by CumInTiana01 » Wed May 25, 2016 11:27 pm
"sixteen million mutants...gone..." said lucas with a chuckle "who knows, i heard there was mutants that helped humans, you know, killing other mutants, for example" he walks next to you not going far away, and looking angry to those guys who looked at you with lust, just like scott did with me, it was good having a friend that took care of you for your boyfriend "but come on Alice, there is people that say mutants are the next step in evolution, you know what happens when a species evolve? they wipped out the last generation, think about the homo erectus, when the Homo sapien appeared, what do they do? they lived with them until the homo sapien attacked when they were distracted, maybe us humans are just scared of what they can do to us, to be the next step in the evolution's line and kill us, maybe that's why we try so hard to kill the mutants, so they can't kill us, the only reason i like mutants, it's because of their genes, it's evolution Alice, it doesn't matter how hard you'll try, the mutants will keep coming"
"they what!" i shout while standing up surprised, that was suppose to be my place, my dream was to live in there when i could afford it, but i wanted to do it fair, now, all my dreams were crushed i was scared, there was almost twenty millions mutants there, why would someone attack a whole nation while they didn't cause any trouble, i realize i was getting attention from a few guys, i didn't wanted they to think i was in the mutant side, they'll beat the shit out of me, and mike if he stood against them, so i sit down "why...?"