X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu May 26, 2016 12:25 am

i didn't care about the people running, i just turned left and walk out to the field, just when i saw nick, tied on a tree, unable to move, there was a lot of people around him "and not a mutant, this is all bullshit!" he screamed as some guys were burning the tree, all of this happen so fast not even my powers could stop, he suddenly start screaming as they burned him alive, if i tried to save him with the time freeze, i would get burned, his screams were horrible, and tears came out of my eyes

you keep running until you found me standing out of the building and at the distance a tree was burning, the screams had already stopped and Nick was dead for sure, i was crying, not because the boyfriend of my twin was burned alive, but because how humans torture Mutants, "we're late!" said the guy who lead you there "Alice..." said Lucas hugging you, and as soon as i heard your name i turned around and hug you too "A-alice...i'm s-sorry"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Thu May 26, 2016 12:42 am

I look at what was happening in disbelieve and I look at you "how could they do that?" I ask you, looking at what remained of my boyfriend, though the beginnings of an idea where appearing in my head, I was already planning my revenge, even as the fresh tears rolled down my face. I'm not the kind of person that could really hurt someone not on my own anyway, but if I could make people think that the people who'd killed Nick where mutants, they'd suffer the same fate soon enough.
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu May 26, 2016 12:50 am

unfortunately, i wasn't as smart as you, i was angry, really angry, i stop hugging you and pull out a dagger out of my satchel, i always carried one, just if someone find out about me "it's time Alice..." i said as i turned around and get closer to the crowd, just twenty seconds, that's what i needed, for you, it was a matter of a blink of of an eye, but for me, my hands were covered in blood and they were on the floor bleeding to death, i fall on my knees, for some reason, taking revenge, felt good "J-jessica! you're a mutant!" he said, and another blink of your eye and i was in front of him, pointing at his throat with my dagger "What, is there a problem!?" he shake his head and smile, before he change his appearance to a white dude, then, black, then female, and return to his original latino form, he was a shape shifter, and that was all i needed to let him go
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Thu May 26, 2016 1:32 am

" your a mutant too Lucas? wow, well that's good to know.... we should probably get out of here" I tell them before teleporting between them "not like we're safe around humans at the moment" I teleport us back to our locked room along with Lucas
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu May 26, 2016 1:41 am

"we need to go!" i said as i start packing everything i could take with me "get the Bitch!" scream one guy outside the room "they'll break the door" said lucas while helping you pack too, it as embarrassing for both of us letting him see and touch our underwear, but we needed help, and soon, it was over "i've heard about this guys, they test and experiment with Human DNA, they call themselfs the marauders, maybe we can join them..." soon, all of us heard some of the humans pushing and hitting the door with anger "Monsters!" they screamed "take us out of here babe" i told you while holding our stuff
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Thu May 26, 2016 3:27 pm

I nod and teleport us into a nearby abandoned building that I'd found specifically for this purpose, carrying that much stuff was harder than I'd have liked, and I realise that my nose was bleeding, teleporting two people was easy enough, but our stuff added to it took me over my limit I think "wow... that was. Little much for me..." I tell you
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu May 26, 2016 3:35 pm

just before you could teleport us out of the university, they managed to break in, you don't know how it happen or who it was, but someone managed to shot at us with a gun, fortunately, you get out of there before the bullet catchs you "i should have stayed, they didn't know i was a mutant, i should stay and bring stuff for you" said lucas "have a rest..." he turns around to talk to me "Jessica-...!?" but the bullet catch my left arm "i'm f-fine..." i was sitting on the floor holding my arm, it hurt like a bitch, and i didn't know how to deal with this...
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Thu May 26, 2016 4:48 pm

I look worried too "we need to get you help" I tell you not knowing wether or not it was bad enough to be worried "I have no clue how to treat a gunshot wound"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu May 26, 2016 5:13 pm

"Fortunately...i do" said Lucas while he help me stand and takes me to a bed, you and me have been preparing this place if something happened, we have enough supplies and have a shower that worked pretty well, we could stay here for months and no one will ever notice "i need a tweezers, alcohol and some bandages" said lucas once again to you...
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Thu May 26, 2016 5:35 pm

