Urban X Life - VXace - New version

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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby muttdoggy » Sun May 22, 2016 2:10 am

Okar Wrote:
matsc Wrote:
muttdoggy Wrote:I do. It includes a walkthrough as well. It's version V01a08. Send me a pm or email and I'll send you the file or the link.

This is remarkably frustrating. I've been hunting for a link for months, and now one is within reach.... and the forum won't show me your email or let me PM you. It's like the cosmos is taunting me!

Sorry muttdoggy, but as we are new members in this forum we can't have the right to send pm or see your email, I really want that game.

Ok. No prob. I won't spam posts just go get to where I can send PMs. I don't want to upset the mods here at LOK. I've heard wootch has actively hunted down all forms of his previous game in the past and whined about it to get them taken down. Now that he's flaking off on us, I've decided to post it here http://www.planetsuzy.org/showpost.php?p=13159537&postcount=742
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby FurryTitties » Sun May 22, 2016 3:16 am

Well my previous two post didn't make it...just the one with me commenting about them lol. So, yeah..unable to contact you. Really appreciate it! Thanks a lot!
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby muttdoggy » Sun May 22, 2016 8:42 am

Heads up... There's a savegame issue in v01a08 where sometimes the savegame file gets corrupted. Its best to keep a duplicate save file in another folder and when you can't load the save or the game, just switch out the bad save file with the good one and load from that. Then switch back to the "corrupt" save file and then load it and right after, save over it. That usually fixes it.
However, v01a08 has a very consistent art style and some of the scenes are much better than the ones in the new 1.8f. If you dig back through this forum and the other urban xlife forum over at ULMF, you can get so much info that you can really enjoy the game. Hint.. check out those vids. LMAO :mrgreen:
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby FurryTitties » Mon May 23, 2016 2:54 am

Yeah, sorry, looks like they took the email address out that I made just to post here. Anyway, thank you very much. I couldn't pm you or really post here because I don't have enough posts. You are a champion!
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby dave082 » Mon May 23, 2016 7:38 am

muttdoggy Wrote:Heads up... There's a savegame issue in v01a08 where sometimes the savegame file gets corrupted. Its best to keep a duplicate save file in another folder and when you can't load the save or the game, just switch out the bad save file with the good one and load from that. Then switch back to the "corrupt" save file and then load it and right after, save over it. That usually fixes it.
However, v01a08 has a very consistent art style and some of the scenes are much better than the ones in the new 1.8f. If you dig back through this forum and the other urban xlife forum over at ULMF, you can get so much info that you can really enjoy the game. Hint.. check out those vids. LMAO :mrgreen:

Where can I download that version? I searched but couldn't find it.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby muttdoggy » Tue May 24, 2016 4:24 am

dave082 Wrote:
muttdoggy Wrote:Heads up... There's a savegame issue in v01a08 where sometimes the savegame file gets corrupted. Its best to keep a duplicate save file in another folder and when you can't load the save or the game, just switch out the bad save file with the good one and load from that. Then switch back to the "corrupt" save file and then load it and right after, save over it. That usually fixes it.
However, v01a08 has a very consistent art style and some of the scenes are much better than the ones in the new 1.8f. If you dig back through this forum and the other urban xlife forum over at ULMF, you can get so much info that you can really enjoy the game. Hint.. check out those vids. LMAO :mrgreen:

Where can I download that version? I searched but couldn't find it.

http://www.planetsuzy.org/showpost.php?p=13159537&postcount=742 <----- click that link and it'll take you to a forum where you can download that version.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby Okar » Tue May 24, 2016 6:30 pm

Tanks to muttdoggy for this game, I have download and install it and is great, drawings are super, even Sybille look not like a bitch. Now to play as Peio.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby matsc » Wed May 25, 2016 11:29 am

So its been a Month now since our last word from Wootch, and two weeks since our supposed update date. People are starting to get antsy. Not a peep from patreon or other forums (and he never activated my forum account so I have no idea if he is active on his own website or not).

