X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Tue May 24, 2016 1:26 am

"he's a nice guy, i mean, he doesn't want to fuck every second just like the football players, and he's very romantic, i think our relationship is going places..." i said while closing my eyes and relaxing as you clean my back, then i turned around and wait for you to do the same, so i could return your back the favour...
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Tue May 24, 2016 8:34 pm

"good." I says with a smile before turning so you could wash my back "you know we could use our powers for a lot more than just cheating in college" I tell you, the idea had been in my mind for a while,
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Tue May 24, 2016 11:27 pm

i start leaning her back until she mentions our powers "we already had this talk, if you want to use your powers to other stuff, go ahead, i won't stop you, but you'll be on your own," i said before stopping the time, so we could have twenty seconds more for ourselfs "and you know we're weak when one of us is not around"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Tue May 24, 2016 11:34 pm

I nod "okay," I nod with a sigh " I just don't see why we should just use our powers to cheat in school, I mean we could be as rich as we wanted " I point out,
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Tue May 24, 2016 11:42 pm

"i want a normal life, you can do it though, you don't need to be so powerful to teleport in an out of a bank, not that i know..." i said when the time finally start running again and we were already clean, i go out and put on a black thong with a white skirt, a white bra and a black Denim Tie front cropped top ..."and be careful, you know how people thinks about mutants"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Tue May 24, 2016 11:59 pm

I nod "exactly, how do you think people will react when they realise we're mutants? this new life will be over anyway" I point out to you ".... but if it's what you want... then I'll keep this up for you," I tell you, I still didn't trust humans, but how could you blame me, as soon as they discovered what I was they tried to rape me, our own mother hates us for it too,
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed May 25, 2016 11:55 am

i shake my head and let out a sigh "that's why we need to hide, if someone finds out, we-..." i went quiet and grab my stuff to go out "sorry sis, i didn't want to act like that" i turned around and leave the room to walk to my classes leaving her in our room
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed May 25, 2016 1:54 pm

I start to get dressed now pulling on some black underwear tight black jeans, and a blue T-shirt, before gathering my stuff together into my satchel, and then I head out too, maybe 10 minutes later, then I lock the door to our room and head for my first class.

there where plenty of people about once you neared your classes, you soon started to find people you where familiar with, it wouldn't be hard for you to find someone to talk to before the class started, you where quite popular, for the most part, and no one seemed to have much of a problem with you, your boyfriend wasn't in this class but he was in a lot of the others
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed May 25, 2016 2:06 pm

i sit at the very end of the clasroom, where two seats were empty, i wanted to be alone at the time, Alice made me doubt if i really wanted this, my head hurts a little, maybe because of the morning discussion we had, nothing serious though, i put on my glasses and wait until the class starts.

as soon you go out of your room, a few guys and girls waved at you, i was very popular among a lot of people, but you were the friendly girl everyone loved, as soon as you arrived at the classroom, you saw me at the very end, sitting alone, you start thinking why we took the same classes, of course there was a few we didn't share, but we shared the first one in every morning
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed May 25, 2016 2:30 pm

I look at you but decide to leave you alone, it had been a mistake to bring up my doubts about this to you, I know that we both want what's best for us. I walk over to a few of the girls and talk to them "hey~ hows it going?" I ask them,

for the moment, no one comes to talk to you, they seem to realise you want some space
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed May 25, 2016 2:40 pm

i look at everyone carefully, they seemed to be excited, i was worried though, the professor of this class didn't took this long, it's been almost twenty minutes, maybe i was being stupid for worrying about such things, could be something normal, like, falling asleep or something

your boyfriend wasn't here though, but there was two guys you considered your best friends, and they were guys you could tell almost everything, except of course, your condition, the white guy with the light brown hair and blue eyes was scott, he was wearing a dark blue shirt and black jeans, the latino with dark brown hair was lucas, he was wearing a grey sweater and blue jeans "Hi Alice" said lucas "nothing really important, the teacher is late nineteen minutes, lucas thinks he won't show up today" said Scott "scott things he had an accident, everything is possible" said lucas, both of them with a friendly smile "what about you, the lonely hottie at the end seems pissed, maybe her twin knows something about it" said Scott
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed May 25, 2016 3:01 pm

I laugh a little "oh, she's fine, she 's just thinking some stuff over, what's next that kind of thing" I tell him, obviously I couldn't mention what we'd discussed, and I didn't want to raise suspicion that might lead to enquiry. I was surprised by the lack of professor too, but I didn't mind too much, it's not like it actually effected me and you, we could cheat if we got stuck.

it didn't seem like he was coming but perhaps that wasn't a bad thing, after all you needed time to yourself. it wasn't long before people started to leave, it's not like there was much point staying in an empty classroom
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed May 25, 2016 3:19 pm

i let a dissapointed sigh and stood up before leaving the classroom as well, and start walking through the corridors, why we needed to be like this, where were the other mutants? why us?, but i didn't think about that much, maybe i could grab a snack in the canteen and go to see my boyfriend

Lucas and Scott looked at me go, but lucas seemed more interested in talking to you, after i left the classroom, scott look at you with a smile "You don't know what I'd give to have a piece of that ass" said scott, Lucas chuckle but keep talking to you about the class, his life, and other stuff, soon, lucas gets a message and he takes his phone to read it, one of his friends send him a link, and the link send him to a new's website, the front page was really scary 'Genosha, destroyed by Sentinels' "they deserve it" said scott with a smile "i don't know dude, they are people too" said lucas while putting his phone inside his pocket once again "they're not people, they're mutants" said scott "but they are living beings!" Lucas replied, you wonder why he was defending the mutants when everyone hated them
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed May 25, 2016 9:37 pm

