Kingpin [OOC]

A forum for recruitment and out-of-character role-play discussion.

Kingpin [OOC]

Postby lilbooth » Sun May 22, 2016 7:27 am

Remember that RP I was thinking about starting all the way back in December? Well here it is:

That’s right the professional bowling RP that everyone has been waiting for.
Kidding aside, the name still stands. Kingpin in the name of my new RP about organized crime in 1960 Boston and Providence. (several suburbs will also be included, like Charleston, Summerville, Worcester, etc.)
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The year in 1965 and the Irish Gang Wars are running amuck in Eastern Massachusetts, all whilst the segmented Irish gangs fight for scraps under the pressure of the Patriarca Family of Providence and the North End. The conflict has exalted to an all-time high when both the McLaughlin Brothers (leaders of the Charleston Mob) and James “Buddy” McLean (leader of the Winter Hill Gang) lay dead. Within the remnants of the bloodied gangs’ new members rise to power and attempt to seize control of each other’s operations. Word of instability spreads and two other Irish gangs, the Mullens and Killens, who soon begin to butt-heads and join conflict as well. And the Italians bid their time, steadily increasing in strength as the Irish fight amongst themselves.

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We will be playing with a slightly modified World of Darkness ruleset. The quick and dirty of this means that I will be rolling d10’s to determine whether or not your characters succeed. On any roll the target number is 8 and you only need 1 success to achieve a positive result (unless the roll is contested by someone else, then the player/npc with the most successes wins), extra successes mean you get something above and beyond what you wanted (or just a better result if you were robbing a bank per say). A result of 10 leads to a 10-again, allowing you to roll extra dice and possibly achieve more successes.
World of Darkness was built for a somewhat fantastical setting but there will be no supernatural aspects here. In addition, whenever reality is stronger than the rules, i.e. shooting a restrained person point blank, reality will win. (the rules would require that you make a standard roll with a decent bonus, but reality would say that your target is no doubt dead)

Factions (I've added starting cash based on your faction)
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Charleston Mob- Leader: None, Focus: Banks, Armored Cars, Armed Robbery (Starting Cash: 1d8+1)
Winter Hill Gang- Leader: Howard “Howie” Winters, Focus: Fixed Races, Racketeering, Extortion (Starting Cash: 1d6+1)
Killen Gang- Leader: Donald Killen, Focus: Bookmaking, Loan Sharks (Starting Cash: 1d6+1)
Mullen Gang- Leader: Paulie McGonagle, Focus: Thievery, Hijacking, Piracy (Starting Cash: 1d4+1)
Patriarca Crime Family- Leader: Raymond Loreto Salvatore Patriarca Sr. (“ El Padrone”), Focus: Bootlegging, Assassinations, Prostitution (Starting Cash: 1d8+1)
No affiliation/ Freelancer (Starting Cash: 1d4+1)

Players will be taking the role of low-level thugs, gangsters, pimps, thieves, or whatever suits your fancy.
Character Sheet (this sheet is partially filled out, a blanker version can be obtained at the bottom of the page)
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Name: (Irish or Italian Last names are to be expected, but not required)
Age: (A harsh life of crime does sometimes start in a person’s youth, though due to the nature of this forum I recommend that everyone play adults, not that you would be penalized otherwise)
Gender: (XX-XY-Or anything else you want, just keep it realistic)
Apperacne: picture or description will do
Faction: (Select one of the 5 above, or if you want to have a bad time don’t pick one)
Virtue: (Pick one from- Charity, Faith, Fortitude, Hope, Justice, Prudence, Temperance)
Vice: (Pick one from- Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Wrath)
Shindig: (this is your character’s go to criminal activity, they receive a +1 to any applicable tasks and, given enough time, they can ensure an automatic success, you are also allowed 1 object od up to 3 resource cost related to your shindig)
Background: (tell me a bit about your character’s past, their motivations, what they did before they began a life a crime, et cetera)

Health: Stamina + Size
Willpower: Resolve + Composure
Size: 5 (unless you take the Giant Merit)
Defense: Lowest of Dexterity/Wits
Initiative: Dexterity + Composure
Speed: Strength + Dexterity + 5
Morality: 7

Attributes: Prioritize Physical, Mental, and Social as either 5/4/3. All attributes start at 1. An example of distribution is shown in below. Buying rank 5 in any attribute costs two points. (to go from 1 to 5 in any ability would cost 5 points at character creation)
Physical [5]
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 2

Mental [4]
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 2
Resolve: 3

Social [3]
Presence: 2
Manipulation: 2
Composure: 2

Skills: Prioritize Physical, Mental, and Social Skills as either 11/7/4. All skills start at 0 or untrained when attempting an untrained skill check you receive a -1 penalty. As with Attributes, buying rank 5 in any skill cost 2 points. Your character also gains three skill Specialties that give a +1 bonus to rolls, they can be all within the same skill or in all different skills, or any combination, mark specialized skills with an asterisk and tell me what your Specialties are. An example of distribution is shown in below
Physical [11]
Athletics: 1
Brawl: 2
Drive: 1 * (motorcycle spec)
Firearms: 2 * (sub-machine gun spec)
Larceny: 2
Stealth: 1
Survival: 1
Weaponry: 1

Mental [7]
Academics: 1
Computer: 1
Crafts: 1
Investigation: 1
Medicine: 1
Occult: 1
Politics: 1
Science: 0

Social [4]
Animal Ken: 0
Empathy: 0
Expression: 0
Intimidation: 0
Persuasion: 1
Socialize: 1
Streetwise: 1
Subterfuge: 1* (fast-talking spec)

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Merits are special capabilities or knacks that add individuality to your character. You have 7 points to spend on merits. Below is an extensive list.

Mental Merits: Common Sense (••••), Danger
Sense (••), Eidetic Memory (••), Encyclopedic Knowledge
(••••), Holistic Awareness (•••), Language (• to
•••), Meditative Mind (•), Unseen Sense (•••)

Physical Merits: Ambidextrous (•••), Brawling
Dodge (•), Direction Sense (•), Disarm (••),
Fast Reflexes (• or ••), Fighting Finesse (••), Fighting
Style: Boxing (• to •••••), Fighting Style: Kung
Fu (• to •••••), Fighting Style: Two Weapons (• to
••••), Fleet of Foot (• to •••), Fresh Start (•), Giant
(••••), Gunslinger (•••), Iron Stamina (• to •••), Iron
Stomach (••), Natural Immunity (•), Quick Draw
(•), Quick Healer (••••), Strong Back (•), Strong
Lungs (•••), Stunt Driver (•••), Toxin Resistance
(••), Weaponry Dodge (•)

Social Merits: Allies (• to •••••), Barfly (•),
Contacts (• to •••••), Fame (• to •••), Inspiring (••••),
Mentor (• to •••••), Resources (• to •••••), Retainer
(• to •••••), Status (• to •••••), Striking Looks (•• or••••)

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Armor: Purchased with Resources, see next post for list, or we can compromise on a cost and stats of an item not on the list
Weapons: ^
Equipment: ^^

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Improving your character requires experience points and experience are awarded at two different times. The first is in the form of a review that will occur after every five posts you make (unless more than half of those are only player to player dialogue). This is supposed to reflect your character getting steadily better, so please don’t spam in a bunch of posts. After five posts of justifiable quality you will receive 1 point for just being alive, 1 point if you have roleplayed your virtue or vice in a believable and entertaining manner, and 1 point for any impactful villainous acts (regardless of whether or not you succeed). The second opportunity to earn experience comes for completing various assignments or missions given to you by your gang leaders, or significant personal gains if you have not chosen a faction)
Trait Experience Point Cost
Attribute: New dots x 5
Skill: New dots x 3
Skill Specialty: 3 points
Merit: New dots x 2

It’s a lot to go through but I hope this draws some interest. If people have questions or feedback, please let me know.

