New build! Skipped a week! Sorry, been busy, and I forgot you lovely folks until, like, last Thursday. Figured I might as well just wait until this build came out.
Anyway. Questions. Probably too late for these, but, meh.
AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:Once you start making $400+ per job and crashing at the boytoy's place, there's not a lot of incentive to keep working. It would be nice if you could pay extra to get higher stat boosts.
By the next build the lower rent on Guy's place will probably be gone, so work still has a place. I'm also going to work pricey items into the game, so you'll be spending those heaps of money eventually. Different, higher-pay locations for bigger boosts is an idea worth pursuing, though. Thanks!
meinin Wrote:Can't seem to trigger the car npc. What stats exactly do you need? I've got over 100 in all stats.
You just need to keep performing the car actions. I believe you need a Charisma above 15 or 16, as well, though I don't remember the exact numbers. He will show up eventually.
Moosen Wrote:After day 100, you can't seem to go further. Im not able to click on the sleep button, but everything else works. Did i do something wrong?
No, it's set to end at 100 days. The main game is only meant to last 100 days total. Eventually there will be a sandbox mode, and I've decided in most future pre-alpha builds to just disable the 100 day end, at least until there's a 'good' end you can strive for instead.