I fetch him the medical kit, but I wasn't sure it'd have what we needed in it, if there wasn't some alcohol in there then I'd have to fetch some, but I can always teleport to the super market if we needed something
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Thu May 26, 2016 5:41 pm

there was everything he needed to work "ok sweetheart, this will hurt a little" with the tweezer he start looking for the bullet in my arm, it hurt, but he didn't took long before pulling it out, now, it came the rough part, he pour a little acohol on my arm and i scream in pain "hold her still" he said while putting the bottle aside and start covering the affected area with the bandages "this is what i could pull out..." he said before looking at me and leave, there were a few rooms we prepared in case we found another mutants, nothing fancy, and according to lucas, i needed to rest "great, now i'll be the whole day in bed" i said to myself
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Thu May 26, 2016 6:19 pm

i hold you down while he works doing my best to keep you absolutely still. once it's finished and I hear what you say I nod "well I'll go check on the supplies and things quickly, then I'll rest too, that jump really took it out of me, anything you need while I'm up?" I ask
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri May 27, 2016 2:18 pm

i shake my head and chuckle "don't thinks so babe, don't have to much fun out there" once you thought everything was done and i was ok, you head out and you find Lucas standing out there "i don't think we should listen to her" he seemed to be completely relaxed and he did good pretending he didn't care "we can't go to the marauders, we need to rest a couple of days, maybe look for money to stay in a nice place, better than this·
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Fri May 27, 2016 11:33 pm

I nod "well I don't really care anymore, but I'm done trying to get on with humans, money is easy, I just need 5, 10 minutes in a bank, and then somewhere to hide while I teleport" I tell him, and think about a time frame "I don't think I could teleport us and our stuff anytime soon anyway" I tell him
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Fri May 27, 2016 11:42 pm

"it's ok girl...you don't need to force you like that" said lucas while caressing your left cheek and kissing your forehead "rest for a while...i'll be out here, taking care of your twin" i decide to just sleep the whole day, there wasn't any good things i could do while lying on bed, but lucas, he seemed way to interested in taking care of both of us, maybe it was because we were mutants, or maybe it was just me, overthinknig the situation, i still couldn't believe how i killed those humans, staving them on the back while they couldn't move, i feel bad, but powerful at the same time
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Sat May 28, 2016 12:39 am

I eat something and tehn I slip out of the hotel room for a while, leaving you and lucas behind, I wanted to get some money sooner rather than later I teleport to a subway, neat a bank I know of and then head for the bank
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sat May 28, 2016 12:51 am

Lucas saw you going out and let a sigh, as soon as you teleport near the Bank, you realize you didn't have anything to cover your face, if you were going to rob a bank, you needed to cover your face, only if you didn't want to get caught or something like that, you enter in the bank and you spot a few guards and a few people too, you saw a door at the left end of the bank, if you are right, then thhat door leads you to some stairs and those stairs while lead you to the safe deposit boxes...
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Sat May 28, 2016 1:22 am

I think about how I was going to do this, the vault of the bank would be Ideal, but the safety deposit boxes would do, but first I'd need to cover myself, I knew a clothing shop where I could almost certainly get a balaclava, so I go and find somewhere to teleport, away from prying eyes, and teleport near to it, hoping I could find something useful inside
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Sat May 28, 2016 2:52 am

you teleport close to a clothing shop, there wasn't any barclava to steal, but there was some mask from the victorian age, commonly used when going to a masquerade, you quickly took one before anyone realize and hide in a dark alley, there was a few thugs there "Hey...you!" shout one of them, you put the mask on and teleport back to the Bank, now, already in the bank, you had to think quickly, go to the Vault, or to the safety deposit boxes room, because a masqued girl in a bank will bring a lot of attention
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Sat May 28, 2016 3:08 am

I decide the safety deposit boxes where more sensible, seeing as I could already get there, and I wouldn't have to guess where was good inside the vault. I head to the door and then up the stairs to the safety deposit boxes
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