Accepted Characters
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Player- HarleyLocal605, Character-Name: Carmella Yakavetta (Female) Charleston Mob {INACTIVE}
Player-Nobudi, Character-Name: Xiu Lan "Cynthia" Chun (Female) Patriarca Family
Player-Exalted, Character-Name:Jenny-Lee Pettimore (Female) Freelancer
Player-Reaver, Character-Name: Alyssa Oakwood (Female) Patriarca Family [INACTIVE}
Player-Jonnyarrow, Character- Name: Leonardo “Vergogna” Cont (Male) Freelancer
Player-That_one_guy, Character-Name: Jericho Kearney (Male) Charleston Mob

And here is a much blanker sheet in case you don’t want to deal with deleting all the descriptions

Character Sheet
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Size: 5
Morality: 7

Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Stamina: 1

Intelligence: 1
Wits: 1
Resolve: 1

Presence: 1
Manipulation: 1
Composure: 1

Athletics: 0
Brawl: 0
Drive: 0
Firearms: 0
Larceny: 0
Stealth: 0
Survival: 0
Weaponry: 0

Academics: 0
Computer: 0
Crafts: 0
Investigation: 0
Medicine: 0
Occult: 0
Politics: 0
Science: 0

Animal Ken: 0
Empathy: 0
Expression: 0
Intimidation: 0
Persuasion: 0
Socialize: 0
Streetwise: 0
Subterfuge: 0


Last edited by lilbooth on Sat Jul 23, 2016 5:13 pm, edited 8 times in total.
I really like purple.
Joined: Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:04 am

Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby lilbooth » Sun May 22, 2016 7:28 am

Reserved for important lists

Ranged Weapons:
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These are examples if there is an item you want that is similar then just use these stats, but if it is nowhere near any items listed here then shoot me a pm and we will figure it out.
Revolver, Lt. Damage:2 Range:20/40/80 Clip:6 Strenght Req:2 Size:1 Cost:•• Example: SW M640 (.38 Special)
Revolver, Hvy. Damage:3 Range:35/70/140 Clip:6 Strenght Req:3 Size:1 Cost:•• Example:SW M29 (.44 Magnum)
Pistol, Lt. Damage: 2 Range:20/40/80 Clip:17+1 Stenght Req:2 Size:1 Cost:••• Example:Glock 17(9mm)
Pistol, Hvy. Damage:3 Range:30/60/120 Clip:7+1 Stenght Req:3 Size:1 Cost:••• Example:Colt M1911A1(.45 ACP)
Rifle† Damage:5 Range:200/400/800 Clip:5+1 Strenght Req:2 Size:3 Cost:•• Example:Remington M-700 (30.06)
SMG, Small* Damage:2 Range:25/50/100 Clip:30+1 Strenght Req:2 Size:1 Cost:••• Example:Ingram Mac-10(9mm)
SMG, Large*† Damage:3 Range:50/100/200 Clip:30+1 Strenght Req:3 Size:2 Cost:••• Example:HK MP-5 (9mm)
Assault Rifle*† Damage:4 Range:150/300/600 Clip:42+1 Strenght Req:3 Size:3 Cost:••• Example:Steyr-Aug (5.56mm)
Shotgun† Damage:4*** Range:20/40/80 Clip:5+1 Strenght Req:3 Size:2 Cost:•• Example: Remington M870 (12-Gauge)
Crossbow**† Damage:3 Range:40/80/160 Clip:1 Strenght Req:3 Size:3 Cost:••• Example: uhh... a crossbow

Damage: Indicates the number of bonus dice added to your dice pool for using the weapon. Firearms deliver lethal damage.
Ranges: The numbers are short/medium/long ranges in yards. Attacks at medium and long range suffer a -2 and -4 penalty, respectively.
Clip: The number of shells a gun can hold — a “+1” indicates a bullet can be held in the chamber, ready to fire.
Strength: The minimum Strength needed to use a weapon effectively. A wielder with a lower Strength suffers a
-1 penalty on attack rolls.
Size: 1 = Can be hidden in hand, 2 = Can be hidden in coat, 3 = Cannot be hidden on one’s person
Cost: The minimum dots in the Resources Merit usually required to purchase the weapon.
† This weapon requires two hands. If used one-handed, the Strength requirement increases by one. You need a Strength of 4
to wield a shotgun one-handed without penalty, for example.
* Indicates that the weapon is capable of autofire (short bursts, medium bursts, and long bursts — see p. 160.)
** Crossbows require three turns to reload.
*** 9 again

Melee Weapons:
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Sap Damage:1 (B) Size:1 Cost:• Special:Knockout
Brass Knuckles Damge:1 (B) Size: n/a Cost:• Special:Brawl*
Baseball Bat (wood) Damage:2 (B) Size:2 Cost:•
Baseball Bat (metal) Damage:3 (B) Size:2 Cost: ••
Knife Damage:1 (L) Size:1 Cost:•
Machete Damage:3 (L) Size:2 Cost:••
Katana Damage:3 (L) Size:2 Cost:••• Special:Durability +1** (I want to see this in your backstory if you start with it)
Hatchet Damage:2 (L) Size:1 Cost:•
Fireman's Ax† Damage:3 (L) Size:3 Cost:•• Special:9 again

† This weapon requires two hands. If used one-handed, the Strength requirement increases by one
* This weapon uses the Brawl Skill instead of Weaponry.
** Katanas are well-crafted swords. They do not break easily

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Reinforced/thick clothing Rating: (1/0) Strenght:1 Defense:0 Speed:0 Cost:n/a
Kevlar vest* (thin) Rating:(1/2) Strenght:1 Defense:0 Speed:0 Cost:•
Flak jacket* Rating:(2/3) Strenght:1 Defense:-1 Speed:0 Cost:••
Full riot gear* Rating:(3/4) Strenght:2 Defense:-2 Speed:-1 Cost:•••
* This type of armor is bulletproof
Rating: Armor provides two kinds of protection: against general attacks and against Firearms attacks. The number before the slash is armor rating for most kinds of attacks (for close combat and thrown ranged attacks, whether bashing, lethal or perhaps aggravated). The second number is for Firearms attacks — guns and bows.
Bulletproof armor (kevlar vest, flak jacket and full riot gear) also downgrades damage done in Firearms attacks from lethal to bashing.
Strength: Armor is often heavy and cumbersome. If your character does not have sufficient Strength to wear it, she cannot perform at peak efficiency. If your character’s Strength is lower than that required for armor worn, her Brawl and Weaponry attacks suffer a -1 penalty.
Defense: The penalty imposed on your character’s Defense trait for the armor worn.
Speed: The penalty imposed on your character’s Speed trait for the armor worn.