Anyone else hear anything recently? I know losing ones internet is a pain in the ass, but when you have as many followers as he does it would be polite to at least drop a note now and then to keep folks appraised. There is even some grumbling on his blogspot page by a few fans to pick up the project and complete it themselves (likely to be vaporwear but who knows).
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby brontanius » Wed May 25, 2016 7:10 pm

i haven't heard anything from wootch but there are idiots still defending him it seems. I stopped supporting him a few days ago and said that he was a liar for breaking his word and a guy messaged me back saying: "@ Steven, pledge on Patreon doesn't make you entitled. It means you support someones work/project. Could be external factors he have no pull over that is the reason he haven't been posting any update. Also do you rather want him to work on update the game, or spend time respond to every msg posted?`Calling him a liar is just being rude...". That is word for word btw.

Since I have stopped the support, I naturally can't reply back to him but seriously now, if calling him a liar for not keeping his word is rude, what do I call a guy who treats his paying pledge members like idiots, doesn't keep to his deadlines and outright lies to them?
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby matsc » Wed May 25, 2016 10:32 pm

Honestly content delays don't bother me much. Game dev is hard work, and Id rather it be late than shit (or non-existent).

Its the utter lack of communication that gets to me. Even a note just saying "Hey, still breathing, later" would be fine. Anything to let people know that they still exist and are thinking about the consumers. That's all I'm asking for.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby nad destroyer » Wed May 25, 2016 11:13 pm

matsc Wrote:Honestly content delays don't bother me much. Game dev is hard work, and Id rather it be late than shit (or non-existent).

Its the utter lack of communication that gets to me. Even a note just saying "Hey, still breathing, later" would be fine. Anything to let people know that they still exist and are thinking about the consumers. That's all I'm asking for.

Pretty much my thoughts there. I get that he might be having internet/computer issues but couldn't he go somwhere and post that he's still alive and hasn't forgotten us?
nad destroyer
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby muttdoggy » Thu May 26, 2016 12:55 am

I used to be one of wootchs strongest defenders but in light of his recent behavior I've decided not to support his project. And I just got finances in order. So I've recently posted in pretty much every site wootch has used in the past. What I posted was along the lines of "just drop a short line letting us know what's going on and those of you who know him please encourage him to respond." That has been echoed by tens if not over a hundred different posters. It's very obvious what the writing on the wall is and it couldn't be any clearer. It's saying "let us know what's going on because YOUR self-imposed deadlines have gone wooshing by without a peep from you". NO official response by wootch other than a few snarky email replies. Someone that works for him is now offering to work for others to continue the project.
BUT... there is an individual known as manobota who is setting up a site called urbanxliferemodel at blogspot and is asking for help getting it redone to set up progress on the game.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby wolf357 » Thu May 26, 2016 3:40 am

my guess the reason why he wants all old versions of the game taken down and why had years in between old version and new version is cuz he used character assets from the MNF games and they prob took legal action against him.
look at the mnf game gloryhole blonde and it looks exactly like the mom on the old version.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby muttdoggy » Fri May 27, 2016 11:31 pm

wolf357 Wrote:my guess the reason why he wants all old versions of the game taken down and why had years in between old version and new version is cuz he used character assets from the MNF games and they prob took legal action against him.
look at the mnf game gloryhole blonde and it looks exactly like the mom on the old version.

Jeez.. I can see the resemblance. Over on ULMF he didn't say anything about that. He only said that he was dissatisfied with it and needed to revamp it. Then as he was "working" on that or whatever he was doing, he abandoned the game for 2 years. So you could be right and if you are, then it makes wootch look worse.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby Dahlgrim » Sat May 28, 2016 1:57 pm

There is one guy called manobota who wanted to continue it but he messes it up by adding 3D models which literally no one wants.
I'm thinking of picking up the project since Wootch isn't willing to continue it. All i need is to open a new patreon page, move the fanbase to it and use the revenue to pay off the artist. There wouldn't be a need for patreon if someone would volunteer to make it for free but i guess this won't happen. The only issue i could see is that Wootch could take legal actions because of copyright shenanigans. Does anyone have informations about this?
Just need to know if i can get away with it and things would start rollin'.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby muttdoggy » Sun May 29, 2016 7:05 pm

