers wise) it is getting as well, just wish a few people that know how to use the same things as KITA would come abord, to make the work load less on KITA

Honestly the program is very user friendly (outside of scripts). I'm not sure if KITA wants any permanent outside help on this, especially since RPG Maker VX doesn't really lend itself well to multiple programmers, but if he did and you or anyone wanted to help just get the program and get started, it takes about a day to learn the basics.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby YawnsOfBoredom » Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:53 pm

Fix Emilia's ass when she gets fucked by the gargoyle please. It looks sooo fucking wierd man.
Also that dialogue option for Emilia when Dastor's asks if he can cum in her ,"Don't, take it out!", is pretty tricky.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby KITAmaru » Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:40 pm

Always a pleasure to see international audiences, especially in a game this... well, heavy with the English language. Glad you're enjoying it!
Seriously, you're not the only one--when I personally play games, I tend to want to save right before each 'big' or game-changing choice. If I come across a script that allows saves at those moments, believe me, I won't hesitate to try and make it work.
Zero and Mando-
Yeah, I'm glad for tools like VX or I wouldn't have been able to make it work in the first place!

Perhaps one request I have of the fans suggesting certain features is that if there is one you want enabled--let's say, the save-at-anytime thing, or a sound volume option, and so on, if you could actually FIND that script and link it to me, it would be extremely helpful. I know it doesn't sound difficult and easily something I could do on my own, but honestly most of my time spent developing has actually been the writing and coding for it (as well as the 3DCG creation), so yeah. I've just finished all the writing for all 6 of the stall scenes, now I have... hmm, about 2 more to go. Took me awhile since it's nearly as much content, at least text-wise, as when I made everyone's Chambers introductions. Yeesh! So sadly, this next patch will not really be huge on new areas or storyline, but definitely huge in terms of H-content, particularly for the low-Purity folks.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Lucky777 » Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:45 pm

Sounds like Christmas coming early again.

: D

And by the way, I noticed a while ago but forgot to ask.


KITAMARU-related in-joke? : O
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby lok987 » Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:52 pm

Just thought about some future content for your game. I'll tell you, what I would love to see. I'm a big fan of dominated heroines. That means, I especially like it, when a strong character / heroine is dominated by supposedly weaker enemies. You already have some very nice scenes like this in the game:

- the very first enemy in the game, to whom you can lose twice
- the three sailors in the bar
- the dominatrix in the basement, who can also be fought twice and
- near the end, when you have to rescue the girl from the thugs

It's not only about the sex act itself, but also about your writing, which really added to the atmosphere. I found it very fitting and good for the most part. To make such a scene perfect, the act of domination should be expressed verbally through taunts by the enemies during the sex act. Of course the heroine has to react in an appropriate way to the taunts and to the fact, that she has been beaten and is being dominated and perhaps even brought to climax.

Maybe you would want to implement more scenes, where you can fight and lose multiple times against one or more opponent(s) like the very first enemy and the dominatrix. This would be awesome!

For the dominatrix part I would love to see a continuation for losing to her repeatedly. I don't know, if you simply haven't implemented it yet or if it's an error of some sort, but if you lose to the dominatrix again, the scene doesn't change / develop further. I image, that the scene could continue with the heroine (and the answers, which you can choose) being gradually more submissive. For example my purity was so low yesterday, that in the beginning I could respond to the dominatrix, that I were the Alpha Bitch and not her. :-)

Of course, if you lose to often, then it could be game over, because the heroine accepts her authority and submits / learns her place.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.06C (9/22/

Postby Kuragari » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:49 am

I had a thought, this could perhaps be for a future update.

For the chambers, why not have it so that if you get sent a 2nd time or 3rd time, you get one or two new scenes that have some of the bandits/customers having their way with the character. It would make being sent to the chambers (if you lose a battle that sends you there) more interesting.

And you could always then have the 4th time be the time that it becomes Game-Over.

Just a thought.
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