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Automotive Tools Durability 2-3, Size 1-5, Structure variable, Cost • to ••••
Function: Tools useful for working on vehicles and engines can range from handheld wrenches and pliers that can be used to perform minor jobs such as changing oil, to hydraulic lifts, diagnostic computers, and complete garages. Bonus dice are added to Dexterity or Intelligence + Crafts rolls.
Climbing Gear Durability 2, Size 2, Structure 4, Cost ••
Function: Ropes, bungees, pitons, hammers, and clamps — the tools helpful in climbing a sheer surface, whether it’s a mountainside or building. Bonus dice are added to Strength + Athletics rolls.
Demolitions Kit Durability 2, Size 2, Structure 4, Cost •••
Function: The tools needed to create and deactivate explosives. They include cutters, pliers, switches and chemical agents. Explosives themselves are not included. Those must be acquired or created separately. Legal acquisition of explosives requires that your character is a licensed contractor or that he has prerequisite military credentials. A kit typically adds bonus dice to Intelligence + Science rolls.
First-Aid Kit Durability 1, Size 2, Structure 3, Cost • or ••
Function: Anything from your standard bandages and- alcohol kit to an advanced set owned or carried by people such as EMTs who work in the medical profession or who anticipate serious work-related injuries. The kit’s rating in bonus dice is added to Dexterity + Medicine.
Flashlight Durability 1, Size 1, Structure 2, Cost n/a
Function: I’ll let you figure out what it does
Gasmask Durability 1, Size 2, Structure 3, Cost ••
Function: A device worn over the face and/or head that filters air, hopefully saving the wearer from airborne poisons or toxins. Bonus dice (as many as four or five) can be added to Stamina-based rolls to resist such threats.
Gunsmithing Kit Durability 2, Size 2, Structure 4, Cost ••
Function: The tools helpful in cleaning, maintaining and repairing firearms, from pistols to machine guns. Bonus dice are added to Dexterity + Crafts rolls.
Lock Picks Durability 2, Size 1, Structure 3, Cost •••
Function: A set of tools used to trip locks and open doors and windows. One kind could be intended for vehicles and another for buildings. The tools typically add dice to Dexterity + Larceny rolls.
Mace or Pepper Spray Durability 1, Size 0, Structure 1, Cost n/a
Function: Contained in spray bottles that fit in the palm of the hand, these devices debilitate targets who are sprayed in the face. A Dexterity + Athletics roll is made at a -1 penalty to hit a target. Range is one yard maximum, and the target’s Defense applies. If it is successful, all of the target’s actions suffer a -5 penalty for the remainder of the scene as his senses are overwhelmed and breathing is made extremely difficult.
Silencer Durability 3, Size 1, Structure 4, Cost •••
Function: Killers who try to work discretely can add silencers to their guns. These devices muffle (but do not eliminate) the noise made. Bystanders might hear a shot fired with a successful Wits + Composure roll, with a penalty equal to the rating of the silencer. Some weapons such as revolvers and shotguns can’t be fitted with silencers. Note that silencer ratings are not added to Dexterity +Firearms rolls.
Surveillance Equipment
Durability 1, Size 3, Structure 4, Cost •••
Function: Wire taps, long-range cameras, listening devices — the things your character needs to spy on someone without being noticed. Small sets offer small bonuses, while large ones (that fill vans) have higher scores. Dice can be added to Stealth-based rolls to trail someone.
Sights, Telescopic Durability 1, Size 1, Structure 2, Cost •••
Function: Mounted on a firearm, usually a rifle, a telescopic sight lowers the penalty for firing at long range from -4 to -2. A scope offers no bonus for firing at targets at short or medium range.
Survival GearDurability 1-3, Size 1-4, Structure variable, Cost • to•••
Function: Your character can be trapped or lost in the wilderness with a handful of tools such as a canteen and a sleeping bag (+1 bonus). Or he can bear an array of cutting-edge survival gear from a GPS receiver to a four-season tent to freeze-dried meals (+3 or more). Bonuses can be applied directly to Survival-based rolls.

Mental Merits
Common Sense (••••)
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Effect: Your character is exceptionally grounded and pragmatic, and can usually be depended upon to make sound, straightforward decisions after a few moments’ thought.
Wits + Composure roll once per chapter for your character if he is about to embark on a disastrous course of action, or if you find yourself at a point in the story where you’re completely stumped for
ideas. Available at character creation only.

Danger Sense (••)
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Effect: You gain a +2 modifier on reflexive Wits + Composure rolls for your character to detect an impending ambush. This kind of roll is typically made prior to the first turn of a surprise attack. Your character has a well-developed survival instinct that warns him of impending danger. Perhaps he’s adept at reading subtle clues in his environment or he possesses an uncanny “sixth sense” when it comes to avoiding trouble.

Eidetic Memory (••)
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Effect: Your character has a near-photographic memory, being able to recall vast amounts of observed detail with astonishing accuracy. You do not normally need to make a roll for your character to remember an obscure fact or past experience, unless he is under stress (such as in combat). Under stress, there is a +2 modifier on any Intelligence + Composure or other Skillbasedroll (say, Academics, to remember a fact) for memory recall. Available at character creation only.

Encyclopedic Knowledge (••••)
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Effect: Your character is a veritable font of useful (and sometimes useless) information on a wide variety of topics. Chances are he can come up with an anecdote pertaining to any situation based on something he’s read, witnessed or seen on TV. You can make an Intelligence + Wits roll any time your character is confronted with a situation or phenomenon outside his normal realm of experience. If the roll is successful, he may recall a “factoid” that he’s heard at some point that may shed light on matters.
Available at character creation only

Holistic Awareness (•••)
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Effect: Your character is skilled in the arts of wholebody healing, promoting health and recovery by keeping a person’s entire physiology balanced and strong. The result is that he is able to treat sickness and some injuries (those not requiring surgery, and ones suffered to bashing or lethal damage but not aggravated) with a collection of natural remedies rather than resorting to a doctor or hospital. Make an Intelligence + Medicine roll once per day when your character spends an hour treating a patient. If the roll is successful, the patient’s healing times that day are halved. The worst of a patient’s injuries must be treated first. So, if he has suffered a lethal wound and a successful roll is made, the wound heals that day rather than in two days. If the patient has suffered nothing but bashing damage, all wounds are healed in mere minutes

Language (• to •••)
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Effect: Your character knows an additional language besides his own. One dot in this Merit means that he can read, write and speak an extra language with minimal fluency. Two dots indicate that he is literate and conversationally fluent. Three dots indicate that he can speak the language like a native and is well-read in it. You must specify which language your character is familiar with when purchasing this Merit.

Meditative Mind (•)
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Effect: Your character can effortlessly enter a meditative state when she chooses, and can remain in it for as long as she wishes. All environmental penalties imposed to Wits + Composure rolls to meditate are ignored. Not even wound penalties apply to your character’s efforts to focus.

Physical Merits
Ambidextrous (•••)
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Effect: Your character does not suffer the -2 penalty for using his off-hand in combat or to perform other actions. Available at character creation only.

Brawling Dodge (•)
Prerequisite: Strength •• and Brawl •
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Effect: Whenever your character performs a dodge you can choose to add his Brawl Skill dots to his Defense instead of doubling his Defense. He essentially draws on his training in blocking and evading attacks rather than relying on his raw ability alone. While this might provide little benefit to a brawling novice, it can give the advanced fighter an edge. Brawling Dodge applies against incoming Brawl- and Weaponry-based attacks, against thrown-weapon attacks, and against Firearms attacks made within close-combat range. Your character can move up to his Speed and perform a Brawling Dodge maneuver in a turn. A character can possess both the Brawling Dodge and Weaponry Dodge Merits, but only one can be used per turn.

Direction Sense (•)
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Effect: Your character has an innate sense of direction that instinctively allows him to remain oriented. He can enter unfamiliar territory and always retrace his steps back to his starting point, and can orient himself to any of the compass points (i.e., face north, face south) without references.

