Bio: Mary Jane was always the popular kind of girl, not having trouble at school or High school, Socially and Academically, she starts growing a passion with theatre and acting, but as soon as she finish college, her dream didn't seem to come true, though she was good at science and eventually got a job at Oscorp Industries, thanks to this, she realized there was even more universe in the world, and was surprised there was an universe were She was married with Peter parker, since in Her universe Peter was happily married with Gwen, few months after that, one of the Spiders oscorp was experimenting escaped, and few days later, she was bitten by the spider.
appearance with the outfit:
with the mask And
Without the mask
you where working late in the lab one day, everyone else had left pretty much just leaving you alone in quite to finish your work, one of the various projects in this lab, involved breeding spiders that could produce, ultra strong threads that could be used for a large number of applications, however as you had been repeatedly alerted, one of them had escaped a few days ago, however given that the lab was a sterile environment you doubted that there spider would still be alive, after all there was nothing for it to feed off in here right?
you keep working on your project for a while, but after maybe half an hour you feel something land on your neck before you can do anything about it you feel a sharp pain like a large insect bite from the same place, your first instinct was to swat whatever had bit you, and pulling your hand away you find that it was the missing spider.