Dahlgrim Wrote:There is one guy called manobota who wanted to continue it but he messes it up by adding 3D models which literally no one wants.
I'm thinking of picking up the project since Wootch isn't willing to continue it. All i need is to open a new patreon page, move the fanbase to it and use the revenue to pay off the artist. There wouldn't be a need for patreon if someone would volunteer to make it for free but i guess this won't happen. The only issue i could see is that Wootch could take legal actions because of copyright shenanigans. Does anyone have informations about this?
Just need to know if i can get away with it and things would start rollin'.

Very good idea. If you can get an email from wootch stating that he washes his hands of the project like "don't care who has it now" or even "take it and run with it", save the email and screenshot it. That would be evidence that he gave up his rights to the programming. And in the improved game, just put a disclaimer in it with whatever response you've gotten. Now, if you pulled any of the art assets and/or the script, words, etc then you'd need some kind of permission from wootch to cover your butt. Like I said, any kind of communication that can be saved which indicates he's given up any kind of rights. If you have that, then that's a license to use the assets.
There's 2 ways to get around it if he's a pain in the rear and decides not to give up anything. One is via a mod and the other is to redo it in a slightly different manner without using any of his assets. We are legally allowed to modify any game as long as we do not distribute it. But we can distribute a mod that a user can download to mod their own game. Like skyrim, fallout, etc. So.. if you made a mod that updated the game, you can do that without any legal repercussion. The issue is how the hell do you make a mod that can be put into an rpg maker game? Now, if you redid it in a different engine like RPG Maker MV (which would be awesome) with similar artwork and themes but different enough to be better, then I don't think wootch has a case. Let's say you use different names and title with better artwork and a disclaimer in it that says "inspired by urban xlife" then I'd say you can get by with that. Hope this helps!
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby x3Darkie » Sun May 29, 2016 7:53 pm

muttdoggy Wrote:
Dahlgrim Wrote:There is one guy called manobota who wanted to continue it but he messes it up by adding 3D models which literally no one wants.
I'm thinking of picking up the project since Wootch isn't willing to continue it. All i need is to open a new patreon page, move the fanbase to it and use the revenue to pay off the artist. There wouldn't be a need for patreon if someone would volunteer to make it for free but i guess this won't happen. The only issue i could see is that Wootch could take legal actions because of copyright shenanigans. Does anyone have informations about this?
Just need to know if i can get away with it and things would start rollin'.

Very good idea. If you can get an email from wootch stating that he washes his hands of the project like "don't care who has it now" or even "take it and run with it", save the email and screenshot it. That would be evidence that he gave up his rights to the programming. And in the improved game, just put a disclaimer in it with whatever response you've gotten. Now, if you pulled any of the art assets and/or the script, words, etc then you'd need some kind of permission from wootch to cover your butt. Like I said, any kind of communication that can be saved which indicates he's given up any kind of rights. If you have that, then that's a license to use the assets.
There's 2 ways to get around it if he's a pain in the rear and decides not to give up anything. One is via a mod and the other is to redo it in a slightly different manner without using any of his assets. We are legally allowed to modify any game as long as we do not distribute it. But we can distribute a mod that a user can download to mod their own game. Like skyrim, fallout, etc. So.. if you made a mod that updated the game, you can do that without any legal repercussion. The issue is how the hell do you make a mod that can be put into an rpg maker game? Now, if you redid it in a different engine like RPG Maker MV (which would be awesome) with similar artwork and themes but different enough to be better, then I don't think wootch has a case. Let's say you use different names and title with better artwork and a disclaimer in it that says "inspired by urban xlife" then I'd say you can get by with that. Hope this helps!

