by Gorbaz » Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:16 pm
Feeling the shudder that went through the ship as it exited the Warp, Katherine figured that the ship must have either arrived at it's destination, or that they had been becalmed. Given that there were no screeming madmen running around on the decks, she assumed it was the former and, that being so, they were probably due to get deployed very shortly.
Swiftly, she made her way to her quarters which she shared with two other guardmen. Originally, it had been a regular set of crew quarters, but had been converted due to the abundance of soldiers in the regiment. That made the quaarts feel very cramped at times. Opening the door, she was relieved to find that the other two wern't in the room - that made getting her armour on much easier. Opening up her locker, she pulled out her lightweight flack jacket and slipped it on. It was a snug fit, but suited her just fine. She breifly stopped to wonder exactly what it was that they would be facing as they defended a Basalisk position, then put it out of her mind, continuing to change into her fatigues, and slipping her copy of the Uplifting Guardsman's Primer into a breast pocket
One way, or another, I'm going to find you, I'll get you, I'll get you!