Disarm (••)
Prerequisite: Dexterity ••• and Weaponry ••
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Effect: Your character has refined his Weaponry Skill to the extent that he can use a weapon to disarm opponents in close combat. When making a normal attack, compare your successes to the opponent’s Dexterity. If you get a number of successes equal to or greater than the opponent’s Dexterity, you can choose to have your character disarm him instead of doing damage. A weapon lands a number of yards away from the opponent equal to your successes rolled. Disarming is a different activity than specifically attacking or breaking weapons or items carried by opponents.

Fast Reflexes (• or ••)
Prerequisites: Dexterity •••
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Effect: +1 Initiative per dot Your character’s mix of sharp reflexes and steady nerves helps him get the drop on adversaries.

Fighting Finesse (••)
Prerequisite: Dexterity ••• and Weaponry ••
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Effect: Your character prefers to fight with a chosen weapon in a manner that favors agility over power. With that one weapon (a knife or katana, for example), you may substitute your character’s Dexterity for Strength when making attack rolls. This Merit may be purchased multiple times to gain agility with more weapons, one for each purchase.

Fighting Style: Boxing (• to •••••)
Prerequisites: Strength •••, Stamina •• and Brawl ••
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Effect: Your character is trained in the art of boxing, able to deliver swift, powerful punches, and to duck and weave away from opponents’ attacks. He might have participated in the sport in high school or college, or made a go of it professionally. Or he might have taken some classes at the local health club as a form of exercise. Dots purchased in this Merit allow access to special combat maneuvers. Each maneuver is a prerequisite for the next. So, your character can’t have “Duck and Weave” until he has “Body Blow.” The maneuvers and their effects are described below, most of which are based on the Brawl Skill.
Body Blow (•): Your character can deliver powerful blows that leave opponents reeling and gasping for air. If successes inflicted in a single Brawl attack equal or exceed a target’s Size, the victim loses his next action.
Duck and Weave (••): Your character is trained to instinctively duck and evade an opponent’s blows. Use the higher of your character’s Dexterity or Wits to determine his Defense when dealing with Brawl-based attacks only (not against Weaponry attacks). If a combination of Brawl- and Weaponry-based attacks is focused on your character in the same turn, use his normal Defense against both.
Combination Blows (•••): Your character’s training and experience allow him to devastate opponents with a flurry of rapid blows. He can make two Brawl attacks against the same target in a single action. The second attack suffers a -1 penalty. Drawback: Your character cannot use his Defense against any attack in the same turn in which he intends to use this maneuver. If he uses Defense against attacks that occur earlier in the Initiative roster before he can perform this maneuver, he cannot perform the maneuver in the turn. He is too busy bobbing and weaving out of the way of attacks.
Haymaker (••••): Your character can deliver powerful, accurate blows capable of knocking an opponent unconscious with a single punch. A single Brawl attack that equals or exceeds the target’s Size in damage might knock him unconscious. A Stamina roll is made for the victim. If it succeeds, he is conscious but he still loses his next action due to the Body Blow (see above). If it fails, he is unconscious for a number of turns equal to the damage done. Drawback: Your character cannot use his Defense against any attack in the same turn in which he intends to use this maneuver. If he uses Defense against attacks that occur earlier in the Initiative roster, before he can perform this maneuver, he cannot perform the maneuver in the turn. He is too busy bobbing and weaving out of the way of attacks.
Brutal Blow (•••••): Your character’s accuracy and power are such that his fists are lethal weapons, able to injure or kill opponents. A brutal blow inflicts lethal instead of bashing damage. Drawback: Spend one Willpower point per attack. Note that this Willpower expenditure does not add three dice to the attack.

Fighting Style: Kung Fu (• to •••••)
Prerequisites: Strength ••, Dexterity ••, Stamina •• and Brawl ••
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Effect: Your character is trained in one of the many forms of Kung Fu, conditioning his mind and body for the purposes of focus and self-defense. He may have begun his training at an early age, following in the footsteps of family or friends, or he may have joined a school
as an adult for the purposes of exercise or protection. Dots purchased in this Merit allow access to special combat maneuvers. Each maneuver is a prerequisite for the next. So, your character can’t have “Iron Skin” until he has “Focused Attack.” The maneuvers and their effects are listed below, most of which are based on the Brawl Skill.
Focused Attack (•): Physical conditioning and accuracy allow your character to deliver blows at vulnerable spots on targets. Penalties to hit specific targets are reduced by one. Even when a specific part of an opponent is not targeted, armor penalties to your character’s Brawl attacks are reduced by one.
Iron Skin (••): Your character has hardened his body to physical blows, allowing him to withstand repeated hits with minimal effect. He has an effective armor trait of 1 against bashing attacks only.
Defensive Attack (•••): Your character has mastered the ability to fight defensively. When using this maneuver, your character gains +2 to his Defense for the turn, but any attack he makes suffers a -2 penalty. He can move no more than his Speed while performing a Defense Attack maneuver in a turn.
Whirlwind Strike (••••): Your character can unleash a storm of blows against an opponent. He can make a number of extra Brawl attacks for each point of Dexterity that he has above 2 in a single action. Each extra attack is made at a cumulative -1 modifier. Thus, he can perform a total of two attacks at Dexterity 3 (the second of which is at -1), three attacks at Dexterity 4 (the third of which is at -2), and four at Dexterity 5 (the fourth of which is at -3). All attacks must be on the same target.
Drawback: Your character cannot use his Defense against any attack in the same turn in which he intends to use this maneuver. If he uses Defense against attacks that occur earlier in the Initiative roster, before he can perform this maneuver, he cannot perform the maneuver this turn. He is too busy bobbing and weaving out of the way of attacks.
Lethal Strike (•••••): By focusing his might and concentration, your character can kill or maim an opponent with a well-placed strike. A strike inflicts lethal instead of bashing damage. Drawback: Spend one Willpower point per attack. Note that this Willpower expenditure does not add three dice to the attack.

Fighting Style: Two Weapons (• to ••••)
Prerequisites: Dexterity ••• and Weaponry •••
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Effect: Your character has trained to fight with a weapon in both hands, allowing him to attack and dodge
or make two attacks in the same turn. Your character still suffers the -2 offhand penalty when attacking with a weapon in his secondary hand (unless you have also purchased
the Ambidextrous Merit). Dots purchased in this Merit allow access to special combat maneuvers. Each maneuver is a prerequisite for the next. So, your character can’t have “Deflect and Thrust” until he has “Whirling Blades.” The maneuvers and their effects are detailed below, all of which are based on the Weaponry Skill.
Whirling Blades (•): Your character’s Dodge trait (Defense doubled; see p. 156) is not penalized by multiple attacks staged against him in a turn until the number of attacks exceeds his Weaponry dots, at which point each attack thereafter reduces his Dodge by -1. So, if your character (with 2 Defense and 3 Weaponry) dodges attacks in a turn, the first three incoming attacks suffer his full Dodge trait as a penalty (-4). The fourth suffers a -3 penalty, the fifth suffers a -2 penalty, and so on. Basically, your character’s weapons move so quickly all about him that opponents in close combat have trouble reaching or assaulting him. The Brawling Dodge Merit (see p. 110) cannot replace normal Dodge (Defense doubled) when this maneuver is performed.
Deflect and Thrust (••): Your character can avoid attacks and strike back in the same motion. When using this maneuver, your character gains +2 to his Defense for the turn, but any attack he makes suffers a -2 penalty. He can move no more than his Speed while performing a Deflect and Thrust maneuver in a turn.
Focused Attack (•••): Your character can attack a single target twice in one turn. The second attack suffers a -1 penalty. Drawback: Your character cannot use his Defense against any attack in the same turn in which he intends to use this maneuver. If he uses Defense against attacks that occur earlier in the Initiative roster, before he can perform this maneuver, he cannot perform the maneuver this turn. He is too busy bobbing and weaving out of the way of attacks.
Fluid Attack (••••): Your character can make a single attack on two different targets in one turn. The targets cannot be a distance apart in excess of your character’s Speed trait. The second attack suffers a -1 penalty.
Drawback: Your character cannot use his Defense against any attack in the same turn in which he intends to use this maneuver. If he uses Defense against attacks that occur earlier in the Initiative roster, before he can perform this maneuver, he cannot perform the maneuver this turn. He is too busy bobbing and weaving out of the way of attacks.

