Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:41 pm

"I- I don't know, honey, but I don't think it's something good.", your mother responds with a hint of panic still in her voice, while Miku is standing wide-eyed next to you and your mom. You can hear the sirens of multiple police cars coming from the city, and more people are coming outside on the opposite side of the street, looking at the smoke as well. Some of them notice the three of you, all naked except your mom who's wearing nothing but an apron, and some turn their head away in disgust while others, all male, have a lecherous grin on their face.

Your mom notices the gazes and ushers you two back inside as she closes the door behind you, not really feeling in the mood to get leered at now. "Why don't we stay inside and you two get some clothes on, all right? I'm sure the police and the government can handle this, it's probably all gone by midday! I'll bake us some pancakes for lunch after I take a shower, OK?", you mother tries to say with a feigned enthusiastic and calm voice, as if it's nothing.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:53 am

I blush as I realize I had headed outside with nothing on at all, even though I feel somewhat aroused by a few of the lecherous grins from the cuter guys outside. I do however make a point to stick my tongue out at those who turn their heads in disgust, then follow mom in as I drag Miku along with me. "Actually Mom, how about we all take a shower together? Doesn't have to be lewd or anything, but it'll keep the water from running out."
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:00 pm

"That's.. That's all right too, I just need to calm down a little I think, and a cold shower might work..", mom says as she gives you a small smile, already seeming a bit less stressed than just a moment ago. She reaches for your head as she pulls you in for a hug, your face pressed between her boobs as she gives the top of your head a kiss, holding that pose for a moment before letting you go, as if she wanted to reassure both you and herself that everything was fine.

Your mom stands still for a couple of moments, focusing on her breathing, before she walks to the bathroom, expecting you and Miku to follow. As she walks away, you feel Miku's arm strangling around yours, and she whispers in your ear: "W-what do you think that was? I dunno about you but I don't feel very calm...".
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:38 pm

I wiggle about a bit in mother's breasts, loving the feeling of her chest pillows against my face. As she pulls off and heads to the bathroom to get the shower ready, I follow along, giving Miku a half smile as I say "Honestly, I don't think it's good either, and I have a feeling things are going to get crazy soon. But maybe so long as we stay inside and keep each other company, we'll be fine and make it through this."
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:36 pm

”Maybe… I’ll think I’ll stay one more night here, my parents won’t mind much probably…”, Miku says as you drag her with you to the bathroom, still a bit shaken.

As you enter the bathroom you can already hear the water running, and you see that your mom has taken her apron off, now in full naked and clean shaven glory. She tries out the water, but immediately pulls her finger back before turning the you two with a coy smile on her face. ”Who wants to step in first?”.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Apr 29, 2016 3:43 am

Giggling as I see mother in all her glory, I volunteer to go ahead and step in when I see her reaction as I say "If it ends up being too cold, I'm sure we can always find a way to keep ourselves nice and warm as we get clean."
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:14 pm

The water is very, very cold, and you immediately jump back out from under the shower as a response, eliciting a laugh from your mom and a giggle from Miku. "And? Too cold for your taste?", mom asks you with a wink and a grin, before closing her eyes and letting out a sigh. "I don't think we can have a nice shower, sadly... But maybe we can do something else to relax a bit?"
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:21 pm

Indeed, a nice shower was out of the question, but I smiled and looked to Mama, a curious glint in my eyes as I asked "And what is Mama's idea hmm? I'm certainly open to alternatives until the hot water comes back on." Though something told me it wasn't going to be coming on anytime soon.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Fri Apr 29, 2016 4:00 pm

"I think I can find a solution for our little problem here, but it'll take a while. Why don't you and Miku go play a game or two while I'll prepare something special, all right sweetie?", your mom responds as she gives you a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving the room and doing whatever she has planned to do.

