X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:51 am

"just grab as much as you can before more of them come!" said Thomas while opening the boxes and grabing all the money he could find, putting them in his pockets, he grab a lot, and giving the fact his Jackect had deep Pockets too, you knew he gather a big amount of it "you ready? 'cause i'm ready to go"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:12 am

I stuff my pockets too and when they where full I teleport us outside the abandoned building were we where staying "I'm still not entirely sure I trust you, but your a mutant and you need somewhere to stay, so your welcome to stay with us" I tell him, I notice my nose start to bleed again, and clean it with my hand, perhaps I'd been using my powers a bit much
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:20 am

"you don't know how to control your powers do you?" asked thomas as he followed you to the mansion, respeting the place you were living, as soon as he finds the table, he put all the money on it and sit on an old dusty couch "i wonder who would abandon a house this big in the middle of a forest" he was amazing, he really figured out the house was out of New york, not too far, but far... eventually, lucas came out of my room and walk close to you, not pleased with who you bringing someone else here "who is him?" he asked out loud not caring if he was close "i'm the guy who just saved your girlfriend's ass" Said Thomas with his joking voice, "notmy girlfriend" replied lucas "why?" asked you
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:06 am

I nod "I've had to hide them for as long as I've had them, it's not exactly something you can practice discretely in college dorms, and in my home town I would have been burnt alive" I explain when he asks about my powers

the mention of boyfriends immediately made me go quite for a moment, "this is Thomas, Thomas this Is lucas, he's my bestfriend... after my sister, my boyfriend was burned alive for being a mutant, I don't even know if that was true or not" I tell him, suddenly feeling a little moody, but it wasn't really his fault
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:23 am

Lucas shakes his head and hugs you "he wasn't, they were trying to find the one, there were rumours about a mutant being friend of your boyfriend, they were looking for me" said lucas giving Thomas an angry smile "hey, didn't know!" he said with his hands rised...

i felt some voices arguing out of my room, and it was getting quite boring here so i decide to stood up and walk out of the room "what's happening?" i asked with a kind and weak voice, not noticing there was a guest in here...

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can you control Thomas destiny from now on?
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:37 am

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sure I can

"it's not his fault it's not like I told him or anything" I tell Lucas, I look up when I hear your voice "Jessica you should be resting" I tell you with a sigh.
"you must be, this Beauties twin, your definitely as sexy as she is " Thomas says with a grin
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed Jun 01, 2016 11:58 am

i chuckled at Alice, ignoring the new visitor completely "whaat? i was getting bored in there, you can't make me go again, it's been like...an hour, i'm dying here!" i said with a sarcastic tone of voice, "so...who's the drug dealer?" i asked you pointing at Thomas "he's thomas, apparently, He saved your sister's Ass" said lucas with a sarcastic voice too "how did he save you?" asked lucas a little annoyed by all of this, me on the other hand, i didn't gave a fuck, if he wasn't a human, it was good for me...
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:38 pm

"He's another mutant, and the guards at the bank caught me, and he stopped them from beating me up" I tell them , he demonstrates his powers briefly just so that the others could see, "he needs, somewhere to stay, and we have the space already set up," I tell you looking at you hopefully, I'd do anything for you so if you didn't want him here, I'd send him away, but he seemed kind of safe
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:11 am

"i don't have a problem, as long as he don't cause any trouble and keep getting that much money" i said pointing at the table with a chuckle, Lucas seemed to be ok as long as we were ok with him "what with the weird villain outfit?" asked lucas, it was something that was bothering me too, i've seen some people like that, the so called 'x-men', and others
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:51 am

he shrugs " it's easier to get away with a crime if you look like someone else," he points out "This way I avoid the notoriety " he explains. I nod in understanding "it's not the worst Idea I've ever heard" I say still thinking about it, "perhaps that's something to think about" I suggest
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:54 am

"i'm good with this kid of thing, i'll do the outfits" said lucas before turning around, grab a few stuff and leave the room, i walk to my room, take some of our clothes and give it to lucas so he could create something out of them, not our best idea, but thomas was right, perhaps he wasn't that bad at all "look slut, next time you go to assault some bank, you better take me with you" i said with a chuckle
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:17 am

"then don't get shot before hand" I tease sticking my tongue out at you. "Lucas could you find a room for Thomas? I want to see what we can pawn easily from this, and work out how much we'll need for renevations"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:36 pm

"there is a room in front of yours, next to mine..." said lucas as leading Thomas way and showing him where he's going to rest "i can still use my powers..." i answered to you
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:33 pm

I nod "but you should be resting" I point out with a sigh, " but... seeing as your up you can help me sort through this stuff" I tell you, with a grin, as I start to sort the jewels, items and cash on the table, Thomas follows Lucas without much complaint
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:36 pm

"we're going to sell everything, we're going to have time for jewels in the future" i said while looking at the few jewels and stuff that wasn't money on the table
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Fri Jun 03, 2016 12:35 am

I nod "I know but we need to decide what to sell first, I mean people will know the bank was hit" I point out "we'll get caught if we sell it all at once in the same place"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:27 am

i chuckle at your innocent words, it was crearly you didn't know much of this city, i didn't knew much either, but enough to move around"isn't there a black market?" i said with a sarcastic tone of voice and poking her nose with a finger
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:32 am

"Well I guess there must be but I wouldn't know where to look for it" I tell you, I guess you where right though, I'd never really thought about it, "right any idea where we need to go?" I ask hopefully
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:37 am

i rolled my eyes trying to figure how to tell you the next sentence, it wasn't going to be hard though, but i was worrying about your reaction, "well, your twin had escaped from college a few times, she meet a guy, mutant-like guy, they did a few crimes, and he gave her this card" i said showing her a black card that reads: 'Black market club' "it's suppose to be a secret"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Fri Jun 03, 2016 10:33 pm

I giggle, "so you wanted to do things normally huh?" I ask you remembering the argument we'd had this morning, "well I guess that's fine," I take the card and study it, "I think I can get us close but we will need to walk part of the way, but I need to rest a little first" I tell you
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