Fleet of Foot (• to •••)
Prerequisites: Strength ••
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Effect: +1 Speed per dot Regardless of your character’s physical build, he can run quickly when he chooses to.

Fresh Start (•)
Prerequisites: Fast Reflexes ••
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Effect: Your character dedicates an action to altering his standing in the Initiative order in the following turn and for all subsequent turns, choosing to insert himself at a new point in the roster, even if it means going first when he went last before.
Drawback: A character must take an action to change his Initiative ranking in subsequent turns. He can do nothing else in that action except move up to his Speed.

Giant (••••)
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Effect: Your character is seven or more feet tall and over 250 pounds. He is +1 Size (and thus +1 Health). Available at character creation only.
Drawback: Your character needs to shop in big-andtall clothing stores or gets clothes custom tailored. He might also be required to purchase two seats for air travel, depending on the airline.

Gunslinger (•••)
Prerequisites: Dexterity ••• and Firearms •••
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Effect: Your character’s capability and experience with firearms is such that he can accurately fire two pistols at the same time. Your character still suffers the -2 offhand penalty for shooting with his secondary hand (unless he also possesses the Ambidextrous Merit, above), but he can shoot both pistols as a single action during a turn. The second attack is also at a -1 penalty. Your character may shoot at two different targets if he wishes, but the amount of concentration required negates his Defense for the turn. The Merit can be used with pistols only.
Drawback: Your character cannot use his Defense against any attack in the same turn in which he intends to use this Merit on two separate targets in the same turn. If he uses Defense against attacks that occur earlier in the Initiative roster, before he can perform this maneuver, he cannot perform the maneuver this turn. He is too busy bobbing and weaving out of the way of attacks.

Iron Stamina (• to •••)
Prerequisites: Stamina ••• or Resolve •••
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Effect: Each dot eliminates a negative modifier (on a one-for-one basis) when resisting the effects of fatigue or injury. For example: A character with Iron Stamina •• is able to ignore up to a -2 modifier brought on by fatigue. The Merit also counteracts the effects of wound penalties. So, if all of your character’s Health boxes are filled (which normally imposes a -3 penalty to his actions) and he has Iron Stamina •, those penalties are reduced to -2. This Merit cannot be used to gain positive modifiers for actions, only to cancel out negative ones.
Your character can push his body well past the limits of physical endurance when he has to, pressing on in the face of mounting exhaustion or pain. Perhaps he trained himself to go without sleep for days at a time in order to get through college, or a lifetime of sports has taught your character how to play through the pain no matter how bad it gets.
Drawback: When your character does finally rest, he sleeps like the dead. After staying awake for an extended period, your character is extremely difficult to wake until he’s slept for a minimum of 12 hours, regardless of the situation.

Iron Stomach (••)
Prerequisites: Stamina ••
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Effect: Your character can eat almost anything, under almost any conditions. Greasy bacon and runny eggs on a raging hangover? No problem. The green meat in the fridge? No problem. Milk two weeks past its expiration date? No problem. He could be dropped in the middle of the forest and could live off bugs and roots as long as necessary in order to survive — and with no ill effects. Add two dice to appropriate Survival rolls. Add three to Stamina to resist deprivation

Natural Immunity (•)
Prerequisites: Stamina ••
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Effect: Your character gains a +2 modifier on Stamina rolls to resist infection, sickness and disease. His immune system is exceptionally effective at resisting infections, viruses and bacteria. Your character can probably count on one hand the number of times he’s been seriously ill.

Quick Draw (•)
Prerequisites: Dexterity •••
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Effect: Your character can draw a pistol and fire or pull a melee weapon and attack without penalty as a single action in a turn. If a weapon is hidden on your character’s person (under a coat or in a purse), it can be drawn and used in the same turn without the normal loss of Defense. A separate Quick Draw Merit must be acquired for use with firearms and melee weapons.

Quick Healer (••••)
Prerequisite: Stamina ••••
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Effect: Your character’s healing abilities are remarkable, allowing him to bounce back quickly from injuries that would leave most people bedridden for months. Your character recovers from injuries in half the time that others do. One point of bashing damage is healed in eight minutes. One point of lethal damage is healed in one day. One point of aggravated damage is healed in four days.

Strong Back (•)
Prerequisites: Strength ••
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Effect: Your character gains a +1 modifier to actions involving lifting or carrying heavy weights. She can lift and carry much more weight than her build and body type suggests.

Strong Lungs (•••)
Prerequisite: Athletics •••
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Effect: Your character is practiced at holding his breath for long periods of time. He might be a pearl diver
or escape artist, capable of staying underwater without aid for longer than most people believe is possible. When determining how long your character can hold his breath, add two to Stamina when referencing the Holding Breath chart on p. 49. For example, if your character’s Stamina is 2, he can hold his breath for four minutes before you need to make a roll.

Stunt Driver (•••)
Prerequisites: Dexterity •••
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Effects: Your character can drive a vehicle and perform an unrelated action (e.g., fire a gun, punch another passenger) in the same turn. Drive rolls may still be necessary for dangerous maneuvers or situations.

Toxin Resistance (••)
Prerequisite: Stamina •••
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Effect: Your character gains a +2 modifier to Stamina rolls to resist the effects of drugs, poisons and toxins. His body is capable of withstanding high levels of chemicals without suffering any ill effects. He’s probably never had a case of food poisoning, much less a hangover.
Drawbacks: Your character’s body can’t tell the difference between recreational toxins and intentional ones. It’s very difficult for him to become intoxicated, whether from alcohol, nicotine or other drugs. Also, painkillers and anesthetics are only half as effective as normal.

Weaponry Dodge (•)
Prerequisite: Strength •• and Weaponry •
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Effect: Whenever your character performs a dodge (see “Dodge,” p. 156), you can choose to add his Weaponry Skill dots to his Defense instead of doubling his Defense. He essentially draws on his training in parrying and evading attacks rather than relying on his raw ability alone. While this might provide little benefit to a fencing novice, it can give the advanced fighter an edge. Weaponry Dodge applies against incoming Brawl- and Weaponry-based attacks, against thrown-weapon attacks, and against Firearms attacks made within close-combat range. Your character can move up to his Speed and perform a Weaponry Dodge maneuver in a turn. A character can possess both the Brawling Dodge and Weaponry Dodge Merits, but only one can be used per turn.

Social Merits
Allies (• to •••••)
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Effect: Allies are people who are willing to help your character from time to time. They may be associates, friends of convenience or people who owe your character a favor. Each acquisition of this Merit is dedicated to one type of ally, whether in an organization, society or circle.
Examples include the police, City Hall, criminals, unions, banks, university faculty and hospital staff. In order to have alliances in more than one venue, you need to purchase this Merit multiple times, each trait with its own dots. Thus, your character might have Allies (Police) ••, Allies (Criminals) ••• and Allies (City Hall) •, each acquired separately at character creation or during play. Each dot that your character has indicates how deep his influence runs in that group. One dot might mean he can ask for minor favors, such as being spared a parking ticket if alliance is among police, or being allowed to see an article before it goes to press if alliance is among reporters. Three dots garner considerable favors, such as a building permit “going missing” at City Hall, or a strike resolution being wrapped up early among union leaders. Five dots allow for dangerous and even overtly criminal favors, such as a stock being sabotaged on Wall Street or the answers to an exam being shared by a university professor.