"Sooooo... what do you wanna do?", your friend asks.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Apr 29, 2016 4:06 pm

I shrug at that, giggling as I say "Well, we could go get Mom's vibrating double ended dildo and fuck ourselves while we play Mariokart. That sound fun?" I asked with an enticing grin and a glint of mischief in my eyes.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Fri Apr 29, 2016 4:27 pm

Your answer gets you a giggle from Miku and an equal grin and look as she gives you a kiss on your cheek and says: "You know there's no electricity, right T? But let's go to your mom's room nonetheless, I need some stress relieving after this.", and she suddenly and quickly plunges two fingers into your snatch, which she already finds quite wet, and moves around in there a bit until you let out a moan, to which she responds with another giggle before running off and yelling: "Last one there goes on bottom!"
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Apr 29, 2016 4:33 pm

"Oh right, well the dildo runs on batteries so we're lucky there." With a giggle and a moan as she plays with my snatch, I give rapid chase, smacking at her ass as I manage to catch up and move to make sure I get to my mom's room first.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Fri Apr 29, 2016 4:55 pm

You manage to beat Miku just by a hair, but you're first nonetheless, and Miku puts up an angry face and a big pout as she walks in after you, not happy she couldn't be on top.

Nonetheless she honours the bet and lies down on your mom's bed, spreading her legs and already starting to work on herself as her fingers dive into her rapidly dampening snatch, the other hand busily kneading her breasts. "Hurry up and get that dildo, T~ I don't wanna wait too long!~", she says between moans, invitingly waving her ass around and spreading her pussy lips to urge you to take her.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Apr 29, 2016 5:00 pm

I pull it out of it's hiding place in my moms sexy toy chest, giving it a long lewd lick as I tease Miku for a moment. I then push it on inside me, moaning as I let it fill me up, and then to make things even better for me, I flick the little switch on that has it start vibrating. I stagger for a moment, taking a moment to get used to the thing buzzing away inside me... and then I just proceed to glomp Miku, pushing it into her as I moan and start to fuck her, my body pressing hard into her as I claim her lips.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Sun May 15, 2016 9:50 pm

Miku reacts with equal passion, moaning loudly into your kiss as your slits briefly touch before you start to fuck her. She rocks her hips in rhythm with your movements, and soon enough you both feel each others little nubs pressing against each other with each trust, the quick touch adding that little extra that quickly helps Miku to climax hard, her hands gripping the sheets as she moans out in ecstasy, and a couple of thrusts later you find yourself going over the edge as well, slumping down on Miku as you spasm out.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Mon May 16, 2016 2:07 pm

Humming happily into Miku's lips before pulling back and planting kisses along her neck and chin, I pick up the pace, thrusting eagerly into her as I feel the double ended fuckt toy stirring both of our insides up. Sadly, the fun doesn't last terribly long thanks to the rubbing of our love buzzers, and I am soon slumped over Miku, panting heavily in her ear as my body spasms and twitches.

"Ha... ha.... aahh... wanna switch positions?"
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Wed May 25, 2016 12:30 pm

"Haaaaa... aah... give me.... a couple of seconds...", she responds, still recovering from her recent cumming session. She weakly grabs your arms and tries to turn you around, letting her go on top, but the dildo is still firmly positioned in both your snatches and she has to give up while letting out a moan, not yet having enough strength returned to her.

Suddenly though, both of you hear a major explosion coming from outside, much closer than the last one, and in the distance you can hear people screaming and yelling. After a second, you can also hear your mother calling your and Miku's name, sounding very worried and a bit panicked.
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Wed May 25, 2016 3:35 pm

The sound of explosions, screaming, followed by that of my mother calling to the two of us quickly made me pull the dildo out and nearly trip over Miku in my scrambled dash to get to her and find out what was happening now. Weren't things screwed up enough?
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Vhexo » Thu May 26, 2016 9:39 pm

You find your mother in the kitchen, clearly relieved as she sees you and shortly coming after you Miku, before her panicked expression returns. "Look outside!", she says and points at the window.

Looking out of the window, you can see a second plume of smoke rising up, although this one looks like normal smoke, but you also see people running across the street, looking very panicked, and you can hear sirens in the distance from every direction. "W-what's going on?", Miku asks, very scared.

"I don't know but people are going crazy! You two need to get your clothes on so we can leave here ASAP!"
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Re: Lust Contagion: New Virus [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri May 27, 2016 4:14 pm

Things were definitively going south in the city, and I nodded my head as I rushed off and rapidly got dressed, throwing some tight shorts on and a sleeveless t-shirt. I would quickly realize I hadn't thrown on any underwear, then decided it didn't matter right now unless Mom decided to insist on it for one reason or another.
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