"Mutants, are people too!" I tell scott, "they just have genetic abnormalities, your just scared because they're different from you, and because they're stronger than you" I tell him, though of course he couldn't understand my outburst, I at least had enough control now that I didn't teleport when I was angry, that was good if I had, me and my sister would have to leave again.

your boyfriend was say in the canteen, and he waves at you when he notices you, he was eating, but it looked like he was glad to see you
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed May 25, 2016 9:45 pm

scott looks surprised and he grabs his stuff before standing up "what the fuck? you're not mutant, jeez" he said as he walks away " in the future, when the mutants take control, i hope i'm still alive to say i told you, that, if we don't get killed by one, first" he said while leaving the classroom "i don't where did that came from" said lucas while patting your leg and standing up "come on, let's go" he grabs his stuff and waits for you...

i arrive at the canteen and there wasn't a queue, everyone were gathered around to watch at the tv that was there, i didn't pay attention though, and so didn't Mike, i order some food and walk closer to him, i sit next to mike and kiss him "hi sweetie...any idea why everyone is gathered in front of the tv like zombies?"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed May 25, 2016 10:18 pm

"yeah" I nod, feeling a little down trodden all those lives lost, and most of the world where probably celebrating "I don't see how people can be like that, mutants are just as human as the rest of us, they're just.... special" I say, failing to come up with another word for it, "and lets face it if he could, breath fire, or shoot lasers from his eyes or something he'd totally be for mutants" I say with a laugh.

"The sentinels they just attacked Genosha seems like they wiped everyone there out" he tells you, he seemed a little down, and I guess it wasn't surprising, he didn't seem to mind mutants which was good for you at least, though it was much bigger news for you and me than anyone else here, and it seemed to confirm everything I thought about the humans, we couldn't get along, not like this
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed May 25, 2016 11:27 pm

"sixteen million mutants...gone..." said lucas with a chuckle "who knows, i heard there was mutants that helped humans, you know, killing other mutants, for example" he walks next to you not going far away, and looking angry to those guys who looked at you with lust, just like scott did with me, it was good having a friend that took care of you for your boyfriend "but come on Alice, there is people that say mutants are the next step in evolution, you know what happens when a species evolve? they wipped out the last generation, think about the homo erectus, when the Homo sapien appeared, what do they do? they lived with them until the homo sapien attacked when they were distracted, maybe us humans are just scared of what they can do to us, to be the next step in the evolution's line and kill us, maybe that's why we try so hard to kill the mutants, so they can't kill us, the only reason i like mutants, it's because of their genes, it's evolution Alice, it doesn't matter how hard you'll try, the mutants will keep coming"

"they what!" i shout while standing up surprised, that was suppose to be my place, my dream was to live in there when i could afford it, but i wanted to do it fair, now, all my dreams were crushed i was scared, there was almost twenty millions mutants there, why would someone attack a whole nation while they didn't cause any trouble, i realize i was getting attention from a few guys, i didn't wanted they to think i was in the mutant side, they'll beat the shit out of me, and mike if he stood against them, so i sit down "why...?"
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Wed May 25, 2016 11:41 pm

I nod "your almost right, and that's the argument they've used for a long time, but we didn't kill off the Neanderthals, we breed with them, and integrated them into our species, but that's a recent discovery, and I don't think it would change many peoples minds honestly " I tell him with a smile, I was tempted to take both him and my boyfriend somewhere and show them my powers, I hated keeping it to myself, but now definitely wasn't the time.

he shrugs "who knows? the whole thing is stupid, all that attacking the mutants does is make them attack back, and people wonder why they attack us, honestly, it's not even like they all do that, I mean there's in fighting and some of them are definitely on the side of humanity" he tells you with a sigh, he noticed the guys watching you too, but he didn't seem to have a problem with it
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby CumInTiana01 » Wed May 25, 2016 11:50 pm

"well, if it make you feel better, i would give my life to breed or at least fuck a mutant" said Lucas, one odf your other friend came running towards you, he seemed scaried and sad "Alice...Nick..you're boyfriend nick!" he was panting, tired of all the running he did "they are killing him, He's a mutant!" said the guy who came running towards you "come on" he turned around running once again, leading you "come on" said lucas running just behind him

"fuck" i said pissed with all of this situation "now all the humans will start hanging mutants, this is an opportunity, sixteen million down, and they are looking for more, that's for sure" i stood up and walk away "see you later Mike" this day couldn't get worse, for fuck sake, fucking humans and their huge ego, why they couldn't let us live in peace, i wish the world was ruled by mutants and humans will be the ones getting killed*

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

*easter egg: that's what happens in the comics Dynasty of M after scarlet witch fucked up the world
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Re: X-men: Ms. Time and Ms. Space

Postby sogekik » Thu May 26, 2016 12:14 am

I run after the others, feeling conflicted, I was happy that my boyfriend was a mutant, it meant he couldn't be annoyed at me for not telling him too, and more importantly that we where the same, but I didn't want him to die, and I might have to use my powers to save him

the corridors where mostly empty, but you could hear someone running
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