Barfly (•)
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Effect: No matter what town or city your character is in, he can find his way into the best nightspots with a few quick words and a timely bribe. There isn’t a velvet rope made that can keep him out of a restaurant or club.

Contacts (• to •••••)
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Effect: Contacts provide your character information in a particular area of awareness. Each dot in this Merit represents one arena or circle in which your character has a web of connections and from which he may draw information. If he has Contacts •••, his dots might be assigned to computer hackers, couriers and big business, respectively. Contacts can include individuals whom you or the Storyteller defines, but more likely they comprise an array of people from whom your character can draw information with a phone call, email or face-to-face query. Contacts is strictly information-gathering. Contacts do not come perform services for your character or rush to his aid. Gaining information from contacts requires a successful Manipulation + Persuasion or Socialize roll, depending on the relationship between your character and the people in question.

Fame (• to •••)
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Effect: Your character has a measure of recognition in today’s media-saturated society, possibly as a performer, athlete, politician or other sort of public personality. He’s frequently identified and can often get star treatment. On the other hand, it’s difficult for your character to go places without being recognized, and the media watches him carefully. Each dot adds a +1 modifier to your character’s Socialize (or Persuasion, where applicable) rolls among those who are impressed by his celebrity status.
Drawback: The more famous your character is, the more easily he is recognized by the public. The Storyteller should apply the same +1 modifier per dot to a general Wits + Composure roll to see if he is recognized by anyone on the street. An exceptional success indicates that one or more people are loyal fans who approach him for autographs, pictures, and long conversations.

Inspiring (••••)
Prerequisite: Presence ••••
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Effect: Your character is able to rally others in times of great distress, renewing their courage and determination in the face of adversity. Once per game session, your character can exhort those around him to redouble their efforts in the face of great stress or danger. Make a Presence + Persuasion roll. If the roll succeeds, any individuals who actively assist your character and who are within earshot regain one spent Willpower point (not to exceed their Willpower dots). The character may not use this Merit on himself, and may not use it on the same subjects more than once a day.

Mentor (• to •••••)
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Effect: This Merit gives your character a friend and teacher who provides her with advice and guidance. Your character’s mentor acts on her behalf, although the Storyteller determines exactly how. A mentor usually offers advice, allowing the Storyteller to use him to help guide your character through tough situations. A mentor may also use his influence or abilities to help your character out, although he probably wants to see his charge do things for herself. A mentor is likely to give up in disgust on a pupil who constantly asks for aid. Mentors may also ask for something in return for their assistance, which can lead your character into some interesting situations. The number of dots purchased in this Merit determines the relative power, knowledge and experience of your character’s teacher.

Resources (• to •••••)
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Effects: This Merit measures your character’s material resources, both possessions and wealth. All characters are assumed to have a job or a source of income (trust fund, parents) that is sufficient to cover their basic needs: food, shelter and transportation. Dots in this Merit represent disposable income — wealth and assets that can be liquidated for more money in case of emergency. The number of dots indicates your character’s general level of wealth. One dot suggests low disposable income: $500 a month and approximately $1,000 worth of assets. Two dots suggest moderate disposable income: $1,000 a month and approximately $5000 worth of assets. Three dots suggest significant disposable income: $2000 a month and maybe $10,000 worth of assets. Four dots suggest substantial disposable income: $10,000 a month and $500,000 worth of assets. Five dots suggest significant wealth: $50,000 a month and as much as $5,000,000 worth of assets. Resources can be used to determine if your character can reasonably afford a purchase or expenditure. Equipment, weapons and items throughout these rules are assigned costs in dots.

Retainer (• to •••••)
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Effects: Your character has an assistant, aide, indentured servant or fanatical follower on whom she can rely. You need to establish how this trusty companion was acquired. He may be paid exorbitant amounts of money that buy his unwavering loyalty. He might owe his life to your character (or to your character’s predecessors). Your character might blackmail this person or threaten his family with harm if services are not rendered. Regardless of the circumstances, his person is constantly loyal and follows almost any order without question. A retainer can be called upon to perform many duties without fail. A bodyguard might be willing to hurt other people on a mere command. A dedicated street kid might hang on your character’s every word and get her information or contacts without being asked.

Status (• to •••••)
Prerequisites: Varies (see below)
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Effects: Your character has standing, credentials, authority or respect within an organization, group, company or social body. He might have an official position or title, or might simply be revered and honored within the group and therefore accorded a degree of authority. Your character might be a company vice president, a police sergeant or lieutenant, an army corporal or a nurse at a hospital. Or he could be a lowly member of the group whom everyone likes or who has won some acclaim and is allowed more standing than he is officially entitled. Each acquisition of this Merit is dedicated to one type of authority, whether in an organization, society or circle. Examples include police, City Hall, criminals, unions, banks, a university faculty and hospital staff. In order to have authority in more than one venue, you need to purchase this Merit multiple times, each trait with its own dots. Status represents the privileges and liberties that your character is authorized to take within the confines and definitions of his group. Increasing dots reflect increasing clout.

Striking Looks (•• or ••••)
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Effect: Your character is exceptionally attractive by modern standards; heads turn and conversations stop when she enters a room. For two dots, your character gets a +1 modifier to all Presence or Manipulation rolls when she attempts to use her looks to entertain, persuade, distract or deceive others. For four dots, your character’s looks are angelic; she gets a +2 modifier. Drawback: The more attractive your character is, the harder it is for her to avoid notice in public. Witnesses to any criminal acts are much more likely to remember your character’s appearance, and easily recognize her in a lineup. Your character is also likely to receive a great degree of unwanted attention in social situations.

I couldn't seem to make the spoiler tags nest, if there is a way to do that would someone let me know. Thnx
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby Nobudi » Tue May 24, 2016 9:29 pm

Would be interested in joining this, but slightly intimidated by the need for quality posts ^^;
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby lilbooth » Wed May 25, 2016 9:45 am

Nobudi Wrote:Would be interested in joining this, but slightly intimidated by the need for quality posts ^^;

The "need" for quality is just for experience distribution. I mention it to deter people from abusing the system, as long as your character is achieving something or advancing their agenda that is quality enough for me. But if they are just shootin' the shit it's not going to count towards XP rewarding. I'm glad you're interested, and hopefully, some others might be as well.
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby exalted » Wed May 25, 2016 10:48 am

Name: Jenny-Lee Pettimore
Age: 20
Gender: Female
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Faction: Freelancer
Virtue: Faith
Vice: Pride
Shindig: Driver

Jenny-Lee grew up out in the sticks, so far out the only thing to do for fun was get in trouble. While her formal schooling was irregular, Jenny-Lee was a bright child who quickly picked up the law of the land and was more the proud for it. Growing up in a tight knit family, where even the neighbours were some form of cousin, made Jenny-Lee wary of outsiders, but unshakeably loyal and trusting of family.

Jenny-Lee tried to help around the farm as best she could, but she quickly figured out how her Pa and Grandpa made their money. Moonshine had been the family tradition since prohibition and the reason the local law was always hassling them. Everyone knew when Grandpa John came to town it was time for another run. To run the shine her dad raced in the local amateur stock car circuits, another Moonshiner tradition, but lacking the finances often had to wrench on his own car.

