Maxwell BrewerSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Closing her eyes again, the Blood Elf began speaking in the same tongue again. (Translated for all of your convenience since Zero Paradox figured it out.) "Well, then. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to enlighten my follower about her misgivings. Had it not been for you and the absence of magic, she would have continued to act like the rest of my followers. Hopefully, through her, the others will be brought from their madness as well." She spoke before a pink light began shining through her clothes with it's origin being on her back. Opening her eyes, they were back to normal. Waiting for a moment she this time spoke with a different voice, this one a bit lighter than the other one. "So, could you ask Mrs. Mountain here to get off of me?" She asked, looking at Maxwell with her red eyes. The other slaves in the cell seemingly frozen in either fear or confusion.
Eliza SharpfangSpoiler (click to show/hide):
"A slave is a slave, not much you can do besides finding an Alchemist willing to remove the branding. Of course, there is always the slight possibility if you somehow can prove that you used to be a legal citizen of either this city, or were kidnapped and enslaved somehow. Then the royal law keepers would find an Alchemist for you. Of course, it isn't easy to present proof when you're a slave." Luva said, sighing. The Elven child beginning to calm down.
Auri Von'athemSpoiler (click to show/hide):
As she was leaving, Auri suddenly hear the cat's voice again. "You're lucky, you know that?" Turning back around, she saw the cat sitting a little bit away from where it had been lying just a moment earlier. Now however, it seemed completely unharmed. "You've managed to take two of my lives in the matter of a single day. Not many can claim to have done something like that. And honestly, I'm afraid I might lose a third against you if this continues. Fortunately for both of us, I promised myself to retire once I was down to my last two lives." The cat stated before pointing a paw towards the door, a clearly audible 'click' was heard from the door. "I've unlocked the door and you're both free to leave, I will show myself out." The cat said before turning to black dust and flying past Auri, the door slamming open as he makes his way outside of the room before stopping in the corridor, reforming and looking back. "Ah, I almost forgot. I cast a sleep spell on a nosy Elf on my way in. Just thought I'd mention that." He said before turning back into dust and disappearing out of sight.
Aelius FeralianSpoiler (click to show/hide):
As Aelius follows Auri to leave, the black cat makes it's appearance once again, unharmed. Much to Aelius confusion, instead of attacking, it simply opened the door for them and left, but not before informing them of someone else most likely still being nearby.
Vella AntinaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Unfortunately listening through the door wasn't easy. But a few mumbled words were picked up, not enough to know what they were talking about though. However, as soon as the door seemed to unlock with a loud 'click' Vella tried getting away from the door.
(Vella's Dexterity roll: 16. 16+18= 34. Success.)
Vella easily manages to get away from the door before it swung open violently and even managed to get back to her earlier hiding place. A black dust cloud made it's swift escape before stopping and forming into a cat who informed those in the room about it's apparent encounter with her before disappearing.