I'm gonna butt in before someone gets a phonecall from a lawyer. Even though a lot of video game developers and publishers doesn't have a problem with mods and even actively encourages them, it IS still technically illegal to mod games. Unless the author gives you the okay, it is NOT okay to mod. As long as they own the IP, they are legally liable to sue your ass whenever they feel like it. As far as making a new title that's "inspired" by Urban X Life, I suppose then wootch can't sue you for that. If there's enough similarities between the games however, it is what most people'll call a "rip-off." And the author of the original work CAN sue you despite technically falling under fair use.

That said, making a mod for a RPG Maker game isn't impossible. It's just very annoying to do so. You first need to edit the source file, then keep track of the files that were modified, then upload those files. It's annoying enough to the point where you might as well just distribute the entire modded game itself.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby muttdoggy » Tue May 31, 2016 2:34 am

x3Darkie Wrote:
muttdoggy Wrote:
Dahlgrim Wrote:There is one guy called manobota who wanted to continue it but he messes it up by adding 3D models which literally no one wants.
I'm thinking of picking up the project since Wootch isn't willing to continue it. All i need is to open a new patreon page, move the fanbase to it and use the revenue to pay off the artist. There wouldn't be a need for patreon if someone would volunteer to make it for free but i guess this won't happen. The only issue i could see is that Wootch could take legal actions because of copyright shenanigans. Does anyone have informations about this?
Just need to know if i can get away with it and things would start rollin'.

Very good idea. If you can get an email from wootch stating that he washes his hands of the project like "don't care who has it now" or even "take it and run with it", save the email and screenshot it. That would be evidence that he gave up his rights to the programming. And in the improved game, just put a disclaimer in it with whatever response you've gotten. Now, if you pulled any of the art assets and/or the script, words, etc then you'd need some kind of permission from wootch to cover your butt. Like I said, any kind of communication that can be saved which indicates he's given up any kind of rights. If you have that, then that's a license to use the assets.
There's 2 ways to get around it if he's a pain in the rear and decides not to give up anything. One is via a mod and the other is to redo it in a slightly different manner without using any of his assets. We are legally allowed to modify any game as long as we do not distribute it. But we can distribute a mod that a user can download to mod their own game. Like skyrim, fallout, etc. So.. if you made a mod that updated the game, you can do that without any legal repercussion. The issue is how the hell do you make a mod that can be put into an rpg maker game? Now, if you redid it in a different engine like RPG Maker MV (which would be awesome) with similar artwork and themes but different enough to be better, then I don't think wootch has a case. Let's say you use different names and title with better artwork and a disclaimer in it that says "inspired by urban xlife" then I'd say you can get by with that. Hope this helps!

I'm gonna butt in before someone gets a phonecall from a lawyer. Even though a lot of video game developers and publishers doesn't have a problem with mods and even actively encourages them, it IS still technically illegal to mod games. Unless the author gives you the okay, it is NOT okay to mod. As long as they own the IP, they are legally liable to sue your ass whenever they feel like it. As far as making a new title that's "inspired" by Urban X Life, I suppose then wootch can't sue you for that. If there's enough similarities between the games however, it is what most people'll call a "rip-off." And the author of the original work CAN sue you despite technically falling under fair use.

That said, making a mod for a RPG Maker game isn't impossible. It's just very annoying to do so. You first need to edit the source file, then keep track of the files that were modified, then upload those files. It's annoying enough to the point where you might as well just distribute the entire modded game itself.

Thanks for clarifying the issues with mods. All I know of mods are from skyrim, dragon age, fallout, etc. I know the key to being able to use what's already in the game is to get permission from the original artist. Or we can just build a better game.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby kazacku » Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:57 am


This was posted on the other forum.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt until now, but wow, that's a scummy thing to do. He's continuing to accept money for a project he's no longer doing. That's straight-up fucked.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby kazacku » Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:03 am

Also, wow, there are games with 3d models I like (see: incest story/adventure), but the ones the guy wants to use are just are really bad. Really bad. Like late 90s bad.
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