This was where Jenny-Lee learnt about engines and racing, helping her dad under the hood the night before a race and spending time around the track. After an incident one night after a race with boys from the next town over, Jenny's father decided it was time to teach her to fight and defend herself if she was going to be around the business. Jenny's father had served in Korea, he taught her to shoot not for sport or targets, but to kill or protect herself, he taught her to win, not fight fair.

Eventually Jenny started racing herself, ignoring the critics sceptical about her ability due to her genitals. With the deck stacked against her in each race, Jenny never performed spectacularly but held her own just fine, no one wanted to get beat by a girl. It didn't matter whether people hated or ogled her, with all eyes on Jenny her dad was free to sell his shine.

Jenny never did learn the families secret recipe for the shine. Late one night she heard the tell tale sound of the Sheriff's car pulling up to their house. The echoing knock of the door, a short hushed conversation and her mother tears still reverberate in her mind today. The Sheriff said it was an accident, booze and a lack of sleep on a midnight run to customers in Charlestown. Jenny never fully believed it, her dad never drank on a run but it was hard to argue with the facts and everyone else just wanting to move on.

Her mother didn't last long after that, the doctors had some name for it but Jenny-Lee knew it was a broken heart. With her brother John serving in Vietnam and nothing keeping her at home, Jenny sold the family farm, loading her daddy's guns into the trunk of a new car she bought with the profits, Jenny-Lee headed for the lights of the city to start a new life.

Health: 7
Willpower: 5
Size: 5
Defense: 3
Initiative: 5
Speed: 11
Morality: 7

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 2

Intelligence: 1
Wits: 3
Resolve: 3

Presence: 2
Manipulation: 2
Composure: 2

Athletics: 0
Brawl: 2
Drive: 4 * Spec Muscle Cars
Firearms: 3 *Spec Pistol
Larceny: 0
Stealth: 1
Survival: 1
Weaponry: 0

Academics: 0
Computer: 0
Crafts: 2 *Spec Mechanic
Investigation: 0
Medicine: 2
Occult: 0
Politics: 0
Science: 0

Animal Ken: 1
Empathy: 0
Expression: 1
Intimidation: 1
Persuasion: 1
Socialize: 1
Streetwise: 2
Subterfuge: 0

Quick Draw
Boxing (1) - Body Blow
Stunt Driver
Striking Looks

Weapons: Browning Colt M1911
Equipment: '65 GT350 (Guardsmen Blue), Mechanic Tools (1)
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Last edited by exalted on Sat May 28, 2016 12:04 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby HarleyLocal605 » Wed May 25, 2016 12:52 pm

Name: Carmella Yakavetta
Age: 23
Gender: Female
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Faction: Charleston Mob
Virtue: Temperence
Vice: Greed
Shindig: Armed Robbery
Growing up a pampered princess, to a well to do father, who was one swell cat if you asked the neighbors, Carmella was the epitome of what all the other teenage girls wanted to be. With her father's hardware store the cornerstone where all the chaps would buy their tools, things were looking good for the family. Until one day, when the owner of a new business rivaling her fathers came into the shop and told her father it was time to close up and "get while the gettin' was good". Giuseppi Yakavetta's refusal led to his store being torched. Aside from knowing of local Charleston Mob gangsters in the area, this was young Carmella's first brush with the criminal world. As Giuseppe "Joe" as the neighborhood called them went to the Charleston family to see if he could get some support against this new store owner, Carmella decided that she would pay the other store a visit, with a rock and a baseball ball. Busting the window, Carmella unlocked the door, and busted the till open. Her first B&E and robbery. And wow wasn't it thrilling. Better than going out and buying a new dress!

Not a week later an attempt to burn down the Yakavetta household was made, and the Charleston Mob retaliated. Carmella, losing her mother and father in the fire, went to the Charleston crew, and wanted in. They joked at first at the notion of having her assist them in their operations, making a comment about knocking over the newsboys all over the neighborhood, until Carmella came back with a slightly bloodied bat, and a nice sum of money. Her first Assault and Armed robbery. Such joy! Carmella showing a natural joy for this side of the business was eventually groomed in by the Charleston Mob. Now a few years later, she has come to find the family as her new home, and with no Don currently to lead, what better time to try to rise to the top and be the first queen of the criminal underworld.

Health: 8
Willpower: 4
Size: 5
Defense: 2
Initiative: 5
Speed: 10
Morality: 7

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 3

Intelligence: 2
Wits: 2
Resolve: 2

Presence: 2
Manipulation: 3
Composure: 2

Athletics: 2
Brawl: 2
Drive: 1
Firearms: 3 (*Pistol spec) (*Sub Machine Gun Spec)
Larceny: 1
Stealth: 0
Survival: 0
Weaponry: 2 (*Baseball Bat Spec)

Academics: 0
Computer: 0
Crafts: 0
Investigation: 2
Medicine: 0
Occult: 0
Politics: 2
Science: 0

Animal Ken: 0
Empathy: 0
Expression: 0
Intimidation: 2
Persuasion: 0
Socialize: 2
Streetwise: 2
Subterfuge: 1

Quick Draw

Armor: Flak Jacket
Weapons: Metal Baseball Bat, Walther P38
Equipment: Gas Mask
Last edited by HarleyLocal605 on Thu May 26, 2016 11:17 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby lilbooth » Wed May 25, 2016 7:59 pm

exalted Wrote:Armor: (Doesn't say how many points we have to spend of equipment)
Equipment: '65 GT350 (Guardsmen Blue)

Normally you would have to sink some merit points into resources to buy armor and weapons, but since there will be no supernatural powers how does something like 1d4+1 sound? I expected to award some gear based on backstory if people didn't take the resource merit.
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if your cool with that ruling you have 5 points to spend. There aren't rules for the resource cost of vehicles but with some terrible math, I have determined the GT is worth 4. So considering your shindig is driving (seems more like it would be bootlegging) the cost of the car is reduced by 3. So you've got four more points to spend on whatever

EDIT: I've added started cash based on faction affiliation to represent how well off each group is doing at the time
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby Nobudi » Wed May 25, 2016 11:02 pm

Is there any weapons that are hide away/ hidden innately in this RP??
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby lilbooth » Wed May 25, 2016 11:36 pm

Nobudi Wrote:Is there any weapons that are hide away/ hidden innately in this RP??

"Size: 1 = Can be hidden in hand, 2 = Can be hidden in coat, 3 = Cannot be hidden on one’s person"

If you want a palm pistol or a derringer or something of the like that is designed to be hidden then you can take a bonus die to a slight of hand check in order for it to not be found.
(Sleight of Hand: Dexterity + Larceny + equipment versus Wits + Composure). If your gun is holstered on your person and is smaller than size 3 than civilians/average people won't see it. A cop or a criminal with a good perception roll may see it, but most people will not. Here is an example

Pocket Pistol, Lt, Damage:2 Range:10/20/40 Clip:2 Strenght Req:1 Size:1 Cost:•• Example: Double Tap
Pocket Pistol, Hvy, Damage:2 Range:10/20/40 Clip:5 Strenght Req:1 Size:1 Cost:••• Example: LM4 Simmerling
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby exalted » Thu May 26, 2016 2:19 am

Character sheet editted for equipment
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby lilbooth » Thu May 26, 2016 3:25 am

exalted Wrote:Character sheet editted for equipment

Everything seems good except you don't actually have enough Strenght to get boxing. If you switch your strength and your stamina you'd be good to go. Or you could learn King Fu with the current distribution.
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby Nobudi » Thu May 26, 2016 3:44 am

My sheet so far. How's it?

Name: Xiu Lan "Cynthia" Chun
Age: 19
Gender: Female
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cb5e139a6b5fb25ccdf4ebf4cd0f289b.jpg (263.45 KiB) Viewed 1806 times

Faction: Patriarca
Virtue: Kindness (Benevolentia)
Vice: Lust (Luxuria)
Shindig: Prostitution

Background: Xiu Lan, or Cynthia as she would 'Americanize' herself with, was born into orphanhood. Her parents were emigrated refugees who had leaked information on the unrest in her native country before fleeing to the States. Providence was where they were supposed to get their Happily Ever After. Only her mother, heavy with her pregnancy, made it. And when her mother died in childbirth, giving birth to her, it was just her left. She would become a Ward of the State, growing up an Asian child in the local orphanage in Boston. Surprisingly, she was known to be one of the kinder and more popular among the children, even among some of the staff. She would often go out of her way to help those who were often picked on or who were simply shy.

But, as with all innocence, it had to end one day. Xiu Lan, or Cynthia as she would come to call herself, grew up to be quite the beauty. Too much of one, in fact, that one of the seedier members of the staff just couldn't quite help themselves. She was kidnapped for an evening and was repeatedly assaulted. But, even through the pain, she came to a realization of herself: she enjoyed... no, she fell in love with it. After that, she began to teach herself of how to take advantage of the situation, to become not just a temptress, but to negotiate conditions and even coerce people with just her body and words. Secretly, she found this situation to be quite empowering. There was something about knowing that behind closed curtains that she was the one in control made her just crave it even more. And the member of staff that kicked this all off? Dead, she coerced them into overdosing on medicine. It was publicly ruled an accidental suicide.

Now, she walked two paths, lived two completely unrelated lives. As Cynthia, she was a respected and favored member of staff in the very orphanage she grew up in. The children simply loved her as a mentor and as a friend. However, as night fell and children went to sleep, Cynthia became Xiu Lan, a whore of the night who spent every second on the prowl for vulnerable men and their wallets for the mere comfort of the flesh. As much as she enjoyed the comforts of the night, there was a part of her that was just as real and lively in the day. And once the orphanage she was a part of was threatened to be shut down due to lack of proper funding, she knew she had no choice but to dive deeper into the darkness to protect her light. And so went to see the Patriarca family.

Health: 7
Willpower: 6
Size: 5
Defense: 2
Initiative: 5
Speed: 9
Morality: 7

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Stamina: 2

Intelligence: 2
Wits: 2
Resolve: 3

Presence: 2
Manipulation: 3
Composure: 3

Physical [4]
Athletics: 0
Brawl: 0
Drive: 0
Firearms: 1
Larceny: 1
Stealth: 1
Survival: 0
Weaponry: 1* (Hidden weapon spec)

Mental [7]
Academics: 2
Computer: 0
Crafts: 0
Investigation: 2
Medicine: 1
Occult: 0
Politics: 2
Science: 0

Social [11]
Animal Ken: 0
Empathy: 2
Expression: 2
Intimidation: 0
Persuasion: 2* (Temptation spec)
Socialize: 2
Streetwise: 1
Subterfuge: 2* (Lie Detection spec)

Danger Sense (••)
Contacts (••) (Prostitutes)
Barfly (•)
Striking Looks(••)

Weapons: Hair stick (Remodeled: Knife)
Equipment: Mace
Suzuki T20 Motorcycle
Provocative Dress (Chinese)
Last edited by Nobudi on Thu May 26, 2016 9:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby lilbooth » Thu May 26, 2016 4:00 am

Nobudi Wrote:My sheet so far. How's it?

Seems good, nothing is out of place. I see now that you wanted some sort of melee weapon rather than a gun considering you took the weaponry skill. You'd be hard pressed to find a shuriken or tanto but you could very easily hide a switchblade or a stiletto in a garter perhaps. Two Asian girls (I'm assuming exalted's character is Asian based on the picture) with striking good looks running around in the Italian and Irish controlled city... should be fun. If you are sticking with the Patriarca, your starting cash is 5 (how anticlimactic).

Also, tell me what kind of contacts you have and I'll give you names and descriptions (unless you would rather pick their names as well)
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby Nobudi » Thu May 26, 2016 4:06 am

I was thinking a steel hairstick applied to the jugular. Could you please include some more weaponry, if possible? Doesn't quite feel like I can choose one at the moment.
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby exalted » Thu May 26, 2016 4:38 am

lilbooth Wrote:. Two Asian girls (I'm assuming exalted's character is Asian based on the picture) with striking good looks running around in the Italian and Irish controlled city... should be fun.

Was going more English/Scottish with the Pettimore surname but could change it to her being half Korean or something (fitting in with the back story of her dad being a Korean war vet.), if it makes it easier for your gming or story lines. (There's not a wide selection of picture or Scottish anime girls who aren't stereotyped in kilts etc)

Editted sheet again, swapping str and stam as requested
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby lilbooth » Thu May 26, 2016 6:53 am

exalted Wrote:
Was going more English/Scottish with the Pettimore surname but could change it to her being half Korean or something (fitting in with the back story of her dad being a Korean war vet.), if it makes it easier for your gming or story lines. (There's not a wide selection of picture or Scottish anime girls who aren't stereotyped in kilts etc)

Editted sheet again, swapping str and stam as requested

I'm cool with whatever ethnicity you want. The Irish are likely to take it easy on you if you are Scottish. But quite the opposite if you are English, totally up to you. But otherwise you are accepted and good to go.

Nobudi Wrote:I was thinking a steel hairstick applied to the jugular. Could you please include some more weaponry, if possible? Doesn't quite feel like I can choose one at the moment.

Those stats can be applied to nearly all weaponry, your steel hair stick would have the same stats as a knife. They are more categories, you get to pick the flavor text.

Btw. Targeting specific parts of the body does impose difficulties on rolls, for both melee and ranged weapons, but if you hit it does a lot more damage.
Last edited by lilbooth on Thu May 26, 2016 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby Nobudi » Thu May 26, 2016 7:16 am

Ok, updated my sheet. Fixed an error on my social skills. Does my starting money roll over into the game proper if I don't use them all up?
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby HarleyLocal605 » Thu May 26, 2016 7:16 am

Anything I need to fix on mine before I do equipment/weapons?
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby lilbooth » Thu May 26, 2016 10:45 am

Nobudi Wrote:Ok, updated my sheet. Fixed an error on my social skills. Does my starting money roll over into the game proper if I don't use them all up?

Yes but it is going to be in the form of actual cash or check, it does not become long-term resources. You could make a down payment on an apartment or lease a car or something if you have leftover cash (a motorcycle or an economy compact would be like 2). You could also get yourself some sort of provocative outfit, it would allow you to spend your shindig specific resources. You could even get expensive jewellery or makeup to go with it. (it would give you an equipment bonus to seductions, clothing+jewel+makeup would cost three but would give you three bonus die) Still need you to tell me what kind of contacts you have. (examples would be a pimp, policeman, politician, drug dealer et cetera)

HarleyLocal605 Wrote:Anything I need to fix on mine before I do equipment/weapons?

I can't find anything wrong with it. And you hit the jackpot (9 starting cash), must have smashed a few piggy banks with that bat of yours.
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Re: Kingpin [OOC]

Postby Reaver » Thu May 26, 2016 8:45 pm

Wow quite a lot of info to go through. I'll probably try making a CS tomorrow. So many ideas and concepts to choose from....
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